Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1952, Page Three, Image 3

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    The Nation and the World
Top UN Official
Plunges to Death
Compiled by Lorna D*vis
Kmcraltl Assistant Wire Editor
(■\l‘) A l"|’ L'niled Nations official, Abraham II. Keller,
plunged to his death from his twelth floor apartment in New
York city Thursday.
Feller, a high American aide and right hand man to U.N.
Secretary General Trygvie Lie, was 47 years old.
I I is wife -aid he took his *>wn life because of fatigue and over
work. 1 lie I \. Secretary < .cn
cral -aid heller ki 11 crl himself
bcrau-c of the strain of defend
ing l'.X. employees against
a hat '1 ,ie called "indi -< rimanent
smear- and exaggerated eliar
Feller was described as a
buffer manbetween the U.N.
iuii! federal investigators of
< ommunist activities among A
nicrican personnel.
According to Hobcrt Morris
counselor for the MeCarren Senate
inquiry group, Feller was not a
target of tin- investigation.
Feller had been contacted re
cently lij Morris and I toy Cohn,
a special assistant to the attor
ney general.
Cohn is working on a separate
grand jury investigation of com
munism among Americans work
ing for the U.N.
• * *
Dewey Stages
Talk With Ike
(,V> NEW YORK Governor Tho
mas Dewey will arrive at Augusta,
Georgia today for a talk with
President-elect Dwight D. Eisen
They presumably will talk over
some or the problems likely to
•••one up at Elsenhower’s confer
ence with President Truman at
the White House Tuesday a.’fer
Af: r the White House confer
ence, Eisenhower will fly to New
York, and it appears that he will
remain in New York until he leaves
for Koiea. The date for his Korean
departure has still not been fixed.
* * *
h'T’i Search parties braved stor
my weather Thursday in a hunt
for a four-engine navy plane which
crashed and burned near Shelton,
Wash. Eleven men were aboard.
State patrol headquarters at
Olympia said that tan search
parties were near the wreckage
Thursday night.
Large groups worked through
out the area 15 miles northwest of
Shelton Wednesday evening and all
Thursday, but wind and rain hamp
ered their efforts.
* * *
Gunpowder Fumes
Worry Korean Reds
</Pi A U.S. Chemical Warfare
officer said' Thursday that North
Korean troops who reported that
they were gassed on Sniper Ridg'e
actually had smelled fumes from
old gunpowder.
Lt. Col. Harrison A. Markham,
chemical officer of the U.S.
Ninth Corps, said the reported
gas sounded to him like picric
arid. He said that is produced by
the explosion of old gunpowder.
The Chinese Communists accused
the South Korean troops of using
poison gas shortly after they lost"
strategic Pin-point peak. Both
armies are locked in furious hand
to-hand battle now for the sumit.
Sun glasses are known to be
about 700 years old but historians
are not certain of their birthplace.
The idea originated either in Eu
rope or the Far East.
Racial Question
Poses New Threat
</Pi The racial question in South
Africa posed a new threat Thurs
day when the South African Ap
peal court declared Prime Minister
Daniel Malan'.s high court of par
liament was illegal.
The court was set up as part
of his move to put over white
supremacy policies. Politicians
expressed belief that there may
bo a chance that Malan will try
to pack the South African sen
ate in efforts bo retain the race
laws being challenged.
Meanwhile the South African
conflict brought' derftant!s for ac
tion at the Unitxtrl Nations. Eigh
teen countries called for a U.N.
commission to look into the situ
The comparative density of rail
road trafic in England and Amer
ica is indicated by the fact that a
locomotive is employed for every
two and a half miles of track on
British railways and for every five
miles in tlie United States.
FOR RENT: Double, or single if
desired, room for students liv
ing off campus. Very reasonable.
730 E. 11th P.h. 4-9196. 12W-8
FOR KENT: Married couple only.
Studio apt. furnished and util
ities. Near campu. 507, Phone
0-6889. 12W-8
FOK SALE: Records, all types and
speeds. Will sell cheap.
Ph. 4-1006 12-8
LOST: Dark rimmed glasses. Find
er call Pauline Merrill. 3-2823.
Room and board or board only.
See Mrs. Kile, 874 E. 13th St.
Phone 4-0422. 12-8
1 Room apartment for rent. Sleep
ing rooms with kitchen privil
eges. Ph. 4-9802 or go to 315 E.
13th. 11-15
FOR SALE: Motorcycle B.S.A. 30
50. $200. 5-5070 after 6 11-15
Pacific Norfhwesf Conference Here
Presents 18 Field Hockey Teams
wagon h Women s Recreation
Association plays host this week
end to 18 field hockey teams who
will come this weekend for the
fifth annual Pacific Northwest
Field Hockey conference.
Teams will arrive on Friday and
games will be played from 9 a.rn. i
to noon and 1:30 to 4 :30 p.m. Sat- !
urday and from 9 a.m. to noon
Saturday morning at 10:30 Mrs.
Judith Patton, former member of
the United States traveling field
hockey learn, will conduct a work
Hotkey movies are also slated
for Saturday as is a banquet Sat
urday night.
Games will be play on Gerlinger
field and two fields of the men’s
intramural grounds.
The teams competing include
Greater Vancouver Women’s Grass
Hockey association; College of
Idaho, University of British Co
lumbia, Oregon State college,
Western Washington college, Boise
junior college, Clark college, Uni
versity of Washington, University
Campus Calendar
'"11:45 ONTA Lunch _ 113SU
’Noon I’lii Alpha Delta 112.Si:
3:00 IVCF Coun 110SU
3:30 Forum Comm 313 SU
7:00 Hockey Conf Kepis
’ 1st FI Gerl
7:30 Phi Alpha Delta
Dads Km SU
7:45 Coffee Hr 201 SU
9:00 Mixer Fishbowl SU
Four Journalists
To Attend Classes
There'll be some new students in
journalism classes today — four
adults who have been in profes
sional journalism a total of more
than 100 years.
They are members of an Ore
gon Newspaper Publishers Asso
ciation committee, here on an an
nual visit and evaluation of the
school's work and its students.
Today they’ll attend classes,
listen to lectures, observe labora
tory work. Thursday they looked
at present journalism facilities,
conferred with University Presi
dent H. K. Newburn, and inspected
Plans for the new journalism build
The visitors are Henry Fowler,
associate publisher, Eend Bulletin,
and a member of the first profes
sional journalism course taught at
the University; Deb Addison, ad
vertising manager, Klamath Falls
Herald and News; Malcolm Bauer,
associate editor, the Oregonian and
a former Nieman Fellow, and Art
House, member of the House &
Leland avertising agency of Port
land. House is a Reed college grad
uate, and all the others are Uni
versity of Oregon graduates.
of Idaho, Washington State col
letfe, Southern Oregon Independ
ents, Reed-Linfield college combi
nation, College of Puget Sound and
the University of Oregon. Some
schools plan to enter two teams in
the tournament.
Young GOP's
Hold Conclave
Young Republicans from all
parts of Oregon will attend the
weekend meeting of Oregon Young
Republicans to be held at the Os
born hotel this weekend.
University of Oregon Young Re
publicans are co-sponsors of the
convention. The other sponsors of
the meet are the Lane county
Young Republicans and the Eugene
high school Young Republicans.
Approximately 150 delegates are
expected for the convention which
will begin today and last through
Sunday. Registration will begin to
day and committee meetings will
be held Saturday afternoon and
Sunday morning. Dinner meetings
will be held tonight and Saturday.
Election of officers will be held
Sunday afternoon. Clay Myers, a
graduate of the University of Ore
gon, is present state chairman.
Co-chairman of the convention
are A. T. Goodwin, Eugene attor
ney. and Douglas R. Spencer, Bu
reau of Municipal Research. Both
Goodwin and Spencer are members
of the Lane county Young Repub
Dr. Leland A. Huff
43 W. 8th Ave. Ph. 5-3525
Linn, Jack, Ed,
and Charlie
Charlie Elliott's
1239 Alder
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Or.lv Bates offers this
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See the latest Phi Bates styles at:
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of London, England
November 16-26
Sundays, 11 a.m.
7:30 P.M.
Broadcast over KASH
•\n. mru is c,ngland s most dynamic young evangelist, homier
runner and football player. Pastor of large Central Baptist
Church, London.
Christianity and Communism
What Is Heaven Like?
The Problem of Suffering
Is Confession Necessary?
Is There A Hell?
The Unpardonable Sin
The Life That Counts and The Life That Conquers
Dr. VANCE H. WEBSTER, Pastor Broadway at High — Eugene
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. — Attendance last Sunday, 1904