The Nation and the World Top UN Official Plunges to Death Compiled by Lorna D*vis Kmcraltl Assistant Wire Editor (■\l‘) A l"|’ L'niled Nations official, Abraham II. Keller, plunged to his death from his twelth floor apartment in New York city Thursday. Feller, a high American aide and right hand man to U.N. Secretary General Trygvie Lie, was 47 years old. I I is wife -aid he took his *>wn life because of fatigue and over work. 1 lie I \. Secretary < .cn cral -aid heller ki 11 crl himself bcrau-c of the strain of defend ing l'.X. employees against a hat '1 ,ie called "indi -< rimanent smear- and exaggerated eliar ges.” Feller was described as a buffer manbetween the U.N. iuii! federal investigators of < ommunist activities among A nicrican personnel. According to Hobcrt Morris counselor for the MeCarren Senate inquiry group, Feller was not a target of tin- investigation. Feller had been contacted re cently lij Morris and I toy Cohn, a special assistant to the attor ney general. Cohn is working on a separate grand jury investigation of com munism among Americans work ing for the U.N. • * * Dewey Stages Talk With Ike (,V> NEW YORK Governor Tho mas Dewey will arrive at Augusta, Georgia today for a talk with President-elect Dwight D. Eisen hower. They presumably will talk over some or the problems likely to •••one up at Elsenhower’s confer ence with President Truman at the White House Tuesday a.’fer n.oon. Af: r the White House confer ence, Eisenhower will fly to New York, and it appears that he will remain in New York until he leaves for Koiea. The date for his Korean departure has still not been fixed. * * * h'T’i Search parties braved stor my weather Thursday in a hunt for a four-engine navy plane which crashed and burned near Shelton, Wash. Eleven men were aboard. State patrol headquarters at Olympia said that tan search parties were near the wreckage Thursday night. Large groups worked through out the area 15 miles northwest of Shelton Wednesday evening and all Thursday, but wind and rain hamp ered their efforts. * * * Gunpowder Fumes Worry Korean Reds