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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1952)
Easter Sunrise Service To Be Held in Mac Court (Continued from pane one) dent of the Klamath county Cham ber of Commerce. He represents the 17th district, icomprlslng Klamath, Lake, Des | chutes, Crook and Jefferson coun ties. The sunrise service la sponsored by the University of Oregon, the University Religious council and the Rugene Ministerial association. General chairman is Ralph Adams, senior in general science. CLASSIFIED I’luee your ad at either the Stu dent Union main dealt or the Kmeruld “Shack”; or call 5- 1511, ext. 219 between 2 and I p.m. Kates: First Insertion 4c per word; subsequent Insertions 2c per word. • MISCELLANEOUS 1IOCSK MA.MAORI'S! That "rm bessler" in the basement is gouging you to the tune of $700 a year! Investing that much in a G.K. oil-fired pla/it will pay you a 40 per cent return on your money! Get the lowdown today from cooper Bros. Heat Service! Dial 5-4712. et TYPING Thesis typed at reason able prices. Richards Secretarial Service, 1396 Willamette. Phone 6- 0845. tf ALTERATIONS «■•• sewing', sfiorts, dress, and formals. Phone 5-3017. 103 • FOR SALE KELVIN KEFRIG ~$45y After 5:30 p.m. 2232-13 Patterson. 101 FOR RENT Ilinoctilurs for Nature Study see TOM FREDRICKS Itoorii 68, Alpha Hull Donald W. Allton, assistant pro j Censor of mualc, will play the organ | In the service, Including the choir ! numbers. The call to worship will open the program, followed by the invoca tion, provided by Adams. Scripture Heading After the congregation sings "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," Sam Saunders, senior in , mathematics, will read scripture. | Director W. H. Brockway's Eu gene High a cappella choir will then sing "The Creation," by Rich ter ,and the Ha)l< lujah chorus from Handel’s "The Messiah.” The Easter prayer will follow, provided by Tom Marlow, sopho more in physics. After the offering prayer, given by Mary Baker, junior in business, Audrey Mistretta, freshman in music, will sing Granior’s "Hosan na." Jones to Introduce W. C. Jones, dean of administra tion, will then introduce Sen. : Hitchcock. After the Easter mes sage, the congregation will sing "Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today” and the program will close with the benediction by Rev. Robert W. Bartner of the Eugene Ministerial association. Eloral arrangements will be fur nished by Flowers Unlimited. Graves Music and Art Store will contribute the Hammond organ used in the service. Alpha Phi Omega, service hon orary, will handle the ushering. In addition to Adams, commit ! tec heads include Christopher Wil | Hams, junior in pre-med, ushers; Natalie Beckett, sophomore in lib eral arts, posters and programs; Virginia Means, sophomore in Eng lish, decorations; Miry Cochrane, ! junior in speech, speaker; Pat Hur ley, junior in music, music; Tom Marlow, sophomore in physics, ar rangements; and Phil Johnson, junior in pre-law, publicity. The Sunrise Service committee's ad visor is E. M. Baldwin, associate professor of goelogy. thevotH?AGS Candidates' Records (Ed. noli1; Here's a. Iliumbna.ll sketch of the three ASUO presi dential candidates who face oarh other Monday In the Associated Greek student party primary.) ItlLE FRYE is 23 years old fas of today) and is Phi Kappa Psi and he comes from Portland. His cum ulative GPA is 2.74; winter term, 3.2. Here is part of his college rec ord: • ASUO senator • Secretary-treasurer of Oregon Federation of Collegiate Leaders • Sophomore class vice presi dent • AGS policy committee; repre sentative • Publications board • Old Oregon (alum magazine) managing editor • Emerald assistant managing editor and columnist (fall term); assistant news editor (1950-51); desk editor and reporter (1949-50) • Named outstanding male freshman in journalism by Sigma Delta Chi, journalism fraternity • 1950 IFC rushing booklet as sociate editor • Druids (junior) and Skull and Dagger (sophomore) men's honor aries • Sophomore Whiskerino co chairman • Jewitt speech award winner • Publicity chairman, Duck Pre view; frosh picnic; assistant chair man, SU publicity committee .MIKE DALLY is 20 years old and a junior in business adminis tration. He’s a Phi Gamma Delta fraternity man and hails from Vi salia, Calif. His cumulative GPA is 2.38; v/inter term, 2.33. Here’s his record: • ASUO senator • President of Junior class • General chairman Junior Weekend • Homecoming dance chairman • Skull and Dagger vice-presi dent; Druids • Chairman: campus and off campus Community Chest; off campus Red Cross • Sophomore Whiskerino co chairman • Chairman Duck Preview dance • Chairman Religious Evalua tion program • Inter-fraternity council PAT DIG.VAN is 21 years old a Junior in economics. He's a mem ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra ternity. Gold Beach, Oregon, is his home. His cumulative GPA is 2.53, ; winter term, 2.36. ' His college record: • ASUO senator i ! • Dad’s Day chairman [ • Student Court member • President of Druids j • AGS representative • Emerald reporter columnist f fall term) • Publicity chairman, Junior Weekend and Homecoming NO DORM PHONE CHANGE (C ontinticd from fane one) and senate increased their "pres Mire” upon the phone company. Voting upon the banquet expense question and the presidential sal ary' reduction issue was along par ty lines, with United Students as sociation members generally lined up in favor of a $1 banquet levy upon senators and a presidential salary cut for June. After Jean Gould voted in favor of the presidential salary cut, she stated that she was confused and wondered if she had cast the right vote; Another AGS member, Tom Bar ry, told Miss Gould, ''They're try ing to up>s»t the president’s salary and we’re opposed to that.” “OK, I'll vote, 'No,'” Miss Gould replied, changing her vote to her original intention. Merv Hampton's proposal that the president's salarly be reduced from $600 to $360 annually next year and that the ASUO secre j tary's salary be limited to $135 ■ annually was indefinitely post • poned by a 14-9 vote. Voting for postponement were Joan Awl. Mary Alice Baker, Ear ry, Bob Eo-~woi th, Bob Brittain, Don Collin, Pat Dignar,. Bill Fijt, Mike Lally, Jim Light, Helen Jack son, Judy JicLoughlin, Jane Simp son and John Tonack. Voting against the motion we e Hampton, Herb Cook. Cece Dan iels, Arlo GJes, Miss Gould, /I Karr, Miss Wright, B. R, Bing ham (instructor In history) ai d E. G. Etbighausen (associate p;o fessor of physics). Tfcir. in effect, killed the motion, so Miss Wright moved that ti e June portion of the president s salary ($30) be eliminated. Th -( passed by a 10-9 show of hands, and a second show of hands in creased the margin to 11-9. However, Hampton, who favor ed the measure, asked for a rcJl call vote, and the motion then wa-J defeated, after an 11-11 tie vote, which moved to 12-10 as Miss Gould changed her vote. Bingham's vote was the other one which th ringed sides between the show of hands and the roll call vote. S T U D EN T S All undamaged Books Purchased Spring Term are returnable for full credit until April 15th. U of O CO-OP STORE NOW . . . it's bill baker's men's wear the former university mail’s shop lias been purchased by bill baker, and bill’s eager to have yon drop in soon. here you can find complete stocks of all the latest fashions . . . everything to keep you in style, keep you cool and comfortable. some of the famous national brands from which you can select include • louis roth • manhattan • pendlcton • rough rider • jockey • interwoven • lord jeff • taylor-made shoes bill baker’s mens wear "beside the side"