Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1952, Image 1

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Fifty-first year of Publication
Bob Glass Elected
Frosh President,
Tonack Follows
Mol) Class was elected president of the freshman class
■\\ ednesday by a good margin over a field of I ] prcsidcntal and
vice-presidential candidates, lie captured 124 first place votes,
18 above the 10b needed.
I he v ice-president post went to John Tonack and the two
freslunau representatives chosen were Jloh Mosworth and Jim
I.ight. Class, I onack and Mosworth all had comfortable mar
gins. Might was elected on the seventeenth elimination, holding
69 votes to 68 for Neil Muller.
Women Left Out
And it was a mans world too. I hough 1.1 women were en
tered on the ballot, one more than the number of men, they
failed to grab even one of the four positions.
Approximately M) per cent of the freshman class exercised
their right to vote. A total of 52'> ballots were marked with the I
freshman class enrollment, on figures from the registrar’s
office, 875. Only four ballots, incorrectly marked with checks
or x's, were destroyed.
‘No Comment.’ from Hampton
Merv Hampton, chairman of the election and, ASUO vice
president, had "no comment" to make on the balloting. Tucs
Oregon Officials I
Meet With Senate
Four of the University's top
administrators will attend the
ASUO senate meeting this evening '
to discuss the telephone situation
with the student representatives.
They are William C. Jones, dean
of administration and head of the
University during President H. K
Senate Agenda
Agenda for the senate meeting
at 6:34) p.m. in Koom 334 of the
Student Union Mill include:
0 Oregon Phono committee
^ Final rnlllraee report with
recommendations for senate ac
0 Freshman election report
0 Old and new business
Newburn's absence; J. O. Lind
strom, University business man
ager; Donald DuShane, director of
student affairs; and Lyle Nelson,
director of public services.
itny ne was investigating charges
that <mc or more of the candidates
had used ASUO or Student Union
material, possibly with the knowl
edge of ASUO officials.
At that time he explained if such
were the case, it might be con
strued as "unfair practice" as all
election officials were to maintain
strict neutrality.
All Kun for Top Spots
All four of the new officers were
candidates for president or vice
president. The It running for
freshman representative never
seriously figured in the count.
There were 25 candidates in ail.
The voting procedure, known as
the "single transferable vote” sys
tem. h;ts been in use at Oregon for
many years, Donald DuShane, di
i ector of student affairs, explain
ed. By it. 21 percent of the voters
(inti m thi sensel could elect one
of the four officers, he said.
Three Sophomores
Tapped by Kwanna
Three women were tapped for
Kwama. sophomore woman's hon
orary, Wednesday night to bring
the membership quota up to 30.
The new members are Sandra
Price, liberal arts major, Kay
Moore, business major, and Sue
Drummond, liberal arts major.
Members are selected for activi
ties and grades.
There MUST Be
Other Places
To Take Naps
Sncntcfn-yKir-old Rfyct Kuz
man of Mexico City dorwi't Irt
anything; bother him when he
wants to sleep.
A train passed over him while
he was taking a nap Tuesday be
tween the rails of the .Missouri
raelfle railroad near here.
Pollee officers found only a
shredded red coat after Engineer
R. K. Gilmore stopped the train.
When the train backed up
Guzman wan found between the
rails, still asleep.
Students Asked
To Give Blood
For Red Cross
Students will have an opportu
nity to donate blood to the Red
Cross from 1 to 5 p.m. today at
the Veteran's Memorial building,
1626 Willamette st.
Joan Walker, blood drive chair
man for the campus Red Cross
organization, has requested that
students paiticipate in the Eugene
drive, since there will be no cam
pus campaign during the rest of
this school year.
Appointments may be made by
calling the Veteran's Memorial
building, 5-3261, Miss Walker said.
Red Cross plans for this year in
clude two safety programs. On
Feb. 20 Gene Harlow, University
ski coach, will present a lecture
on ski safety. Members of the ski
team will provide demonstrations
paralleling the lecture.
A disaster demonstration will be
given spring term under the direc
tion of Paul Lasker, disaster chair
Four trips to the veteran’s hos
pital at Roseburg for the ei#er
tainment of convalescing service
men are also planned, according to
Sharon Anderson, Roseburg trips
Campus Red Cross financial
drive will begin Feb. 25.
Basic Tenets Emphasized
At Parliament Roundtable
By Gretchen Grondahl
Assertion of justice and brother
hood as basic tenets common to
the faiths of Islam and Judaism
emerged in a Parliament of World
Religion round table on "The Eth
ical Teachings of Judaism and Is
lam" at 10 a m. Wednesday.
Rabbi Julius Nodel, Portland
Jewish leader, and Bashir Ahmad
Minto, president of the American
Moslem society, outlined their re
ligious principles and answered
questions of an overflow audience
in the Dads' lounge. Connecting j
doors between the lounge and the ,
ballroom had to be opened to ac
commodate the crowd.
Rabbi Nodel explained that all j
(he ethical teaching of Judaism j
sterns from the one dogma of the
faith: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord
our God, the Lord is One.” Since
God is the father of all men, all
men are brothers in the teaching
of the Jews, he explained.
Judaism emphasizes the pursuit
of justice, because if there is no
justice there is r.o peace and no
love, he asserted.
“Thus the Jews have always
been able to be good citizens be
4, cause their teachings are to abide
the law.”
This World Important
"Judaism is a very this-worldly
religion," Kahbi Nodel stated. "To
us, this world is not a useless ves
tibule for the world to come, be
cause that makes life purposeless."
The object is to live the best life
possible to make the world better
for all.
The best way to sum up the
ethical teachings of Judaism. Rab
bi Nodel concluded, is to quote this
Scriptural passage: "What doth
I lie Lord require of thee, but to do
justly, and to love mercy, and to
walk humbly with thy God?" (Mi
dah VI, 8.)
Minto, speaking on the ethical
teachings of Islam, explained that
the ethics of his faith lie in the
word “Islam," which means "com
plete surrender to God."
“Your morals should be God's
morals," Minto asserted. If this is
the case, what are God’s attri
butes? The speaker dwelt, on two:
justice, emphasized by Moses, and
humility, emphasized by the teach
ings of Jesus.
Follow Justice, Humility
"Both of these attributes have
to be followed," Minto stated. He
illustrated his point by saying
that if vve are kept in slavery by
tyrants, we must fight for justice
and our rights, or the tyrants will
be able to do as they wish. But if
God gives us power, we must not
misuse it.
"If you find a man in the dust,
pick him up; but if a man throws
you down, revolt."
Midway in the program Rabbi
Node) and Minto engaged in a dis
cussion designed to clarify each
other's points.
Rabbi Nodel, commenting on
Minto's characterization of Juda
ism as a religion of law, pointed
out that Judaism also teaches
"The ancient Jewish law of 'an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth’ was actually created as a
restraint for more cruel practices,"
Rabbi Nodel explained, stating
that in ancient times it was com
mon to cut off an arm for the theft
of a piece of bread.
Not Spread by Sword
Minto, explaining that he had
not meant to give the impression
that Moses did not value mercy,
made an attack on the common
saying that Islam is spread by the
"This concept is historically
wrong,” Minto charged. "The Mos
lems are the only people who nevoi
exterminated any people simply
(Please turn to faye seven)
Fate of Judaism, Mohammedanisnk
Discussed by Parliament Speakers
Dangers Noted
By Rabbi Nodel
By Kitty Fraser
"The fate of Judaism in the mid
twentieth century will be the same
as the fate for all other religions,”
stated Rabbi Julius Josef Nodel
in his talk on Judaism in Wednes
day night's session of the Parlia
ment of World Religions.
Destroying forces which attack
Judaism will attack all other reli
gions, Nodel said, and the task of
all religions for peace is to see that
“in the name of the living God, no
basic human right is violated."
Pointing out that there 19 no
"best" religion, he said, "What our
religion does for us, other religions
do for you."
Emphasizing the common as
pects of the world's religions, he
spoke of the "universal religious
hunger" of man and said it was!
Fforovsky Delayed
The Very Rev. Doctor Geor
ges Florovsky, priest of the
Greek Orthodox church, who
j was scheduled to deliver three
j addresses at today's session of
! the Parliament of World Relig
j ions, wired parliament officials
i Wednesday that he will be nn
| able to attend.
j Florovsky’s plane was
j grounded in New York.
The Kev. Evan Williams of
i the Eugene Episcopal church.
; recently returned from Oxford.
! England, and Alexander Rias
j anovsky, Rhodes scholar winner
and graduate student in phil
! osophy, will speak in place of
| Reverend Williams.
~ ’ ~ - - -
! this same spiritual hunger which
j leads the Jew to the synogogue.
the Moslem to the piosque and the
Christian to the church.
"The walls of the buildings di
vide, but this spiritual hunger
unites us,” he stated.
Nodel then posed the question
that if the world religions arc so
much the same, why could there
| not be a universal religion, one re
| ligion for all ?
In answering, he said first he be
j lieved in “universal religion, but
not uniform religion.” His reasons
why there could be no uniform re
ligion for the world were first that
elimination religious differences to
create harmony would be admit
ting defeat. The real trouble is
that humans transform these dif
ferences into antagonism, said the
rabbi, and ill will among people
would only find expression in some
other hatred.
Secondly, Nodel pointed out that
a uniform religion would be "mor
ally bad" and "practically impos
sible.” Citing instances where
jroups have tried to found relig
ions that they hoped would be uni
form, he related that those who
fried to find a universal religion
ended by founding a new religion.
' If a single religion was estab
lished on the ruins of all the old
faiths, people would still r.ot be
satisfied, Noclel inferred, because
there is no religious formula that
cap satisfy all men due to their
psychological differences.
Speaking for the Jew, Nodel
said he believes his religion to fce
the best, but he has no desire to
rob others of theirs. The conflicts
between religions are not with the
philosophies, he commented, but
with the failure of followers to live
their lives according to their
i Please turn to t'asc ci<jht)
M\n\o Explains
Moslem Picture
By Sue Lkhfy
Modems will stand- on their feefc
and fight for themselves in the fu
ture as they are doing today.
Bashir Ahmad Mintc, preside®!
of the Moslem Society of the
U.S.A. Inc., said that as he dis
cussed "Islam in the Mid i’Cltlb
"It is right for them to strug
gle," he said. "Mo'^ems say a riaai
Is ignorant if he closes his eyes ,
ears to the bad things going on irw
the world. He is to live :n tbiew
world, and he has tc take part ir*r
the struggle of it.”
Ke told of the persecution the
followers of Islam suffered under a
"foreign yoke” lor hundreds of
years. The Westerners depnve«fc«»
them of their land and made them
poverty stricken, ha said. Now
they are realizing a unity to th.ow
off that yoke.
"God has no chosen people ” he
said. "God does not love anybody,
but he loves justice and honesty.
He will reward you according to
your work.”
Minto told how the Moslems
"forgot th? word of Gotf and suf
fered for it. In the iTth century
they gave up struggling. Then the
foteigners came in to the Islamic
"The whole Islamic world was
divided and tom into pieces ” he
said. "The Moslems realize thi»
was due to their own misdoings.”
Now the unity is growing strong
er in the Islam world, Minto -aid:
Today Pakistan has come into ex
istence and the people of Iran are
fighting for their rights.
"Today, if there is any part o#
the world that has something to
(Please turn to page eight)
Finalists Selected
For Dad's Hostess
Three finalists in the Dai.s' Day
hostess were chosen Wednesday
They are Mrs. Jane Carlisle
Moshofaky, Mrs. LaNelie Gay
Newman and Mrs. Ksbe-1 Leighty
Ingham. They were selected front*
a group of 26 photographs of mar
ried University students and wive*
of students.
The three will be inti n'lere#1
tonight over station KUGN.
Judges in the selection were P.
E. Kambly, professor i f education,
F. A. Cuthbert, professor of ianA
arohiteeture. Glenn Star'::., assist
ant professor of speech, C. G.
Howard, professor of law. Louise
Henderson, instructor :r. emieatioiv
and P. J. Deutschmaur instructor
in journalism.
The hostess will be dec idoA
through student vote and will be
announced Feb. 1. Voting booths
will be set up on the campus for
the balloting Jan. 30 and 31.
The winning candidate \v 1 at
tend the luncheon on Feb. 2 and*
will be presented to-the dads that
Saturday evening at the basket balk
Pest cardis with printed poems,
to fathers are .'till available at the
Student Union main.desk end
ing to Carc.llee Tate, promotioiv
chairman. Students living off-cam
pus and men in the dormitories
who did not buy them Monday or
Tuesday, she said, can still pur
chase them this week between 10
a.m. and 12 noon and from 1 to 4
I p.m.