Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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    Joint Meeting To Hear
McArthur Thursday
Compiled by A1 Karr and Larry Hobart
From the wire* of Associated Vrnnh
I lir I louse agreed unanimously Monday to a joint meeting
t\ith the Senate I luirsday to hear (idieral Douglas MacArtlmr.
I democratie Leader McCormack (Mass.) asked that tile House
empower Speaker Rayburn to declare a recess during tlic regu
lar session | Imrsdny so that MacArtlmr could be heard. There
was no objection.
No further action by Congress is necessary, since the unani
mous consent request implied an invitation to the deposed (icn
eral to speak. However, the Senate today must go through the
formality of deciding to come to the House chamber Thursday
to hear MacArtlmr.
I lie White House, meantime, said MacArtlmr is welcome to
<all on President 'I rumaii while here if he asks for an appoint
ment. I’residential Secretary Joseph Short said the President’s
army aide. Major (icneral Harry H. V aughn, will represent Mr.
1 ruman at the airport when MacArtlmr arrives.
• MacArthur Is Scheduled to Arrive. ..
. . .tn Han Francisco at 8 p.m. toitay, the city’s mayor was told Mon
Major-General Courtney Whitney, long-time advisor to MacArthur,
gave the information to Max Kunke, secretary to Mayor Elmer E.
Robinson In a telephone conversation from Honolulu.
General Whitney said he did not know when the MacArthur plane
^ivould leave for Washington, D. C. MacArthur arrived in Honolulu at
2:28 am. (P8T) Monday, on his way to the mainland for a hero’s wel
come and a political battle over American policy in Asia.
The Geiferal's homecoming will be heralded by big and noisy "wel
come” tributes in many communities across the nation.
Allied Troops Punched Out Small Gains..
. . .along the 150-mile North Korean battlefront Monday. Communist
resistance was bitter in some sectors, only spotty in others.
American and Turkish soldiers made the best gains. Allied infantry
and tanks were firmly entrenched in Yanggu, once a Red troop-mass
ing point on the central front. Another U. N. force held the high ground
northeast of Yanggu, seven miles inside Red Korea In the eastern tip
of the hugh Hwachon reservoir.
The Reds massed troops and supplies there early last week, apparent
ly in preparation for an expected counterthrust against the Allies.
On the west-central front, V. N. troops advanced against only light
resistance. They now have full control of the south bank of the Hwachor
Use of $29 Million of Government Funds...
.. .to enable Yugoslavia to obtain critically needed raw materials
for its armed forces has been authorized by President Truman, he
notified Congress Monday.
In a letter to the chairmen of the Senate and House foreign com
mittees, the President asserted:
"The thought which gave rise to the need for (emergency foodl
assistance. not only caused a shortage in the availability of food
for consumption in Yugoslavia, but also has made it impossible foi
Yugoslavia to export the agricultural products with which she normallj
obtains the resources to pay for imports of critically needed law mater
The Supreme Court Split...
. . .Monday in letting stand a lower court decision that a state legis
lative committee can compel a witness to say whether he was a Com
munist. The vote was six to three.
Burton James appealed from a one-month jail sentence and a $25C
fine given him for refusing to answer questions asked by a Washing
ton state fact-finding committee on un-American activities.
The high tribunal, however, rejected his appeal although earlier this
term it ruled that witnesses before Federal grand juries and administra
tive bodies may refuse to answer questions dealing with Communist
^activities on the grounds of possible self-incrimination.
The court's refusal to accept James' appeal gave no reasons but noted
that Justices Black, Heed and Douglas favored reviewing the case.
Cashiered Air Force General. . .
. . .Bennett E. Meyers was Monday sentenced to a year and a day
in prison and fined him $15,00p for evading $61,409 in Federul income
The 55-year-old former Major-General pleaded guilty to charges
covered by two indictments — one referring to his income- of 1941, the
other from 1942 to 1946, inclusive.
Meyers was top purchasing agent for the Air Force in Washington
and at Wright-Patterson Field at Dayton, O., during World War II.
He was freed from a Federal reformatory Feb. 1 after serving almost
three years of the 20-months-to-five-year sentence he was given for
indusing an associate to lie to a Senate investigating committee.
Northwest Public Power Association. . .
...delegates went on record against any power link-up between the
Pacific Northwest and California in concluding sessions of a convention
Saturday in Wenatchee.
The representatives of 73 public utility organizations expressed op
position to the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation proposal for construction
of a 230,000-volt inter-tie between the Bonneville and Shasta Dam
The association also urged Federal support and assistance for "not
federal, publicly-owned hydro-electric projects that would provide over
a million kilowatts of energy here."
The State Senate Refused...
. . .Monday to reconsider the defeated bill to have a paid Liquor Com
mission. And it unanimously sent to the house a measure to prevent
^ir pollution.
The bill to have a paid liquor commission was defeated two weeks
ago 21 to 9, with the upper house dividing on party lines.
The air pollution bill makes- it illegal to "discharge into the air any
solids, liquids or gases so as to cause injury to humans, plant or animal
life, or to property."
The Stale Board of Health would enforce it, and would develop tne
program, make studies, and encourage co-operation among the public.
Council Appoints 'Mom's' Chairman
(Continued from pnr/e one)
discussed with the council enter
tainment presented at the all
earnpuH Vodvld Saturday evening.
She informed the group that Di
rector of Men's Affairs Kay Hawk
hurl received "several negative
comments” concerning humor of
fered on the program.
Donald DuShane, director of stu
dent affairs, present at the council
meeting, said that his office had
heard reports of "a couple of dis
gusting stories" but expressed the
opinion that students are improv
ing the situation and that the prob
lem can be solved by them.
Mountain sketched briefly for the
ASUO council an outline of the trip
taken to Stanford by himself and
ten others, members of a student
committee, to study dormitory liv
ing. The committe visited the Stan
ford campus last week where they
met with school administrators and
students in an effort to acquaint1
themselves with the living plan now
in effect at that school.
"The University of Oregon Ath
letic Department paid for our gas
and oil down,” Mountain explained.
"Stanford furnished us living quar
ters and the committee members
purchased their own meals.”
The ten students composing .the
committee represented a cross-sec
tion of the Oregon campus, Moun
tain said, and are outstanding as
student leaders. “A smaller group
would not have been able to handle
the job,” he said.
A committee to discuss letter'
awards for members of the Univer- j
sity ski team was designated by |
Mountain, Herb Nil], Dave Rodway, |
Stu McCullon, and Director of Ath- !
letics Leo Harris were appointed to I
consider the question. A member of
the Order of the O will also serve, j
The group w'ill report to the coun- ,
cil within the next two weeks.
Don Paillette, Virginia Wright, j
LaVerne Thompson, and Joanne
Kitzmaurice were selected by:
Mountain to review petitions for i
Student Union Board membership.
Wanna Go Abroad?
See Draft Board!
Young men who wish to go
abroad this summer may receive
a permit from their local draft
board to leave the United State*
if their absence will not interfere
with their obligations under the
Selective Service Act of 1948.
Before determining whether a
permit should be issued, the local
board may require the registrant
to complete and file his Classifica
tion Questionnaire 1SSS Form No.
100) and such other forms and in
formation as may be necessary to
complete classification.
According to this Selective Ser
vice regulation, the local board
may thereupon classify the regist
rant if this appears necessary in
order to determine the advisability
of issuing the permit.
About 75 per cent of last year’s
automobile accidents involved pas
senger cars.
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 17...
“So I’m a wise guy
—so what ?”
Vv*..:'..s ...v. i^peotyto cunicularia*' — Speo, for short, majors
the classics. But in this case, he’s dropped his Latin leanings and slings
American slang with the best of them. He comes right out
“cum loudly whenever he voices his opinion on these quick-trick,
one-pull cigarette teas. 1 hey re a snub to his high I.Q.
lie knows from smoking experience there’s just one
intelligent way to judge the mildness of a cigarette.
ft’s the sensible test . . . the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test,
which simply asks you to try Camels as a steady smoke —
on a pack-after-pack, day-after-day basis. No snap
judgments needed. After you've enjoyed Camels — and only
Camels — for 30 days in your "T-Zone” (T for Throat,
T for Taste), we believe you'll know why ...
More People Smoke Camels
than any other cigarette!