Joint Meeting To Hear McArthur Thursday Compiled by A1 Karr and Larry Hobart From the wire* of Associated Vrnnh I lir I louse agreed unanimously Monday to a joint meeting t\ith the Senate I luirsday to hear (idieral Douglas MacArtlmr. I democratie Leader McCormack (Mass.) asked that tile House empower Speaker Rayburn to declare a recess during tlic regu lar session | Imrsdny so that MacArtlmr could be heard. There was no objection. No further action by Congress is necessary, since the unani mous consent request implied an invitation to the deposed (icn eral to speak. However, the Senate today must go through the formality of deciding to come to the House chamber Thursday to hear MacArtlmr. I lie White House, meantime, said MacArtlmr is welcome to