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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1951)
tution. .. (,-»! of Ihr rr. li UtMiK-n Sfiulrnf* apjvam on !>«*•• KiiH-nUc! m ■Co) Daily EMERALD 40ITAT « MH.NI, ... OHM.on.m„,NK. MOVOVV. M MM I, More Snow Due. .. (lotiil) Moafhi-r M.fh rain awl "now un« pri'dlitri) l>y the I". H. Weaffirr Mnroan for today, IIIkh today, 4’; lou 'l\. VI \llti ir <r» •r ™ m P" ZZWWri Wanner <>!*« ::« ^ present "Th« Harlwr a comic opera tit twu Kt"»ini. a: S p in. l’m> KArthur Court, mulrr s ot the Civic Music flic u|rt ra will !»t* |j*h. Statical w ill l>c in the opera young Argon ( jpprlli lx ail li’K but opera, an Hi ro piayr r produ • lion "P.€ ♦liman'i Hu ai 1"* L Wagr. Boherr.i-.” \ i«-nn#‘sf in Mole Viennese Ralph T« '*'*11 »*ng the comt Bar.olo. He has touri Central Amer!> a i career, and haj the Wagrur opera Boberne." singing th '■ Benoit and Aleindorc Affairs Office Gets 3,647 Registrants Advance rrgintrallnn for wmtci irrm ended Saturday noon will) 1 **47 HtudrnU Kitmlcil nfl check tng through the student affair* of flee. Thoae student* who did not pay thrir frm but fi|r,J their card* with Ilf reglst rm will ih. payment step nt thr beginning of spring trim when lliry pick up thrir cardn Student* wh» ill.I not complete registration by Saturday» dead line w ill be charged an $* fine when lh«y resume teguoralloii New ntudentx will begin register <ng at thr beginning of spring term. .. n Mm vie iofiity fur 1 hi- 21 elective r* of AWH, WAA nlul YWCA. They will be l®1 r**<liM<<| «t nn imnembly (or all rampuo women 12 i:» p m. m Alumni Hall. ilrrlmger. »t which tim<- nominal ion* n„m tj1(f f)(K,r will be accepted. Voting Will begin after the ax einbly in the Herllng. , lobby and w ill continue until «i p ni. I*fe«idfntl»| napirantn are AWM Marilyn Thompnon, thin yearn AWM e« retnry. ami Nancy Alhfdii, hollar prraldcnt of Hi nd ri« kfi Malt S\AA Hellr I >orin Ku«m-1I, now hra l of a porta for WAA. and Joan Hkordahl. >D i halrinan of the WAA iMtmvnl ami Amphibian prnddent \ \N (’A Karla Van Law, pre ?* nt chairman of tin- upper, la** i oiiunnoiion. and Ann Darby, this year'» YWCA wonal chairman, other# running on the AWS Mall arc Harriet Vahey and Helen Jmknon foi nee ret ary: Betty Monhofnky and Klalne Uniting for Survey Reveals Campus Opinions On Student Union Policies, Facilities one m every two Oregon sUnk-rts m in the Student t'rior mi average of once a (lay nr ino!r Hi* nut nf M-v» n approve Uts »•« policies a* showing "no favorit ism” to special (jtl«*re*t groups Almost »ix e» it of ten think the snack bar service is not fast enough Frenhmen . • the building rr.««re on an average school day than do all students. tleaull ill Poll These are some of the re nulls of. a study recently taken to discov er the Use * of and attitudes tote ard hr Student Union. A total of IMS 1 student# Were interviewed. Communication* !’• »• an h Fund worker* from the School of Join - nalem look the survey under the direc tion of Dean Gordon A S.» bine The stratified proportional scientific method t* as used. Inferences Drawn Major inference * which > a In drawn from the study are: The quantitative uage of the Student Union by t’mveralty stu dent* i* extremely high. One in every three Is there an hour or more a day. The reaction of students to Un ion operating policies la excellent Fourteen out of fifteen found Un ion employee* "courteous and con siderate.” Almost no one < only two percent) feels social pressure, a! fcellent Direction, Cast Prove ■light in 'Goodbye, My Fancy' «>\ ixm Smith f*rb direction by OtUtia Sey-| molded the popular Hoodbye, My Fancy" in - • .-.ty th«-at«-r production | , 'h'hghl and entertain r"‘' wh'» cauh the p< i form :a th® Arena theater. ‘ •r, t a performer in the h opened last Friday play ‘very night this t carry off Ins kill hard work and artistic nan a,.. the cart tut i! ni into a thoi >ughl' P*We one. ‘ r •>' Hettinger, as the Cong ,/man “'turned to hev alrm ' Parti('ularly good in he |W ■ It Was upon he fc , "al authori . Fay Kan I/,,.most "f the “moral" mes V “f P^y. a«»d Miss netting ■ l[ that she could handli > *;‘foment without losin, e interest. |rBevr cZT °l lh" "venit,‘ It,., ,,i atton- m her lirs )(> a,s the cynical score tary Woody. Woody ion tin* laugh lines, and Miss Oration laid th«-m >n the line with the skill of an ex pert. Ed Kagozzmo, also in 111 first theater role, was perfect at the Life photographer in love with the Congresswoman. He acted realis tically the part of a man who knew his way around the world. Of the character roles In the comedy, l.eltue Danh l in d«s< rviilg of special mention as a hustling alumni secretary. Mob Hkanibcis was wonderful a a middle-aged botany professor; and Sue Polsky was equally humorous as the sex hygiene assistant professor who got potted at a faculty "tea." In straight roles Sandra Price, and Helen Johnson excelled, and j Paul Wexler and Donn Doak did well. In fact, the list of plauditH could extend from the top <d’ the cast list to the bottom. Mrs. Soy bolt and her cast took no risk that the audience would be embarassed sitting only three or four feet from an actor doing i a bid job; no actor did a bad Job, th<- Union more than elsewhere, to spend more money than he can afford. i Nine In tell students fee! the t'nion 'eive« tlo, t„-#i interests of 1 lit intents "most of the time" or "neatly ull the time " t n-»bmen go to the Union in<»r> fi '/jnently diMing the tiny, pro- i Jtoitii.unity, th in do all student* But not alt the results of tin < survey leaned in favor of the new ' i«I* nt rentrt on 13th and l’m. > ‘ "tty On« qtic»i|nn nhnwi-'l that i| firtrrnl of the »tn<lent* do not built wiiio k bai 11 vice ii mniffh. l-'our nut of five student* who' • Itw < afeterta rated the !•••! vice liUtfcfm tory, ..nd ft p< i mu of h<.«- Interviewed thought tin "‘tiding i* open the light time* t day I-'iVi per Cent thought It hulilil he open later week night*. KWAX Equipment Test OK, Starlin Announces Kqu>pir<n)t tr't.r.c for KWAX new University KM tnttnn. was ,,m ‘•urti l Saturday nfli • approval for thr teat* wan received from the K**l<. •»i < ‘onimunicHtlon;: < 'omimioion, "Th tratx were *a' sfu. tot v. ' 1 >. Glenn Starlit!, instructor in radio i Where, Oh Where Has Puddles Gone! Oregon'* missing 1'uddle*. a* fur it* thr Kmerald ran Irll, I* *1111 In I'nrtilll*, after l>elng presented to Wehfoot yell lead er* hy I he OSC yell M|uad at Friday night'* basketball game In Corvallis. ruddle*, after being taken from the Oregon campus Thurs day, appeared at halftime Fri day night \tlth ail orange anil hlark rlld>on around hi* nerk. lie \ta* turned over to Oregon veil leader*, but huh reluctant to return. Veil leader \rne Slm <ui*on hail to bring the errant dtlrk I tack to the Wehfoot fold. Slmon*on *aid Sunday that, a* far a* be know*, ruddies was not brought bai'k to Ku gene, and Is still in charge of OSC. Director of \thletirs I>en Harris, who has charge of the duck when he is letl in Kugenc, said Sunday that ruddles hadn't Im-cii returned to him. announced. N'iai step leading (o final opera tion of the -tutinn la the request ing of a lict to broadcast. When K<‘(” grants the license, and per mission foi program testing is giv en and the tests approved. KWAX ’.t ill Ire ready to broadcast, staihn said. The license may he received i within two weeks, he said, but this would Ire too late for broad casting to begin this term. "We are now planning to atari operation the beginning of spring terns,” Slarlln stated. "Every thing Is tentative until the final license for broadcastjng is grant id by KCC," he [minted out. Nearly $1,.'ami has been spent fori facilities of the new station. Last' year studios on the third floor of Villard were remodeled in pre paration for an eventual campus station. KWAX will broadcast from 5 p.m. to II pm. Monday through Friday, and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Staffs, which still have vacanc ies for inti rested students, are headed by Jim Blue, announcers; (icorgc Drougus, continuity; Eric Matthews, traffic; Dave strauss, business; Denali (troth, office; Janet Harris, music; and Marilyn Patterson, public relations. Dramas Given Tonight “Theater Excitement No. 3“ will lie presented at « p.m. today and Tuesday in the University Theater. The evening of theater is open to season-ticket holders only, who may pick up tickets at the theater Pox office. Student-directed dramas of a type not generally offered to the public, will be presented. Direct ing- the shows ure Jane Jette, Gor don Erickson, and Klnmrie Wcndel. Miss Jette is directing an adap tation of the radio program, "Fall of the City;” Erickson is directing an original drama; and Miss Wendell is using the dance as a medium for her presentation. tn .••mirr: .layer Clark and Bin barn Manley for reporter; an<l I’ll.i-l Ijirun and Joan Walker for »>< i grant-atai ml. Vying for WAA office* will b" l-otn Hamnr and Norma Mnn , aerri-tary: Barbara Hate* an-l Bn da Lynch) irmnurei Jof<«; Bub h and Delon* < Mtdodlar. and Mary Bennett*' and Mai / Janie,i), *erg< not-al arm* Candidate* on the YWCA ulaD Include Kay Ktnkinberg anti Jo Anne Hewitt for ru-t-ond viec-pn - indent; Oi eirhen Grondahl anil 1 .ilimn St holt for *err*tary; Vii fclHtn K* Hogg and Ja Kvana fi trea liter and Bonnie Bsrkein< • anil Dolure* l*HIII*h for ujtjerrla,» . comnthMion chairman, YWCA rophomoie 'ommi**ion r andldutt nr< Ant y Vincent a tl Bat Gindin for in.dent Cathy Style Show Featured V fcltin|»*i nf spring fashion* "ill !»• *wn I<mIu\ at a styl* t'l' on l>> Kilvu II'-. il. piirl tii'-ni store at I pin. in \Itimui Hall. **po't»| clothe* have been shipped I rum tin* fast to l« m.aided In ■ atiipu* women. \ll women .irr tmlted f,i ttiU eleo Mon dot f•ailin'. Tub* raid Haibaia 5tui;>on ft . vife-premdent: and Sally H* ->i lua- Carolyn McL* an for s rotary. R <m < r-ttp* tn the pr< * nlent;al races util become vn • -premde-t of their r' nfM ttve ri j.a.'.im:ion. tn addition to the elertion rf officers two other 1 • •• Will I decided Monday Accept an.. of th« avvs constitution, a ompletel/ revised «nd up-to-date version, \v;.l hi voted upon by all wnn.en stu dent* WAA member', wit vote on ti e proponed name change of the Wom en's Athletic Association to Won - en'a Kei nation Ante at.on. Tha. change, approved earlier by WA A officers, util be mote indicative .,f W A As broadened s< < j* stall I Proatdent Bonnie Gii-ng-t. All women students mny nuuk the AWS ballot upon showing th< : • students body tarda, however only memb* rs may vote on the WA A and YWCA ballots. Results of the elections will te announced In Tuesday s Km. raid. IRL Ends Conference A final resolution that Commun ist China should ho terognized as the legitimate government > f China in the Tinted Nations \vh* a and if it withdraws from Komi was passed by the Internation; I Relation.- League eonft 11 n <• at r s final session. closing the weekend conference on the campus Saturday was a re pori of I'oundtabli dis -ion, and election of officers. N'ew officers are William Mc Allister of Medford, president; Sue Sanrlt II of Jacksonville, vice-pre sident; Jackie Jones of Salem, see rotary-treasurer; and Donald Kan inker of St. Hi lens, historian. The L'oO delegates, n presenting Jo high schools, decided to refer all other resolutions to the indi vidual schools for discussion and voting. Results will bo compiled by Cleveland High School in Port land and then sent to the Depart ment of State, which will ref* r them to the United States dele gates in the U. N.