Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1951, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Disasters Evil, Unpredictable; j
Red Cross Donations Aid Relief
By Norman Anderson
Have you ever seen a disaster?
No? Well talk to some of the
old timers of Galveston, Tex,
which was wiped out by a tidal
wave. Or to some of the thousands
caught in the Mississippl-Ohio Riv
er floods of 1927 or 1937. Best of
all. try some of those caught In
the Texas City holocaust of 1949.
They can tell you what a disaster
A rough estimate of the extent
of a disaster runs something like
Thousands of people without
homes, without any of their per
sonal belongings such as clothes,
beds, and they have no food, be
cause all the grocery stores have
been destroyed along with their
homes. There are no means of com
munication; telephone wires arc
down, lights are out, gas mains and
water mains arc non-existent, de
stroyed along with everything else.
Fires usually rage practically un
checked through whatever is left
Cries of pain, and moans from
the injured seep into every living
peison's hearing. Dead bodies, of
those you love and those you don't
even know, lie everywhere.
Coupled with a disaster is the
frantic worry of relatives, unable
to learn anything about their loved :
ones caught in the midst of na- ;
ture’s most horrible tragedies.
This is a disaster. This and much !
more is whnt the people of San |
Francisco in 1900, Tillamook, Ore- ,
gon, way back when; Ecuador,
during the tragic series of earth
quakes several years ago, all ex
And it is this which the Red i
Cross is called on to cope with I
throughout every year. To them |
falls the task of supplying food
and shelter, of helping the medical j
profession ease pain, and of giv
ing aid and comfort to the frantic \
relatives and worried ones who es
cape the worst of the disaster.
All this costs money, money com
ing from people like you and me
who part with a dollar which may
come back to us in ways we never
realize. This is the reason the Red
Cross conducts an annual fund
raising campaign every year.
KWAX Positions Open
Positions on the KWAX business
staff are open to students with
typing or filing experience, accord
ing to Denali Groth, KWAX office
Workers are badly needed, said
Miss Groth, to complete the staff
and start organization of the of
fice. Interested students may con
tact Miss Groth at the third floor
studios, Villard.
Women To Choose
Officers Monday
New officer*), ii name change,
anil u now constitution will be vot
ed upon by University women Mon
day in the annual women'* elec
Twenty officers to head the As
sociated Women Students, Young
Women's Christian Association,
and Women's Athletic Association
will be chosen during the after
noon balloting.
Candidates will be introduced at
an assembly at 12:15 p.m. Monday
in Alumni Hall, Gerlinger. Voting
will begin immediately after the
meeting and continue until 6 p.m.
A style show of spring fashions
will be held at 4 p.m.
IFC Nixes Rush Plan
('Continued from pa<je one)
presentatives that he hoped fresh
man pledges would prove during
the remainder of the year that they
are capable of living In unity with
dormitory men. He cited the Uni
versity of Michigan as a school
where fall pledging and a living-in
poltry have been co-ordinated.
DuShane pointed out to the
group that under the program now
in force fraternities have some
additional source of Income, and
a contact with freshmen living in
Ray Hawk, director of men's af
fairs, indicated as advantages the
value of "pledge recruiters" who
may be invaluable assets in tin
fraternity rushing program, and
the increase of the Greek-Inde
pendent ratio made possible
through the present pledging sys
The IFC members explained that
they desired attendance of fresh
men at house meetings and their
presence at work parties In order
to know the member whom they
had pledged.
One IFC representative com
plained of the "half-breed frater
nities" which he declared were re- j
suiting from the severing of
pledges from their houses.
Members of the committee ap- j
pointed to review dissatisfactions
of the compromise with the I DC
and disclose positive issues arc
Norm Peterson, Chuck Olsen, Dar- j
rel Liska, Bill Harber, Bill Carey,
and Norm Kaplan.
The IFC in other business agreed j
to a regulation limiting the num- j
ber of freshman pledges and initi- j
ates to 30 men for each fraternity.!
Previous limit was 25.
The next regular meeting of the |
group is scheduled for Mar. 29.
need an extra
then run—jump—ride or fly to
Hadley’s and you’ll he thrilled
to find so many new pretty
styles awaiting your selection.
We are
for Famous
Plain or Frilled
3.95 to 8.95
Reduced Rates
For Faculty?
Ify Helen Jarkmin
II wan the issue at Wednesday's
Student Union Hoard Meeting
and today's Inquiring Reporter
question that is, "Do you think
family members should be admit
ted to Student Union sponsored
programs at lower prices than
townspeople ?”
The SU Hoard may have been
primarily against the proposal but
that wasn't the answer given by
the students asked the question
today. In fact only one answered
As far as the progrumH which
the SU might sponsor are concern
ed, they would Is* mostly musical
entertainment such as the Hazel
Scott show'.
Joy Southward freshman in
liberal nrts "Yes. They have so
much to do with the University
that they should be allowed in at
the same prices as students."
John Braun senior in archi
tecture "As long as the students
contribute to the upkeep of the
SU and faculty members don’t,
then I think they are on the same
status as townspeople.”
I’at Howard freshman in libe
ral arts "I think they should.
Alter all, they are part of the Uni
versity family just as the students
Hank Wedemeyer freshman in
pre-med "Personally, I'd say
yes They are connected with the
University and therefore they are
entitled to its benefits as well as
the students."
I). E. Clark head of the his
tory department "I think it
would be a good psychological view
to make the faculty seem more a
part of the University family;
however, there are practical prob
lems to be worked out such as
some method of identifying facul
ty members w'hen they come to buy
tickets. It's pretty easy to identify
non-students, but to separate facul
ty from townspeople would be
more difficult."
Joyce Winn freshman in edu
cation "Yes! They have more to
do with the school than towns
people do. I do feel they should
have to pay the same fees to
wards SU maintainance that stu
dents do, however.
U. S., U. N., World Crisis
(Continued from pane one)
conference Ih tlie University Inter
national KelatioriH Club. Committee
members arc Frank W. Neuber,
co-ordinator; Mrn. H. L. James,
meals and banquet; Lillian Berg
strom, chairman, housing and re
gistration; Helen Jean Neuber,
literature; and Lloyd Lease, trans
Delegates will be housed in Uni
veraity sororities, fraternities, and
Special attraction for confer
ence students are a guided tour of
the campus leaving at 4 p.m. Fri
day from the HU and the Inter
national Featlval sponsored by the
YMCA, YWCA, and Cosmopolitan
Club Saturday afternoon.
The WAA swiniminK meet will
be held .Saturday in Gerllnger pool,
not the men’H pool as Thursday's
Kmerald stated.
You won't be running around in
circles if you take the time to
study all the angles.
Forest F.aston freshman in
liberal ai ts "I do. They want to
know what students arc doing and
what’s going on on the campus, and
should be- included the same as stu
dents in campus affairs. I think th<
matter of faculty fees for SU up
keep should not be taken into ac
Twenty-One Held
In School Infirmary
Twenty-one student* were in the
Infirmary Thursday. Women con
fined were Arden Alexson, Marion
Churchill, Melita Moyer, Carolyn
McLean, Joyce Rohm, and Patricia
Men were Eugene Lehman, Bill
Wright, Bill Kirby, Rvein Falk
Pederson, Lea Collier, Jim Mead,
John Chaney, Jim Hefty, Jim Hyde,
Alvin Reiss, Bob Wilcox, Lloyd
Koenig, Clark Davis, Dick Hamp
ton, and Joe St. Martin.
The Anchorage
I’HOXE 4-1327
• Tall: "Godfrey,
what a lush selec
t i o n of fragrant
• Short: Look, will
you at those sensa
tional cattleya or
• Tall: There is only
one place that sells
such exquisite or
chids in Eugene.
• Short: And priced
from 2.50 up, it could
only be
58 E. Broadway