Disasters Evil, Unpredictable; j Red Cross Donations Aid Relief By Norman Anderson Have you ever seen a disaster? No? Well talk to some of the old timers of Galveston, Tex, which was wiped out by a tidal wave. Or to some of the thousands caught in the Mississippl-Ohio Riv er floods of 1927 or 1937. Best of all. try some of those caught In the Texas City holocaust of 1949. They can tell you what a disaster is. A rough estimate of the extent of a disaster runs something like this: Thousands of people without homes, without any of their per sonal belongings such as clothes, beds, and they have no food, be cause all the grocery stores have been destroyed along with their homes. There are no means of com munication; telephone wires arc down, lights are out, gas mains and water mains arc non-existent, de stroyed along with everything else. Fires usually rage practically un checked through whatever is left etanding. Cries of pain, and moans from the injured seep into every living peison's hearing. Dead bodies, of those you love and those you don't even know, lie everywhere. Coupled with a disaster is the frantic worry of relatives, unable to learn anything about their loved : ones caught in the midst of na- ; ture’s most horrible tragedies. This is a disaster. This and much ! more is whnt the people of San | Francisco in 1900, Tillamook, Ore- , gon, way back when; Ecuador, during the tragic series of earth quakes several years ago, all ex perienced. And it is this which the Red i Cross is called on to cope with I throughout every year. To them | falls the task of supplying food and shelter, of helping the medical j profession ease pain, and of giv ing aid and comfort to the frantic \ relatives and worried ones who es cape the worst of the disaster. All this costs money, money com ing from people like you and me who part with a dollar which may come back to us in ways we never realize. This is the reason the Red Cross conducts an annual fund raising campaign every year. KWAX Positions Open Positions on the KWAX business staff are open to students with typing or filing experience, accord ing to Denali Groth, KWAX office manager. Workers are badly needed, said Miss Groth, to complete the staff and start organization of the of fice. Interested students may con tact Miss Groth at the third floor studios, Villard. Women To Choose Officers Monday New officer*), ii name change, anil u now constitution will be vot ed upon by University women Mon day in the annual women'* elec tions. Twenty officers to head the As sociated Women Students, Young Women's Christian Association, and Women's Athletic Association will be chosen during the after noon balloting. Candidates will be introduced at an assembly at 12:15 p.m. Monday in Alumni Hall, Gerlinger. Voting will begin immediately after the meeting and continue until 6 p.m. A style show of spring fashions will be held at 4 p.m. IFC Nixes Rush Plan ('Continued from pa