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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
illowe'en Pranks if C Continucd from page one) iss windows, proved too much a iptation to Hallowe’en prank srs. All the dining room windows :eived a generous coating of ip. lamma Phi Beta had some of bedding thrown into the mill :e by prowling males, and other ises reported several of their (men received tubbings during night. One house—perhaps two—were issing fire escapes as of this irning. Police answered one call 13th and Alder to find that large rope had been stretched iross the street. . I Sigma Alpha Epsilon lost its volleyball net; numerous clothes lines were cut. Any girl out on the campus Tuesday night was a f|,ir target for a dunking or a free shower from a hose. Truman Attacked ; (Continued from tmge one) , “We came here for the express purpose of shooting the President.” Party Staged Uprising The Nationalist party staged an uprising in Puerto Rico this week. Sditiy persons were killed. The two gunmen made their try on the President’s life at 11:15 a.m. Pacific standard time. Collazzo got as far the front steps of Blair House before the bullets from police guns cut him down. There he fell, his head rest ing on the steps and bloodstaining the sidewalk. Torresola piled up in a hedge nearby. President Keeps Date Thirty minutes after the shoot ing', the President slipped out a rear door, heavily guarded, and kept an engagement to attend ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery honoring the memory of Sir John Dill, wartime British mili tary leader. The two gunmen used German type luger pistols, and started shooting as they ran across the ( street toward Blair House. Noise Parade (Continued from page one) watch the parade from their re spective houses. There will not be enough room at the Student Union for all students and alumni, Nudd stated. The Eugene Fire Department has requested that students use care in the handling of torches dur ing the parade. Several of the floats will be using torches and there is danger of decorations’ catching on fire unless care is tak en. ■ > Floats Go to 19th At, the close of the parade no flo'at is to stop until it has cleared 19th St. This will have to be fol lowed in order to avoid distrac tion from the Student Union Dedi cation which will immediately fol low the parade. After the parade living organi zations are requested by the Eu gene Police Department not to take floats into the downtown area. Winners of the Homecoming noise parade will be announced at the bonfire rally at 8:45 p.m. At this time cups will be awarded for first prize winners. A pedestrain is a car-owning father with a young son or daugh ter in high school. 1 More Day Until "homecoming Deferred Rushing, Sign Contest Big Issues at Oregon Last Fall By Barbara Jeremiah One tradition-year ago—Home coming 1949. What difference does a year make? Let’s take a look at the Nov. 19, 1949 issue of the Emerald. First of all, the campus was aroused about this thing called "deferred living.” While fraterni ties were erecting signs with a “Beat the DuShane Plan” theme, the editorial pages of the Emerald were advising them to “Bury the Hatchet and Work for Deferred Rushing.” Ann Judson house and Delta Tau Delta fraternity won the sign con test, while everyone awaited the "Duck-Beaver Football Classic.” It was chapter 3 in the Oregon OSC gridiron civil war and the last college game for 14 Webfoot players. It was also defeat No. 6 for Oregon, and the next issue of the Emerald apologetically ran the headline “Beavers Beat 20-10.” Phi Delts—Tri Delts Win Homecoming hostess Marguerite Johns smiled bravely from a con vertible .during a drizzly noise par ade, while members of Phi Delta Theta and Tri Delta yelled their way into first place in the contest. Everyone was invited to the homecoming dance in Mac Court— “One Touch of Tomorrow”— with Will Osborne’s orchestra. Tickets, $2.40 a couple. At the Saturday game, Oregon’s 1919 Rose Bowl team was introduc ed, and 129 Order of the “O” men made their nostalgic march around Hayward Field. The Emeraldettes, new girls’ drill team, made their firs^appearance at the game, and then were lost to history. Someone made a survey to find out why football games draw students from thier studies—and "discovered” it's for recreation! Staters Brand Field The campus was aroused by the kidnapping of three Oregon men by OSC students. Two carloads of Beavers had invaded Hayward Field sometime Friday ana burn ed the eight foot high letters OSC in the center of it. There were the usual threats of “civil war.” In spite of hard feeling, the im promptu gathering of Oregon-OSC students after the game was en joyed by all. Oregon alums were scolded in an article for not having more offsprings. In a survey of the num ber of children of 1924 and 1939 college graduates, Oregon ranked mighty low. Oregon women averag ed 1.61 children apiece in 1924, and 1.4 in 1939. Oregon men were a little worse—1.32 children in 1924 and .92 in 1939. But more men from those classes had got married than women, Appearances have changed in the past year—now we have the Erb Memorial Union for the Home coming dance and "deferred living” is in effect. But the traditions of Homecoming 1950 are those of Homecoming 1949 or Homecoming 1951. That’s unchanging. The acoustic tile in the Univer sity radio studio ceilings has to be vacuumed yearly, as the many perforations in each square fill with dust and are unable to absorb sound. JDC, IFC Discuss Deferred Living Changes (Continned from page one) the .^ginning of the next fall term. A compromise was set up which brought about the winter term rushing.” “But, Holden added, “the fraternities agreed that none of us could af ford to rush informally throughout all fall term this year. So we set up the hands off policy to prevent any one house from rushing at all.” Holden told Aiken and Mountain that the IFC would be glad to comply with Aiken’s request to present a more friendly attitude, but that it could only be done through an official and immediate rush period this term. The IFC recommended that Mountain talk the matter over with mem ers of the IDC, which was the body which could give the “green light” to a fall term rush program. Oaucet fiadhr rtjftEHERALD TODAY'S STAFF Assistant managing editor: Bob Funk Desk editor: Phil Bettens Copy desk staff: Marge Bush, Virginia Dailey NIGHT STAFF Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull Night Staff: Dick Thompson, Jo Curry, LaVaun Krueger, Bob Lucas CLASSIFIED Sewing Machine for Kent $3 and $4 per month. Ph. 45692. SO ! — LOST—Collie pup—4 months - wearing halter. Near University. Please notify Emerald. 31 LOST—Schaffer pen (without eap) between Chapman and SU. Ext. 361. 32 New spring shoes hurt the most when father has to buy them for the whole family at once. IT'S NOT TOO EARLY FOR XMAS SHOPPING VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS CARD SHOP ON THE TEXT BOOK BALCONY The BEST in— CHRISTMAS CARDS NOTES BOX ASSORTMENT RIBBON GIFT WRAP U. OF O. CO-OP IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Do it the Easy, Classified Way PERSONAL: Fidman, kindly return my copy of “Uncle Wiggly Goes South.” Need it for book report. A.H. Emerald Classifieds Get Results "Ask Elsworth"