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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1942)
Oregon® Emerald Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. RAY SCHRICK, Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. Dune Wimpress, Managing Editor Jack Billings, News Editor Ted Bush, Associate Editor John Mathews, Associate Editor Member ^ Pissociaied Colle6icrte Press ALL-AMERICAN 1942 UPPER NEWS STAFF Lee Flatberg, Sports Editor Marge Major, Women’s Editor Mildred Wilson, Feature Editor Janet Wagstaff, Assistant Editor Joan Dolph, Marjorie Young, Assistant News Editors UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Managers: John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davis, Russ Smelser. Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager. .Lois Claus, Classified Advertising Man ager. Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis ing Manager. Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston •—Los Angeles- -San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. 'One Had Afiple . . 'jl'WO typical Oregon men were walking up Broadway in Portland the other day with never a thought but for the disappointing game they had just watched and the prom ising' dance they were soon to enjoy. Armed with rooters’ lids they strode confidently along, drawing patronizing glances from the oldsters, hails from their fellows, sneers from men in uniform, and smiles from Rose City lassies. Stopping to light up a pair of cigarettes, they were cheerfully accosted by a portly Portlander of office pallor and swivel-chair spread, who demanded to know who won' and by what margin. When told, he offered his con dolences and followed it up with the standard war-time in terrogation, “How are you boys standing with the draft?” Said one, “Pve got them just where they want me. Pm in the naval reserve studying mathematics and physics in .order to prepare myself for officers’ training.” * * * rp'HIS seemed to please John Citizen who beamed from wrinkle to wrinkle and observed, “That’s fine; just what you should do.” Said the other, “N-aw, I can’t get in a reserve. Pve got a couple of months before I’m drafted so 1 just went to school to have a good time.” 'Phis didn’t please John at all. In fact, he had nothing but contempt on his face as he turned and disappeared into the rally crowd. The chances were against Mr. Citizen running into this type of student, but the chance was there. Running around the Oregon campus are a steadily decreasing number of these students, who, for one reason or another, are unable to pass reserve examinations and who are trying to turn the Uni versity into a war-time country club. They are, however, in a very small minority and certainly not all non-reserve poten tial draftees are consistent playboys.—J.L.B. ^Ue ^hme Now . . . 'jpHP, time has come! Every Oregon student now can give liis life for liis country, at least in part, and without leav ing school. The call is for blood, thousands of quarts of it, to till the Pane county blood bank. Following close on the heels of the establishment of the campus war board, Asklepiads, pre-medic honor society, vol unteered to organize and solicit student donations for the Lane county bank. They are contacting the men through their living organi zations, and announce that calls for women donors will be sent out later. Unaffiliated men, who do not live in organiza tions, are not excluded simply because Asklepiads are be ginning- their contact work in the most convenient place for efficiency. Unaffiliated independents are urged to volunteer by calling Ur. E. D. Furrer, whose offices are in the Miner building. H4 H 'J'H E plasma way of saving lives has been proved on all the fronts of the present war. Dr. Raymond L. Archer, Meth odist missionary evacuated from Singapore, said when he visited the campus last spring that the work done on the fighting front- in this branch of medicine could not he over rated. He told of the saving of thousands of lives in the siege of Singapore alone through the use of plasma from blood banks like the one being established here. Recentlv a local hospital blood bank was used in northern Washington to save the lives of a group of Canadian fliers which crashed near the city. So far in the history of the Eugene bank over 650 volun teers have been typed,\ 533 have donated blood. Eugene's plasma board will be held available not only for armv and navy call, but for any local needs. The Red Cross hopes to build up the city supply to a point where there will be one unit to every hospital bed in the city. We’ve been talking of “what students can do to help.” .Now the talk has crystallized. The time has come for action. SwitUf jp-l 044/1 SufLfie/l By ED JOHNSON Well, cats, things are beginning to shape up as far as the local band situation is concerned. Those of you who know Wally Heider, have probably been won dering why he has been rushing around like a mad man for the past fort-nit. It seems Wally is helping a local character named George Carey form a band. Wal ly is taking care of the arranging and rehearsals. Two Kings During the past two weeks I had the opportunity to dig a couple of cats who are really in the well-known groove. The first of these is a knocked out trumpet player by name of Dick Sherman. Dick is at present leading a small combo at the Holland during the week. Dick is a real jazz man, and I don’t mean he likes Glenn Miller. He plays a strictly Dixieland horn, with a style very^nuch like Bobby Hackett. If you should hear him play, don’t expect and pop tunes, just sit back and dig those old jazz tunes such as “Shimmy Like My Sister Kate,” “Yellow Dog Blues,” and “Jazz Me Blues.” Good Backing Dick is backed up by two of the best rhythm men. in town. Gene Leo, who plays the best pi ano in Eugene, will give you plen ty of kicks with his fine work on the elephant tasks. Bernie Kylo sits behind the tubs, and really .knocks himself out, by playing a good steady beat. The second of the musicians is a kid called Herb Widmer. Herb plays just about one of the finest tenors I’ve heard on this campus, since the days of Dick Carlton. Plays Modern Herb is strictly a modernist in his playing style, leaning toward the relaxed, breathless tone of most negro musicians. If Herb resembles any one person, I would say Ben Webster of the Ellington band, which ain’t band gate, in any league. Herb, by the way, is one of the sharpest dress ers hereabouts what with the drape shape, reet pleat, and such. Tommy Dorsey lost his two featured canaries. Frank Sinatra, and Connie Haines have decided to try their luck in Hollywood. At present Jo Stafford, a really fine chick, is handling the as signments usually given to Con nie. Tommy as yet, seems uncer (Continued on page three) AT SEcono GLflnci By TED HARMON COED: Monday, Eight o’Clock She casts aspersions At weekend excursions. But the reason she does, So her sisters buzz, Is a lack of further diversions. To most Oregon Ducks, last weekend marked the last big event of its kind for a long time, or until the duration s over. Aside from calling it a “football weekend,” it might easily By CHARLES POLITZ The campus was as quiet as the dissenters at Hitler's execu tion last weekend. The mice came into their own at last and took over the presidencies of the houses. The Phi Delts gave their cook the weekend off, and the Fee house was blacked out for the first time jince the ice age. The library was stuffy and at hamburger temperature. Walkouts Out Walkouts, the birthplace of blitzkrieg, have been banned for the duration; so now the German general staff will have to think for itself. Remarkable how many stu dents are majoring in the new University course in Ping-Pong ology. No pipe either . . . three hour course in right-handed Pad dleistics, two-hour course in left handed Paddleististics( in case you should break your light arm), and a five-hour seminar in “Why Ping Pong Balls are Round and Not Square.” Joe Miller wanted us to men tion that he's been going steady for some time now. The draft board has hired a man to stand outside of Dr. Kos hack’s office and follow all those men who come outdisappointed. Order of the Buttered Arti choke: to Mary Robinson, Les Anderson, and Jean Frideger. Easy to see why such studes go far. Friendliness and personality plus stack up in the books that count. ^ Nuf sed. (Dun. fWa>i . . . Campus Correspondent By NORMA TREVORROW Somewhere in Oregon ... Jo Ann Supple is now a "perfect mother," but only because of the practice and training she re ceived while taking care of wo men defense workers’ babies at the Fruit and Flow'er mission in Portland . . . For our hardy, handsome he-men, there’s Phi Delt Les Endicott who worked at what is known as the tough est, make-you-or-break-you jobs in the business: that of handling an automatic air-gun .... Nelda Rohrbach, Alpha Chi, rightly wins a third cigar for working at the Lutheran center in San Francisco during the summer . . . Bill Farrell, FeeGee, and Frank Watkins, Phi Delt, as deep sea diver assistants at Kaiser Shipbuilding company, make this report for those to hunt jobs next summer: Be a diver with Kaiser! You make $70 to $100 a day, the boss is won derful, best working conditions, your food’s by Chef Henry Thiele, buses, bikes for trans portation, nice quarters at the yard, five hours a day and all you do is put braces on pilings. The only drawback is that you don’t live very long . . . Very honorable mention for 20 FeeGees who are giving their blood for the bank. They’re set ting a high example for all oth er living organizations on the campus . . . Connie Averill head ed a large group of Gamma Phi knitters with three sweaters for the Red Cross last spring term. She and Kae Robinson also turned in four or five thousand tin foil pieces to the service cen ter—all of which is pretty fine stuff . . . Clinton Childs, S.A.E., groundman for a telephone com pany at the army’s Camp White fell off a 20-foot pole twice. Did it hurt him ? . . . Huh-uh. . . . To the ranks of the short nailed: Yes, you typewriter tap pers are needed for defense work right here on the campus. The need for typists for army work has doubled over-night and now about five girls will be used every afternoon. Next time you feel a little strength in those old bones, resist just one bridge game and use that immobile im petus for the defense of your (Please turn to page eleven) Ut* S-X. VV V. V HI gon “went native” for three days of tcp-flight fun, returned late Sunday night to assignments and scholastic activities. It was good to -see Portland budge with nearly 2,000 Ducks, the New Yorkers of Kaiser fame, and the regular citizens of the Rose City. There was that ex pectant pre-game edge at Hil aire’s, Jack Cody's, and Jolly Joan droned with excitement, dripped with it after the game. And Jupiter was benevolent for those who left early Friday dur ing Eugene’s balmy weather, found threatening clouds circling the stadium before the game. Last weekend was significant for many reasons. For one, it was probably the last football game in Portland for well over one-half of the male portion of the studei ) body; secondly,-it marked the last Oregon game in Portland till after the duration, and lastly, it was the proper moment for Oregon Ducks to relax. And re lax they did. There was the newly-formecT air raid lookout post in the mys terious room 575 at the Heath man, where water bags dripped during early evening, and then blankets covered passersby five stories below well after mid night . . . there was the super smooth Tri-Delt get-together . . . and the Shipyard matinee at Jantzens, which obviously, isn’t the same . . . Portland’s two first - class d r i v e,- i n s were swamped beyond recognition while policemen at the Pago found no trouble, merely tried | \ land’s Broadway was another "l'y5llo” walk . . . There was Washington Phi Delt Stan Lyth goe charming most Oregon cceds he met . . . And, of course, the rough ’n’ tumble scrapping after the game . . . Yes, this without minute scrutiny, was Oregon at Portland. Tropics.” More or less, all Oi segregate the crowd Mention, too, must go to Bob by Reynolds and Bill Davis, who sparkled far above the Webfoot ball gems, played their hearts out for Oregon. GOSSIPATTER: Lionel Hamp ton opens this week in Portland for a four-day run bringing about the best in colored enter tainment ... By spring there may be more than ROTC uni forms on the campus as tht school further orientates itself cL* war-time training; more closely, the reserves may place some students on active duty while at school . . . Check Becca’s 12 inch “Baltimore Oriole’’ with Frances Langford at vocal; but good . . . Note the tilt on Norm Foster's rain hat . . . GlaMary Arkley, Alpha Chi, we predict, will have still even more admir ers after she completes the lead role in “Arsenic and Old Lace’’ at the VLT . . . Tri-Delt’s Mc Tavish of multidative fame is slated for a mock wedding today as a climax to a joke that grew and grew. Groom ? Only any one of thirty eligibles ... (I\ Danger the war emergency will lead owners to “slaghter" their timber land is pointed out by J. D. Pond of Cornell.