Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1938, Page Three, Image 3

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    Municipal Research Bureau
Requests Legislation for
More Efficient Speed Laws
Should the cities of Oregon have a definite speed limit ? Under
the present system, there is no real speed limit, and cities have no
right to enact speed laws, according to Herman Kehrli, of the Bureau
of Municipal Research.
Oregon cities arc realizing more and more the difficulty of prosecut
ing speeders under the existing rule, Mr. Kehrii says, and are beginning
Four UO Profs Set
For Berkeley Meet
Four faculty members will ac
tively participate in the annual
meeting of the Pacific Coast Eco
nomics association to be held at
the University of California at
Berkeley, December 28-30, it was
announced recently from the office
of James H. Gilbert, dean of the
college of social science.
Dr. Donald M. Erb, president of
the University; Victor P. Morris,
dean of the school of business ad
ministration; Dean Gilbert, and
C. L. Kelly, professor of business
administration, will take part in
the program. Dr. Erb will preside
at one of the evening banquets, and
Dean Morris will participate in the
round table discussion on “Ameri
can Merchant Marine and Ship
Subsidies.” Dean Gilbert will lead
the discussion following the read
ing of a paper on “Economic Prob
lems of Pacific Coast Forestry,”
and Professor Kelly will give a
paper on “Accounting Problems in
Corporate Taxation.”
This year’s conference will be
the seventeenth time members of
the organization have met togeth
er. Members of the society include
colleges in British Columbia, Wash
ington, Oregon, California, Ari
zona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana,
Utah, and New Mexico.
In 16 years Bensselaer Polytech
nic institute's radio station has
given intensive radio training to
more than a thousand students.
The 315 women who passed tests
for policewomen in New York City
had 361 college degrees and four
Phi Beta Kappa keys.
The University of Illinois is
building at a cost of $1,000,000.
A collection oi propaganda pe
riodicals circulated by the Allies'
and the Germans during the world
war has been presented to the
University of Missouri school of
Anne Shirley, Ralph Bellamy
Tom Brown, Andy Devine
The Ritz Brothers
-:p 1U S—
Edw. G. Robinson
Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Daily
| to ask the state legislature to help
i them out with new laws for en
The basic rule reads, “No per
son shall drive a vehicle upon a
highway at a speed greater than
is reasonable and prudent, having
clue regard to the traffic, surface
and width of the highway, and the
hazard at intersections and any
other conditions then existing.”
Proof Difficult
Although indicated speeds are
15 miles an hour passing schools,
25 miles through residence dis
tricts and 45 miles as the maxi
mum speed limit, he pointed out
that it is difficult to prove that a
person has exceeded a “reasonable
and prudent” speed limit.
Mr. Kehrli explained that these
laws were made because, when
given the power to set speed limits,
certain cities set “speed traps” and
collected undue revenue by means
of insignificant offenses.
Analyzing reports on the number
of traffic deaths taken from the
magazine, “Public Safety,” Alex
ander G. Brown, deputy city attor
ney of Portland found that “speed,
the speed of the modern motor car,
is largely responsible for the in
creasing death list.”
Results Too Tragic
In his radio address on “Muni
cipal Traffic Control,” Mr. Brown
drew this conclusion:
Tne results are too tragic for
this degree of individualism to !
Mr. Brown believes that cam
paigns to reduce traffic accidents
are of great value and should be
conducted so consistently that they
would cease to become campaigns.
However, he says that they cannot
take the place of good traffic laws.
Mr. Brown said that this prob
lem was presented to a committee
at the last session of the legis
lature but action was not begun'
soon enough to pass any remedial
Mrs. Beck Appointed
To Board Committee
Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck, head
of the public school music depart
ment in the University school of
music, has been appointed a mem
ber of a general supervisory com
mittee for the state department of
education, it was announced yes
The purpose of the committee is
to guide and determine policies in
the preparation of high school
courses of study in music and the
administration of teachers' exam
Mrs. Beck is the author of a
text on “Public School Music" and
several published songs. At pres
ent she is active in choral work.
D. A. Emerson of the state de
partment of education is the chair
man of the committee Mrs. Beck
will meet with in Salem on Novem
ber 26.
160 E. Broadway Ph. 1057
As a crowning glory
to a perfect <linncr
serve the favorite
B L l F, B Ji L L Icc
Pumpkin Center
Special I urkev
Ice Cream Molds
Eugene Farmers Creamery
Phone 638
Band Man
Bart Woodyard . . . his orches
tra will play for the first annual
Beaver-Duck Mix in Portland this
Saturday night at Jantzen Beach.
Strong Position
Held bg Labor,
Sags Mediator
Mutual Concession,
Discussion Achieve
Best Results
Organized labor on the west
coast is in a relatively strong po
sition, especially in the service
trades, according to Ernest P.
Marsh of the United States de
partment of labor conciliation ser
vice who addressed a convocation
of University law students yester
day at, the invitation of Dean
Wayne L. Morse.
Marsh is particularly qualified
to describe the position of western
labor, as he has been for the past
21 years in the position of media
tor between workers and employ
ers from Washington to Southern
Conciliation Successful
The conciliation service has
found that settlements reached by
the parties involved in the dispute
by mutual concession and discus
sion are more lasting and of great
er ultimate benefit than those im
posed upon them from the out
The government should step into
labor disputes only when the best
interests or the actual peace of a
community is threatened, Marsh
He pointed out that the best
work is done by the diplomatic
method of the conciliation service,
when discussion is promoted be
tween the factions and tension re
lieved that might result in ill-ad
vised action.
ASUO to Stage
(Continued from page one)
Latest arrangements for the
Paramount theater rally Friday
night include a rally outside the
theater from 10 to 10:30, a stage
show based on the “musical know
ledge” type of contest, a broadcast
from inside the theater, and a fea
ture film. Part of the outdoor
rally will also be broadcast.
A distinguishing feature about
this theater party is that it will not
be a joint affair. Only Webfoot
rooters will take part, with the
Staters having their own celebra
tion elsewhere.
No Dancing at Theater
Countermanding its earlier an
nouncement. the rally committee
announced there would be no danc
ing in the Paramount Friday night,
because the Paramount has no
arrangements whereby dancing can
go on while the picture is being
Following Saturday's game the
headline event will be the first an
nual Beaver-Duck mix at Jantzen
Beach to the music of Bart Wood
yard's orchestra, with Oregon and
Oregon State rally committees in
joint charge.
Feature of the Saturday night
dance is the introduction of a sur
prise girl vocalist, not to be an
nounced until the beginning of the
dance, at 9 o’clock.
Halftime at the game Saturday
will see no Webfoot intermission
stunt, due to the fact that the
game is technically a home game
for the Beavers, who will be in
Scott Corbett, chairman of the
rally committee, was still confined
to a sickbed yesterday.
Tickets for the theater parly
will be on sale today from 8 to 3
o’clock at to cents. The Jantzen
Beach Bcavcr-Duck mix will be a
$1 affair.
The rally committee is still work
ing to promote more street ac
tivity in Portland for Friday night
but no definite announcement coulc
• L-2
IUO Professors Write
Books on History
University professors have done their share toward the development
of the scientific history of Oregon according to Dr. H. D. Sheldon,
professor of history and education, who yesterday compiled a list of
their historical contributions.
Professor F. G. Young, who came here in 1885 was the first to
; publish source material for Oregon history. In 1899 he founded the
Oregon Historical Quarterly and
edited the first 31 volumes. Dr.
R. C. Clark, history department
head, is now editor of the quar
Dr. Joseph Schafer succeeded Dr.
Young as head of the department.
He was the author of two books,
the most popular being “History of
' the Pacific Northwest.”
When he left for Wisconsin in
1920. Dr. R. C. Clark stepped ifito
his place. Dr. Clark has written
the “History of Willamette Valley”
and has collaborated with two of
his students on a text book for
use in elementary schools. Two
years ago Dr. Clark and Dr. Burt
Brown Barker, University vice
president, spent several months in
Europe collecting material on the
early settlement of Oregon from
the archives of the Hudson Bay
Professor Alfred Lomax, now ex
change professor at Honolulu, con
tributed a large number of articles
on the history of manufacturing in
Professor George Turnbull of
the journalism department has
been working on the history of the
Oregon newspapers.
In 1929 Dr. Sheldon completed
a bibliography which was published
by University students.
Fashion Designing
Contest to Be Held
Attempt Is Made to
Discover Talented
Young Couturieres
A contest which may prove to
be the “golden opportunity” for a
number of college women is being
sponsored by the manufacturers of
Rothmoor coats in an effort to
“discover” talented young coutur
ieres, a letter received by the dean
of women’s office reveals.
This contest is an invitation to
the college girls of America who:
Have unusual ability or interest
in fashion designing and can cre
ate a sketch of an original coat or
suit design.
Are interested in the possibility
of starting their careers with a po
sition as fashion stylist with one
of America's foremost manufac
turers of women’s wear.
Participants in this contest will
submit sketches of original de
signs for a coat or three-piece
suit, adaptable for the spring sea
son of 1939, and of a character
suitable to the average fine retail
store trade.
Each contestant whose creation
is adapted will receive a Rothmoor
coat or suit of her original design.
The contestant may submit as
many sketches as she desires. De
signs may be submitted in either
black and white or color, on a
sheet not to exceed 10 by 15 inch
Further information and entry
blanks may be obtained through
the office of the dean of women.
Laurie Sawyer
Elected President
Of French Honorary
Laurie Sawyer was elected pres
ident of Phi Delta Phi, national
French honorary, at the first bus
iness meeting of the year held re
cently at the Kappa Alpha Theta
house. Miss Sawyer will replace
Helen Rands, elected last spring,
who is not in school this term.
Special members elected to the
honorary at that time were Mrs.
Lowell Ellis, Mrs. George Belknap,
Mrs. 41ary C. Brockclback, Chris
i tian M. Freer, Max McKinney, A.
i H. Tyson, and Amcsly Carlton.
\ -The year's program was dis
cussed, and Mrs. Mary Fitch Wcrn
ham gave a report on the national
j convention which she attended on
the University of Stanford campus
j last spring.
United States negro colleges
graduated 2,500 students last
J une.
Archery Tackle
p L. L. “Flight”
! “ l'ACKLK that
■ Call ‘Flight’ Phone 1219-J
P and visit the sihop at
■ ‘JFj l’carl St.
Deadline is today noon for
ASUO card holders intending to
see Saturday’s game to get ex
change tickets. Tickets may be
gotten at the ticket office in
McArthur court on presentation
of student body cards, and must
be secured for admission to the
Four PE Courses
Slated Next Term
Squash, Bowling,
Dancing Are Added
Four new physical education
courses will be offered to Univer
sity of Oregon students next term,
according to the announcement of
Dr. Leighton, dean of the school
of physical education. Squash and
rifle marksmanship courses for
women will be added as well as
courses in old fashioned dancing
and bowling for both men and wo
men students.
Bowling classes will be held
downtown in the Schaefer build
ing at the Eugene Recreation club,
Dr. Leighton said. They will be
at 10 a.m. and' 3 p.m. Tuesday and
The social dancing class which
was begun as a new course at the
beginning of fall term will be con
tinued, Dr. Leighton said.
It is planned, at present, that
Russell Cutler, assistant professor
of physical education, and Warrine
Eastburn, instriUtor of physical
education, will teach the bowling
classes while Pirkko Paasikivi, in
structor of physical education, and
E. R. Knollin, professor of physi
cal education, will teach the danc
ing classes.
Objection Raised
(Continued from page one)
versity ruling, on the ground that
if a man living in a dormitory is
pledged he should be allowed to
move into a house at least as early
as the end of the term, and should
not be required to stay in the dorm
for the full year.
High-Scoring Frosh
(Continued from page one)
team are: Company A Everett,
Gilmore, Kettering, McAuliffe,
Real, Robideaux, Johns, Swanson
and Warner.
Company B—Sterhwald, Pette
place, Warren, Frombolo, Johnson,
Jacobs, Massie, Young, Forbes and
Company C -Range, Morgan,
Carlson, Fugit, Chung-Hoon, Dick,
Shank, Kelsey, Landeen, and Rich
Company D——Burmeister, Car
roll, Dalton, Kostine, Ford, Dan
iels, Endicott, Hanschit, Barger,
J-Icwitt, Waterman, and Grimm.
Company E Rice, Schroder, Zil
ka, Stockes, Jeans, Church, Wick,
Torgenson and Wanty.
UO Symphony in
(Continued from page one)
woodwinds and strings made an
exciting contrast.
Italy Suite Included
Impressionistic music of nine
teenth-century Italy was included
in Charpentier’s “Impressions of
Italy Suite.” As Mr. Underwood
remarked in his oral program
notes, “it was written when the
composer wa» young and roman
tic” and showed a bright optimis
A fashionably created Coif
fure may lie the difference
between obscurity and popu
larity in any woman’s life.
For your next
hairstyle see
972 Willamette St. rhone
I Above Newberry's) Open 8 to 8
PE Professors
Prominent in
National Offices
Four UO Teachers
Fill 12 Positions in
There are more officers of the
American Association for Health.
Physical Education and Recrea
tion among- the faculty of the
school of physical education at the
University than at any other col
lege or university of the nation,
according to Dr. R. W. Leighton,
dean of the school of physical edu
The University has four faculty
members who hold a total of 12
different offices in the national or
Boushey Prominent
Earl E. Boushey, assistant pro
fessor of physical education, holds
four different offices in the organ
ization. He is president of the
northwest district of the associa
tion, a member of the governing
board, a member of the legislative
council, and a member of the con
stitution committee.
Three of the national offices are
held by Dr. Leighton. He is sec
retary of the research section, a
member of the teacher training
section, and a member of the com
mittee on professional affiliations.
Washke in Three
Paul R. Washke, professor of
physical education and director of
intramural sports is chairman of
the men’s athletic section, secre
tary of the college men’s physical
education section, and a member
of the nominating committee.
Mike Hoyman, coach of last
year’s swimming team, is chair
man of the health committee and
a. member of the executive com
Dr. Leighton said that to the
best of his knowledge no similar
record is held by any other col
lege in the nation.
tic spirit. Three movements were
included: a love serenade, a pas
toral scene, and a Neopolltan car
nival song.
Half red Young, professor of
vocie in the music school, joined
with John Stehn, director of band,
and Mayo Sorenson, instructor of
flute, a« soloists for the affair.
Mr. Young’s tenor was especially
commendable in the swashbuck
ling, operatic "La Danza” by Ros
sini. He also offered "Onaway,
Awake Beloved’’ by the English
negro, Coleridge-Taylor.
Mr. Stehn and Mr. Sorenson
contributed clarinet and flute solos
to the finale selection, "Tarantelle
for Flue, Clarinet, and Orchestra”
by Saint-Sacns.
“Mother Goose” Adds Dash
A humorous, naive note was add
ed to the program with the play
ing of Ravel’s "Mother Goose
The concert, first of three to be
held this winter in the music audi
torium, was held to help send the
orchestra to Portland, Tacoma,
and other cities of the Nor thwest.
At the close of the program, Mr.
Underwood announced that the
cpiota of $1000 set for the project
had been raised through the sale
of Season tickets. He expressed
his appreciation to the sponsors.
A reception was held in their honor
at the close of the concert.
Forty Minutes
Overtime? OK,
Says Class!!
Earl E. Boushey, assistant
professor of physical education,
excused his archery class just
40 minutes later than the cus
tomary hour Tuesday without
receiving a single complaint. In
fact, Professor Boushey insisted
that the class even liked it.
The answer to the enigma was
that the class had taken their
annual trip to Coburg to visit
the archery shop of Wilbur
Cochran. The class found them
selves treated as guests of hon
or. Not only did they see the
archery shop and listen to the
explanations of how the bows
are made but they were escort
ed over the Cochran farm and
were served refreshments by
Mrs. Cochran.
Petrified Fern Stock
Sent to Museum
By Baker Resident
A piece of petrified fern stock
from a giant fern of the Jurasic
period, has recently been sent to
the museum of natural history by
J. E. Allen, of Baker. Baker is one
of the oldest fossil regions in Ore
gon. The large stock, which was
petrified by quartz replacements,
still retains the fibro-vascular bun
dles of the plant.
Another recent addition to the
museum is a cluster of sand crys
tals sent by'Olga Minick of South
Beauty Shop
(Home Beauty Shop)
Phone 3671-W
608 E. 13th
Eugene Ski Laufers
See Snow Pictures
Motion pictures of the Canadlah
ski championship contests and
scenes in the powder snow in the
Canadian Rockies were shown to
members of the Eugene Ski Lau£
ers and otherr interested persons
Tuesday evening at Villard.
The picture included scenes at
Lake Louise, Fossil mountain, and
the Borgeou range.
The club's tentative winter pro
gram was discussed at a shdrt
business meeting preceding the
picture. Dr. C. D. Douohue presid
The club will sponsor a style
show and ski picture at the Mc
Donald theater December 6.
A new fossil leaf locality near
Coburg caves was found Sun
day by the general geology
class on their weekly field trip.
These are the first fossils to be
found on the Coburg hills, and
several specimens were brought
back. The group of about 20
climbed Old Baldy.
Boost that Spirit!
With every purchase
of 5 gallons of gas or
equivalent this week.
Get ’em before you leave
for t lie game.
On the Qampus '
Time for a . . .
Send vour blankets, sheets, suits, and clothing to
us before leaving for the Thanksgiving vacation.
We’ll have everything clean when you return.
143 W. 7th Phone 252
For good eyes mid for
the fact that Modern
-Optometry can keep
tthem good by proper
examination and fitting
of glasses.
Dr. ELLA C. MEADE, Optometrist
Phone 330 14 W. 8th
Your Official
“Civil War”
Beat the Beaver
Saturday Night,
9:00 to 1:00
Stage Show and Hally si art at
II p.m. followed by regular
screen program.
U. of O.-O.S.C.
Post Game
Saturday Night, 9 to I
$1.00 per couple