Municipal Research Bureau Requests Legislation for More Efficient Speed Laws By DOROTHY KREIS Should the cities of Oregon have a definite speed limit ? Under the present system, there is no real speed limit, and cities have no right to enact speed laws, according to Herman Kehrli, of the Bureau of Municipal Research. Oregon cities arc realizing more and more the difficulty of prosecut ing speeders under the existing rule, Mr. Kehrii says, and are beginning Four UO Profs Set For Berkeley Meet Four faculty members will ac tively participate in the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Eco nomics association to be held at the University of California at Berkeley, December 28-30, it was announced recently from the office of James H. Gilbert, dean of the college of social science. Dr. Donald M. Erb, president of the University; Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business ad ministration; Dean Gilbert, and C. L. Kelly, professor of business administration, will take part in the program. Dr. Erb will preside at one of the evening banquets, and Dean Morris will participate in the round table discussion on “Ameri can Merchant Marine and Ship Subsidies.” Dean Gilbert will lead the discussion following the read ing of a paper on “Economic Prob lems of Pacific Coast Forestry,” and Professor Kelly will give a paper on “Accounting Problems in Corporate Taxation.” This year’s conference will be the seventeenth time members of the organization have met togeth er. Members of the society include colleges in British Columbia, Wash ington, Oregon, California, Ari zona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and New Mexico. In 16 years Bensselaer Polytech nic institute's radio station has given intensive radio training to more than a thousand students. The 315 women who passed tests for policewomen in New York City had 361 college degrees and four Phi Beta Kappa keys. The University of Illinois is building at a cost of $1,000,000. A collection oi propaganda pe riodicals circulated by the Allies' and the Germans during the world war has been presented to the University of Missouri school of journalism. DUHH LAST TIME TODAY Anne Shirley, Ralph Bellamy "GIRL’S SCHOOL” -plus Tom Brown, Andy Devine in ‘‘SWING THAT CHEER” LAST TIME TODAY The Ritz Brothers in ‘‘KENTUCKY MOONSHINE” -:p 1U S— Edw. G. Robinson ‘‘I AM THE LAW” • Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Daily | to ask the state legislature to help i them out with new laws for en forcement. The basic rule reads, “No per son shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having clue regard to the traffic, surface and width of the highway, and the hazard at intersections and any other conditions then existing.” Proof Difficult Although indicated speeds are 15 miles an hour passing schools, 25 miles through residence dis tricts and 45 miles as the maxi mum speed limit, he pointed out that it is difficult to prove that a person has exceeded a “reasonable and prudent” speed limit. Mr. Kehrli explained that these laws were made because, when given the power to set speed limits, certain cities set “speed traps” and collected undue revenue by means of insignificant offenses. Analyzing reports on the number of traffic deaths taken from the magazine, “Public Safety,” Alex ander G. Brown, deputy city attor ney of Portland found that “speed, the speed of the modern motor car, is largely responsible for the in creasing death list.” Results Too Tragic In his radio address on “Muni cipal Traffic Control,” Mr. Brown drew this conclusion: Tne results are too tragic for this degree of individualism to ! continue.” Mr. Brown believes that cam paigns to reduce traffic accidents are of great value and should be conducted so consistently that they would cease to become campaigns. However, he says that they cannot take the place of good traffic laws. Mr. Brown said that this prob lem was presented to a committee at the last session of the legis lature but action was not begun' soon enough to pass any remedial legislation. Mrs. Beck Appointed To Board Committee Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck, head of the public school music depart ment in the University school of music, has been appointed a mem ber of a general supervisory com mittee for the state department of education, it was announced yes terday. The purpose of the committee is to guide and determine policies in the preparation of high school courses of study in music and the administration of teachers' exam inations. Mrs. Beck is the author of a text on “Public School Music" and several published songs. At pres ent she is active in choral work. D. A. Emerson of the state de partment of education is the chair man of the committee Mrs. Beck will meet with in Salem on Novem ber 26. QUACKENBUSH HARDWARE STORE 160 E. Broadway Ph. 1057 J As a crowning glory to a perfect iiimiiiiniiiiiiiimiMmim'Miiii? IliUlUIllIIiilllllUlllI Eugene Ski Laufers See Snow Pictures Motion pictures of the Canadlah ski championship contests and scenes in the powder snow in the Canadian Rockies were shown to members of the Eugene Ski Lau£ ers and otherr interested persons Tuesday evening at Villard. The picture included scenes at Lake Louise, Fossil mountain, and the Borgeou range. The club's tentative winter pro gram was discussed at a shdrt business meeting preceding the picture. Dr. C. D. Douohue presid ed. The club will sponsor a style show and ski picture at the Mc Donald theater December 6. COBURG YIELDS FOSSILS A new fossil leaf locality near Coburg caves was found Sun day by the general geology class on their weekly field trip. These are the first fossils to be found on the Coburg hills, and several specimens were brought back. The group of about 20 climbed Old Baldy. Boost that Spirit! FREE “OREGON DASHING DUCK STICKER” With every purchase of 5 gallons of gas or equivalent this week. Get ’em before you leave for t lie game. ASSOCIATED On the Qampus ' Time for a . . . VACATION CLEAN-UP! Send vour blankets, sheets, suits, and clothing to us before leaving for the Thanksgiving vacation. We’ll have everything clean when you return. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 143 W. 7th Phone 252 menu BE THANKFUL For good eyes mid for the fact that Modern -Optometry can keep tthem good by proper examination and fitting of glasses. Dr. ELLA C. MEADE, Optometrist Phone 330 14 W. 8th Your Official “Civil War” Weekend Program Beat the Beaver RALLY PARAMOUNT THEATER Portland Saturday Night, 9:00 to 1:00 Stage Show and Hally si art at II p.m. followed by regular screen program. 40c U. of O.-O.S.C. Post Game Dance JANTZEN BEACH Portland Saturday Night, 9 to I with BART WOOD YARD’S ORCHESTRA $1.00 per couple GET TICKETS FROM RALLY COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOW! SPONSORED BY ASUO RALLY COMMITTEE