Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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Moaning Grant Swan, Oregon
State’s perpetually broken-hearted
♦rack coach, falls to even threaten
Colonel Bill Hayward’s reputation
us a track meet prognosticator.
an fact he doesn’t even come
close. Saturday against Oregon in
Corvallis Swan’s Orangemen more
than doubled the pessimistic men
tor’s hopeful prediction of 27 points
(for his team. The Beavers got 57 »/2
to Oregon 73>/2.
(Swan can say “I wuz robbed”
too because canny Colonel Bill
didn’t let his boys runs their hearts
and legs ragged for a victory they
w«re virtually conceded by every
{So moaning Grant Swan goes
down in history as the northern
division’s worst track coach “prog
giie” just because Bill Hayward got
generous and didn't field his team
at full strength.
* * #
Roaring Mack Robinson, Ore
gon's sprint start, who thinks noth
ing of winning three events a meet,
set the only dual meet record
iSaturday by running a :09.7 hun
dred yard dash.
But compare Mack’s :09.7 sec
onds, his best of the year, with
the unusual :09.6 stepped off by
Washington State’s Lee Orr
against Washington Saturday..
Coach Hayward is worried about
the unknown Montana track squad
which is reputed to have a :09.6
sprinter. Oregon and Mack Robin
son will tackle boys and more too
in the coming conference meet.
The much-advertised Orr-Robin
sor. century duel never developed in
Eugene, as you’ll remember, be
cause Robinson disqualified. Orr
ra: the 100 in :09.8 that day.
& tU
Oregon State cut in for two
places out of three in the high
.jump where Beaver Coach Grant
JSwan, “felt sure" they had a
chance but unceremoniously scored
u nine-point sweep of all three
places in the 440, Oregon’s sore
•Jim Sehriver, Colonel Bill’s 440
specialist, “made hay” again in the
longer 880-yard run by tailing pow
ertul Kerman Storli across the
finish line fro a second place.
w *
Honest John Warren, guider of
fresh baseball destinies, is begin
ning to slip into his moody ways
<jf last year.
,His Ducklings scored their sec
ond win of the season over Bud
Forrester’s Oregon State rooks
Saturday, 14 to 7. A week ago
it was 9 to 1.
But Honest John turned up with
hi- reply which would have been
more appropriate a year ago than
(now, "we didn’t win that game,
they lost it—just naturally handed
it to us." Which is very much un
like the Honest John Warren of
* * *
\pologies to columnist (From
Where 1 Sit) Clare lgoe and her
stooge ( ?) John Yerhy. The sports
•staff, It seems, terribly neglected
Air. Yerby, who reads Emeralds in
Mvmdi of his name until the print
iSo Writer lgoe, not the sports
Huff, came through last week and
wrote a column about John Yerby.
Apologies again. It takes open
minded women to take care of sup
)»i\‘ssed Yerbys.
82 E. 10th St.
Hobby’s Men Tip WSC; Gain Second
Five HitsGivenWSC
By LeRoy Mattingly,
Burly Bob Creighton
Jack Gordon Paces 14-Hit Attack With Two
Homers, Triple, Single; Linde Homes, and
Triples; Mullen Also Triples
PULLMAN, May 16—(Special to The Emerald)—Jack Gor
don, whose brother Joe plays with the New York Yankees, paced
Oregon to a 14-hit 12 to 0 victory over WSG’s Cougars here
today with two home runs, a triple, and a single.
The victory, the sixth straight for Coach Howard Hobson’s
traveling Ducks, and the third of the present road trip, puts the
Ducks in second place, dropping the Cougars into third spot in
the standings. Oregon State’s Beavers are in first place.
Varsity Netmen Win
From Bearcats, 7-0
Ducks Post Second
Victory of Season
Over Salem Lads ..
Oregon’s varsity netmen made a
clean sweep of their annual series
with Willamette university Satur
day when they defeated the greatly
improved Bearcat squad, 4 to 2, on
the Salem courts.
Two freshman members of the
Bearcat team gained credit for the
Salem club’s points when they
posted wins in the singles matches.
Bud Gilmore turned in a surpris
ingly one-sided victory over Les
Werschkul, Duck No. 2 singles
man by 6-1, 6-2 scores, and George
Gutenkurst, No. 5 singles man for
the Bearcats defeated Jack Craw
ford of the Ducks, 6-3, 8-6.
Summary, singles:
Crane, Oregon, beat Benneb, Wil
lamette, 6-2, 6-3.
scrapj .nbepo^t- Singles :Mof the.
Gilmore, Willamette, beat Wer
schkul, Oregon, 6-1, 6-2.
Ellis, Oregon, beat Clemes, Wil
lamette, 6-2, 0-6, 6-2.
Zimmerman, Oregon, beat Estes,
Willamette, 6-1, 2-6, 6-3.
Gutekunst, Willamette, beat
Crawford, Oregon, 6-3, 8-6.
Crane and Zimmerman, Oregon,
beat Bennett and Gilmore, Willam
ette, 6-4, 6-4.
Estes and Clemes, Willamette,
tied with Werschkul and Ellis, Ore
gon, 2-6, 14-12.
winning tomorrow win give tne
Ducks a chance to divide the four
game series with the Cougars.
Linde Contributes
Gordon’s long distance clouting
was supplemented with Outfielder
Pitcher John Linde’s four-ply wal
lop with triples by Linde and Cat
cher Ford Mullen.
Two WSC pitchers, A1 Branfors
and Roy Anderson, couldn’t stop
the Oregon onslaught. The Ducks
opened with five runs in the first
inning, three men scoring on Gor
don’s first homer. Two scored in
the third on Linde’s circuit clout—
his second of the present road trip.
Captain Mullen’s triple in the
sixth accounted for three more
runs. Another scored in the sev
enth, and the last one came in the
eighth on Gordon’s second home
Anderson Triples
Bob Creighton allowed three hits
in the six innings he worked. Le
Jtoy Mattingly gave up two hits in
the last three cantos. Relief Pit
cher Anderson tripled in the fifth
to lead the Cougars’ only serious
scoring threat. Anderson died on
Oregon . 12 14 0
WSC . 0 5 0
Creighton, Mattingly and Mul
len; Branfors, Anderson and East
man. '
The infirmary list is gettting
smaller and smaller now that
school is almost over. The list in
cludes Edna Smith, Patsey Smith,
John Lockridge, Joseph McCoal,
Bill Cardinal, Bob Black, Bob
Medley Swim Champions
lin* senior national medley swim championship changed hands
recently in Los Angeles when this trio of Los Angeles A. C. mermaids
outsprinted the Washington Athletic clui) in the fast time of 8 minutes
and 37.5 seconds. Left to right: Virginia Hopkins, Iris Cummings, and
Billie Steitz.
Hendricks, Co-op
Meet in Donut Tilt
As Semi-Finalists
The Women’s co-op will attempt
to make it their fourth straight '
win when they met Hendricks hall
at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon on
,Gerlinger field for the semifinal
game in coed softball.
Although neither team has been
defeated so far the Women’s co-op
has a more experienced team than
.Hendricks and has Margaret Mac
donald, one of Oregon’s best coed
Rusty Tomlinson, star of Hen
dricks hall, will take the mound
against the co-op. The game pro
,mises to be one of the best games
played this year.
Frosh Defeat Rooks
Second Time, 14-7
Igoe Gives Up 4 Hits;
Hurlers Shaw and
Miles Allow 12
The Oregon Duckling nine
made it two straight over the rooks
on Howe field Saturday, winning a
14 to 7 decision.
Pete Igoe hurled four-hit ball in
seven innings, but five errors and
three walks gave the rooks seven
runs. While the rooks were collect
ing their runs the frosh sluggers
pounded out 12 hits off two rook
pitchers. The Orange pitchers also
gave up five walks and the rook
squad committed four errors.
The Ducklings gave Igoe a 5 to 1
lead by the end of the second inn
ing, but the rooks went out into
the lead in the third 6 to 5, aided
by three of Oregon Babes’ five
errors, two walks, and a triple.
The Ducklings soon took com
mand of the situation. In the
fourth a four run rally put the
frosh in a lead that was never
again challenged.
Shimshak led the individual hon
(Please turn to page five)
Duck Divoteers
Tip Oregon State
In Home Match
Kirk Eldridge Blasts
Sub-Par Round to
Lead Webfoots
Shooting some of their best golf
of the season, the Oregon varsity
golf squad got off to an early
morning lead over Oregon State
Saturday on the Eugene Country
club course to swamp the Beavers,
221/a to 41/2.
Phenomenal scoring by Kirk El
dridge, Oregon’s dark horse No,
3 player, gave him a 69, three un
der par, for the morning best-ball
foursomes and a 73 in the after
noon singles. The other five Ore
gon golfers followed closely behind
Eldridge in the morning matches
to give Oregon an 8 y2 to!£ lead at
lunch time.
Three Shutouts
Although a still breeze in the af
ternoon sent all scores higher, the
Webfoots were still hot enough to
score three 3-point shutouts in the
six matches.
The Webfoots wind up their
match play season next Saturday
when they meet Oregon State in
a return match at Corvallis. On
May 29, the Saturday following,
the Webfoots go to Moscow to de
fend their northwest conference
championship against the field in
a four-man, 36-hole medal play
Saturday's results:
Oregon 22 y2, Oregon State 4
Cline iy2, Stafford l1/”.
Near 3, Blasen 0.
Eldridge 3, Much 0.
Watson 3, Hampson 0.
Golden 2, Sires 1.
Speer iy2, Skibinski 1 y2.
Best-ball foursomes:
Cline-Eldridge 3, Stafford-Bla
sen 0; Near- Watson 3, Hampson
Sires 0; Golden-Speer 2y>, Murch
Skibinski y2.
McBride's Netmen
Meet Varsity Today
The greatest gradue tennis match in the history of the University
of Oregon will be hashed out on the local battlefields this afternoon
when Paul “P.U.” McBride’s mighty aggregation of has-beens inc.
will attempt to annihilate Coach Paul R. Washke’s varsity racqueteers.
The slaughter is slated to start at 2 p.m. school time.
McBride’s mob, who have been itching to take a crack at the varsity
all season, are all prepared to give
the varsity “dubs” (according to
the “mob” members) the drubbing
of their career. Betting odds at the
College Side last night favored the
challengers by 10 to 1 odds with
Charlie “Bilge” Eaton doing all the
McBride Leads
Leading the super-varsity squad
will be the coach, manager, and
president, Paul R. McBride of Port
land University fame who is sched
uled to oppose Larry Crane, Paul
R. Washke’s great captain and No.
1 singles player. Due to the fact
that Crane has an engagement
selling shoes today, that affair has
been postponed until Thursday.
Playing No. 2 for the “mob” will
be Chuck Eaton, Newt’s best cus
tomer, who will hash it out with
Les Werschkul, varsity No. 2 man.
Eaton has been on the outside look
ing on this season, and a chance to
,play a varsity man is an answer
to his prayers.
No. 3 on McBride’s side will be
Rexford “Applebox” Applegate,
No. 8 on the varsity this year, who
is scheduled to crack racquets with
Ellsworth “Hill Billy” Ellis, varsity
(No. 3 singles man.
i As a No. 4 singles player, Coach
McBride has enlisted the services
of Ex-letterman Norman “was
once” Winslow to play ball with
Bill Zimmerman, varsity No. 4:
man. In the No. 5 singles scrap
Bob Vaughn will play for the
super-varsity against Karl Mann
(Or Jack Crawford. Washke will
toss a coin to decide who will draw
the assignment.
Just to give all of his men a
chance,- Washke has requested a
No. 6 singles contest, so McBride
consented by calling on Maury Bin
ford’s melodious Bob Horning to do
(the honors.
The doubles matches will con
sist of the McBride and Eaton com
bination in the No. 1 spot, with
Norman Winslow and Bob Vaughn
completing the roster.
The average coed spends more
on refreshments and entertainment
than she does for cosmetics and
beauty treatments.