DUCK TRACKS By ELBERT HAWKINS Moaning Grant Swan, Oregon State’s perpetually broken-hearted ♦rack coach, falls to even threaten Colonel Bill Hayward’s reputation us a track meet prognosticator. an fact he doesn’t even come close. Saturday against Oregon in Corvallis Swan’s Orangemen more than doubled the pessimistic men tor’s hopeful prediction of 27 points (for his team. The Beavers got 57 »/2 to Oregon 73>/2. (Swan can say “I wuz robbed” too because canny Colonel Bill didn’t let his boys runs their hearts and legs ragged for a victory they w«re virtually conceded by every one. {So moaning Grant Swan goes down in history as the northern division’s worst track coach “prog giie” just because Bill Hayward got generous and didn't field his team at full strength. * * # Roaring Mack Robinson, Ore gon's sprint start, who thinks noth ing of winning three events a meet, set the only dual meet record iSaturday by running a :09.7 hun dred yard dash. But compare Mack’s :09.7 sec onds, his best of the year, with the unusual :09.6 stepped off by Washington State’s Lee Orr against Washington Saturday.. Coach Hayward is worried about the unknown Montana track squad which is reputed to have a :09.6 sprinter. Oregon and Mack Robin son will tackle boys and more too in the coming conference meet. The much-advertised Orr-Robin sor. century duel never developed in Eugene, as you’ll remember, be cause Robinson disqualified. Orr ra: the 100 in :09.8 that day. & tU Oregon State cut in for two places out of three in the high .jump where Beaver Coach Grant JSwan, “felt sure" they had a chance but unceremoniously scored u nine-point sweep of all three places in the 440, Oregon’s sore spot. •Jim Sehriver, Colonel Bill’s 440 specialist, “made hay” again in the longer 880-yard run by tailing pow ertul Kerman Storli across the finish line fro a second place. w * Honest John Warren, guider of fresh baseball destinies, is begin ning to slip into his moody ways , Murch Skibinski y2. McBride's Netmen Meet Varsity Today By CHUCK VAN SCOYOC The greatest gradue tennis match in the history of the University of Oregon will be hashed out on the local battlefields this afternoon when Paul “P.U.” McBride’s mighty aggregation of has-beens inc. will attempt to annihilate Coach Paul R. Washke’s varsity racqueteers. The slaughter is slated to start at 2 p.m. school time. McBride’s mob, who have been itching to take a crack at the varsity all season, are all prepared to give the varsity “dubs” (according to the “mob” members) the drubbing of their career. Betting odds at the College Side last night favored the challengers by 10 to 1 odds with Charlie “Bilge” Eaton doing all the betting. McBride Leads Leading the super-varsity squad will be the coach, manager, and president, Paul R. McBride of Port land University fame who is sched uled to oppose Larry Crane, Paul R. Washke’s great captain and No. 1 singles player. Due to the fact that Crane has an engagement selling shoes today, that affair has been postponed until Thursday. Playing No. 2 for the “mob” will be Chuck Eaton, Newt’s best cus tomer, who will hash it out with Les Werschkul, varsity No. 2 man. Eaton has been on the outside look ing on this season, and a chance to ,play a varsity man is an answer to his prayers. No. 3 on McBride’s side will be Rexford “Applebox” Applegate, No. 8 on the varsity this year, who is scheduled to crack racquets with Ellsworth “Hill Billy” Ellis, varsity (No. 3 singles man. i As a No. 4 singles player, Coach McBride has enlisted the services of Ex-letterman Norman “was once” Winslow to play ball with Bill Zimmerman, varsity No. 4: man. In the No. 5 singles scrap Bob Vaughn will play for the super-varsity against Karl Mann (Or Jack Crawford. Washke will toss a coin to decide who will draw the assignment. Just to give all of his men a chance,- Washke has requested a No. 6 singles contest, so McBride consented by calling on Maury Bin ford’s melodious Bob Horning to do (the honors. The doubles matches will con sist of the McBride and Eaton com bination in the No. 1 spot, with Norman Winslow and Bob Vaughn completing the roster. The average coed spends more on refreshments and entertainment than she does for cosmetics and beauty treatments.