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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1937)
r ! i VOLUME XXXVIII Forum Series Talks On Love, Marriage To Conclude Tonight NUMBER 84 The Passing Show r? Court Spruces Vp Class Hits Packing Easter Egg-Rolling Labor Front Quiet Ey PAUL DEUTSCHMANN Justices Have Big Day Answering charges of incompet ence with action the supreme court yesterday handed down three ma jor affirmative decisions on the right of states to fix women's minimum wages, the Frazier-Lem ke farm mortgage moratorium, and the act guaranteeing collective bargaining to rail workers. The women's minimum wage law, sustained yesterday by a 5-4 decision, was declared unconstitu tional by the same margin a year ago, Justice Roberts providing the margin in both cases. Action of the court was held by proponents of the president’s scheme as a sign that the court was "weakening.” Opposition failed to see any signi ficence in the reversal, charging it as the "proper function of a court.” Dissenting justices took oppor tunity to hit at Roosevelt's hope to speed up the court's acceptance of social and New Deal legislation, writing: “The judicial function . . . . does not include the power of amendment under the guise of in terpretation.” "The remedy in that situation. ... is to amend the con stitution.” Majority answered: "The liberty safeguarded is liberty in a social organization which requires the protection of law against the evils which menace the health, safety morals and welfare of the people.” Judicial Wet Nurses While congressional debaters were thrown into turmoil by the supreme court reversal, Demo cratic Senator Carter Glass lashed at FDR's six “judicial wet-nurses,” called for an organized propaganda against the danger of a possible autocracy, and declared that there was “no mandate from the people to rape the supreme court. . . ” in a radio speech Monday. Tossing aside, party ties as "poppycock” Senator Glass hit at Roosevelt's plan with torrid ora (Please turn to page two) Texan Students Bring Poultry, Cows To College Seven hundred students at Texas A. & M. college are sweeping and dusting their way through school in a mass “live at home” coopera tive, the largest of its kind in the nation. The plan originated in 1932 when 12 boys from one community came down to set up their own home. An aunt of one of the boys came along to be house mother and do the cooking. One of the boys brought along two milk cows and all of the boys were required to bring four laying hens each. There are now' 50 such coopera tive projects, and plans are under way to encourage local communi ties to build houses for students they send to the school. Harvard Broken Hearts Harvard seniors have threatened a “stay-at-home” strike against girls who habitually break hearts and then do nothing to mend mat ters. Romantic affairs have be come so pressing a problem that a group of twenty-five of them banded together as “the Harvard Society for the Prevention of Bro ken Hearts.” This senior class has set a rec ord for engagements, marriages, and broken engagements, and even professors have noted that far away look in the eyes of most of; their classes, officials of the new organization said. In its manifesto the society! states: “It; ... is founded in the! hope of preventing future broken hearts, especially for seniors, who: need to have their minds free from worry in order to study.” Woman Engineer Betty Bowman will be the first woman to complete four years of an engineering course at the Uni versity of Nevada. She will be given her degree this year with some thirteen men from the Mac Kay School of Mines, one of the foremost in the United States. Miss Bowman has been taking mining engineering and not allow ing her sex to make any difference in any of the requirements that have to be filled to graduate from that school. Her specialty is met allurgy. She has no idea what part of the world her work will take her to after graduation. Final Talk of Lecture Forum Series Tonight Drs. Scliaufflor, Bro<li<* Speak to Men, Women Separately in Villard, Gerlinger Halls Resumption of the lecture forums on marriage will take place to night at eight o’clock when the third and final meeting of the ser ies is held separately for men aijd women. The subject of the discus sion this evening is the biological aspects of love and marriage. Dr. Jessie L. Brodie, practicing physician from Portland, is com ing to the campus to lead the dis cussion for women. This meeting will be held in Alumni hall of ; Gerlinger. Men will meet in Villard ! hall and wil hear Dr. Goodrich C. Schauffer, also a practicing phy sicians from Portland. First Talks Delayed The first two meetings of the series were delivered in the early part of winter term after several delays caused by sickness and poor traveling conditions. The third meeting had to be postponed until this term, because business inter fered with both Dr. Brodie’s and Dr. Schauffler’s schedules. The lecture-forums are given es pecially for University of Oregon students to acquaint them with problems of marriage. For the past seven years the students and faculty have combined to direct (Please turn to page four) Work Is Started On Hayward Field — Drive for Funds Resumed As New Turf Replaces Sawdust in Arena Hayward field will have a springy turf this fall! Work was started Monday on the grass in the field where Ore gon’s football and track teams will compete next year. Actual scrap ing of the sawdust covering puts the University in a class with other coast schools which have fields or recently started work on them. With nearly three-fourths of the quota of $1750 raised, the turf field committee heads, Bill Van Dusen and Dick Watson, are start ing a final drive to get the entire sum. , Officials in charge of the work are unable to predict the exact date that the work will be finished, but a month-and-a-half at least will be needed. After the sawdust covering is removed, squares of turf from other parts of the cam pus will be laid down, tamped and rolled, and the entire area reseed ed and frequently watered. Great er expense will be incurred, offi cials reported, if the present tile drainage system under the curved' surface is damaged. W’.f Student Checks Ready at Window 2 Of• Administration Checks for NYA student workers have been received, and students may call for them at window 2, Johnson hall, the University business office an nounced yesterday. Students are requested to get their checks as soon as possible. Stanford Chaplain Speaks Thursdaj Dr. Trueblood to Speak Before Assembly at II In Musie Auditorium Dr. D. E. Trueblood, prominen! educator, will speak at a genera assembly on “Sophistication anc Beyond’’ Thursday at 11 in the Music building. Dr. Trueblood was dean of mer and professor of philosophy ir Guilford college in North Caroline from 1927 to 1930. He waf assistant professor of philosophy at Haverford college, and at pres ent* is professor of philosophy ol religion, and chaplain at Stanford In addition to his educational ac tivities, Dr. Trueblood is editor oi “The Friend" which is published in Philadelphia, and contributes tc “Christian Century,” “Christen dom,” and other magazines. He is author of many articles and stories published by Harper broth ers. Final Exam Ban To Be Considered At Senior Meet The senior class meeting tonight in 105 Commerce at 8:30, will take lip the perennial question of abol ishing final examinations for grad uating seniors, according to Mar gilee Morse, class president. Miss Morse urged all seniors to attend, declaring that a resolution framed on the examination issue will be offered for the approval of the assembled class. All fourth year students may consider them selves members of the class, she said, calling attention to the recent move of the class in abolishing class dues. The resolution, drawn up by Dan El Clark, Jr., and Elaine Cornish, urges the faculty to excuse gradu ating seniors who are doing pass ing work from their finals, calling attention to difficulties attending examinations last year, when prof essors made out double sets of ex aminations, seniors taking one set in a compressed, three-day exam period, and the remainder of the classes taking their examinations at the regular time. THOMPSON IMPROVED Bill Thompson, Phi Sigma Kappa pledge, who has been confined at the infirmary for two weeks with spinal menengitis, is reported to be showing marked improvement. The three special nurses working eight hour shifts have been dismissed. Fashion Tea to Honor WAA at Mass Meeting Oregon women will gather among palms and spring flowers Thursday in a mass meeting in alumni room of Gerlinger hall at 4 o’clock, to drink tea and watch a Meier and Frank fashion show brought from Portland under the sponsorship of AWS in honor of visiitng WAA LaVeme C. Alexson, Meier and up and down the coast for her newly returned from New York, will introduce the young and ro mantic spring clothes story pre sented by seven professional man nequins, Lena Von Schmidt, Mary Banks, Judith Wilson, Aileen Smith, Margaret Gallagher, Mar jorie Orris, and Mrs. Geddes. Mrs, Geddes will model ensembles spec ially selected for housemothers, townspeople, and faculty guests. Marcia Steinhauser, chosen Miss Oregon winter term to head the personality section of the 1937 Ore gana, will be introduced to the mass assembly by Helen Bartrum, retiring AWS vice-president. Gayle Buchanan and Vivian Emery, pres ent AWS officer heads are attend ing a convention in California. Roll call will be taken by houses. The fashion show will be direct ed toward a wardrobe for young (Please turn to page tu’o) Frank fashion co-ordinator known unusual fashion presentations, and Morse Stops Off In Eugene Before Leaving for East Wayne L. Morse, dean of the University of Oregon law school, left Monday fo Portland. After a brief stop there, he leaves for Washington. D. C. Dean Morse, visiting friends in Eugene the past weekend was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Browm. The dean is on leave of absence from the University. He is making a field trip in the west part of his general survey of release pro cedures for the attorney general’s office in Washington. He will re sume his duties at the University on July 1. Gala Occasions Make Up Spring Social Calendar i _ AWS Meeting;, Fashion | Show, WAA Conclave 1 On Schedule to Open Crowded Term All weekend campus dates with r the exception of April 3 have been slated on the spring- calendar with house dances, organization affairs, , and conventions. This calendar, re leased yesterday from the dean of women's office, is more crowded than that of winter term. ^Leading campus events will fea ture AWS mass meeting and fash j ion show, April 1 WAA conven i tion, AWS carnival, Frosh Glee, senior picnic, and Mortar Board ball. Theta Sigma Phi will sponsor the annual Journalism Jam on the evening of April 15 or 1G. Following is the calendar and events: April 1—AWS tea and fashion show, WAA conference. April 2 WAA conference, stu dent body dance. April 3—Open date. April 4—University band con cert. April 7 - Browsing room benefit “As You Like It.’’ April 9 AWS tea, University theater production. (Please turn to pope two) Music Honorary To Put on Benefit Program Scheduled for April 6 to Raise Funds For Scholarship Another Mu Phi Epsilon scholar ship fund to be given to some out standing and deserving music stu dent, will be raised at the annual program to be given in the Eugene hotel, 8:30 p. m., April 6. The annual benefit will be pro duced by members of the society. Hollis Hoven, president, will play organ music on the new Hammond organ owned by Charles Poole. A feature of the program will be harp numbers by Mrs. W. W. Cal kins and Brandon Young. Mis. Josephine Albert Spaulding, well known Salem and Dallas vocalist, has been invited to sing on the program. Violin music will be pres ented by Ellen Dixon and Ruthal bert Wolfendon, one of the holders of a Mu Phi Epsilon scholarship. Another feature of the program will be an organ-piano number by Miss Hoven and Mary Field. Phyl lis Schatz and Lucia Davis will give piano numbers. The audience is limited to 200 and tickets are for sale by mem bers and patronesses of the so ciety. Committees for the concert are: ! Tickets, Margaret Dee Rugh, Lu cia Davis, Brandon Young, Mrs. Douglas Pritchard, publicity; Mrs. W. H. Chapman, Harriet Moore, Hollis Hoven; decorations, Mrs. L. B. Sigwart; program, Mrs. Rex Underwood; ushers, Harriet Moore. ) I l nivcrsity Glpomen I Meet in Music Hall Today at 5 o'clock The 40 people selected for the t'niversity of Oregon men’s glee eluh have heen asked to meet l>y Italpli S. Sehomp, educa tional activities manager. The group will meet for the first time this term in the music school building at o'clock this afternoon. Houses Paired for Carnival Booths Partners Are Decided at Drawing; Expense Will Re Only Sir per House Women's living organizations actively began work on the AWS carnival, to be held in the Igloo April 17, at the drawings held last week. Each woman's organization will work with a man’s house in decorating and operating a booth. Expenses for this are not to exceed $10 to be divided equally between the houses, announced Maude Ed monds, concessions chairman. Houses are to turn in one or more ideas for decorating their booths, to Maude Edmonds at the Delta Gamma house by Friday of this week. The plans will be check ed so that no Ideas will be dupli cated. Paired houses are as follows: Kappa Alpha Theta-Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Pi-Delta Up silon; Alpha Gamma Delta-Kappa Sigma; Gamma Phi Beta-Omega hall; Sigma Kappa -Phi Gamma Delta; Susan Campbell hall-Sigma Chi and Pi Kappa Alpha; Delta Gamma-Beta Theta Pi; Hendricks hall-Sigma Alpha Mu. Alpha Xi Delta-Theta Chi; Chi Omega-Phi Delta Theta; Pi Beta Phi-Gamma hall, andChi Psi; Kap pa Kappa Gamma-Delta Tau Del ta; Alpha Phi-Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Nu; Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Omicron Pi-Zeta hall and Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Delta Delta-Phi Kappa Psi. Sunrise Service Attended by 2000 An audience of over 2000 wit nessed the special Easter sunrise service given in McArthur court Sunday morning, in commemora tion of the resurrection of Christ. The service which began at 6:45 a. m. included selectors by the 250 voice choir, directed by Hal Young, professor of voice, and a welcome address by Dr. C. Valentine Boyer, stressing the importance of Easter. Dr. A. J. Harms delivered a brief Easter address. Others who took part in the program were Drs. N. K. Tully, Cook, and Cecil Ristow. The pro gram was sponsored by the Stu dent Christian Council Next year’s Easter sunrise ser vice plans are of even greater magnitude. They will include par ticipation by all Eugene churches. WAA Conclave ! Of 39 Colleges Opens April 1 Registration, AWS Tea, Fashion Show, Dance, Set for Thursday; Discussions Friday Northwest sectional division of | the Athletic Federation of College | Women conference sponsored by the Women's Athletic association, will be held on the University of Oregon campus April t, 2, 3. Thirty-nine northwestern colleges are sending representatives, with an average of two outstanding girls and one physical education instructor from each college. Hostesses and guides have been appointed to show the represen tatives around the University cam pus. Thursday noon, all delegates will be registered, and in the after noon from 4:00 until 5:00 a tea and fashion show will be given by j AWS in Oerlinger hall for all ; those attending the WAA confer j ence. That evening at 8 o'clock, 11 he members of Master Dance will give a recital at Oerlinger hall. Opens Friday j Discussion groups will meet Fri day in the Eugene hotel dining I room, to talk over women’s sports [and plans to fit them to various ! colleges. A formal banquet will be held Friday evening. Speeches will be given by Dean Hazel Prutzman Schwering, who will talk on “Func tion of WAA from the Standpoint of a Dean." and Colonel Leader on “English Idea of Sports and How They Carry Over Into American Ideas." Violinist to Be Honored at Tea Miss Viska Krokowsky, well known violinist recently returned from Spain where she was head of the violin department at the | state conservatory in Barcelona, will be honored guest at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. Gilson Ross Tuesday noon at her home. Miss Krokowsky will be the speaker at the meeting of the Am-1 erican Association of University Women Saturday, April 10. She will use as her subject Spain, her experiences there, and conditions ol the country as they stand today. The artist has been the house guest of Mrs. Ross since her ar rival in Eugene. No public per formances have been scheduled but she has played her violin before informal city groups. New Officers of Oritles Are Installed Monday New Orides officers, all Eugene girls, were installed Monday at the regular evening meeting by Erma Huston, retiring president. Those installed were: Vivian Runte, president; Hazel Lewis, vice-president; Winfred Henry, secretary; and June Haig, treas urer. Elections were held last Thursday. The University's Traveling Talkers j Eight members of the University of Oregon student forum, a forensic organization, have recently con cluded a week’s speaking tour about the state. Another trip may be made later in the year. The forum j members are: Paul Plank, Coach W. A. Dahlbcrg, Birney Hall, Xane Kemler, Edwin Itobbins, George Haley, Avery Combs, Howard Kessler, Boy Vernstrom, Alva Blackerby, William Lubcrski, Kessler Can non, Walter Eschebeek, Freed Bales, Robert Dent, Roljert Young, John T.uvaas, and Freeman Patton. f Crossins; Lanes To Bp Painted On Thirteenth j University of Oregon's traffic problem reached partial settle ment Monday with a proposal to indicate a “slow" zone on Thir teenth between Kincaid and Uni versity streets by means of stop signs and student crossing lanes, made to President C. Valentine Boyer by Fred Carlson, city councilman. Efforts of University officials to date have been toward a com plete closing of this portion of I Thirteenth. City officials de clined to comply pointing out that 11) closing would put too great a traffic burden on Elev enth; (2i residents on Thirteen the would be unfairly inconven ienced; and (3) merchants far ther south on Thirteenth would suffer through closing the four block stretch. Heading tne nrversity’s cam paign has been O. L. Rhinesmith, auto enforcement officer, chair man of the faculty committee. Others who have been active are President C. Valentine Beyer, and Warren D. Smith, professor of geology. Guild Cast Named In ‘Ethan Frome’ Misses Tucker and Neal, Walden Boyle Get Leads In Play April 9 and 10 “Ethan Frome,” dramatization of Edith Wharton’s best selling novel, will be presented in the Uni versity theatre April 9 and 10 under the direction of Horace W. Robinson. The Guild hall players are one of the first amateur groups to produce the play. Heading the cast will be Walden Boyle, Margie Tucker and Patricia Neal. Boyle will take the title role as Ethan Frome, whose cold blooded, nagging wife drives him to seek romance elsewhre. Margie Tucker will play Zenobia, the hav ing wife, and Patsy Neal the charming, pitiful Mattie Silver. Robert Henderson and Milton Pilette will fill other character parts. Henderson will bee seen as Jotham Powell and Pilette as Denis Eady. Major Roles Filled Others in the cast include Adrian Martin as Ed Varnum; Jack Lewis as Ned Hale; Virginia Scoville as Mrs. Hale; Maud Withers as Ethel; Eddie Hearn as Josh; Rebecca Overstreet as Abigail; and Iris Franzen as Temperance. Other roles are yet to be filled. Dorsey Dance, Concert Date Still Indefinite Engagement for April 2 May Be Postponed to Following Weekend; Weather Poor Negotiations were still under way last night for the Associated Students concert and Sigma Delta Chi dance, featuring Jimmy Dor-, sey and his Kraft Music hall or eliestra here next weekend. Diffi culties arose last Saturday night when a telegram was received from Los Angeles stating that weather conditions on the Califor nia border made the possibility of Dorsey's band reaching Eugene Friday very remote. Dorsey had planned to fly to San Francisco after his Thursday night broadcast in Los Angeles and come on to Eugene by bus. Several times this week phone lines to Los Angeles have been blown down by blizzards in the Siskiyous and the bus company had notified Dorsey a bus might be turned back by storm. April 10 Set Aside Rather than be late for the con cert Dorsey’s agent wired that a postponement might be necessary. April 10 has been reserved on the social calendar in case Dorsey is unable to get here April 2. It was announced that the defi nite date would be set by noon to day. Final settlement would be held off until today to give the band’s agent time to work out a sure transportation schedule. Will Be Announced If the dance is definitely set for April 2, announcement will be made in all houses tonight. If the later date is decided upon, it will be announced in tomorrow's Em erald. Jewett Poetry Reading Contest Deadine Fridav April 2 has been set by John L. Casteel, drector of the speech divi sion, as the last day which students may sign up for the W. F. Jewett poetry reading contest to be held Tuesday, April 6 at 4 p. m. Preliminary readings will be held Monday in Room 13, Friendly hall. Students who have signed up for the contest are Richard Hagopian, Gwendolyn Caverhill, Bill Luber sky, Adrian E. Martin, Pearl King, Milton Pillette, Edith Ekstrom, Vivian Runte, Laura Bryant, Louise Sandstrom, and George Bik man. Boyer Asks Tolerance Of Easter Worshippers Extending to 2000 assembled townspeople and students a hearty welcome, and asking for tolerance instead of prejudice and loving kindness instead of animosity, Dr. C. Valentine Boyer addressed an Easter crowd at sunrise service in McArthur court. “The great civilizing force of Christianity lies in its adhesive power. It is compatible with what we call ‘progress’ today because of its ap peal to our common humanity,” he said. "Happily the old .spiritual seu ishness and the bitterness of sec tarianism seem to be growing less anti less,” he continued. "Denomi nations are being drawn closer to gether by the one fundamental be lief which is the cause of their be ing; and in a world made miserable by bloodshed and vain glorious am bition they feel themselves united in the common cause of peace and love. "It is the great good fortune of (Please turn to page two) International Map of World Presented to U Sixty-two special sheets of an international map of the world an a scale of one to one million, were presented last week to the geo graphy department by Lewis Mc Arthur, secretary of the Oregon Geographic board and director of the Oregon Historical society. The maps, mounted on linen, are cooperative pieces of work done by all civilized countries. Eighteen map sheets are of Europe, four of Australia; two, Africa; twelve, Asia; fifteen, South America; and eleven, North America. They are the only international maps of the world on this scale. SPRING has finally SPRUNG Have you seen the new District Checks and l’laids—1 Sport Coats $9-95 Slacks $4.95 and up Eric Merrell The University Men’s Store