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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1936)
Graduate Managers Both Resign Positions OREGON DAILY EMERALD OREGON’S INDEPENDENT COLLEGE DAILY Glasses Continue in Spite of Wild Rumors VOLUME XXXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1936 NUMBER 82 Rosson And Stoddard Resign ~ t -4WS, YW Nominations Today Miller Says Illness Battle Succeeding; School Not to Close Physician Denies Report Of Paralysis Attacks; Forty Have Influenza, Five Pneumonia Dr. Fred N. Miller of the Uni versity health service yesterday definitely denied the rumor that there are cases of infantile paraly sis on the University campus. “Among the men conditions with regard to influenza has improved. There are, however, more new cases among the women.” Dr. Mil ler said, in refuting reports which have swept the campus. 40 to 50 Flu Cases “In view of the fact that not all cases present themselves to the health service for an early diagno sis, it is impossible to say exactly how many cases of influenza there are at the present time, but so nearly as we can estimate there are between 40 and 50 cases of it. “There have been five cases of pneumonia. One of these has been severly ill. “I should like to appeal to the students to refrain from spreading rumors about the health situation on the campus, for such gossip does a great deal of harm and needlessly alarms many people,” said Dr. Miller. No More Paralysis Cases In regard to the sickness that has caused the greatest rumors, infantile paralysis, Dr. Miller said, “as was reported last week, there has been one suspected case of in fantile paralysis. No other student has this disease or has been sus pected of having it and I have been informed by the county health officer that no new case has been reported in the last week and there is only one other case in the community.” “In the case of the individual on the campus, the student is at pres ent not sick and it is expected that she will be able to leave for her home to convalesce in a few days.” Emerald to Inform Campus “If conditions get worse and there are more cases, the students will be informed through the Em erald,” said Dr. Miller. “In no event, however, will the health ser vice attempt to dismiss any classes or close the University, unless such action should be taken generally throughout the community and state.” (Please turn to page tivo) Cuthbert Speaks On Rock Gardens Fred A. Cuthbert, associate pro fessor of landscape architecture, spoke before the Eugene Garden club last night on the various kinds and locations of rock gardens. Rock gardens are nice in their place, according to Mr. Cuthbert, but that place isn't in the average small back yard. A true setting of nature, which the rock garden must have, isn't possible in such a small space, he says. In his opinion, rock walls are better for small spaces. Library Receives Two Nash Books Two books printed by John Henry Nash, famous Pacific coast publisher, were received by the University library yesterday. They will be added to the Mrs. Pauline Potter Homer collection. The names of the books are “Soriie Aspects of Horace” and "Jessie Fremont." Both are limited editions. John Henry Nash endowed the laboratory at the University press. j ASU Meets Tonight j In Gerlinger to j Appoint Committee American Student union will meet tonight at 7:30 in the wo men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall to appoint a committee to in vestigate labor conditions on the University campus. The new committee will co operate with the labor investi gation of the National Student union, and will study phases of student employment on the campus. The local statistics will not be announced until the compilation is complete. Members and others interest ed in the organization are asked to attend. Charles Paddock is president of the local chapter. Steps Taken To Stir Juniors Moves to Call Meeting Next Week Made by Adviser, Miss Peck Hoping to stir the stagnant ac tivities of the junior class into action, Grace Peck, secretary, and George Turnbull, faculty adviser, yesterday took moves to call a meeting of the third year students early next week. Since the ineligibility of the pres ident and vice-president, Kenneth BeLieu and Carmen Curry, respec tively, the class has been groping about for a solution to supply an eligible leader. As a result, Junior Weekend plans have been held up and even if the class holds a meet ing next week to nominate offic ers, it will now be impossible for it to get preparations under way before the opening of spring term. The action of Miss Peck and Mr. Turnbull was taken in the interest of the class with a view to the im portance of getting class activities under way. It was expected that Roland Rourke, vice-president of the ASUO, would be asked to take neecssary action to call a meeting. Leaders of the class expressed a desire last night that the scholar ship committee would act before next week so the class, in the event of a meeting, could have its action before them. Girls Will Hear Mrs. Turnipseed Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, di rector of dormitories, and Frances Frazier, who recently returned from the Student Volunteer con vention in Indianapolis, will speak at the 24th annual Older Girls con ference of the state, which will open for a three-day meeting in Eugene Friday, February 29. "Up From the Crowd” is the special conference theme under the inter national program of “Christian Youth Building a New World.” Up to 400 girls from all parts of the state are expected to attend this interdenominational confer ence, which will be held at the First Baptist church. Registration will start at 2:30 p. m. Friday. Graduates Become Masters Edward Kittoe and Sister Ma tilda Mary Smith, both graduate students, recently passed their ex aminations for master’s degrees in the English department. — Phi Sigs Pledge Kerby Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity an nounced the pledging of DeVeer Kerby of Mapleton last night. Coed Meeting Set for 4:00 In Gerlinger WAA Nominated Misses Watzek, Mosliberger At Meet Tuesday — University coeds will gather to day at 4:00 in the AWS rooms in Gerlinger hall for a general nom inations meeting of officers of the AWS and YWCA. Selections of the majority of the candidates have already been made by nominating committees and they are listed be low. The formal nominations from the floor, however, will fill up the remaining offices and might pos sibly bring forth new candidates. Nominations for the WAA group were held yesterday at a similar meeting with Frances Watzek and Sue Moshberger named for the presidential aspirants. Election March 3 Election for all three organiza tions will be held Tuesday, March 3. Although unofficial it is almost definitely certain that the AWS nominations today will see Martha McCall and Virginia Endicott op posing each other for prexy, Helen Bartrum and Starla Parvin for vice-president, Gayle Buchanan and Gladys, Battleson for secre tary, Elizabeth Ann DeBusk and Vivian Emery for treasurer, Mar tha Felsheim and Ann Nelson for sergeant - at - arms and Laurene Brockshinlc unopposed for report er. Cornish, Weber Oppose The YWCA ticket, although not yet complete, according to Elaine Sorenson, president during the past year, will probably have Elaine Cornish and Ruth Weber as oppos ing candidates for president cam pus leaders said last night. Also it was almost certain that Clara Nasholm and Edith Clark would oppose each other for vice-presi dent and that Margaret Carmon would be running for secretary. Others likely were very uncertain. Other nominations for officers of the WAA group yesterday were: Olive Lewis and Gretchen Smith, vice-president; Molly Cun ningham, secretary; Molly White, Betty Riesch, treasurer; Marion Smith, custodian; and Elizabeth Onthank, Ruth Stanley, sergeant at arms. No nominations were made from the floor. The requirements for holding of fice in the WAA were announced by Dorothy Bergstrom, retiring presi dent. She said that persons nomin ated must be active in membership in the organization and have at least a 2 point average for last fall term. Election of officers will be held Tuesday, March 3, but results of the voting will not be announced until March 5 when the WAA holds its annual banquet. On the nomin ating committee this year were: Dorothy Bergstrom, Mary Mc Cracken, Maxine Goetsch, and Ber nice Scherzinger. The retiring officers are: Dor othy Bergstrom, president; Martha McCall, secretary; Frances Wat zek, vice-president; Gertrude Bran thover, treasurer; and Sue Mosh berger, custodian. Jordan in Serious Condition at Hospital The condition of Bill Jordan, University student who is in the Pacific hospital with double pneu monia, was reported by Dr. M. B. Hesdorffer, assistant University physician, to be serious but not critical. He is being administered oxygen five minutes every hour to rest his lungs. Thi3 is merely routine, Doc tor Hesdorffer said, and is not a matter for alarm. Jordan’s parents have been in Eugene since Saturday. Contest Head Director of speech division, John Casteel, who Is in charge of the Jewett radio contest finals which will be “broadcast” between the rooms of Friendly hall tonight. Campus Speeder Pays $25 Fine Reckless Driving Charge of Dean Morse Results in Driver’s Conviction Twenty-five dollars was the price Curtis W. Blakely, the driver of the coupe* bearing license num ber 202,107, paid yesterday after noon for recklessly speeding across the campus last week, causing Dean Wayne L. Morse of the law school, and Campus Cop O. L. Rhinesmith, to swear out a war rant for his arrest. The number of the Chevrolet was obtained by Dean Morse when the car nearly hit him when crossing the street. Seeing the story in the paper, Blakey appeared before Eu gene police Monday afternoon, ad mitting it was his car. Police Judge Cal Bryan notified Morse and Rhinesmith of the find ing of the driver and the warrant was signed later Monday afternoon. Blakely, faced with reckless driving and speeding, entered his guilty plea to Judge Bryan early Tuesday afternoon, paying his fine later to escape being jailed. Rose City Architect Displays Work Harold Doty, Portland architect, now has on display in the little art gallery of the school of art and architecture sketches and photo graphs of his work. The exhibit was brought here at the invitation of the architecture school and it is planned to have similar exhibits of the work of prominent Portland architects each year. Mr. Doty received his early training in the Portland office of Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of the school of architecture and allied' arts. Photographs of several of his houses have appeared in leading! American architectural magazines. ! The exhibition will be up another week. The gallery is open from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. I Jewett Radio Contest Will Be Decided Tonight $20, $15, $5 Prizes for Three Winning Teams For Best Talks Prizes of $20, $15, and $5 will be awarded the three best teams com peting in the Jewett radio contest tonight at 7:30 in room 218, Friendly hall. Those students who won in the preliminary contest are: Walter Esehebeck and - Avery Combs speaking on "The Next President of the United States,” Paul Plank and Zane Kemler on “The Matan uska Experiment,” Howard Kessler and Minoru Yasui on "American Japanese Relations,” Gilbert Schultz and William Thomason on “A Third Political Party," and Clifford Speaker and Don Serell on "‘The Revision of the Versailles Treaty.” Will Talk Over ‘Mike* The 15-minute discussions will be read as dialogues over the public address apparatus of the speech division. A studio audition is open to all in room 212 Friendly hall. The reception room is 218 Friendly hall. Judges are James Morris, acting manager of station KOAC in Cor vallis, R. R. Martin, instructor in the sociology department, and Charles M, Hulten, professor in journalism. Entries will be judged from the standpoint of content and value for future radio presentation. The in terest and informational value of the subject will be considered along with the effectiveness with which the discussion is adapted to radio broadcast. The way in which the student presents his material, the effect of his voice, his enunciation, and spontaneity will be considered. Dunn Will Speak On Christianity Frederic S. Dunn, head of the classics department and professor of Latin, will talk with the West minster ’38-’39 club members and their friends at their meeting at 7:30 tonight. Professor Dunn will trace the developments of Christianity and the church from their early begin nings in Bethlehem, to their ac ceptance by the Roman emperor, Constantine, stressing the sources of many of the beliefs and rites, closely connected with them. The club invites all underclass men to attend this meeting at Westminster house. University High Will Give ‘Princess Ida’ “Princess Ida," a Gilbert and Sullivan light opera, will be pre sented under the direction of Anne Landsbury Beck, April 20 and 21 at the school of music auditorium by University high school students. This will be the first time “Prin cess Ida” has been presented in Eu gene. Miss Bennett Has Cockney Role In fOutward Bound’ Mary Bennett, Eugene actress, will play the role of Mrs. Midget, beloved little cockney washerwo man of "Outward Bound" when that play is presented by the Uni versity theatre early in April. With Horace W. Robinson, in structor in dramatics who will star as Tom Prior, the versatile Miss Bennett wilt share some of the fin est and most touching scenes in the play. She has portrayed a wide variety of roles both with the University players and the Very Little theatre group. Her experi ence in all past productions will be tested when she plays Mrs. Midget. The part was taken by Beryl Mercer, well-known character ac tress, in the original New York production. Hardened Broadway audiences were amused by the lit tle old lady, pitied her at times, ad mired her and laughed at her— but the laughter often got caught (Please turn to page four) Both to Remain Until June 30; Private Work Is Given as Reason Submit Resignations Hugh Rosson, left, uiul N. Thomas Stoddard who both submitted their resignations as graduate manager and assistant, respectively, to the executive council yesterday, effective June 80. Both have held office since 1930. No action was taken by the council In the matter. Women Debaters Talk This Week Oregon, U. of W. Speakers To Discuss Permanent Relief Problem Betty L. Brown, Mary Nelson, Wilhelmina Gerot, and Beulah Chapman will hold discussions with four University of Washington wo men speakers at meetings Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday of this week. “What Permanent Form of Re lief Shall We Adopt” is the sub ject of discussion. James A. Car rell is directing the Oregon wo men’s team. Karl Windisheim is the Washington director. At 2:30 tomorrow, the women will speak at the Unitarian church at a joint meeting between the Eu gene Women’s club and the Fort nightly club. Thursday night from 8:45 to 9:50'a symposium will be broadcast over KOAC in Corvallis. Saturday noon the speakers will discuss the relief problem before the Women’s Democrat club at the Unitarian church in Eugene. Dahlberg Judge For Debate Meet W. A. Dahlberg will judge a ser ies of debates in a debate tourna ment to be held at Coquille high school, March 6 and 7. Marshfield, Myrtle Point, North Bend, Coquille, and Bandon high schools have entered contestants. Mr. Dahlberg is to give a short critical report and pick out the school having the best average af firmative and negative teams. The winner will be designated as the Coos county champion. Debaters Discuss Neutrality at Creswell "Can the United States Remain Neutral?” was the subject of two symposiums presented yesterday afternoon by Scott McKeown, John Luvaas and Howard Kessler, Uni versity debaters, before the Cres well high school students and members of the Creswell civic im provement club. On Thursday of this week three members of the debate squad will speak at Cottage Grove, Prof. John L. Casteel, director of speech, an nounced yesterday. Beaver-Duck Game Reserved Tickets On Sale at Igloo Students may obtain tickets for the University of Oregon Oregon State college basketball game, to be held In Corvallis Saturday night, at the office of the graduate manager for 15 cents and $1.00, All seats are reserved. This will be the last game in the series between the two schools. Gleemen to Sin" In Portland Rehearsals have been completed by the Eugene Gleemen, under the direction of John Stark Evans, for their appearance Thursday at the Civic auditorium in Portland. This is their fourth annual concert to be presented under the Portland Rotary club. The proceeds will go to the Shrine hospital to purchase orthopedic needs the institution’s funds do not provide. In the past three years a total sum of $5,000 has been turned over to the hospital. The program will be similar to the one presented in Eugene recently. Hal Young, Port land tenor, will sing one group of numbers and Delbert Moore, vio lin soloist, will also be a guest art ist. Mrs. Cora Moore Frey is ac companist for the group. Dr. Johnson to Speak At Pi Delta Phi Meeting Dr. Carl L. Johnson of the romance language department, will speak to members of Pi Delta Phi, French honorary, at their meeting to be held Thursday evening in Gerlinger hall. “Longfellow et la France," will be the title of Dr. Johnson’s speech. Campus ❖ ❖ Calendar American Student Union meet ing in women’s lounge, Gerlinger hall, at 7:30 Wednesday evening. * * * Heads of houses will meet in Gerlinger today immediately fol lowing the AWS mass meeting. Executive Council Will Consider 2 Resignations, to Move Later By LLOYD TUPLING Formal resignations of Hugh Rosson, graduate manager, and N. Thomas Stoddard, manager of athletics and assistant grad uate manager of the associated students of the University of Oregon were presented to the executive council yesterday. Their resignations will become effective on June 30. The council did not act on the resignations. Although rumors had been aired that the change might take place in connection with indefinite plans for the future of the student body; the action came as a complete sur prise to fellow workers, students, and faculty alike. Reorganization Said Due It appears necessary to reorgan ize the ASUO to face the new problems of financing and admin istration under the optional system of student body membership, both Rosson and Stoddard pointed out in their resignation letters. Neither Rosson or Stoddard stated what fields they would enter after June 30. In view of Rosson’s recent entrance to the Oregon bar, it is believed that he will either practice or teach law. “Upon assuming duties of the position of graduate manager of the associated students organiza tion in 1930 it was not my inten tion to remain permanently in this position,” Rosson’s letter said in part. “It is my belief that the problems now facing the associated students in financing and adminis tration of student activities must inevitably be met by change and reorganization of the present sys tem. In view of the fact, therefore, that I desire to devote my future to other interests, I hereby tender my resignation.” Will not Aid in Choice "Because of the problems exist ing in financing and administration of the activities ... I feel it is necessary for that firm to undergo a complete reorganization ... In making plans for this change I do not wish my services to be con sidered in the selection of the staff,” Stoddard wrote. The executive council created a tentative committee, yet to be ap pointed by President James Blais, made up of one alumni member, one faculty member, two student (Please turn to paye four) Insurance Class Has Sales Meet Future insurance salesmen will be given an opportunity to test their ability today when ten mem bers of Professor Kelly’s class in insurance compete in a selling con test. Each contestant will represent a bona fide, nationally known insur ance agency, procure his own pros pect, and during the ten minutes allotted him according to the con test rules, will try to sell an insur ance policy. Those competing in the contest are: Charles Grimes, Cecil Inman, Edward Jacobs, Leroy James, Frank Michek, Robert Olbekson, Maurice Rosenfeld, William Sum mers, Robert Thomas and John Wnitehouse. The three contestants presenting the best talks will go to Portland to compete in a final contest. Some $25 prize money will be distribut ed among the three winners of the final contest.