Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager
Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor
Doug Polivka and Don Caswell. Associate Editors; Merlin Blais,
Guy Shadduck, Parks Hitchcock, Stanley Robe
Malcolm Hauer, News Ed.
Kstill Phipps, Sports Ed.
A1 Newton, Dramatics Ed.
Abe Merritt, Chief Night Ed.
Peggy Chessman, Literary Ed.
Barney Clark, Humor Ed.
Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women’s Ed.
Mary Louiee Edinger. Society
George Callas, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton, Mary Jane Jenkins, Ralph Mason,
John Patric, Newton Stearns.
Stearns, Howard Kessler, Betty Ohlemiller.
FEATURE WRITERS: Ruth McClain, Henriette Horak.
REPORTERS: Clifford Thomas, Helen Dodds, Hilda Gillam,
Miriam Eichner, Virginia Scovillc, Marian Johnson, Rein
hart Kmidsen, Velma McIntyre. Pat (iallagher. Ruth Weber,
Rose Himelstein, Margaret Brown. Eleanor Aldrich.
SPORTS STAFF: Bill Eberhart. Asst. Sports Ed.; Clair John
son, George Jones, Dan Clark, Don Olds, Betty Shoemaker,
Bill Aetzel, Charles Paddock. .
COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell,
Phyllis Adams, Margery Kissling, Maluta Read, George
Bikman, Virginia Endicott, Corinne Da Barre. Bob Parker.
Church. Ruth Heiberg, Pauline George.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Parker, George Bikman, Tom Bin
ford, Ralph Mason, A1 Newton.
ginia Catherwood. Margilee Morse, Jane Bishop, Doris
Bailey, Alice Tillman, Eleanor Aldrich, Margaret Rollins,
Marvel Read, Edith Clark.
RADIO STAFF: Barney (..'lark, Howard Kessler, Eleanor Aid
rich, Rose Himelstein.
SECRETARY: Mary Graham.
william Meissner, AUv. Mgr.
Eon Rew, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
William Temple, Asst. Adv.
Tom Holman, Asst. „ Ad’'.
Eldon Haberman, National
Adv. Mgr.
J'eari Murphy, Asst. ISational
Adv. Mgr.
Kd l,ul>l>e, Circulation Mgr.
Fred Fisher, Promotional Mgr.
K utli Kippcy, Checking Mgr.
Willa Fit/, Checking Mgi.
Sez Sue, Janis Worley
Alcne Walker, Office Mgr.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 3300 -Local 214.
EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg- Phone 3300 News
Room, Local 3p5; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 354.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 \V.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Avc.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods,
all of December and till of March except the first three days.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
TF a bit of selfish propaganda is not amiss, and
apparently it is not in this day and age, the
Emerald takes occasion Lo point out the benefits
to be derived from advertising in college news
So much has been said, in the Emerald and else
where, of the needy college student who must toil
and sacrifice to win for himself the education which
parents cannot provide for him, that it is a bit of
a shock to shift our focus to encompass the results
of a recent large-scale survey analyzing the buying
habits of some 4000 students in 12 large western
colleges ,and universities, including Oregon. The
survey shows. that college students spend more
money on many types of merchandise than any
other equivalent segment of the American popula
The survey was intended, of course, to depict
for the benefit of potential advertisers the wealth
of buying power- in the college market, and it has
succeeded admirably.
It shows that the average college woman spends
$324 annually on clothing, whereas the average
female patron of women's apparel stores spends
only $236 a year. The patronage of the average
college man is worth $133.07 each year to clothiers;
the average man spends only $85 annually in men’s
clothing stores. In sports equipment, watches,
razors, tobaccos, toilet accessories, gasoline and
many other items, the expenditures of college stu
dents are similarly high.
The inference is that college campuses are a
potential source of enormous revenue to manufac
turers who wish to exploit it. The best means of
tapping this great reservoir of buying power is
apparently the college newspaper. Only 50.8 per
cent of the students on the campuses analyzed read
any city daily regularly, but 93.4 per cent read the
campus paper regularly. Few types of publications
can show as complete coverage of their fields. And
further figures compiled in the course of the survey
show that those nationally advertised products
which use space in college dailies far exceed in
campus popularity those products which do not.
To make our stand even more obviously propa
gandists, we may point out that the results of the
survey hold as true for local products and business
places as for nationally known manufacturers. It
is our sincere belief that the college newspaper
provides an invaluable entree into one of the most
lucrative and responsive buying classes.
LETTER appears in tlie Safety Valve this
morning from Silvanus Kingsley of Portland.
It is a gentle chiding for our editorial of Janu
ary 24.
At that time we discussed the recent statement
of the new superintendent of the New York city
schools to the effect that no student must graduate
from the high schools of that city without being
able to read and understand the front page of his
newspaper. Our editorial was in some little praise
of the gentleman.
Kingsley enclosed with his letter the front page
of a newspaper of January 26, with comment,
classification, and expletives in red pencil.
Undoubtedly, the page that Kingsley presents
is a choice specimen of lowbrow journalism. Here
is a brief survey of what it contains:
A political column which Mr. Kingsley red
pencils as "gossip”; a murder-suicide; another min
der; a speculation story; a gambling story; a story
of dollar devaluation superscribed with a red ques
tion mark; a story of the Dillinger gang; a rather
simple political cartoon; a police court story reek
ing of parly politics; a "booze interest" story on
importation of wines; a kidnaping story; a strike
light story; an auto accident and arson story; i
tvar scare; a syndicate story on a female spy which
our correspondent labels "Fake"; auothei kidnap
ing. a manslaughter story; an auto aeekient death;
a robbery; and last of all, a weather forecast,
grimly crayoned "Necromancy.”
We would certainly look foolish trying to argue
I hat a page such as this is a valuable article of
Journal, tit dr.’ -But v. would like t • make th
point that there are many papers whoa content i...
somewhat different from the specimen submitted.
As humble rebuttal we should like to present
the front page of another newspaper, published in
the same city, with some small classification of
the news thereon. It was published in the same
scope of time as Kingsley’s sample, on January 25,
to be exact.
In this paper we find that the front page con
sists of: An article on the inflation movement; a
story on the sea locks of the Bonneville dam; a
story of a district court decision on the NRA lum
ber code; another version of the police court story
listed in Exhibit A; a human interest story about
a Girl Scout; a local story on state liquor stores;
a U. S. treasury story; a kidnaping threat; a fea
ture story on nocturnal cats; another special story
from Washington on the CWA; stories on a milk
war, the importation cf ~ jviet gold and lumber, the
winter sports carnival, and a Viennese socialist plo*
that failed.
That is a complete nvoice of every item on
those two front pages: the first the horrible ex
ample submitted to us by Kingsley; the second the
reputable newspaper of the same time.
Survey of the two will make it evident that we
had no intention of applying the educator’s epigram
to the wild and woolly journalism that Kignsley
has seen fit to use as his example.
The editorial was written on the basis of good
newspapers, and on that basis we stand pat. That
the circus newspapers choose to festoon their front
pages with the most sordid of man’s misdemeanors
does not alter the fact that a good newspaper is
the principal reading fare of the well-informed
On Other Campuses
Why Shut Minds?
IT was an old family axiom that whatever is dis
tasteful will do a body good. Children had to
take sulphur and molasses, go to church, copy
words laboriously in notebooks, memorize passages
and feel the sting of a wrathful parent’s rod. All
these were considered good for the child.
But today the new psychology in education has
crossed out the old family axiom. That which cre
ates unpleasantness in a student is not necessarily
good for him. Usually it does him great harm,
since he builds against it a lasting hatred or re
sentment. Thus, if he is commended by an adviser
to study mathematics he reacts by shirking in his
class work. His interest in the course is choked
at the start by the knowledge that the course is
If, however, the student could be persuaded by
the adviser that a course in mathematics would be
valuable and that the matter was not arbitrarily
decided by the faculty, he could set out in his work
with interest aroused and mind open.--Daily North
Goodbye Hello
'T'HERE was a time when buggies were the
wheeled death engines, when bustles were no
jokes; then every Stanford student as he passed
another Stanford student, showed his teeth and
said, “Hello.”
The Daily commented little on the situation.
Then came the era when the Daily bragged of
this grand tradition. That was a sure sign that
it was weakening.
This stage was followed by the' period of slow
death. During this stage of the devolution of the
“Hello” Spirit, editors shrieked, clamored for the
return to early Stanford democracy. That period
ended some two years ago— in bitter disappoint
ment. Time refused to about-face for the Daily
and the “Hello" Spirit passed from mortal view.
Now, the thing hangs on, mortal form gone, but
still it hangs on. The awful thing has become a
ghost, wandering in the East Arboretum, and past
the Museum.
It just dawned on us that the thing should be
given a decent burial to stop its nightly stalks
through the campus.
So, goodbye “Hello” Spirit. Tears, lump in
throat, swallow . . . Blackout. Stanford Daily.
r I 'HE D-pr-ss—n has left us, it seems,
stamped with defeatism.
Yesterday's unseasonable, unreasonable, and
unbelievable sunshine brought forth the annual
batch of dull cracks about spring. But in the
midst of this visitation we heard one remark
that made an impression:
Said the first, gaily: "Boyoboy, isn't this
swell weather."
Said the second, glumly: “Well, there's a
catch in it somewhere."
* * *
Item: The Journalism reserve of the old
library is in Room 30.
Denouement: "30" means "Finis" in press
* # *
The Panhandler Ingenuous that we lectured
on some time back comes in for another labora
tory specimen.
A prominent insurance man downtown was
walking down the street a short time ago when
a dowdy gent stopped him and mumbled 15
or 20 unintelligible words terminating with
"Cuppaeoffee." It so happened that our friend
had four pennies in his pocket at the time.
tNo reflection on lus exchequer.)
W-e-1111. he huffed and he puffed and he
gave the man the four cents with-apologies.
The bum leered at him and turned away:
walked a few steps, pulled out the pennies and
tossed them out into the street.
The insurance man was back on the job
again in a week or so.
Campus wags are invited to do us in ias
Steve Smith would have it) on the score of a
selection from the mast head of this publica
tion. The original may be found in column
one of this page:
"The Oregon Daily Emerald . . . published
daily during the college year, except Sundays.
Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all id'
December and all ol March except the first
three day:
Here the dagger, and here our naked brea d.
The New Executives - - By STANLEY ROBE
Editor’s note: This is the
third of a series of interviews
with Ur. F. G. G. Schmidt,
head of the department of Ger
manic languages and litera
ture, and oldest in service ol
the University faculty, on ear
ly history of the University of
Vt/HEN Dr. Schmidt, who will
” complete 37 years of active
service as a member of the Uni
versity faculty at the end of this
spring term, came to Oregon, the
Alumni association’s membership
consisted only of graduates of the
literary department. In 1896 the
association, which was organized
irr„1379. had a membership of 169.
Its objects were “to advance the
cause of higher education, to pro
mote the interests of the Univer
sity of Oregon, and to encourage
mutual acquantance and good fel
lowship among alumni.”
At that time all students in the
college departments of the Uni
versity became members of the
student body upon signing the con
stitution. The constitution speci
fied that thirty members consti
tuted a quorum, and that "Roberts’
Rules of Order” should govern the
association when the constitution
proved inadequate.
Although students were then for
bidden to join any college secret
society, five organizations existed
on the campus- Y.W.C.A., Y.M.
C.A., the Laurean society, the Phil
ologian society, and the Eutaxian
The Laurean society, organized
in 1876, had for its object “to de
velop the power of argumentation,
to cultivate extempore speaking
and to train the mind to criticize
correctly.” The Eutaxian society,
similar to the Laureans but for
men students, was organized Octo
ber 21, 1S93. Eutaxian was a lit
erary society for women.
Several interesting regulations
governing the students athletic
club were: 1. The coach must be
of good moral character. 2. He
must be a college graduate. 3. No
game shall be played except with
college teams. 4. The football sea
son shall close December 1st. 5.
The schedule of games shall be
submitted to the faculty for ap
proval before any games are ar
By lgSH> the University had a
dormitory. The cost of living there
was $2.50 per week which included
board, heat, light, ami lodging, but
no bedclothes, mattresses, or tow
els. The men's dormitory, erected
by the munificence of the state
accommodated about ninety stu
dents, while the women's dormi
tory, located south of the campus
on a tract of nine acres of land,
only held thirty students. Dr,
Schmidt estimates a student's
yearly expenses at that time at
approximately $ 125.
The University then had an as
tronomical observatory on the top
of Skinner's Butte, which was sup
plied with "a good transit instru
ment and other useful astronomi
cal apparatus The official stu
dent body publication then was a
monthly periodical called the Uni
versity of Oregon Monthly To
quote part of its description. "It
fills the usual place of college pa
The mirk of the extension
course in that rear Mas car
ried on In correspondence and
Mas entireh free, with the ex
ception that ten cents for pos
'-'ge and clerical uorh van
charged lor each set of quts
The University’s Early History
tions. Students who desired to
enroll in the extension class
sent their names to the Uni
versity with ten cents, anil in
return they received directions
for study and questions on the
selected text books.
Beginning with the year 1897,
the master's degree was granted
to graduates of the University
“and other qualified persons who
had taken in the University and
under the supervision of the fac
ulty, one major and two minor
courses which were equivalent to
sixteen credits.
Inclosed in Dr. Schmidt’s cata
The Safety Valve
An Outlet for Campus Steam
All communications are to he addressed
to The Editor, Oregon 1 Jaily Emerald,
and should not exceed 200. words in
length. Letters must he signed, but
should the writer prefer, only initials
will be used. The editor maintains the
right to withhold publication should he
To the Editor:
Poor Mr. Williams! Is there no
one to come to his defense? Are
we to allow such an eminent trav
eler and “bum’’ as Mr. Whiting
Williams to suffer such a fusilade
of invective as has been heaped
on his remote and defenseless head,
all on account of a harmless little
lecture on economics which no
body ought to take seriously any
how ?
O course, I suppose the world is
in a terrible mess, but why get
so wrought up about it as to at
tack Mr. Williams’ perfectly
friendly statements ? He didn’t
mean any harm, I’m sure. Even if
it isn’t true about all those people
starving to death over in Russia,
maybe it’s just because he got a
little mixed up on his dates, and
that can happen to anyone, even
myself. At least there was a pret
ty terrible famine there one time,
and you know how it is when one
looks up statistics and things.
Anyway, what purpose would he
log is a loose-leaf page of the Eu
gene Divinity school, which was
then one year old. In black face
type, it announces that the Divin
ity school is “adjacent to the Uni
versity campus on the west.”
Although the first of the
seven informational state
ments of the Divinity school
informs the student that the
Eugene Divinity school is en
tirely independent of the Uni
versity, the third boldly de
clares: “Divinity students may
avail themselves of all the ad
vantages given by the Univer
sity of Oregon.
have in deliberately giving a false j
impression ?
Someone (and he's a personal
friend of mine, too) told me that
Mr. Williams is hired by a steel
corporation working through the
American Federation of Labor to
help keep American industry on a
capitalistic basis of working-class
! exploitation. “Well, what if he
! is ?” I said. “It's just plain silly
to get all excited about it. Why,
if the bankers and industrialists
actually thought a cooperative sys
tem were any better for us, don’t
you suppose they'd see that we
had it?" That's exactly what I
told my friend, and he just looked
at me and smiled kind of funny
as if he thought I was dumb, or
something. I don't believe he was
i so very polite about it, and after
all, those are the things that real
ly count, don’t you think?
Yes, I think Mr. Williams has
been much abused. Practicaly ev
erything he said has been picked I
to pieces. Nice looking man, too, ‘
even from the balcony; and why •
anyone would get so wrought:
about the things he said, I can’t i
Portland, Ore, Jan. 30, 1934. 1
To the Editor:
Oregon Daily Emerald
Eugene, Oregon
Dear Sir:
Noting your recent editorial
comment upon the reported pro
.■ ——.... Ill -- .... ■ - _.
Eighteen yi'Ui> of research and experiments are embodied iit the
•‘froe-ivlng" monoplum pictured above with it.s \ oung designer and
builder. Wilbur Cornelius of Los Angeles. The plane embraces radical
h-iurturcs trial! coni eat: eua ! airplane design in that "rugs. Instead
of being stationary, nuns on au a:.ao from the center ot the lift.
nouncement of an eastern educa
tor that he would take the ability
of a student to understand the
front page of his daily newspaper
as a criterion of that student's
education, I am moved to submit,
as a crying-out-loud comment
thereon, the enclosed front page
of The-, Portland, Ore
gon. Friday, January 26, 1934.
Unless the educator was more
subtle in his use of the word “un
derstand” than I take it, the all
student grade average should soar
when this yardstick is applied.
But the suggested standard should
not be taken too seriously by jour
nals and journalists, who, in com
mon with the most of us, should
bear in mind the moral of Aesop's
fable, wherein it is related that a
fly. riding upon the hub of a
chariot wheel, exclaimed, “Hola!
What a dust I do raise!”
Yours truly.
THHE list of books suggested for
student reading by the Na
tional Council of Teachers of
English is continued in today’s
column. Previous editions have
mentioned literature from the ear
ly Greek civilization to the pres
ent day, so this one will deal with
special types of material.
Science and scientists — “The
Origin of Species,’’ Charles Dar
Biography and History —“The
Education of Henry Adams,” Hen
ry Adams; “The Life of Samuel
Johnson,” James Boswell; “The
F'rench Revolution,” Thomas Car
lyle; “Autobiography,” Benventuo
Cellini; Autobiography,” Benjamin
Franklin; “A Son of the Middle
Border,” Hamlin Garland; “Diary,”
Samuel Pepys; “Lives,” Plutarch;
“Autobiography,” Lincoln Stef
fens; “Queen Victoria,” Lytton
Strachey; “Walden,” H. D. Thor
Drama — Plays, Aristophanes;
Plays, Euripides; “Faust,” Johann
Wolfgang Goethe; Selected Plays,
Henrik Ibsen; Plays and Poems,
Christopher Marlowe; Comedies,
Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere;
“The Emperor Jones,” Eugene
O'Neill; “Cyrano de Bergerac,”
Edmond Rostand; Works, William
Shakespeare; Plays, Richard Brins
ley Sheridan; Plays, Sophocles;
Plays, Oscar Wilde.
Modern American fiction—“Jur
gen,” James Branch Cabell;
“Death Comes for the Archbishop,”
Willa Cather; “Sister Carrie,”
Theodore Dreiser; “A Son of the
Middle Border,” Hamlin Garland;
“Arrowsmith,” Sinclair Lewis;
“Ethan Frome,” Edith Wharton.
Modern English fiction — “The
Old Wives' Tales,” Arnold Bennett;
“Lord Jim,” Joseph Conrad; “The
Forsyte Saga,” John Galsworthy;
“Sons and Lovers,” D. H. Lawr
ence; “Of Human Bondage,” Som
erset Maugham; “Tony Bungay,”
H. G. Wells.
Modern Continental literature—
“Penguin Island,” Anatole France;
Dill Pickle Club Meets
Dill Pickle club met informally
Wednesday noon at the YWCA
bungalow. Members of the group
had presented a skit, “Pyramus
and Thysbie,” at the potluck din
ner Tuesday night and plans were
made to repeat it for the other
club members.
the river is smooth
banked with sooty shadows
under the iron night
the current twists
folds on itself
like Hebrew hands
faster it runs
ugly waves thrust
with the faint snarl of beasts
thin-lipped water
the dark-prowed boat
lurches in its grip
ahead lies blackness
the frightened boat
shakes in the water's grip
the lean waves
the racing river
hurtles into boiling darkness
the frail-sided boat
shaking under the impact
the grasp of Stygian terror
darkness has faded
dissolved •
to the hush of gray
I am awake
“The Magic Mountain,” Thomas
Modern philosophy — “Utopia,”
Thomas More; (informal philoso
phy) “Essays,” Francis Bacon;
“The Education of Henry Adams,”
Henry Adams; “Essays,” Ralph W.
Emerson; “Waldtn,” H. D. Thor
eau; “Candide,” Voltaire.
Modern problems — “Arrow
smith," Sinclair Lewis; Autobiog
raphy,”' Lincoln Steffens; “Tono
Bungay,” H. G. Wells.
Travel and adventure—“Trav
els,” Marco Polo.
Rates Payable in Advance
10c a line for first insertion;
5c a line for each additional
Telephone 3300; local 214
DRESSMAKING — Ladies’ tailor
ing, style right, price right.
Petite Shop, 573 13th Ave. E.
Phone 3208.
PATTERSON-Tuning. Ph. 3256W.
'’OR SALE—Set of Harvard clas
sics, reasonable. Call at 849 E.
LOST — “Logic,” by Creighton.
Finder leave at University depot
or phone 922-W. Reward.
You Can Depend
on the
Man Who Advertises
^^IXL times out of ten you will find that the man who
advertises is the man who most willingly returns
your money if you are not satisfied.
lie has too mueh at stake to risk losing your trade
or your confidence. You can depend on him.
lie is not in business for today or tomorrow only—
but for next year and ten years from next year, lie
knows the value of good-will.
You get better merchandise at a fairer price than
he could ever hope to sell it if he did not have the larger
volume of business that comes from legitimate advertis
ing and goods that bear out the promise of the printed
Oregon Daily Emerald
“Influencing 3000 Moderns”