Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1934, Image 1

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Music Lovers
Applaud Songs
Of Negro Tenor
Several Encores Mark
Thursday Concert
Near-Capacity Crowd Responds
Enthusiastically to Colored
Artist’s Program
ifrore than 4000 townspeople and
students applauded Roland Hayes
so enthusiastically that he found it
necessary to give at least one en
core after each group of numbers
during his concert at McArthur
court last night.
Following the first group he
sang Handel’s aria, “If you would
have a tender creature," and after
the second, a Cossack song.
Tw# spirituals, sung as encores
to the third group, preceded the
final bracket of spirituals. These
were “Didn’t it Rain?’ and "Plenty
Good Room.”
Request Sung
At the conclusion of the sched
uled program he sang “I’ve Made
My Vow,” and, in answer to nu
merous requests, “Were you there
when they crucified my Lord?”
The spirituals brought forth the
most enthusiastic applause, and
exclusive of that classification the
audience seemed to relish Salop
pi’s “Eviva Rosa Bella,” a Span
ish-style number well suited to
Hayes’ spiritual rhythms.
Selections sung by the artist in
cluded works of Beethoven, Schu
bert, and Debussy.
Crowd Applauds
Hayes, on one curtain call,
(Continued on Page Three)
NRA Bibliography
Made by Student
A bibliography of all articles
dealing with the NRA which have
appeared in law reviews since
June, 1933, has been compiled by
Karl Huston, librarian in the Uni
versity law school.
The bibliography includes mate
rial concerning the emergency
legislation cf the extra session of
congress, which was summoned
last year by President Roosevelt.
These articles, 32 in number,
are selected from law reviews
published in all parts of the coun
try, and deal with the constitu
tionality of the emergency legis
lation, and the problems arising
from it.
A copy of the bibliography is
posted on the law school bulletin
Sigma Delta Chi Will
Talk Pledging Today
Sigma Delta Chi, men’s national
journalistic fraternity, will hold a
meeting in the journalism build
ing at 4 today to discuss pledging.
The organization is planning to
hold pledging in a few days and
will initiate in the near future, ac
cording to Don Caswell, president.
Upperclass journalism majors are
eligible to election to the honorary.
Whiting Williams, who was
originally scheduled to speak at a
student assembly this morning,
will appear instead at an assem
bly Monday morning at 10 o’clock.
For Student Body
Moved to Monday
Whiting Williams to Give Lecture
On Condition of Workers
In Russia and Germany
Whiting Williams, author, lec
turer and consulting engineer, will
spealc to a public assembly of stu
dents, Monday, January 29, at 10
o'clock, instead of today, as was
formerly planned. The postpone
ment was made necessary by dif
ficulty in train schedules for the
Williams will lecture on work
ing conditions in Russia and Ger
many, tv/o of the countries he has
visited as a common laborer,
seeking to understand the psy
chology of the worker’s mind.
He has delivered lectures
throughout America on contempo
rary economic problems concern
ing unskilled workers, and has
m,g.de some valuable observations
in this field.
Tongue Believes
Freshmen Should
Not Don Tuxedos
Student Body President in Favor
Of Yearling Attendance at
Senior Formal
Tom Tongue, president of the
student body, yesterday urged the
observance of the custom forbid
ding freshmen to wear tuxedos,
following the announcement by
Ed Martindale,. senior class presi
dent, that freshmen would be per
mitted to attend the senior ball for
the first time, and would be per
mitted to wear appropriate clothes.
Tongue decried the “abolishment
of a long-standing tradition” on
the grounds that freshmen should
be spared the expense of purchas
ing tuxedos, and in order not to
handicap socially the freshmen
who cannot afford the semi-formal
attire. He favored, however, the
(Continued on Page Three)
Theme of Oregon and North
Featured in Painting Display
Northern fishing villages . . .
Oregon landscapes . . . little fauns |
perking their ears from under a
tree . . . glaciers and icebergs, so |
transparently cold and blue that'
one shivers to see them . . .
Such is the impression of the
exhibit of paintings by Hanz W.
Meyer, Andrew McD. Vincent, and
N. B. Zane, which will be on dis
play in the auditorium at McMor
ran and Washburne’s until the end
of the week. The paintings por
tray these varying scenes . . .
many in blues and greens . . .
some with emphasis on pink and
lavender . . . some oils, some pas
tels ... a few water colors.
Vincent, who is professor of
painting at the University, has on
display several Oregon landscapes,
most of them in oils, but a few in
water colors. The paintings of
Zane, who is associate professor
of design, are in oil, water color,
crayon, and is in black and white.
One of Zane’s crayons is a repre
sentation of Crater lake, different
from the usual photographic re
production. Zane emphasizes the
lavender-pink tones, with little of
the brilliant blue generally synony
mous with the lake.
Hanz W. Meyer, to whose
works one side of the auditorium
is devoted, is a German painter.
Both his oils and pastels run to
blues and greens . . . most of them
smacking of the North, with fish
ing villages, seascapes, vessels,
and icebergs.
One of Meyer’s paintings de
picts the midnight sun in Norway.
In the foreground, men on a fish
ing vessel are gathered, gazing
toward the cliffs ahead. The rocks
and cliffs in the background are
dark blue at the base, lightening
as they rise—and at the peak the
dull gold of the midnight sun is
reflected, illuminating the whole
Meyer was born in Germany,
and has studied painting at the
Academy of Munich and else
; where abroad. He taught painting
at the Royal Academy of Cassel,
Germany, from 1908 until the be
ginning of the war. A scene of
' the city of Cassel which he paint
ed by commission was given to the
Princess Victoria as a wedding
i gift. His work has been included
j in many foreign exhibitions, as
well as at the Anderson galleries
• and the Brooklyn museum in the
United States.
Bossing Sees
Crumbling of
U. S. Schools
Russia, Italy and Mexico
Forging Ahead
American Supremacy Is Doomed,
Says Education Article,
As Outlays Drop
“Outworn Educational Think
ing” is the title of an article by
Dr. N. L. Bossing, professor of
J education, which appears in the
; January issue of the Oregon Edu
cational Journal. Dr. Bossing’s
article has been the cause of much
comment among educators.
In mentioning the crisis result
ing from the depression, Dr. Bos
sing says, “The significant thing
is that education from the elemen
tary through the higher institu
tions of learning, in Oregon and
elsewhere, has had to bear the
severest burden in retrenchment
policies.” He pointed out the fact
that Russia, Italy and even Mex
ico have increased educational
outlays “while America has been
deserting hers to the vagaries of
Schools Threatened
He continues, “Worse still among
clear ivisioned educators there is
slowly but surely developing an
inescapable conviction that the
vestled interests of the country
are deliberately determined to de
stroy the American school as the
bulwark of democracy of economic
Our trusted advisers have turned
(Continued on Page Two)
Oregana Picture
Schedule Given
For Honoraries
Group Presidents Not Contacted
Are Requested to Phone
Edith Clement
Edith Clement, who requests
that all presidents of honorary
groups who have not been con
tacted on the subject of Oregana
pictures call her at 2840, an
nounces the following schedule of
picture-taking, in each case on the
steps of the old library:
Friday, January 26
12:40—Skull and Dagger.
12:45—Phi Theta Upsilon.
Saturday, January 27
Monday, January 29
12:40—Rally committee.
Tuesday, January 30
12:40—Pan Xenia.
12:45—Phi Beta.
Wednesday, January 31
12:40—Alpha Kappa Delta.
Thursday, February 1
12:40—Tau Delta Delta.
Friday, February 2
12:40—Theta Sigma Phi.
12:45—Gamma Alpha Chi.
Saturday, February 3
1:00—Pi Lambda Theta.
If the place for the picture is
not scheduled, it will be announced
the day of the picture in the cam
pus calendar.
Campus Calendar
The Yeomen smoker will be held
Lcnight aftei the broadcast of the
Oregon-Washington game.
Sigma Delta Chi meets today at
4 o’clock, room 101 Journalism.
Dial will meet at the home of
Mrs. George Williamson, 1940
Fairmount boulevard, Monday, at
Skull and Dagger meet for
Oregana picture at 12:40 today,
steps of old libe.
Senior stunt practice for Coed
Capers 4 p. m., Hendricks hall to
day. All cast members must be
Phi Theta Upsilon meets for
Oregana picture at 12:45 today,
steps of old libe.
Pi Sigma will meet today at 4
in 107 Oregon.
The student affairs committee
will meet in the dean of women's
office today at 5 o’clock.
(Continued on Page Three f
Scenes From Epic-Making Flight
On the left is a picture of six planes of naval squad 10PI as they
swung- over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, recently. The picture on the right
shows Commander E. Wayne Todd of the air base fleet at Pearl Har
bor congratulating Iinefler McGinnis, commander of the squadron. To
the right are Lieut. T, D. Guinn and Lieut. F. A. Davis.
Change Declared
Vital Necessity in
System of Banks
Article by O. K. Burrell Appears
In National Commercial
Magazine, Annalist
“Thorough Reconstruction of
the Banking System Essential to
Stability” is the title of an article
published by Prof. O. K. Burrell
of the University school of busi
ness administration in the Annal
ist, national commercial and bank
ing magazine.
The negligible response of com
mercial bank credit to inflation
threats and the continued expan
sion in member bank and federal
reserve holdings of United States
government securities are out
standing banking developments
since the banking holiday of last
March, stated Burrell in his arti
Burrell severely criticized the
banking system and the interfer
ence of politicians with the prob
lem. Probably there has been
more economic dislocation and hu
man misery caused by the failure
of those in political authority to
understand the nature and func
tion of commercial banking than
from any other single influence in
cluding the World war, he believes.
Exchange of goods are essential
functions of commercial banking.
(Continued on Pane Three)
Five Correspondence
Courses Added to List
Five new courses have been
added to the free time correspond
ence reading courses series. Miss
Mozelle Hair of the correspond
ence department of the extension
division was in Portland Wednes
day concerning herself with this
new feature.
The new courses include mer
chandising-retail store manage
ment, salesmanship, commercial
geography, commercial arithme
tic, business correspondence, and
first year German review.
These courses are free to any
adult students who are interested
and are non-credit. They are un
der the civil works service proj
ects in education.
Would-Be Intervieiver Finds
Hayes Is Elusive Personage
Emperor Hayes, of the concert
stage, the far famed tenor who has
sung before kings and before hum
ble descendents of southern slaves,
loves his public from the stage,
but when it comes to the press—
“We have nothing to do with the
press,1’ said his secretary politely,
but with a tone of “and I mean
what I say" in his voice.
It began in the Hotel Hoffman,
the only hotel in town which was
proud to house the colored artist.
The reported walked to the desk.
"Mr. Hayes in?” Telephoning up
stairs, then from the keeper of the
books, “Be down in a minute.”
The minutes seemed a half an
hour, then slowly the elevator des
cended. A colored gentleman in
velvet collar coat and spats smiled.
Not Roland Hayes—at least he
looked different than pictures in
the papers.
“No, Mr. Hayes can't see you.
Mr. Hayes never gives interviews.
But I can tell you everything you
want to know. I always talk to
reporters, I’m his secretary. You
need not say in your story you did
not see Mr. Hayes; he said to tell
you he was happy to be in Eugene
and sing tonight.”
All technique in the art of con
vincing and argumentation brought
no results, except from Hayes’
white manager, who in turn also
tells reporters all they want to
know, about how Hayes feels, what
he thinks, about the sparkle in his
eye and his wide smile. Hayes
must sleep, artists do as a rule be
fore a concert.
Now to await the evening, the
concert and the possibility of a
word with the colored demi-god!
All misgivings against the sing
er were forgotten with the first
strains of his opening song, and
the end of the concert found the
reporter at the door of the dress
ing room talking with the secre
“Mr. Hayes will be glad to meet
you. but you must not say any
thing about the newspaper; he
has nothing to do with newspapers.
I told him about you.”
Hayes went into the dressing
room; crowds gathered around the
He Wasn’t Such an Old Crab9
But He’d Been Dead So Long
A fossilized skeleton of a young
crab, recently unearthed in the
vicinity of the Humbug mountain
ranger station in Clatsop county,
where the elevation is 1,062 feet,
was presented to the University’s
Condon hall anthropological mu
seum this week by the state high
way department.
The small skeleton of the crus
tacean was found in a small shale
nodule about the size of a man's
fist. According to L. S. Cressman,
curator of the museum, the speci
men substantiates the theory of
archaeologists that the sea level of
that area has undergone vast
changes since prehistoric times.
A second specimen added to the
museum this week is an Indian
skeleton, recently uncovered by
Marc Seale near North Bend. This
gift of the skeleton is not the first
contribution Seale has made to
the University’s museum, accord
ing to Cressman. Last fall he took
time off from his duties as Shell
oil manager of the southern Ore
gon district to act as guide to a
University group on an anthropol
ogical field trip to that section.
He has also donated the museum a
map prepared by himself after
considerable study of the archaeo
logical sites along the southern
part of the coast line.
door. He would see no one. A lady
elbowed her way to the secretary:
“Will you tell Mr. Hayes that I
heard him sing in New Orleans
once, and I enjoyed his concert so
much this evening?
“Maybe you would like to see
him,” said the secretary. The lady
was admitted.
“Will you tell Mr. Hayes I’m
from Georgia’’—the reporter ven
tured -but nay, the secretary
laughed, “Oh, yeah?"
The reporter engaged the secre
tary in a conversation about
Hayes' travels through Europe, as
a last resort. Yes, Hayes had sung
in Prague, and can say a few
words in Bohemian. At last a peg!
Hayes emerged from the dressing
room; the reporter was introduced
as a young lady who had been in
Prague, and spoke Bohemian. The
famed tenor spoke a bit of Bohe
mian from a song, shook hands,
said he was glad his concert was
eenjoyed, and left for his car which
was waiting to take him to a train
bound for California.
Bright Excalibur!
None Who Wore
Thee Fell So Low
The parade has come to town!
Beginning at 7:30 this morning
and lasting through the entire day
University students will be enter
tained by the antics of 12 pledges
to the Scabbard and Blade, nation
al military honorary.
Marching about the campus in
their freshman uniforms with their
little guns these men will be under
going initiation into the ROTC
A parade, ceremony drill, call
ing out of the guards will all form
part of the dignified exercises. The
men who will undergo the torture
are James Wells, Burke Tongue,
Malcolm Bauer, William George,
Rudolph Heghdal, Bob Zurcher,
Joe Renner, Gardner Frye, Erwin
Nilsson, Keith Wilson, Keith Pow
ers, and Don Black.
A formal initiation will be held
at the armory Sunday night.
Administration Warns
Students February 3
Last Date for Payment
Lst date for second pay
ments of fees for the winter
term is Saturday, February 3,
according to an announcement
made from the business office
in Johnson hall yesterday, and
all students are warned to make
their payments on or before that
date, as a daily fine of 25 cents
will be charged after that time.
February 3 is also the dead
line for payment of non-resident
fees. Delinquents will be al
lowed one week in school after
they are subject to the late
fines, and then they will be dis
Second in Series
Of Four Speeches
To Be on Monday
Dr. Conklin Will Speak on Love
And Marriage on Viewpoint
Of Psychologist
The second of the four speeches
in the love and marriage series
will take place Monday evening,
January 29, when Prof. E. S. Conk
lin, head of the University of Ore
gon department of psychology,
will speak on the psychological as
pects of love and marriage.
Last year Conklin spoke at two
of the four lectures, discussing the
psychological aspects of love in the
first lecture, and speaking on the
problems of marriage in a later
A large crowd gathered in Vil
lard hall Monday evening, January
22, to hear Chaplain John VV.
Beard, pastor of the Mount Tabor
Presbyterian church, Portland,
open the series with “Love and
Marriage, the Foundation of So
Dr. Goodrich C. Schauffler and
Dr. Jessie Laird Brodies, both of
Portland, will discuss the biologi
cal aspects of the problem at sep
arate meeting of men and women
students on Monday evening, Feb
ruary 5. The men’s discussion will
take place in Villard hall, the wo
men's in Gerlinger.
Mrs. Harry P. Cramer, secretary
of the Oregon Mental Hygiene as
sociation, will conclude the series
with “Factors on Making Mar
riage a Success” on February 12.
Ducks to Play
Crucial Game
Against Husky
Tilt Scheduled Tonight
In Seattle
Webfoot Quintet in Good Shape;
Washington’s Hal Lee
May Occupy Bench
After a final practice session
last night in Seattle, the challeng
ing Webfoot quintet are all set
to take on the pace-setting Hus
kies tonight in the first tilt of a
two-game series. On the first
road trip of the 1934 hoop cam
paign, the Oregon team stands in
second place in the northern divi
sion, aching to knock the Seattle
team out of its possession of an
unblotched record.
Oregon stock is boosted several
points with the word issuing from
Washington -circles to the effect
Hal Lee, Hec Edmondson’s long
shot artist, is temporarily out with
a twisted ankle. It is a matter
of conjecture whether or not he
will be in the game tonight.
Webfoots in Shape
The Duck squad was in fine
shape when it left for Seattle by
auto yesterday morning. The
wrenched knee of Center Willie
Jones has been healing nicely, and
it is expected that he will be at
his near-best tonight.
On the face of this season's rec
ords, Washington enters tonight’s
fracas as an odds-on favorite. The
Huskies have hung up a record of
six consecutive victories without a
setback, while Oregon split her
respective series with Washington
State and Oregon State for a per
centage Of .500.
Win Needed
Oregon must win at least one
game of the series to stay in the
running for the conference flag.
If Washington takes both tilts,
Oregon would be burdened by a
four-defeat load, and nothing save
a miracle mixup in the league and
10 straight victories would enable
the Webfoots to finish the race
in first place.
The Huskies took three out of
four games from Oregon last
year, but they are facing a differ
ent team this time—a younger,
tougher, and more aggressive out
fit. Curbstone strategists in Seat
tle freely admit that Bill Reinhart
and his boys are far from out of
the race, and that a Webfoot vic
tory would not be a great upset.
Tentative lineups:
Oregon Washington
Robertson .F. Galer
Gemmell .F. Hanover
W. Jones .C. Wagner
Olinger .G. Lee
B. Jones .G. Weber
Sheldon Is Better
Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, professor
of education, who has been ill
since October, is reported improv
Critic Declares Art of Hayes
Classical Even in Spirituals
(Associate Professor of English)
The art of Roland Hayes is
classical. This is true no less when
he is singing Schubert or Debussy,
than when he sings the seven
teenth century English and Italian
neo-classical arias with which he
began his program last night. He
is still the classicist when he sings
spirituals! He has transformed
them into art songs; but here his
classicism is reinforced by com
plete and sincere fidelity to the
spirit of his people.
Hayes says with his voice pre
cisely what he wants to say: no
more, no less. He imposed his
sense of form even on the rather
non-melodic modernist songs which
1 lie chose last night for his third
group. There is finality about his
utterance, and he molds as musi
cal wholes. Clarity, economy, pre
cision : all the classical virtues are
in his singing, whether he is using
bel canto, the German style, the
impressionist French tone-painting
called for by Duparc, or his own
distinguished reading of the spirit
He has restraint, great reserve,
always superb control; but he nev
er tails into the mere icy correct
ness of the neo-classicist. There is
abandon there, and lyric passion—
perhaps a little intellectualized;
but it is after all his musical mind
which is his supreme distinction.
His voice ‘‘delicately divides the
silence,” and he creates and sus
tains that tension which commands
our aonsps and our hearts togeth
er. Are not these the signs of a
classic art?
Not that he neglects the craft of
program building, or scorns that
dash of the actor which the con
cert singer needs. He knit hi3
groups together with wonderfully
chosen encores. The song, “If you
would have a tender creature from
Handel’s “Acis and Galathea,” in
which Handel is echoing Purcell’s
gracefully ornamented style, fol
lowed the Arne, Gallupi, and Bee
thoven in his properly classical
The romantic group which suc
ceeded had several unusual feat
| ures. Schubert’s “Wohin” showed
the haunting and questing spirit
of the dreamier romantic mood;
! while the "Ganymede” had just the
| right touch of nimble impudence
i (Keckheit, Dr. Schmidt would say).
Hayes then embarked on three
French chansons which he ren
dered with the exquisit finish that
the French verse and delicately
shaded tonal masses require. The
“Llnvitation au voyage,” in which
Duparc accepted Baudelaire’s chal
(Continued on Page Two)