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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1931)
i Nominations Today Freshmen, sophomores and jun iors meet today for class nomina tions in Villard hall. Find out the time of your class meeting and j be there. The Weather Fair Thursday. Maximum ... 70 Minimum . 42 No precipitation. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1931 VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 132 Oregon Takes WSC, 10-7, in Pullman Tilt Webfoots Win Fourth ) Straight Game Scales Pitches for Victors; Two Homers Aid Ducks; Stevens Stars (Special to yie Emerald) PULLMAN, Wash., May 20.— Oregon made it four straight to day when they dropped the Wash ington State Cougars, 10 to 7, in their third encounter. Since leav ing on their road trip the Web foots have taken four out of five games. Two big innings, the third and fifth, in which Oregon scored nine runs, made the victory possible. A homer by Leland Chester, Duck ji first sacker, in the fifth with two men on, was responsible for three runs. Five hits and an error in the third brought in six runs. Cougars Start Scoring The Cougars opened the scoring with a run in the first on two walks and a single and two more in the second on two hits and a walk. Oregon found Fiscus, Cou gar hurler, in their half of the third, however, and four succes sive singles by Stevens, Shaneman, Chester and Scales, followed by Vern Arnett’s double, brought in the six runs. Washington State nearly tied the score in their half with two more runs, made on two hits and a walk. They fell one run short, and the Ducks led 5 to 4. Shaneman’s four-base clout in the fifth gave the Webfoots an 8-to-5 lead, and two doubles by Stevens and Palmer in the eighth brought in the final Oregon tally. Homer Final Effort A home run with one on in the ^ eighth was the Cougars’ final ef fort to win the game, and Ken Scales held them scoreless in the ninth. Kerm Stevens, Webfoot short stop, was the star of the game. He fielded every chance perfectly and helped the Ducks out several times in the pinches. Kramer Barnes provided the fielding sen sation of the day, however, with a beautiful running catch in left field. Summary: R H E Oregon . 10 9 1 Washington State. 7 9 5 Batteries: Scales and Shane man; Fiscus, Coney, and Mitchell. Elmer Adams’ Body Is Still Sought on Beach Although the beach was thor oughly searched by coast guards and a party under the direction of ^ Captain John Stitts Wednesday, the body of Elmer Adams, ’29, son of Prof. Percy P. Adams of the school of architecture and allied arts, was not found. It is the hope of the searchers that the body of young Adams, who was drowned while swimming in the surf Sunday, will wash up on the shore. Just how long the search will be continued has not been determined. Win Fellowships These three s t u d e nts have j h e e n appointed: to service fellow ships at the. school of retail-] ing of the New York university. They are: upper left, Harold Fraundorf; right, Anton Peterson; below, Harry Tonkon. All three men are seniors in business administration and members of Alpha Delta Sigma, national advertising fraternity. Fellowships to New York School Won by U. O. Men Peterson, Tonkon and Hal Fraundorf Plan Study Of Retailing Three University of Oregon stu dents have been signally honored with appointments to service fel lowships to the school of retailing of the New York university, ac cording to word received here from Norris A. Brisco, dean of the New York institution. They are: Harold Fraundorf, Anton Peterson, and Harry Tonkon, all seniors in busi ness administration. In addition to the one-year fel lowship, Peterson was awarded the David Olsen scholarship, carrying with it a cash stipend of $320. The service fellowships awarded to the three Oregon men are for the school year of 1931-32. i Work Part Day The three Oregon students are among the few selected among ap plicants from colleges and univer sities throughout the nation. The fellowships allow the holders of same the privileges of attending the New York school for part of the day and also of gaining practi cal experience by working the rest of the day in one of New York’s largest department stores. Fraun dorf, Peterson, and Tonkon plan to study advertising and sales pro motion along with merchandising as partial fulfillment of their fel lowships. All three men have been active in the field of advertising and mer chandising. Fraundorf was asso ciated with the advertising depart ment of Meier and Frank company in Portland last summer. Peter son has been affiliated with the ad vertising staff of the Astoria Bud get, and Tonkon has had much ex perience with Lipman, Wolfe com pany and Meier and Frank com pany in addition to his newspaper advertising work. Summer Awards Won The three are members of Al pha Delta Sigma, national honor ary advertising fraternity, of which (Continued on Page Three.1 Velma Powell for Assemblies To Arouse A.S.U.O. Interest 'Editor’s note: This is the fifth of a series of personality inter views with recently elected stu dent body officers. By GALE THORNTON A winsome maimer, beauty, and intelligence are some of the ob vious characteristics of the per sonality of Velma Powell, recently elected executive woman of the A. S. U. O. Even royalty must think about af fairs of state. Though a prin cess in the court of Queen Eleanor dur i n g the recent Junior Velma Powell week-end activi ties, she has many constructive ideas on reform in student government. The holding of student office she j conceives as an opportunity of ser-: vice to the University as well as one of personal benefit from the executive experience she will re ceive as an office holder. One of the reforms that Miss Powell suggests is an increase in the number of regularly scheduled student body meetings. In this manner she believes more interest will be aroused in A. S. U. O. ac tivities. She suggests that na tionally-known speakers be en gaged for these meetings, and that entertainment by student talent, the band, and musical groups be presented to the student body. Student politics should have less to do with committee appoint ments, thinks Miss Powell. They shouldn’t, she believes, be handed around to everyone just because they happened to be on the win ning political side, but should go to students who are qualified re gardless of their political affilia tions. Encouragement of a policy . (Continued on Page Three), Eight Groups In Competition % Choir Cups Quartets, s '' lets Sing in Finals Tonight Music Auditorium Scene; Three More Men’s Houses Withdraw Tonight at 7:45 competition for the polyphonic choir ensemble tro phies will commence. The con tests will be held in the music auditorium, and there will be no admission charge. Four male quar tets and four women's sextets will sing for the silver cups donated by the polyphonic choir. Last-minute casualties further reduced the list of contestants, the Fiji, Phi Sig, and Theta Chi quar tets withdrawing yesterday. Ill ness was given as the cause. Judge Yet Unknown The judge of the contests, his name yet unknown except to the supervising committee, composed of George Barron, president of the choir; Harold Ayres, treasurer, and Arthur Boardman, faculty ad visor, will arrive on the campus shortly before the contest begins, and will take a seat in the audi ence. He will remain unknown to the singers until the close of the contest. “The judge we have chosen,” said Barron, “is eminently capa ble, and has a widespread reputa tion in Oregon music circles.” The men will precede the women on the program, it was believed, unless the judge should prefer to hear the women first. The songs which each group must sing were announced in yesterday’s Emerald. Singers Are Named Following is a list of the houses which will be represented tonight, and the names of the singers for each group. Of the women, six will sing. The others are alternates. Alpha Omicron Pi—Helen Ash liman, Margaret Bridges, Norma Chinnock, Isabelle Crowell, Mar garet Hammerbacher, Gene Mc Croskey, Elsie McNamara, Dor othy Morgan, and Helen Voelker. Beta Phi Alpha—Nana Cramer, Hazel Fields, Georgina Gildez, El vira Jenson, Louise Kent, Ruth Metcalf, Margaret Reed, Alice Woodson, Mildred Wilcox, and Grace Ash, accompanist. Hendricks hall—Christine Bax ter, Amy Hughes, Alison Huntley, Pauline Brigham, Geraldine John stone, Lenore Lage, Dorothy Jones, Laura Parcells, and Agnes Petzold. Sigma Kappa — Zora Beaman, Olive Calef, Marie Dorner, Janis Gerking, Eleanor Fair, Dena Lieu (Continued on Page Two) Nine Chosen for Finals in Jewett Speech Contest Close Competition Shown; Judges Call All Talks Of High Quality Nine contestants were chosen to enter the finals of the W. F. Jewett after-dinner speaking con test at the eliminations held yes terday above the College Side. The finalists are Wallace Camp bell, Mary Caniparoli, Herbert Doran, Merle Harrison, Roger Pfaff, Art Potwin, Errol Sloan, Charles Todd, and Ruth Warren. The judges were Samuel H. Jameson, associate professor of sociology; Pat V. Morrisette, in structor in English; and Miss Mozelle Hair, of the extension di vision. So close was the competition, according to Dr. R. C. Hoeber, head of the speech division, who presided over the meeting, that nine finalists were chosen, instead of the customary eight. The judges expressed the opinion that the speeches all were of excep tional quality, the humor being sound and the contents solid. Speeches were limited to six min utes. The final speeches will be de livered at a banquet to be held at Lee Duke’s cafe tomorrow night. Reservations may be made by call ing the speech division offices be fore 11 a. m. Friday. Students are invited to attend. The cost per plate will be 75 cents. Fem Leaders of FourGroupsTo Address Sisters pi(i SISTERS will hear four leading aetivities on the campus outlined to them at a meeting today, w li e n Ann Baum, Helen Chaney, Frances Haherlaeh, and Margu erite Mauzey, presidents of A. W. S„ Y. W. C. A„ and Plii Theta Cp silon, respectively, will speak. The meeting will he held in 105 Journalism at 5 o’clock. All Big Sisters and the personnel committee are asked to attend. A similar meeting will be held next week when other aetivities open to freshman women will be discussed. Pan-Islamic Move Topic of Hazam’s Broadcast Today History Professor To Talk On Emerald Hour From KORE at 4:45 “Islam in the Modern World” will be John G. Hazam’s subject when he speaks this afternoon during the regular Emerald edito rial hour over station KOEE at 4:45. Mr. Hazard, who is a pro fessor of history, is well-versed on subjects concerning the Orient, having supplemented his studies with actual visits to the Near East. His talk will be one of the series being sponsored by the Em erald during the daily 15-minute programs, which are put on through the courtesy of the Ore gon Pharmacy. Islam Problem Important “The problem of Islam is more important than most people real ize,” Mr. Hazam said yesterday. “It concerns the status of Europe and Europeans in the mind of the entire Mohammedan world, for the Pan-Islamic movement, which is spreading from India through the Near East, and all along the Medi terranean coast of Africa to Trip oli, is aimed against European dominance in these sections; The Muslims want independence and the right to govern themselves. The French and British control great portions of the land inhab ited by the Muslims, and it is against these in particular that the movement has been launched. “The Pan-Islamic movement was begun in the nineteenth century, and it has since become justified, because the European attitude to ward foreign problems is always in terms of their own customs and traditions, whereas the far differ ent ideas and traditions of the Asiatics seem to be just as valid as those of the Westerner.” Reaction Religious, Political The reaction against Europe is not only religious but it is also political and it has shown indica tions of remaining a permanent factor in the world’s relations, Mr. Hazam thinks. The Mohammedan religion is unusually democratic in principle, and for that reason the adoption of western forms of gov ernment on an independent basis (Continued on Page Two) Elmer Hyde Wins Band Drum Major Post in Tryouts Stehn and Conyers Select Sophomore From List Of Three Men Elmer Hyde, sophomore military student, was unanimously chosen drum major for the University band next year by John Stehn, band conductor, and Sergeant Ed ward Conyers, Ft. O. T. C. officer, at the final tryout yesterday af ternoon. Hyde was competing for the po sition with two other men, others who applied for the position hav ing been previously eliminated in a preliminary tryout earlier in the week. In choosing the drum major, se lection was based upon the car riage of the candidate as well as his knowledge of band maneuvers and military tactics. Hyde has had no previous ex perience in band work but has been enrolled in the military department for two years and has been a mem ber of the organized reserve for the last year. Candidates for Offices To Be Named Today Classes Slate Meetings At Villard Three-Cornered Race Still On for Senior Posts; Elections Near By TIIORNTON SHAW After two weeks of work in lin ing up tickets and support for class elections, the politicians of the campus have finally completed their task and all is in readiness for formal nomination of candi dates, which will take place at meetings of the freshman, sopho ! more, and junior classes this af ternoon and evening. Despite rumors which have been circulating for the past few days of a combination of two of the tickets in the three-cornered race for senior class offices no change has been announced as yet, and the campaign continues with an In dependent man and two fraternity men in the field for the class pres idency, with tickets behind them. Free-Lancers Doubtful Candidates for sophomore and junior class offices are, according to available information, limited to two for each position, and no free-lance candidates are expected I to enter the field against the power , possessed by party candidates un der the present ticket system of campus politics. No candidates have as yet been announced for the position of sen ior class barber, but with this ex ception two of the tickets are now complete, announcement having been made yesterday of the candi dacy of Alice Redetzke for sec retary. The third ticket will enter the field with one position vacant, it was announced last night. Meetings Listed The times and places of the various meetings, as announced yesterday by the class presidents, are as follows: freshmen, Villard assembly, 5 o’clock; sophomores, Villard assembly, 7:30 o’clock; jun iors, room 107 Villard, 7:15. Elections for all classes will take place next Tuesday. The place where they will be held has not as yet been definitely decided, but will be announced in the Em erald this week. Fashion Orders Wearing White Caps for Today Don’t forget to wear your white cap today, for it’s White Cap day on the Oregon campus. All students who already have white caps will be wearing them, and the ones who don’t will find it easy to buy one, if they wish to do so, for the downtown merchants are having special window displays and special offers on white caps. White Cap day is a new idea or iginating on the Oregon campus this year. Telegraph Company Men To Meet Students To interview students and grad uates interested in working for the International Telephone and Tele graph company, Mr. Haggerty, of the San Francisco office of the Postal Telegraph company, and B. F. Brown, Eugene manager, will be in the dean of men’s office today. Appointments for conferences with the telegraph company rep resentatives should be made at his office this morning, Hugh L. Biggs, dean of men, said last night. The visitors will also be in room 205 Commerce, according to Da vid E. Faville, dean of the school of business administration. Inspector of Phi Chi Theta Visits Campus Mrs. Genevieve Hampton, na tional inspector of Phi Chi Theta, women's commerce honorary, ar rived here yesterday from Califor nia to inspect the local chapter. Mrs. Hampton, formerly a stu dent at the University of Califor nia, was tendered a formal dinner at the Anchorage last evening by members of the honorary. Alice Redetzke, junior in busi ness administration, was in charge of the dinner. College Man for a Night Major General Smedley D. Butler, of tlw marine corps, here to establish the state’s police force, visited the campus last night in company with George W. Joseph Jr., graduate of the University in I92H. The men spent an hour at the Sigma Alpha Kpsilon house, of which Joseph is a member, and then turned “collegiate”—going to a freshman class political meeting at the Bacheiordon house. Juniors To Hold Final Meeting at Villard Tonight Use of Week-Eiul Profits, Class Picnic To Be Decided Several important matters will be taken up by the junior class when it holds its last meeting of the year at 7:15 tonight in 107 Vil lard, it was announced yesterday by Art Potwin, class president. While the meeting has been called primarily for the formal nomination of candidates for class offices next year, other business of importance to the entire class is to be brought up, Potwin said. The matter of what disposal shall be made of the profits from Junior Week-end this year is to be laid before the class at tonight’s meeting. Several suggestions have already been made, and a final de cision will be reached tonight. The question of a class picnic will also have a part in the dis cussions of the class in its final meeting, Potwin said. “Inasmuch—as this is the last meeting of the class for the year and decisions on important mat ters are to be made, it is urgent that we have a large attendance,” Potwin stated last night. “We want every member of the class to be on hand for this final meet ing at 7:15 tonight.” Scabbard, Blade Pledges 11 Men At ROTC Parade National Military Honorary Group Picks Men as Outstanding Nine junior and two senior mili tary students who have shown out standing ability in the field of mil itary activities were formally pledged to Scabbard and Blade, national military honorary, at the parade yesterday. The juniors are: Fremont Smith, John Painton, Ira Brown, George Kotchik, Tom Moran, Robert O'Melveny, W i 1 s on Johnston, Wayne fimmott, and George Pratt. The seniors are Henry Beistel, ca det major, and Arthur Rolander, cadet captain. As a special feature of the mili tary parade these men marched before the reviewing officers and were formally announced as pledg es to Scabbard and Blade by Carey Thomson, captain of the honorary. "The men have taken an active interest in all military affairs dur ing the past years, and have in every way shown themselves high ly efficient, and for this reason have been made members of Scab bard and Blade,” Thomson said. Leading Lights in Advertising Game To Visit Campus Portland Men and Women Are Coming to Annual Oregon ‘Ad’ Meet Leading advertising men and women of Portland have signified their intentions of attending the annual Oregon Advertising con clave to be held here Saturday and Sunday under the auspices of Al pha Delta Sigma and Gamma Al pha Chi, national honorary adver tising fraternities for men and women, respectively. Such is the word brought back by Harry Ton kon, president of Alpha Delta Sig ma, and Anton Peterson, manager of the Emerald, who returned from Portland late last night, Tonkon and Peterson attended the Wednesday luncheon meeting of the Advertising club of Portland to whom an invitation was extend ed to attend the conclave. At the conclave, it is expected that the Advertising club of Portland schol arship will be awarded to the out standing advertising student in the junior class. Alumni Show Interest Great interest is also being dis played in the conclave by Portland alumni of both Alpha Delta Sigma and Gamma Alpha Chi, according to Tonkon and Peterson. Letters of praise have been received by j/conclave officials commending i them upon the excellent program which has been arranged for the meetings here. Great import is being attached to the oncoming visit of Frank (Continued on Page Two) General Butler Would Be Real College Fellow Writer Finds General Unlike Conception ‘■Figliling Marine’ Favors University Training For Police By MERLIN BLAIS The stormy petrel of the. marine corps. Major General Smedley D. Butler, would have been a college fellow of the first order. It takes enthusiasm to get anywhere, and General Butler certainly has it. And what is more he shoots straight from the shoulder, he is sincere; but he is not a fire-eater unless, perhaps, when someone tramples on ong of his pet ideas. The popular conception of Gen eral Butler that he is running around looking for trouble is all wrong. When he consented to an Emerald interview at the S. A. E. house last night, where he visited for a short time, he gave exactly the opposite impression. His hair is close-cut, and gray; he wears a light gray suit and black shoes—only his eyes and forceful speech give evidence of the man whc. unwittingly achieved world fame ; few weeks ago. He refuses to be old, however; he re fuses to show his 59 years. His one ambition while in the state of Oregon is the founding of a state police force, much like that which now patrols Pennsyl vania, and most of the conversa tion was spent in his explaining of his plans. “There isn’t any question about whether or not college men have the best chance in police work. But any applicant must stick to it, and make it his life work. State police will have plenty to do. They perform tasks all the way from handling strikes to bringing chocolate bars to starving chil dren. I imagine they will be called upon even to treat sick cows, or help women go to market. “I strongly advocate university training for police workers. When we organized the Pennsylvania system, we introduced a course in criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, for future officers. Schooling helps to teach discipline, and we must have a military po lice system, where an officer can walk along the street and be hissed at without being ruffled at all, but who will go into action when the crowd starts breaking windows. "And the system must be be yond bribery, beyond corruption. It must have fine young men as its nucleus, and with the gover nor of the state at its head, where local corrupting influences are al most impossible, it will rise to a point of esteem within five years when the every-day citizen will point them out and say 'There’s our police.’ “I never went to college, and I suppose I could have, but 33 years ago I ran away from home to join the marines. I didn’t know what I was missing. I’ve known lots of college fellows. Johnny Beck (Conlinued on Page Four) I 'Hotel Universe’ Near Perfect On Final Night, Critic States By WILLETTA HARTLEY The final performance of “Hotel I Universe’’ last night was a near | perfect unity of sound, light, set ting, and interpretation which combined to leave with the crowd ed theatre audience a sense of the infinitude of time, where the memory and dreams reign. The ethereal quality of the play was enhanced by a slight improve ment in tempo in the first scenes over the Monday night perform ance. The zest of the cynicism and wit in the first scenes brought applause from the audience in Guild theatre, and captured the immediate spirit of bitterness and hopelessness which characterized the attitude of the characters to ward life’s values. The play shows excellent atten tion to the details which make the lighting—particularly the con tinuously recurring flash from the distant lighthouse—second in im portance to the acting used to | produce the effect of the detached, and timeless spirit of the play. Dorathi Bock, who plays the role of Ann Field, lived her part and portrayed it not only by voice and facial expression but by the movements of her whole body. She was to be envied in her scenes of serenity and understanding, and to be pitied in her pleadings for the love of Pat Farley. Her voice was particularly adapted to taking on the spiritual quality of her lines in the scenes in which she relived her past romance with Pat. Stephen Field, Ann’s father, whose closeness to the world “which frees us from time and space," was played by Carl Klip pel. As Mr. Field, Klippel became in turn to each of the characters the object of the.r illusions and repressions and led them each back to the normal,’ happy state of mind where they might con sider life in all its aspects and be (Continued on Page Two)