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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1930)
yuuuuuiuui::;........... ..:.;..: !> VOTE ‘YES' ON NEW CONSTITUTION | AT POLLS TODAY THE WEATHER Oregon: Wind, northwest. Maximum temperature . 59 1 Minimum temperature . 43 Stage of river .1.7 Precipitation .03 sKi.iiHimimmimmiimiMuiimiiHiimmmiiiiiminiMniiiiimmmm VOLUME XXXJ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1930 NUMBER 115 tMmmumuumm Today Is Tell-Tale Day for All Politically Minded on the Campus—Remember, Vote for Whom You Please, but Vote PARTIES AT MERCY OF STUDENT VOTE * Entries Asked For Carnival By Fraundorf Swimming Races for Both Men and Women Are Scheduled CANOE EVENT PLANNED Rules To Be Announced Soon, According to Chairman Entries for the men’s and wo ^ men's swimming races to be held as events during the water carni val, Junior Week-end, May 10, must be made within the next few days, Hal Fraundorf, water car nival chairman, announced yester day. The women’s race will be run over the mill race course from the portage to the Anchorage. It is open to all women on the campus. Last year, the first water carni val was held; there were 16 en tries, and the race was won by Lois Murfin. Entries should be made to Elise Sundbom, phone 851, who is in charge of the event. Trophies Promised Handsome trophies, symbolizing the swimmer, have been promised the winners of these events, and other prizes will be given those taking second places. The men’s swimming race will be open to all men on the campus except varsity lettermen, and y frosh numeral men, and will be run over the same course. Eight een men entered last year, and Palmer McKim, took a hotly con tested first place. Jim Gilbaugh is in charge of this event, and en tries may be made to him by call ing 703. To Station Life Guards Life guards will be stationed along the course to take care of anybody who becomes fatigued during the races, Fraundorf an nounced. The canoe race, which will be the first event of the carnival, has received a number of entries, ac cording to Ken Moore, chairman, but a few days are still left in which the living organizations can enter their canoe candidate, by calling Moore at 2800. The houses will be paired off at the end of the week. Rules for the three events have not yet been definitely decided upon, but they will be published within a few days. Turnbull To Read Paper On Oregon Newspapers George S. Turnbull, professor of journalism will read a paper, “Some Pioneer Oregon Newspa pers,” at a meeting of the Round Table on May 13. The Round Table is an organization made up partly of Eugene business and profes sional men and partly University of Oregon faculty. Leaves for Trip East Mrs. Murray Warner left last week for the East where she will spend the summer. She plans to spend most of her time in Chicago where she will visit her mother. Fag; s Belong On Curb; Not In Buildings © i g HADES of Oregon traditi< Rank heresy has been « covered among the members .3 c the law student body, as c ^ t easily be seen by the eommui < cation posted on the bullet ‘ board at the law school. S Oregon students have bee; * seen, witnessed and reporte« - smoking on the campus, eithei on the steps of the Oregon building or on the campus side walk. Tom 'Stoddard, president of the student body, has writ ten a very polite note request ing the co-operation of the law school student body in keeping up the tradition. But have the students re sponded in like manner? One need only read the comments written on the letter — and judge for himself. Margaret Reid Is New Candidate For Editorship Aspirant to Oregana Post Named by Petition To Committee Was Active on Emerald for Three Years A fourth candidate for the edi torship of the 1930-31 Oregana was announced yesterday when a petition naming Margaret Reid was handed to the publications committee. Miss Reid is a junior in jour nalism and has for three years been active on the Emerald, serv ing as reporter, general assign ment reporter, and various pub licity positions. This last year, be side working on the Emerald, she was a member of the Oregana staff and was elected to Theta Sigma Phi,. national journalistic honorary for women. She is also a member of Pot and Quill, hon- i orary writing organization. Eight Freshmen Receive Awards Oregon Knights Honorary Gives Merit Sweaters Eight members of the Oregon Intercollegiate Knights were awarded merit sweaters for the past year’s work. They are: Ru dolph Crommelin, Pendleton; Ned Kinney, Portland; John Marrs, Portland; Richard Mumaw, Aber deen, Washington; Gilman Ryder, Baker; Harold Short, Astoria; Dave Winans, Glendale, Califor nia; Paul Wonacott, Portland. The awards made by Tom Stod dard, as presiding officer of the student body, in token for the ser vices of the eight freshmen have given during the past year in ush ering at games, handling tradi tions, and sponsoring activities. Karl Greve, Duke of the Oregon Knights, presented the sweaters last night. A.amw117’— Sigma Xi, Science Honorary, Adds Twenty-Eight to Ranks wo Men Chosen to Active Membership; Eighteen Made Associates; Chemistry, Biology, Botany, And Geology Are Presented pWENTY-EIGHT new members were elected to Sigma XI, , - science honorary, at a meeting held last night. Ten of these re elected to active membership and 18 to associate mernber P Those elected as active members are: Chemistry, Elizabeth Bradway, senior; biology, Dr. Ernest Gellhorn, faculty; geology, Farrell Barnes, John Butler, and Donald Wilkinson, all graduate assistants; botany, Lyle F. Wynd, Kollo Patterson, graduate stu dents; Oregon State college faculty, Eugene Carl Starr, Deloss E. Bullis, Philip Martin Brandt, and Joseph Wilcox. The new associate members are: Chemistry, Francis Jones, graduate student; Charles Dawson, Karl Klemm, and J. H. Trues dail, seniors; biology, Arthur Fryer, Walter Brown, seniors, and John C. Queen, graduate student; geology, Harry WTieeler, senior; botany, L. E. Detling, graduate assistant; psychology, Lester Beck, Sigfrid Seashore, and Lincoln Constance, seniors, and Robert Walker and Malcolm Campbell, graduate assistants; medical school, Edgar Murray Burns, Irving Tuell, Lyle Vcazie, and Louis S. Goodman, students. Dr. Ernest Gellhorn read a paper at the meeting entitled, “Quantitative Studies in Ion Antagonism.’’ Two New Entries Listed for Queen Of Junior Prom Alpha Phi and Delta Zeta Members Announced As Candidates Teepe, Smartt Increase Aspirants to 18 The names of Louise Smartt, Delta Zeta, and Dorothy Teepe, Alpha Phi, will be included on the list of Junior Prom queen candi dates in the election to be held Thursday to determine what mem ber of the junior class is the pret tiest in the eyes of the student body. This will increase the num ber of entries to 18, from that of 16, announced in yesterday's Em erald. The voting will take place to morrow by ballots to be distrib uted to all the living organiza tions by assistants appointed by Miriam Swafford, prom queen chairman. The winning candidate will act as queen at the prom, and the four next highest will act as her maids of honor. The 18 can didates will be listed on the bal lots, and each voter will check one as his choice. The voting will be done not by houses but by indi viduals. The independents may vote for prom queen at the Y hut, where the polls will be open between 9 and 5 o'clock. The event, which is to take place May 10, will be an unusual affair, Cal Bryan, prom director, promises. Johnny Robinson’s ten piece orchestra, the Varsity Vaga bonds, will furnish the music. The dance will open with a grand march and the coronation of the queen. A large section of spectators' seats is being arranged to care for those wishing to look on. A special section will be open to the mothers who will be on the cam pus for Mother’s day. The complete list of prom queen (Continued on Pape Three) Tlieta Sigma Phis To Entertain Soon At Formal Dinner Matrix Table To Be Held Here for First Time By Local Chapter Theodore Acland Harper To Be Guest Speaker Theta Sigma Phi, women’s na tional journalism honorary, will present the Matrix Table, a formal dinner to be held at the Osborn hotel on the evening of Tuesday, May 20. It is the first of the meet ings ever to be held in Eugene. Theodore Acland Harper, auth or and lecturer from Portland, will be the guest speaker, telling of his experiences in Siberia. Mr. Harper is the author of “Siberian Gold,” “Kubrik, the Outlaw,” and a group of children’s books, in cluding “Mushroom Boy,” “Sing ing Feather,” and “The Janitor’s Cat." Matrix Table is a custom fol lowed by Theta Sigma Phi chap ters all over the country, at which a formal dinner i3 held once a year, with an author or person of note interested in creative writing is asked to speak. About 200 in vitations will be sent out to mem bers of Theta Sigma Phi, women authors and leaders throughout the state, and a select number of women students. Elise Schroeder, president, an nounced the committees for the < dinner at a meeting of Theta Sig ma Phi at the home of Mrs. Lewis Beeson Sunday afternoon. The committees are as follows: Invitation list, Mrs. Eric W. Al len, Mrs. George Turnbull, Mar garet Clark, Elise Schroeder; in vitations, Marion Lowry, Ruth Newman; publicity, Ruth Newton, Bess Duke; arrangements, Mrs. J. L. Hesse, Margaret Reid; table decorations, Ruth Hansen, Mary Frances Dilday, Phyllis Van Kim mell; mailing, Dorothy Thomas, Beatrice Bennett; music, Edith [ Dodge, Lavina Hicks. T’Hut Polling Place; Will Be Open at Nine Tom Stoddard, Chairman Of Counting Board, Perfects Plans LIST HOURLY RETURNS Figures To Be Broadcast Over Radio KORE in Emerald Hour Tom Stoddard, whose position as president of the student body makes him chairman of the count Tom Stoddard ing Doara ior to d a y's election, has p e rfected plans for the re lease of returns as fast as they are tabulated. The polls at the Y. M. C. A. hut will open at 9 and will close at 3 o’c 1 o c k sharp. A count mg board appointed by Stoddard will begin the tabulations at once, and the first bulletin of returns will be posted on the bulletin boardoin front of the Co-op store at 5 o’clock. Starting at 5 o’clock, hourly re turns will be given from radio KORE. The figures will be tele phoned to the radio studio just be fore the release of each bulletin and will be put on the air imme diately. Expect Returns at 10 P. M. "We expect to have complete returns by 10 o’clock in the eve ning," Stoddard said. Dick Horn, who as vice-presi dent of the student body, has charge of the polls during the elec tion, has announced that any member of the election board has at any time the right to challenge the identity and the right to vote of any student asking for a bal lot, and warns that any student so challenged must be prepared to identify himself by means of a student body card or other iden tification, or face serious conse quences. Voting Is on Level “This election is to be strictly on the square,” Horn said last night. There will be no election eering allowed inside the Y hut or on the porch and steps.” Students appointed by Stoddard on the counting board are: George Stadelman, John Anderson, Karl Landstrom, Paul Walgren, James Dezendorf, William Finley, Doug las. DeCew, Archie White, Mar jorie Chester, Sid Hoffman, 4Cen ton Hamaker, Henry Baldridge, Bess Templeton, Kathryn Langen berg, Don Campbell, James Landy, Crosby Owens, Charles Silverman, and Dorothy Teepe. Congress Club To Meet “Is Lobbying a Necessary Evil?” will be the subject discussed at tonight’s meeting of the Congress club, at 7:30, at the College Side. Sterling Green, freshman in jour nalism, will introduce the subject. Campaigning Clamor Quiets for PollingTime KORE Will Feature Election Returns at 8 O’clock Tonight Results Will Be Announced At Short Intervals by Student Broadcaster in Emerald Program Election returns will be broad cast tonight from the Campa Shoppe by remote control over KOKE at 8 o'clock, announced Art Potwin, director of the "Emerald of the Air" broadcasts, yesterday. Direct telephone communication will be established with the count ing booths, and at short intervals, until they are complete, the re turns will be put on the air by Dave Wilson. "This will,” declar ed Potwin, "eliminate the vast amount of rumor that always at tends any sort of election. Hous es that own radios will be able to stay at home and get the authori tative returns as soon as they are released.” Johnny Robinson’s "Varsity Vagabonds” will play again over KORE tonight and for the rest of the week in connection with the political broadcasts. Last night the Vagabonds furnished 25 min utes of syncopation, interspersed with short political speeches by Chuck Laird and George Cherry, presidential candidates and Ted Park and Bill Whitely, vice-presi dential prospects. Individuals who ’ did not personally know the can didates, were given the opportun ity to hear them speak before go ing to the polls. The rest of last night’s musical program in con nection with “Politicians’ Night” was given over to talent from the ■ April frolic. Carolyn Haberlach, director of women’s musical num ber, arranged the program which \ consisted of a trio composed of Marvin Jane Hawkins, Maxine Glover and Sally Hathaway. Songs by Virginia Baker, blues singer, and Anna Garrett. Violin solos by Peggy Sweeney. Songs by Jewel Elli3 and a tap dance by Alva Ba ker. Jo Scott and Maxine Glover, played the piano accompaniments. “Guilfin and His Gal,” Emerald continuity stunt will be on the air again tomorrow night, according to Bob Guild, author and co-actor with Jewel Ellis in the episodes. Tomorrow’s episode will find the two college lovers in a new and hilarious predicament. Edna Speaker Chosen Cpsmopolitan Head Edna Spenker, senior in sociol ogy, was elected president of the Cosmopolitan club at a meeting of the group last night. Other of ficers chosen were: Vice-president, Florendo Mangavil; secretary, Clare Maertens; and treasurer, Blayne Brewer. Dr. John Mueller was the chief speaker of the evening, talking on European culture. Sample Ballot For President. 1. GEORGE CHERRY 2. CHUCK LAIRD For Vice-President 3. TED PARK 4. BILL WHITELY For Secretary 5. HARRIET KIBBEE ' 6. PHYLLIS VAN KIM MELL For Executive Man 7. GEORGE CHRISTEN SEN 8. TONY PETERSON For Executive Woman 9. REBA BROGDON 10. WILMA ENKE For Junior Finance Officer 11. JACK GREGG 12. OMAR (SLUG) PAL MER CO-OP BOARD For Junior Members Co-op Board 13. WALLACE BAKER 14. malvin McCarthy 15. DOROTHY JEAN MURPHY 16. FAULKNER SHORT For Soph Member Co-op Board 17. HAROLD SHORT 18. DOROTHY YORK For the Adoption of the New Constitution 19. YES 20. NO Frosh Will Have I Name on Plaque Honorary Gives Reward For Scholarship Arthur Monroe Cannon, judged to have the highest scholarship average of all freshmen in the school of business administration, will have his name engraved on the plaque set up in the Commerce | building by Beta Gamma Sigma, i national commerce honorary for | men, for the purpose of stimulat- | ing scholarship among freshman business administration majors. Final decision on the awarding of the plaque was made at a meet ing of the honorary yesterday af . ternoon in 107 Commerce building, j when information received from the registrar’s office showed that i Cannon has made an average of 1.20 in his first two terms of Uni versity work. The plaque, on which Is en- j graved the inscription "To honor j outstanding scholastic achieve ment,” was won last year by Brad ford P. Datson. Candidates Meet in Last Conferences Speeches Over Radio Made On Emerald of Air by Ticket Leaders Acceptance of Constitution Hinges on Ballots By DAVE WILSON "The proof of the pudding is in I the eating.” 1 Today the Oregon student body goes to the polls to select its of ficers for the coming year. The time for campaigning and argu ment is past. The choice of the majority is to determine the issue. Both political parties wound up their campaign last night with mass meetings. The Laird party met at the Sigma Chi house and the Cherry supporters convened at Friendly hall at the same hour, 9 o’clock. Candidates Broadcast Previous to these meetings, Laird and Cherry, together with the two candidates for the vice presidency, Ted Park and Bill Whitely, had made radio talks over KOBE by remote control from the Campa Shoppe, in which they outlined their platforms and asked for support. Each party claims approximate ly 1,000 votes, and to all appear ances, both claims are justifiable. At last year's election 80.9 per cent of the 3702 students then in school, or 2186, cast votes in the presidential race. If this same ra tio should develop today, 2223 stu dents of the 2,748 now in school will vote. Close Vote Predicted The writer believes that the per centage of voting students will be a little lower this year; perhaps around 75 per cent. But even at that there are about 200 votes ' over and above those claimed by the rival parties, which will large ly decide the issue of the election. The margin which will decide the victory one way or the other will i not be large. In the elections held I at the University of Washington ' a fortnight ago, the presidential I contest was decided by a margin of 19 votes, the winner polling 1,217 to his opponent’s 1,198. The choice of officers is not the only important concern of today’s election. Included on the ballot | will be a place to mark “Yes” or j “No” on the acceptance of the new student body constitution. Its ac i ceptance will require a two-thirds I majority of the votes cast, provid ed there are more than 500 votes. Elective Offices Hinge Upon the acceptance of this con I stitution depends the existence of the office of senior man, for which | George Christensen and Tony Pe (Continued on Pag« Two) -1 1 Here Are the Candidates-Make Your em i For President George Cherry Charles* LairU For Vice-President Ted Park Bill Whitely For Secretary r.- ••••<• ■•’■TT-yy-aK=rz-r:y Harriett Kibbee r. Van Ki/nniell For Senior Man G. Christensen i ft \ emm Tony Peterson For Senior Woman |{«*ba Brogdon Wilma Knke For Junior Man Jack Gregg Slug Palmer