Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    Co-eds Against
Athletes Getting
All Campus Jobs
Men Divided on Question
of Partiality in Placing
University Work
Curricula, Not Sports Big
Influence on Preppers
The story books say that co-eds
just dote on athletes; but if we
judge from the returns on Emerald
questionnaires, the story books
found their material in other places
than the University of Oregon.
Here are the statistics:
The eo-eds were asked, “Do you
favor preference to athletes in dis
tribution of campus jobs?” In ans
wer 71 per cent of the ladies thun
dered “No,” while the remaining
29 per cent admitted that athletes
should be given the best of the
College Men More Generous
The college men are a bit more
generous with their fellow athletes,
52 per cent believing that athletes
should receive more consideration
than the average man. There is a
very strong tendency for fraternity
folk to favor the athlete, while non
fraternity people are quite willing,
speaking generally, that he should
shift for hinaself.
The athletic reputation of the
University has been almost a neg
ligible factor in inducing students
to enroll at Oregon. Less than three
per cent of the freshman men listed
athletics as a attraction, while of
the women, only two freshman wom
en, or less than one per cent of
the first year co-eds considered the
athletic reputation of the Universi
ty in making their choice of alma
mater. Of course these figures on
the “athletic reputation” of the
University are open to two inter
pretations: First, the University
may not have any “athletic reputa
tion” or secondly, it may be inter
preted that prospective students are
not interested in athletics before
they reaeh college.
Many Attractions mmom
The latter is probably the case,
since approximately 35 per cent of
the first year men reported that
the scholastic reputation and cours
es offered were the main attrac
tions. Other factors inducing the
student to enroll were: They wanted
to come to the state University;
they have friends at the University;
it was near home.
Even though athletics play a
small part in indncing the prospec
tive student to come to the Univer
sity, once here the students have
little grudge against intercollegiate
and intra-mural and inter-organiza
tion athletics. Fifty-seven per
cent of the students wish inter-col
legiate athletics to roeeivo the same
emphasis as at present, and 26 per
cent wish more emphasis on this
type of athletics, making all told
83 per cent of the student body
wishing as much or more emphasis
on intercollegiate athletics than at
present. Fourteen per cent wish
less emphasis, and the remaining
three per cent wish to see this kind
athletics abolished altogether.
Fraternity membership, sex and
■olnss seem to have litie effect on
:the general attitude.
Both men and women agree that
inter-class and inter-organization
athletics should be increased, 82
per cent of the former and 71 per
cent of the latter being in favor
fif more intra-mural sports.
Athletics are gi.ven little blame
for poor scholarship, only three or
four per cent of blame being laid
at the door of “too much athletics.”
(Continued from page one)
an on the executive council. Bho
is this year secretary of the junior
class She was on the student union
committee for 1925 and 1926, lieut
enant of the Big Sister movement
of the Women’s League this year,
general chairman of the sophomore
class dance last year. Miss Runes
lives at Hendricks hall.
Dot Ward out
Pot Ward and Ulenna Fisher are
new candidates for senior women
on student council. Dot AVnrd, ’-7,
is a nuember of the 1$>26 Oregana
staff, has been active in Y. W. C.
A. work, and was on the Frosh Glee
committee her first year. Sho is
affiliated with Alpha Omieron Pi
and is a member of the W. A. A.
Glenna Fisher, ’27, is a member
of the junior week-end committee
served on the student union com
mittee, and was sergeant at arms
for the Won<eu's League, 1924-25
Miss Fisher is a member of Thes
pians, Kwanna, Phi Chi Theta, am!
Delta Zcta.
Two more men, Clifford Kuhr
and Richard Gordon, have entered
the Tanks for place of Junior mac
on the student couneil. Clifford
Kuhn, ’28, played this year on the
varsity baseball squad. Last year,
he won a numeral in freshman base
ball. Kuhn is a member of To-Ko
Lo, honorary sophomore organiza
tion, and of Lambda Psi.
Richard Gordon Enters
Richard Gordon, ’28, is a member
of the Greater Oregon committee, of
the 1926 Oregana staff, and is ful
filling the unexpired two terms as
treasurer of the sophomore class
left vacant by Bob Keeney. Gordon
is an Oregon Knight and a member
of Delta Tau Delta.
Three women, Mary Clark, Mary
Cogswell and Frances Plimpton,
have entered their names for Junior
woman of the student council. Miss
Clark, ’28, is a member of the
Homecoming committee this year,
was on the frosh glpe committee
her first year, served on the high
school conference committees. She
was a judge in the recent song con
test and is a member of the Uni
versity glee club. Misg Clark is
affiliated with Chi Omega sorority.
Mary Cogswell, ’28, candidate
for office of Junior woman on the
student council, is a member of the
student union drive, of the Y. "W.
C. A., freshman and sophomore
commissions, Homecoming commit
tee, chairman of the patrons com
mittee for the Frosh Glee, and
woman’s sales captain for the rum
mage sale for the Fine Arts build
ing fund.
Frances Plimpton, the third can
didate for Junior woman has served
on the 1925 Homecoming comfnit
tee, the Student union collection
drive, the Oregana and Emerald
subscription drive, and is secretary
treasurer of the Allied Arts league.
Bob Maxwell and Elwood F.
Enke have both announced their
candidacy for sophomore man on
the student council, swelling this
list to four. Bob Maxwell, ’29, is
a freshman track-man, a member of
the Emerald staff, of the greater
Oregon committee, publicity staff
for Junior week-end, is an Emerald
night editor, and an honor roll man.
ne is affiliated with Sigma Chi
Elwood F. Enke, ’29, candidate
for sophomore man Is a member of
To-K)o-Lo, Oregon Knights, chair
man of the Oregon Knights usher
committee, and a member of the
frosh baseball squad. Enke ig af
filiated with Psi Kappa.
Compliment Given
U. H. S. Curricula
In Book by Hines
University high school has been
complimented on its enrricnla in
the newer boohs on jnnior high
schools. In “Tho Junior High
School Curricula,” by Harlan C.
Hines, the opinion of Prof. Harl It.
Douglass, of tho University of Ore
gon, is quoted, on the subject of
tho possibilities in tho six-year high
school for tho small town. Pro
fessor Douglass is quoted from an
article on educational administra
tion and supervision.
Another compliment is given the
campus high school, in a hook call
ed “The Junior High School,” by j
William A. Smith. Ho speaks of
Professor Douglass's plans of oper- i
ation in the junior division at Uni
versity high school, Eugene, Ore
gon, and believes that the school
has a model curricula.
Professor Douglass, supervisor of
the campus high school, announces
that a revision of the courses of
study is about to be published, as
the supply of pamphlets is now ex
Saturday Special on
Pure thread silk, regular $1.2E
value at the very low price of—
98c All Shades
Full fashioned pure-silk chiffor
regular $1.85 value, Special at—
$1.49 All Shades
J. Matt Johnson Co.
30-East 9th St.
SO Easy Steps from Willamette St
Oregon, O. A. C.
Co-eds to Hold
First Play Day
Non-competitive Events to
Show Wide Range;
Picnic Planned
Play Pay, the big athletic event
being sponsored by W. A. A. between
1 Oregon and O. A. C., is just a month
I away. Play Day is to be held for
' the first time this year, and, if suc
; cessful, will no doubt become an an
■ nual event. Tt will take the place
of the field day which the women
sport followers have had each spring.
I The innovation will be held on the
Oregon campus this year, and O. A.
! C. will send a large number of her
best athletes over to join in sports
j and a general play affair with our
j women. The entire schedule of events
is to be strictly non-competitive and
l carried out to the letter, eliminating
| any feeling of hostility between the
two institutions in the realm of wom
en’s sports. The teams will be com
posed of an equal number of O. A. C.
and Oregon girls.
Plans for the day are being rapidly
brought to a head, and as soon as
each member of the general commit
tee has perfected her share of the
program, it will be made public.
Practically every sport in which
the Oregon women indulge will be
included in the program for the
At the close of the day a big pic
nic supper will be spread on the
lawn in front of the women’s gym
nasium. Stunts are being planned
to use during the picnic hour, and
there will be an exhibition of inter
pretative dancing on the campus
lawn just after the supper.
Four Rounds House
Tennis Are Scheduled
For This Afternoon
The second round and part of
the third found of the intra-mural
tennis tournament will be played
this afternoon, according to the
schedule given ou,t last evening.
This includes four games for this
afternoon at the usual 4 o ’clock
tennis hour.
The teams matched this after
noon ore: Oregon Club versus Al
pha Tan Omega, Kappa Delta Phi
versus Sigma Kn, Kappa Sigma
versus Friendly hall and Chi Pei
versus Phi Gamma Delta.
The matches of Monday’s play
were for the most part close and
went Into high scores. A.T.O. de
feated Beta Theta Pi in two hard
struggles with a score of 9-7,9-7.
Kappa Delta Phi won over Phi
Delta Theta after a hard last game,
with a score of 6-4 and 7-5. Sigma
Nu defeated Sigma Alpha Epsilon
in the easiest matches of the after
noon by the lop-sided scores of 6-3
and 6-0. The scheduled Phi Gamma
Delta-Chi Psi contest was post
poned, and will be played today.
Shoes Cleaned and Dyed
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
Comer 13th and Alder
April Follies from
Frolic Will Open
Junior Vodvil Bill
A light, sparkling, gay seene on
board a yacht, peopled with an un
usually good-looking group of senior
women, will be the setting for the
first number on the program of the
Junior Vod-Vil. It has been named
the “April Follies,” having been
taken from the April Frolic. Clever
acting, catchy songs and good cho
rus work were deciding factors in
the choice of the stunt for the Vod
Vil program. The act won a storm
of applause at the April Frolic and
it is expected to go over big in
the performance this week-end. Bet
ty Alexander, DeLoris Pearson, Mar
garet Powers, Edna Murphy, Adri
enne Hazard, Imogene Lewis and
Betty Smith, dressed in sports out
fits, presgpt a very interesting cho
rus. Other girls in the act are
Janet Wood, who does a Russian
dance, and a chorus composed of
Mary Jo Shelley, Irva Dale, Betty
Lewis' and Ernestine Troemel whose
sailor hornpipe is particularly amus
Fdr those who desire to get “hep”
to all the latest campus gossip, an
opportunity is awaiting them in the
scandal-revealing line offered by the
Knotz and Morgan team. These
comedians have collected some of
the most soul-wracking facts about
the supposedly respectable faction
that can be imagined and the dis
closure of many of the mysterious
things that have been happening
on the campus lately promise to be
anything but bromidie.
Those who have heard William
Forbis sing have something of an
idea of what he has to offer in "The
Soul of Spain,” a musical and dance
diversion. Etha Clark and Milton
George will support him in a Span
ish dance. Special sets have been
chosen for the proper presentation
of his act and novel lighting effects
are used to help give the correct
atmosphere for the production.
Yesterday was the first day of the
ticket sale and according to the
turnout of houses and the amount
netted from the ticket sale a large
crowd is expected to attend.
There will be a story on the three
remaining acts tomorrow, two hav
ing been written of in a previous
paper. _
“Off the
Marguerite de la Motte
John Bowers
Sport |
Wrist Watches
Hoffman’s Jewelry
790 Willamette
Oregon Electric
Going Home Week-Ends
$5.30 Portland and Return
Tickets on Sale Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays
Return Limit Tuesdays
Low round trip fares between Eugene and following points.
Tickets on sale daily; return limit 15 days
Albany .$2.50 Salem ...„.$3.80
Corvallis .$2.25 Woodburn .$4.75
Forest Grove ..$7.10 Hillsboro . $6.75
O. E. Rv Trains leave Eugene daily at *7:50 and
11:15 a. m.; *2:00 and 6:05" p. m.
Tickets and Further Information of
Trav. Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent
Phone 140
Oregon Electric
Sprinklers, Rain Vie
To Moisten Lawns
April shower* may bring May
flower*, but the University of Ore
gon gardener* believe in helping na
ture along. Did you *ee all the
lawn *pray* yesterday watering the
grounds in competition with the
At 8 o’clock, as on sunshiny morn
ings, the sprays were started.
Through light showers and occa
sional heavier downpours they spray
ed the lawns until 5 o’clock. Pass
ing students laughed, thinking, per
haps, tjiat University gardeners,
too, become absent minded.
The gardeners, however, when
called upon for an explanation, de
clared that the academic lawn was
becoming dry too quickly, and that
yesterday’s rain was not sufficient
to keep the grass green.
Y. W. Discussion to Be
On Campus Democracy
The Freshman Commission of the
Y.W.C.A. will meet Thursday after
noon at 4:30 in the Bungalow. The
subject of discussion will be “Cam
pus Democracy,” lead by Beatrice
Under the general title of “Cam'
pus Democracy,” intellectual snob
bishness, social snobbishness, and
moral snobbishness will be brought
up. The point of personal difficulty
in overcoming these conditions will
be talked over, as well as what
Oregon has done to overcome them,
including the “Hello” and other
democratic Oregon traditions.
Vocal solos will be given by
Claire Whitton.
First Year Trackmen
Practice Daily; Squad
Personnel Is Mystery
With the first track meet of the
season almost upon them, the fresh
man track aspirants are working
out daily under the watchful eyes
of Bill Hayward and Spike Leslie.
In order to concentrate his time on
those who will make up the frosh
squad, Spike will hold tryouts for
the Babes next Saturday along with
the varsity tryouts for the Seattle
relays. Just who will make up the
squad is a mystery to all, especially
after the intramural track meet last
Saturday when several “dark
horses” appeared on the scene.
The big problem for the coaches
next Saturday will be in the sprints.
Kircher and Cheshire seem to be the
only ones assured of their places.
These two will be pressed hard by
Ord, Hunter, Clark and McCutch
en, who have been improving stead
ily. In the hurdles Foster, McGee
and Crawford are showing up well.
Crawford in the high jump, Stager
in the discus and Sanderson in the
shot put should not have much
trouble in taking their share of
first places. Little in the mile, Mc
Kitrick in the half mile and Stand
ard in the quarter mile should eas
ily cop their share of the pqints.
The first meet for the frosh will
probably be May 1, on Hayward
field against the Portland high
schools, although this has not been
definitely decided. The annual re
lay carnival against the O. A. C.
Books will be run in Corvallis, May
15 and the Frosh-Book dual meet
will be held in Eugene, May 28. The
date for the Frosh U. of W. frosh
meet to be held in Seattle has not
been definitely decided upon as yet.
327 Willamette
All This Week
|35c Size Can Enamel-Kote
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This is the famous Acme Quality Enamel-Kote ideal
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Also Prepared House Paint
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Eugene Hdwe. Co.
I. O. o. F. Bldg.
W. F. G. Thacher to
Attend Conference
W. F. G. Thacher, professor in
the school of journalism, will attend
the annual convention of the Paci
fic coast advertising clubs associa
tion at San Francisco, July 5-11, as
a delegate of the Portland adver
tising elub.
Mr. Thacher will participate in
the department held by the teacherg
of advertising on the Pacific coast,
and will lead the discussion on the
subject of “The Place of Advertis
ing Instruction in the University
Parkway on Agate
Street Is Improved
The University is putting a grass
j parkway down the center of Agate
street between 14th and' 15th
streets. The unpaved strip was
formerly rutted and weedy and the
new grass plot will improve its ap;
pearance a great deal. The garden
ers have planted the seed and are
covering it with straw now, to pro
tect it from exessive heat and to
prevent the seeds from blowing
The best place to have
yeur hair cut
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