Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    Obak’s Kollege Krier
OBAK Wallace, Publialar L.L.L. Office boy and editor .
yolasa* 3SATURDAY, A. M. Number 21
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of tha Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
Sally except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor —__________Don Woodwaro
Associate Editor_John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor__ Ted Janes
Daily News E'diturs
Maii«~nt Morrison Poealla Keber
Marian Lowry Frances ^iuipeon
Loon Byrne Norma Wilson
Night Editor*
taper! Bulllvant Walter Coorer
Jahnar Johnson Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson George Belknap
Jim Case
r. L N. B. Editor _ Pauline Bondurant
_ Josephine Ulrich, Louis Dammasch
Sports Staff
Sports Editor-Monts Byers
Sports Writers:
Bill Akers, Ward Cook, Wilbur Wester,
Alfred Erickson, George Godfrey, Fete
Upper News Staff
Catherine Spall Mary Clerin
Leonard Lerwill Margaret Skavlan
Georgians Gerlinsrer Kathrine Kressmann
Ed Miller
News Staff: Lyle Janz, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Thelma Hamrick,
Webster Jones. Margaret Vincent. Alan Button. Frances Sanford. Eugenia Strickland,
Velma Meredith, Elizabeth Cadj , Ned French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford
Zehrung, Beth Fariss, Lillian Baker, Mary West, Emily Houston, Clate Meredith.
Lot Beatie
Associate Manager
Business Staff
Foreign Advertising
HuifM_James Leake
tat Manager _ Walter Peanoa
Specialty Advertising
Veima Fam ham Mary Brandt
Lyle Jana
tat Manager
■ Manning
Upper Business Staff
Advertising Manager _ Maurice Warnock
Aas't Adv. Manager _ Karl Hardenbergh
Advertising Salesmen
Sales Manager__ Frank Loggan
Lester Wade William James
Earl Slocum
■ntered h> the postoffiee at Eugene, Oregon, as second-elan matter,
sages, 16.26 per mar. By term, 76c. Advertising rates opon application.
j Manager
DaPr Nm Editor Tbta Ihh Nluht Editor Thi* Imim
Leon Byrne Jalmar Johnson
• Assistant ...Pete Laurs
Participants, All
Student minds must be disabused of the notion that the
drive for Student Union funds is the product of any one person’s
schematizing. It is not a publicity feat promoted by the presi
dent of the student body. It is not a snare to entrap any un
suspecting student. It is an effort of the entire campus to
express its interest in the development of the University of
Oregon, and the attainment of the Greater University.
Of necessity any extensive undertaking must have leaders.
Those who assume the responsibility for the Student Union are
representatives of the student body. Their task is to express
the sentiment of their constituents; their interest is the wel
fare of the student body; their determination is to carry out
the tasks assigned and fulfill the responsibilities assumed.
Alone, theirs would be an impossible undertaking. Aided,
these leaders can carry through their highly organized plans to
a crowning termination. There is not a student who can af
ford to show only a passing interest in what is about to hap
pen. He who says, “Let the other fellow do it,” is a shirker.
The success of the Student Union drive depends upon two
things—the flawless organization carrying on the work, and
the happy reception by the student body of the opportunity
to do some good.
Hence, the man whose assistance is sought in this movement
should seize the chance to help boost. And he who is ap
proached, when the time comes to make his contribution, should
do so, knowing he is acting in good faith with himself, and in
a charitable spirit toward his University.
Go to Church on Easter
Tomorrow is Easter, the (lay campus tradition has always
set as the main “go to church Sunday” of the year. Yesterday’s
Emerald told of the special services in the downtown churches,
and it is expected that every place of worship in Eugene will be
The history of the day is interesting, especially in the light
of the way we moderns regard it. From the time of Constan
tine, continuing through many centuries, Easter was also New
It is the most ancient and has always been counted the most
important of the Christian festivals. The name, like the days
of the week, is a survival of Teutonic mythology. The Easter
month corresponded to our April, and after our ancestors be
came Christian, says Bede, “the old festival was observed with
the gladness of a new solemnity.”
It is time there were a more general observance on our cam
pus of this great “festival of flowers and the immortal hope.”
Most of us profess attachment of some sort to the Christian
faith. That faith is supremely a faith in immortality. Such a
faith built the Pyramids, caused Socrates to despise the poison
as something that could not touch his soul, and Plato to utter
arguments that thrill to this day.
Let’s go to church, Easter.
The Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church and the Rev.
Bruce J. Giffon’s Sunday morning
Bible class, which meets at the “Y”
hut every Sunday morning, will
hold an Easter breakfast at the
Central Presbyterian church Sun
day moruing. Communion services
will be held at the same time, with
the Rev. Giffen officiating.
It will soon be on
everybody’s tongue
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in thia «■!«■«
for two issues only. Copy must be |
in this office by 6 :S0 on tbe dty 1
before it is to be published, end must
| be limited to 20 words. - i
Entire Cast for “Captain Jacque
line”—Meet for rehearsal at Vil
lard at 10, Saturday morning.
Mr. Cif fen’s Class—Will not
meet next Sunday morning. Come
to the special Christian Endeavor
Easter service, at 7:00 a. m.
Important Meeting of Entire
Junior Weekend Directorate—9:30,
Saturday morning, in Dean Straub’s;
office, Administration building. j
Letters to the EMBRALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it Is desired, the
writer’s name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
I editor reserves the light to reject
I communications.
To the editor:
Lately, an out-of-town clothing
firm, a shoe firm, and other mer
chandise firms have been invading
Eugene to reap a harvest from the
students of the University. Granted
that their wares may be worth the
money, reliable in every way, and
of excellent quality, should the
students patronize them!
These firms are not even Oregon
firms, they pay no taxes in Ore
gon. All the money they receive
goes clear out of the state. Not a
bit of it comes back in taxes, the
state does not even benefit from
the re-investment of the money.
So, is it fair for students to
patronize these itinerants? An in
vestigation has revealed that goods
of equal quality can be obtained in
Eugene, and that dollar value for
dollar value the wares can be
matched in any of the leading
downtown stores.
The Eugene merchants are
staunch and loyal supporters of
the University. Already they have
aided materially in the gift cam
paign, and they are going to help
some more.
At least, the students should go
down town and compare prices and
quality and styles before purchas
ing from the travelling firms. Per
haps some students might be sur
prised to know that an investiga
tion revealed that the same brand
of goods recently sold by a “na
tional” clothier can be obtained
down town at lesser prices.
Patronize local firms—anyway
when local firms are superior in
every way! A STUDENT.
To the editor:
Why is it that someone, general
ly once or twicte a year, comes
through with a story of what so
and-so institution is doing? I am
making reference to the article 1
that appeared recently signed by J
“Rab” Reavis.
If “Rab,” as he terms himself,
likes O. A. C.’s way of conducting i
student body dances, why, then, <
does he not transfer to the Cor- i
vallis institution I am sure the I
registrar will gladly grant him a i
transfer and then he will be fully
able to enjoy himself and also pick ]
his dates to suit his fancy. I won- ,
der, “Rab,” if the reason that you ,
like the O. A. C. custom is that ,
the “wall-flowers” are the only (
ones thrft will give you any atten
tion. ,
Here is something to think about, (
“Rab.” You must take into con
sideration that each institution the ,
country over has its own customs
and ideals. If it is your desire to
be better pleased with one custom
aB that at O. A. C. than the one j
enjoyed here, the stages still run ,
regularly to O. A. C. Remember J
that variety is the spice of life.
If O. A. C. life appeals to you, then
adios. JACK BLISS. 1
' Hem* High Point* In Omm |
| Emerald of April 19, 1923 |
♦ --
Disapproval of the publication of
the names of students issuing n. s.
f. checks has been voiced by the
inter-fraternity council.
“Time has demonstrated that
Campus Pay is more valuable for
the feeling of democracy it pro
moted than for the actual work |
accomplished,!’—Emerald editorial.
* * *
Melvin T. Solve, ’18. and Mrs. I
Norma Solve, ’14, are leaving the
University to take up work at the i
University of Michigan.
The April Frolic was successful
financially. Over $175 was cleared. j
Half of the circular bleachers at
the north end of Hayward field!
will bo covered before the football1
season starts. .
• * w
The final tryouts which will de- |
termine Oregon’s entrants in the
relay carnival to be held at the
University of Washington, April
28, will be held on Saturday after
Darrell Larsen has been elected
president of Mask and Buskin.
University Campus Pleases
Visitors from State
A total of 1,074 delegates from
all parts of. Oregon, registered in
the State Christian Endeavor con
vention, held in Eugene last ■week
end, according- to reports compiled
by the housing committee. This is
the largest convention ever held in
Oregon, said E. P. Gates, national
secretary of the Christian En
deavor societies.
The visitors expressed themselves
as being very well pleased with
Eugene in general, and particularly
the campus of the University,
which they toured. Most of the
delegates were here for the first
time, and consequently were much
interested in the college, which
many of them will attend at some
future date.
The officers for the coming year
were elected at a session of the
convention, several of them being
former or present students of the
University of Oregon. They are:
President, Mary Guiley of the Uni
versity extension division; vice
presidents, Ed Geiger of Portland,
and Mrs. Effie Bitchie of Free
water; secretary, Vj0la Ogden of
Portland; treasurer, Hiram Cole,
Coquille; superintendent of inter
mediate work, Dallas Bice, Univer
sity of Oregon senior; educational
superintendent, Walter L. Myers
of E. B. U. Leo -Deffenbecker, of
the Campus barber shop, was
elected president of the Lane
county district. Elaine Cooper,
past president of the Christian En
deavor association of the state and
former student of the University,
automatically took the position of
executive advisor.
( Editorially Clipped |
The action taken by the students
of the University of Oregon in mak
ing the junior week-end an all cam
pus affair bears interest to Reed stu
dents as well. The decision to make
the event a college affair alone was
arrived at in preference to total abol
ition, or continuance in its present
The Oregon students felt that the
advertising gained was not of the
right sort, being only of a social na
ure; that only a small percentage of
ho guests were influenced to attend
die University; that the pleasant
areak in the scholastic work only
mused physical and finaneal over
vork on the part of the entire eol
ege; that it should not be kept up
inly because of the tradition; that
mch features as the canoe fete and
ithletic carnival were desirable.
Many persons in the junior class
it Reed have raised the same sub
tantial objections in regard to Reed
lay. Reed day has never been a mere
locial event, and the canoe fete, to
>e continued at Oregon, is considered
inessential by many at Reed.
The junior class has already com
neneed preparations of a preliminary
lature. The committees desire the
ipinion of the students in regard to
he form and date to be taken by Reed
lay. The Quest needs expression of
pinion to keep going and the junior
lass needs it to get going.—Reed
College Quest.
'University of Nevada—(P. I. N.
5.)—For the first time in years,
he university “N” will not have
ts semi-annual coat of whitewash
'or Mackay Day. Heretofore it has
>een an established rule that the
'reshman class shall have the letter
minted by Mackay Day, but this
rear, owing to the inelement
veather, Block N. set aside the
ule and has given the class per
nission to delay the work one
Emerald Aisle
By Enigma
I stood before the cashier’s
window. The finst of the month
had arrived.
In all my years of experience, I
have learned at least one thing. That
it pays to be observing. I always
take advantage of the most oppor
tune psychological moments.
Here was my chance. The cashier
was a lean little fellow with tig feet
and green eyes. His long hair hung
to his shoulders and very neatly cov
ered his large bald head.
* •
My observation completed, I
drew my $50,000.50.
This is the 18th of the month
and I have only 50 cents left.
But don’t be alarmed. I’ve put
it into a good investment.
* • •
Two boys came around today and
told me they were raising fun for
somebody that sounded like Cliff
Champagne. Anyway the name had
a very beautiful liquid sound and
they wanted to get some money to
play some joke on Cliff or some
Yesterday Peter and I strolled up
to Spencer’s butte to hock holly and
pick holly hocks. But as we found
none we decided to search for some
contour lines.
It proved to he a most unusual af
ternoon, for we made two astounding
discoveries. In the first place, as
we rounded a point, we happened
onto two contours that cross each
other. Immediately we made the fact
Tcnoivn to the state bureau of geolo
gical survey and are now awaiting our
reward. Secondly,
As we climbed up higher on
the hill
The grass was growing ’round.
Did you ever see a thing like
Round grass upon the ground
We have finally solved the mystery
of the numerous campus signs on
which are written, “C. K. B.” C. K.
B. is a women’s organization and we
are told that it stands for “Ootque
ans of the Khaki Breeches.” Long
live dis order.
* » •
Here’s record of a mam named
Who found he was not able
To keep his Student Union
And still eat at the table.
They brought him into court today,
His trial he did dispute.
This case, the honorable judges say,
Was a Student Union suit.
• • »
Mr. A. D. Visor, director of the
Whalem blind school, announces a
decrease in attendance since Volstead
denatured alcohol.
Prof. F. L. Stetson, member of
the faculty of the school of educa
tion, returned the first of the week
from Spokane, where he attended
the annual meeting of the Inland
Empire Teachers’ association from
April 9 to 11. More than 2,000
persons, representing the public
inn w-ATeutt*
IVA/ i
and “Silverking,” his horse
Phone 87
Coming Events
7:30 p. m.-Mn Phi Epsilon
Easter program. Methodist
Episcopal church.
4 6 p. m.—Women’s league tea.
Woman’s building.
8:15 p. m.—Dance Drama. Heilig
schools, colleges and universities
ii the Northwest were present.
During the three-day session sev
sral prominent speakers from out
side sections were heard, including
Dr. Arthur Dean, of Teachers’ col
lege of New York City, and Miss
31]ve Jones, president of the Na
tional Education association.
Professor Stetson, who is secre
tary of the section, is also a mem
ber of the committee of the asso
ciation on the accrediting of higher
institutions. Among the institu
tions added this year was the Ore
gon Agricultural college.
“Oregon^ school men were well
represented in the association,”
said Professor Stetson. “Theyj
took part in the various programs j
md held many prominent positions I
luring the session.”
This is the 26th annual meeting
ot the association, which has for
its, purpose the furthering of
school interests in the Northwest,
rhe presidency revolves from
state to state and will come next
pear to Oregon.
It will soon be on
everybody’s tongue
All the world looks
for beauty on Easter
Sunday. Yours will be
accorded high compli
ments if we are given
the privilege to dres?
your hair In a style
most becoming to you.
Our methods add to your
“Our Methods Succeed”
13th and Kincaid
Phone 1592
SSL Mid-Nite Sons
Phone Reservationa to 141, or Jack Myera. 127
The Oregana I
Student Union!
ABSOLUTELY! Maybe you don't remem
ber, but the Oregana was the first “STU
DENT UNION.” It was the first meeting
and eating place of the students.
It is still the place where the students meet
and eat.
Eating Is Believing99
Furnishing Campaign Must
Start Say Students
Student Union Will Be a Fine
Building, But Where Do We Sit?
Ever since the Krier published the
first picture of the new student union
last week the entire campus has been
in a turmoil of excitement and every
body is all hopped up about getting
moved in. The most recent compli
cation of matters has come with the
question of furniture.
Many of the women are all in
favor of installing pool and billiard
tables so that the new student union
will be just like the old original Kol
lege Klub. There is some opposition
j to this on the grounds that the new
'union should not compete with the
Klub in this field.
There is one thing, though, that is
unanimous—everybody wants a snow
! white lunch counter and food just
[like that at Obak’s. Perhaps with
this point so definitely settled the
rest will gradually work out. One
thing is sure, that is that with the
Obak’s Klub to use as a model the
committee will have very little dif
ficulty in designing a union that will
satisfy the students.
Now what will we have for the art
gallery, ask some of the students t
That too is easy—Obak has an art
gallery that has pleased generations
past and will be a delight to the
future worshippers of true art and
So student union it is, a union with
the same sort of fellowship and com
raderee that has made Obak’s Kol
lege Klub the delight and salvation
of Oregon men for years.
Political Editorial
The Krier is beginning to get ex
cited. In fact the Krier is very much
worried. Try as we may, we don’t
seem to be able to get anybody to run
for office around this place. Every
now and then some fellow does come
around and tap us on the back, but
so far nobody has been so forward
as to offer us a cigar, and we are
still forced to roll our own out under
the proverbial bush.
What is wrong around here? Have
all of the politicians flunked out of
school? Isn’t somebody going to
prolhote somebody soon? There has
not even been anybody come around
to apply for the editorship of the
Krier, and this is the first time in
history that there hasn’t been at
least three or four candidates by the
middle of April!
The Krier offers one political sug
gestion: It is certain that therfe
will eventually be some candidates;
and it is also certain that there will
emerge out of this group a gang of
“also rans,” or “lame ducks.” To
these let us say that hundreds before
you have found comfort and relief
from disappointment by coming to
the Klub for food, smoke and relax
ation. It’s early in the game, but
you can always be sure that somebody
loves you. Remember OBAK’S.