Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor ...;. Phil Brogan
Associate Editor* .-....Ep Hoyt, Inez King
A»»ociate Managing Editor ..... Art Budd
Copy Supervisor..Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Freda Goodrich
Ted Janes
Ben Maxwell Florine Packard
Night Editors
Leon Byrne Ed. Valitchka
Junior Seton
Taylor Huston
Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor .....Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson,
Harold Shirley.
News Service Editor . Rachel Chezem
Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : Maybelle King, Pauline Bondurant.
Feature Writers: Nancy Wilson, Monte
Dramatics .Katherine Watson
Music ...Margaret Sheridan
News staff: CJinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk, Geraldine Koot, Margaret
Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, A1 Trachman, George Stewart, Phyllis Copelan,
Lester Turnbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Thomas Crosthwait, Marion Lay, Mary
Jane Dustin, Georgiana Geriinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret
Morrison, Douglas Wilson.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor.........Randolph Kuhn
Circulation Manager-----GibBon Wright
Aaaistant Circulation Manager.......Kenneth Stephenson
Adv. Assistants. Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed Tapfer, Herman H. ISlaesing
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
JX.XS per year. Hy term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Easiness Manager ----..951 Editor .....656
Daily News Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue
Florine Packard Taylor. Huston
How Long Can They Joke?
Jokes at the expense of the college graduate starting out in life
are passed. They are no longer justified because the college man
of recent times have been initiated into some of the mysteries of busi
ness life. The student competition in life insurance salesmanship
which is being carried on under the school of business administration
this week is an example. Those who compete in a contest of this
nature can hardly be considered as beginners in the art of selling
In former days when Greek and mathematics formed the major
part of the curriculum, it was true that graduates often knew little
of business methods. Students had the cultural background, and
probably outstripped their rivals in the long run. The present ten
dency is toward the inortf practical. There is an effort to combine
tlie two ideas, and graduates take their places in society with less
There are other examples. Every summer students work at a
variety of occupations, which prepare them for their careers. Grad
uation is getting to be more of a milestone than a stepping-off place.
It is merely the change in scenery caused hy the turn of the road.
All of which goes to make the outside world realize the value of a
college education.
Most Important Assembly of Year
The most radical change in student government since the adoption
of the new constitution will be proposed at the regular meetiug of the
A. S. U. O. this morning. The executive council organization is to
be investigated. The activities committees are not altogether suc
cessful, it is alleged. It will be made easier to win a track letter. No
atldete is to be allowed a blanket unless he graduates. The Woman’s
Athletic association has recommended a change in the method of
granting sweaters to women. Another proposal is to make the yell
king a member of the student council. These amendments to the
constitution will be proposed at the assembly this morning and will
be voted on within two weeks.
If you are to consider these amendments intelligently it will be
necessary for you to go to assembly this morning. It is the most im
portant of the year. Don’t miss it. It is in Villard hall.
Encouraging Local Groups
As the University grows there i.u s' je some means of enlarging
living facilities. Some colleges prov, ''or it by building new dorm
itories at frequent periods. At the University of Washington there
has been a wholesale policy of organization of local fraternities by
the student body. Although a wholesale policy is not necessary here,
it would be well to point out that there is a committee which is glad
to give advice to any group considering organization.
European Student Movements
Three students from Europe will be visitors on the campus this
week-end in an effort to excite interest in the “youth movement" of
Europe. There will not be many Oregon students who will be able
to discuss intelligently the problems of Europe in education with
these visitors. Student discussions and movements common to
European universities are the exception, rather than the rule, in
American institutions.
Announcement comes that student activities are being encouraged
among those enrolled in the extension division at the Portland cen
ter. Wonder how long it will be before they need a point system.
“Rules are to be published.”—Emerald headline. We suggest
that the Emerald pressman distribute a few copies on South Alder
Journalists Confident After De
feating Geologists
Tlie journalist basketball team, full
of confidence as a result of their vic
tory over the geologists last week, tan
gle with the architects this afternoon at
five o’clock in a contest that promises
to have all the excitements of a Pendle
ton Round-Up.
The architects have a picked outfit
including Luke Jenson, Dick Sundeleaf,
Sid Ilayslip and others who have the
reputation of slinging a mean basket.
Their lineup runs strongly to track men,
so it appears that they intend to make
a swift getaway if they are being beat
The journalists enter the fray with
the same galaxy of stars that defeated
the geologists after three five-minute
over-time periods had been played, by
the score of 21 to 19, with Youel, Fras
er, Piper, Anderson, Hoyt and Akers
in the lineup.
A special rooters section is being
built in <he gymnasium by the hardy
architects in a last minute attempt to
seat the large crowd of backers which
they claim will appear to. cheer them.
They claim this extra work has sapped
the strength of the members of the
team though, this being one of the ali
bis they have advanced in order to
secure a return game if they are by
chance defeated.
The geologists have already entered
a challenge for a return game from
the victorious journalists, but until they
are able lo show a substantial string of
victories to prove they are able to play
a better game, it will probably not be
The faculty succeeded in winning
from the journalists by a close score
in an early season game, by the trick
of threatening the studonts with a
flock of flunks if they defeated their
heavier opponents. Under the condi
tions the newspapermen were at a great
disadvantage and allowed the instruc
tors to take the little mix, but are
planning on revenge sometime in the
near future, as after a careful canvass
they have discovered that none of them
are taking subjects from the foxy fac
ultyists who are on the team.
Susan Campbell Will Meet Winners to
Decide Do-Nut League Champions
The Kappa Kappa Gamma swimmers
won the championship of league I last
night by defeating the Hendricks hall
team 25 to 32. The winners of the
•first league will contest for the do-nut
championship Friday at 5 o’clock when
they meet the Susan Campbell team,
the champions of league 2. Both these
teams have had a very successful sea
son, outswimming each of the four
teams they have met.
The competing teams in last night’s
meet were quite evenly matched, and
the points ran close during the meet.
Anna De Witt of the Hendricks team
was the high point winner of the meet
with 13 points to her credit. Marion
Nicolai, Joy Johnson, Kappa, and Isa
bel Stuart, Hendricks, tied for second
place, each earning 11 points. The
Kappa team was composed of Marion
Nicolai, Joy Johnson, Gretchen Clem
ons, and Neva Service. Hendricks hall
swimmers were Anna De Witt, Isabel
Stuart, 1 vonne Smith, Augusta De
Witt, and Harriet Veazie.
Extension Division Secures Eastern
Authority to Conduct Course at
Portland Center Sessions
The University of Oregon will co
operate with the leaders of the Port
land Americanization Council in offer
ing a. summer course in connection with
the Portland summer session,
Ralph Boas, who is in charge of Am
ericanization work in Springfield, Mass.,
"'ill In* in Cortland to direct a course
in "American Ideals,” and one on "Am
ericanization Methods.” Ben II. Will
iams, of tin' University of Pennsylvan
ia, will also offer a course in American
government in connection with Mr. Bo
as ’ work.
Field work will also be undertaken
directed from the office of the Portland
Americanization council. The council
itself is a federation of organizations
interested in Americanization work.
Among these are patriotic organiza
tions, schools, teachers’ associations,^
churches, lleed College, and tin Oregon!
Federation of Women’s Clubs. i
Spangler and Winnard Taking Work in i
Medical School
Paul Spangler, a graduate from the j
University in 1918, now in the Harvard
medical school, has just won a scholar-1
ship, lie is a senior there now and has
won a scholarship during each of his
four years.
Morton Winnard, a member of the:
class of 19--, has written that he has j
passed his mid year examinations, re- I
ceiving honor grndes. He says that j
he is in love with Harvard. He adds
also, in praise of his alma mater, that ;
he has found that the preparation he I
received in the Oregon pre-medic course j
is as good as any that could be had
anywhere. He speaks especially of the |
foundation scholarships he received in \
Notices wiJl be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 4 :30 on the day before it is to be
published and must be limited to 26 words.
Life Saving Class—Meets tonight at
Girls Volley Ball—Practice tonight at
•5 .o’clock. . .
Phi Mu Alpha.—Luncheon Thursday
noon, The Anchorage.
Christian Science Society — Regular
meeting tonight at 7:15, Oregon hall.
Oregon Knights—Meeting tonight at
7:30. Election of Chancelor of the
Pro and Con—Meeting tonight at Com
merce building at 7:30. Open discus
sion on income tax.
Hammer and Coffin—Formal meeting
today noon at Campa Shoppe.
Dial—Meeting tonight at 7:30.
State Aid Men—Reports must be filed
on or before Monday, March 4, at
window 15, Administration building.
Honor Societies—Grades for fall term
must be turned in to the office of the
registrar if a complete list is to be
Aspirants for Pitching Staff—Candi
dates for varsity baseball team to
meet with Coach Bolder at men’s
gymnasium today at 4 o’clock.
Point System Headquarters — Office
hours will be from 12:30 until 1:30
on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri
days in the Woman’s building. Thq,se
wishing to look up the number of
points in activities carried by any
one, call between these hours.
All Girls—Those wishing to get milk
and crackers at the women’s gym
may do so now at Mrs Hempy’s desk.
Announcement was made two weeks
agjo that the sale of these things was
being conducted, but those in charge
had to postpone the sale until next
Office Boy and Prospective Buyer
Will Present Difficulties
to Student Agents
The salesmanship contest to be put
on tonight at the Eugene chamber of
commerce by members of the school of
business administration will not be an
uninteresting proceeding, according to
(J. L. Kelly of the school of business
administration, who is in charge.
The contestants will enter the office
of a prospective insurance buyer. Be
fore he is admitted to the presence of
the owner of the office he must be able
to get by the office boy in charge. This
in itself may require a good bit of per
suasion, as J. If. “Bones” Skelton will
represent the model office boy, and will
make it his business to find out what
the salesman wants and what his ref
erences are. It is likely that if the
contestant succeeds in getting past
“Bones” the encounter with the buyer
will be easy.
Once in the presence of the prospec
tive policy buyer the agent will exert
all his persuasive powers to convince
him just why he should buy a policy in
Oregon Life, or which ever company he
is selling for. There are six contest
ants, Betty Pride, Wesley Frater, Darle
Seymour, Harold Bonebrake, Eugene
Walters and Ned Strahorn.
The judges who will decide who is
to receive the cash prizes of $30 and
$20 respectively are Reverend Freder
ick Jennings, rector of the Episcopal
church, A. A. Rogers of the First Na
tional bank, and A. R. Gray of Gray’s
Gash and Garry grocery store.
(Continued from page one.)
other groups were cited by Lane. One
was that of an Englishman named
Ralph Stock who circled the globe in
a 4ti foot single mast boat under con
ditions somewhat similar to the trip as
proposed by Lane. By stopping and
working whenever it is necessary the
party will be able to keep the finances
of the organization up.
In selecting his crew it is the idea
of Lane to take those who have some
knowledge of geology, anthropology,
photography and journalism. Lane him
self has had experience in such travel
ing, having spent a great deal of his
time in the last few years visiting many
foreign countries in his first trip around
the world. He has lived in New Zea
land for eight months.
The party will start, according to
Lane, sometime next fall if arrange
ments can be made. It is the plan to
be in the South Sea Islands and other
points in the southern hemisphere dur
ing the time when it is summer there.
The Heilig theater will present, at
popular prices, on Monday, March 5,
the picturesque laughing show “The
Girl and the Tramp,” a four-act com
edy drama which is making good all
along the line.
All the ingredients necessary to suc
cessful comedy are contained in this
amusing play. The author has taken
two characters, a girl and a tramp, and
has built around them a most amusing
series of situations. The plot is one
easily understood, the comedy is fast
and furious, and one laugh after anoth
er is the result.
International Federation Has
Well Known Members
Senior women in the University have
an opportunity of joining the American
Asoeiation of University Women, upon
graduation, composed of alumnae of 130
colleges of the United States. This as
sociation is one of the 17 national col
lege association represented in the In
ternational Federation of University
Women. College women from these 17
countries meet for an International con
ference once in two years and discuss
the problems of education in their var- j
ious countries.
This association has branches in |
many cities. For the college girl who
is planning to take up work in a new
city it offers an opportunity to make
new friends.
Some of the most prominent and best
known women in the country are mem
bers and are coming to regard the Na
tional club house at Washington as the
place for meeting other college women
for conferences upon all possible sub
jects. Some of the nationally known
women who are members are Mrs. Her
bert Hoover, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, An
nette Adams, First U. S. Asst. Attorney
General of the United States, Judge
Florence Allen, first woman judge; Jane
Addams of Hull House; Florence Wil
son, librarian of the League of Nations
at Geneva.
The national headquarters and club
house of this organization is located
at 1634 Eye street, Washington, D. C.
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