Oregon Daily Emerald Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily except Monday, during the college year. KENNETH YOUEL ...... EDITOB Editorial Board Managing Editor ...;. Phil Brogan Associate Editor* .-....Ep Hoyt, Inez King A»»ociate Managing Editor ..... Art Budd Copy Supervisor..Jessie Thompson Daily News Editors John Piper Freda Goodrich Ted Janes Ben Maxwell Florine Packard Night Editors Leon Byrne Ed. Valitchka Junior Seton Taylor Huston Leonard Lerwill Sports Editor .....Edwin Fraser Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson, Harold Shirley. News Service Editor . Rachel Chezem Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As sistants : Maybelle King, Pauline Bondurant. Feature Writers: Nancy Wilson, Monte Byers. Dramatics .Katherine Watson Music ...Margaret Sheridan News staff: CJinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk, Geraldine Koot, Margaret Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, A1 Trachman, George Stewart, Phyllis Copelan, Lester Turnbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Thomas Crosthwait, Marion Lay, Mary Jane Dustin, Georgiana Geriinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret Morrison, Douglas Wilson. Business Staff LYLE JANZ ... MAN AGEE ASSOCIATE MANAGES______ LEO MHNLY Advertising Service Editor.........Randolph Kuhn Circulation Manager-----GibBon Wright Aaaistant Circulation Manager.......Kenneth Stephenson Adv. Assistants. Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed Tapfer, Herman H. ISlaesing Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates, JX.XS per year. Hy term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application. Phones Easiness Manager ----..951 Editor .....656 Daily News Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue Florine Packard Taylor. Huston How Long Can They Joke? Jokes at the expense of the college graduate starting out in life are passed. They are no longer justified because the college man of recent times have been initiated into some of the mysteries of busi ness life. The student competition in life insurance salesmanship which is being carried on under the school of business administration this week is an example. Those who compete in a contest of this nature can hardly be considered as beginners in the art of selling insurance. In former days when Greek and mathematics formed the major part of the curriculum, it was true that graduates often knew little of business methods. Students had the cultural background, and probably outstripped their rivals in the long run. The present ten dency is toward the inortf practical. There is an effort to combine tlie two ideas, and graduates take their places in society with less adjustment. There are other examples. Every summer students work at a variety of occupations, which prepare them for their careers. Grad uation is getting to be more of a milestone than a stepping-off place. It is merely the change in scenery caused hy the turn of the road. All of which goes to make the outside world realize the value of a college education. Most Important Assembly of Year The most radical change in student government since the adoption of the new constitution will be proposed at the regular meetiug of the A. S. U. O. this morning. The executive council organization is to be investigated. The activities committees are not altogether suc cessful, it is alleged. It will be made easier to win a track letter. No atldete is to be allowed a blanket unless he graduates. The Woman’s Athletic association has recommended a change in the method of granting sweaters to women. Another proposal is to make the yell king a member of the student council. These amendments to the constitution will be proposed at the assembly this morning and will be voted on within two weeks. If you are to consider these amendments intelligently it will be necessary for you to go to assembly this morning. It is the most im portant of the year. Don’t miss it. It is in Villard hall. Encouraging Local Groups As the University grows there i.u s' je some means of enlarging living facilities. Some colleges prov, ''or it by building new dorm itories at frequent periods. At the University of Washington there has been a wholesale policy of organization of local fraternities by the student body. Although a wholesale policy is not necessary here, it would be well to point out that there is a committee which is glad to give advice to any group considering organization. European Student Movements Three students from Europe will be visitors on the campus this week-end in an effort to excite interest in the “youth movement" of Europe. There will not be many Oregon students who will be able to discuss intelligently the problems of Europe in education with these visitors. Student discussions and movements common to European universities are the exception, rather than the rule, in American institutions. Announcement comes that student activities are being encouraged among those enrolled in the extension division at the Portland cen ter. Wonder how long it will be before they need a point system. “Rules are to be published.”—Emerald headline. We suggest that the Emerald pressman distribute a few copies on South Alder street. ARCHITECTS TB MEET SCRIBES IN HOOP GAME Journalists Confident After De feating Geologists Tlie journalist basketball team, full of confidence as a result of their vic tory over the geologists last week, tan gle with the architects this afternoon at five o’clock in a contest that promises to have all the excitements of a Pendle ton Round-Up. The architects have a picked outfit including Luke Jenson, Dick Sundeleaf, Sid Ilayslip and others who have the reputation of slinging a mean basket. Their lineup runs strongly to track men, so it appears that they intend to make a swift getaway if they are being beat en. The journalists enter the fray with the same galaxy of stars that defeated the geologists after three five-minute over-time periods had been played, by the score of 21 to 19, with Youel, Fras er, Piper, Anderson, Hoyt and Akers in the lineup. A special rooters section is being built in