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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
Oregon Daily Emerald o ° 1VOTJTMTT, WTTT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922. NUMBER 61 LONG EACES Don’t Fit In With Campus Life and Are OUT OF PLACE Because “Hello” and A Smile Is Tradition AT OREGON - By Jay Dee - Such chilly days and nignts as these should not be all blamed on the freeze. Frost has its part, as we all know, as do the artic winds that blow. But gven then, you must admit, the sun shines bright through all of it. The weather wears a smiling face though trying hard to freeze the race. Now there’s a moral in this tale be cause without one it would fail. Too many men, and women too, go round with faces long and blue. They meet each other on the walks and scarce one to t’other talks. And if by chance one said ‘ ‘ Hello ’ ’ we doubt if he’d survive the blow. Instead, they shrug a chilly shoulder and every day get cold and colder. They haven’t even got the grace to hide behind a cheerful face. If ever in your search for knowledge you chanced to see another college you’d know what makes our famous spirit and why the other places fear it. The secret of it, you must know, is just a hearty, frank ‘ ‘ hello. ’ ’ Too many folks, I’m here to tell, omit the ‘o’ and there’s the hell. And if they even fail to smile they miss the mark by half a mile. ^ Now back in days of 1902 we had of students but a few. Each knew the other’s given name, both frosh and senior, man and dame. It was a common duty then to say ‘ ‘ hello ’ ’ to Ruth or Ben. The times have changed a good deal since and now the school is quite immense. ’Tis now a greater debt we owe than that of twenty years ago. To friends the greeting then was due and now the debt is to the TJ. If we would keep our envied name of fighting teams and spirit game we must unloose our stiffend tongues and pump ‘ ‘ hello’s ’ ’ from out our lungs. We must unbend our lips and smile and seem to mean it all the while. Shout out a greeting, light or dark, from Hello Lane to Hendricks park. If you speak first the other guy is duty bound to make reply. And girls, oh girls, please don’t delay just so you’ll have the final say. And bashful men, re member this, you’re s’posed to speak to every miss. Because with every two “hello’s” the famous spirit grows and grows. Two thousand students ought to do one thousand times as much as two. Don’t be by frosty days outdone, at least re flect a little sun and though you’re cold as ice within thaw out to say ‘ ‘ hello ’ and grin. HONOR STUDENTS LISTED Ten Registered; English Literature Leads With Six Candidates Ten students are registered for hon ors, according to the faculty bulletin. The English literature department leads the list with six registrants. Last term several instructors reported as satis factory for honors students who are not candidates, says the bulletin. This list then does not contain the names of all students whose work would justify registration for honors The honor students are: English lit erature, Gayle Acton, Nell Southworth Allen, Emily Perry, Emily Veazie; business administration, Leonard B. Jordan, C. Garl Myers, and Chester Zumwalt; chemistry. Meryl W. Dem ing; journalism, John Dierdorff; and psychology, Florence Biddle. BEST MUSIC OF YEAR EXPECTED OF MU PHI AT ASSEMBLY TODAY Dean Landsbury Gives Praise to Program of Classics and Popular “WALTZING DOLL” LAUDED Other Numbers Enjoyable; Many Campus Artists to Take Part “The program as arranged for the Mu Phi Epsilon concert today promises to be the most entertaining and delight ful interpretation of classical and popu lar music ever given the students of the University,” said Dean Landsbury, of the school of music, in a statement | yesterday concerning the annual con : cert of Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary musi cal sorority, which will be given today ! at the assembly hour. “Particularly do I wish to commend ' the orchestra numbers, “Waltzing Doll” by Poldini and “Salut d’Amour” by j Edward Eiger. These numbers, al though written for large orchestras, have been rearranged by the students into charming compositions, especially fitted for the instruments of their choice,” continued the dean. “I sin cerely hope every student and member of the faculty on the campus will enjoy the privilege of hearing these talented young artists at this time.” Variety in Program The concert, which is an annual af fair, includes a wide variety of selec tions, as well as the orchestration num bers. Esther Wilson, soprano, is to sing “Visi d’A^te” (Love and Music) from the famous opera “Tosca” by Puc I cini- In speaking of her, Mrs. Anna [ Landsbury Beck, instructor in the school of music, says, “Miss Wilson posesses a voice of rare quality, as well as great dramatic ability. Her work is sure to appeal to the students for its ; quality and range of feeling.” Lora Teschner, celloist, who is to I play “Tarantelle” by Squire, is well | known for the high quality and deli ! cate technique of her work. She is at present an instructor of cello in the school of music, and has had consider able concert experience. The arrange ment, of the entire program was under her direction. Something Different Offered Something unique and different is ] “Gallata” by Papina, which has been arranged for three violins. It is to be played by Alberta Potter, Margaret Phelps, and Helen Harper, students of the school of music, who have become very popular in local music circles. [“This number, as interpreted by these young artists,” said Bex Underwood, instructor in violin, “is not only ex tremely pleasing for its melody and I rhythm, but it will prove especially attractive for its novelty and unique ness.” Mr. Underwood also speaks very highly of the other numbers on the program. A special feature will be the pre sentation of two numbers by the Mu Phi double quartet, composed of Esther Wilson, Florence Garret, Mildred Smith, (Continued on page three) Winter Term Enrollment 1904;_ 150 Here From Other Colleges The registrar's report, filed with the -president and the board of regents Jan uary 10 shows a decided percentage of growth in all departments of the Uni versity during the year 1920-21. Fig ures compiled up to the 10th of the month show the total enrollment for -the winter term to be 1904. This is a slight falling off from last term’s figures. The fall term of the present year opened September 26 and closed December 16. During that term there were enrolled 2012 students, 1074 men and 938 women. The enrollment for the fall term of 1920 was 1688, of whom 904 were men and 784 women. The growth amounts to almost twenty per cent in a year. Many Did Not Return The decrease in enrollment from last term’s figures is due to the failure of 275 of last term’s students to return and to the fact that only 167 new stu dents enrolled for the new term. These figures do not include medical, music, extension, correspondence or summer school students. The falling off in the number at the beginning of the winter term is greater this year than it has been in the last two years at the same period The figures of comparative enroll ment by classes and sex for the fall term of 1921-22 show that the fresh man class had the largest membership with 684, of whom 364 were men and 320 women. The sophomores had 440, juniors 407, and seniors 276 with a ma jority of men in every case. At the beginning of the fall term for this year 842 new students enrolled, of whom 148 had had college work else where. In 1920 there were only 694 new students for the fall term as com pared with 851 for the year before. Returning soldiers and war workers account for the relatively large num ber of new students at the opening of 1919. State Schools Represented The figures indicate that most of the students in the University came here from high schools in the state. There is a total of 628 nev students from the high schools of Oregon. Eugene high school sent the greatest number with 67. The Portland high schools rank next. There were 57 from Lincoln, 56 from Jefferson, 52 from Washington. Salem high school had the next largest number of representatives with 28 Those which followed next in order were: Astoria with 18,-Baker 14, Oregon City 13, and Pendleton with 12. There (Continued on pege three) Seven Ages of Man Found in Single House An armchair artist in a fraternity house conducted a personal census the other evening. The results were inter esting. Out of 35 members, 28 were old enough to vote. The oldest had 31 moss covered years to his credit and the youngest could lisp the callow figures ‘17.’ The average age was 22.4 years. The oldest man is a well known post grad, carrying the complexion of a leather jerkin, with wrinkles over the ears, and a laugh that ever and anon crack9 with the treble cackle of age. He takes extended trips into the hills every week-end, studying tihe rocks and fissures, evidently seeking some suitable two by six location for a grave. The youngest member has neither wrinkles nor cackle nor interest in graves. WRESTLING LAURELS UP DOUGHNUT TITLE MEET WILL BE HELD NEXT MONDAY Men to Practice Every Evening From Four Until Six; Men on Varsity Team Barred From Contest Both the individual championship, and the interfraternity title will be de termined in the doughnut wrestling meet to be held at the men’s gym in February. Many wrestlers have al ready signed up, and all weights will be represented in the meet. Practice under the direction of Pete Jensen is being held every night from 4 to 6 o ’clock. According to Jensen, good material is being developed in the light weights, but more heavy men are needed. The chance for a “dark horse” to annex the championship is heightened by the fact that varsity mat men are barred from doughnut contests. The fraternity championship will undoubtedly go to the house turning out the most men, especially in the heavy weights. Wrestlers who are eligible for this series who have been showing up well at practice, according to Coach Jen sen, are: Martin, uregon uiuD; and Robertson, Friendly hall, 125 lb.; Rudd, Fiji, 135; Millard, Delta Theta Phi, Campbell, Kappa Theta Chi; Winnard, Crites, Friendly, 145; Bliss, Kappa Sigma, and King, Phi Delta Theta, 170; and Cossman, a super-heavyweight, 200. Berry, at 115 lbs., is showing up remarkably woll against heavier men. Coach Jensen wishes to emphasize the need of strict training and urges all wrestlers to sign up at once. FOREIGN STUDENTS GET POSITIONS IN EUGENE More Men Applying at Hut for Work Than Can be Given Help Says Mrs. Donnelly Seven foreign students have been placed in the homes of the Eugene townspeople, where they will work for their room and board and a small cash wage, according to Mrs. C. R. Donnelly, T. M. C. A. hut mother. Of this num ber, six are from the Philippine Is lands and one is from India. Students thus working their way through school, are making, says Mrs. Donnelly, from five to twenty dollars a month besides their room and board. One Filipino student who has just ar rived on the campus is planning to take correspondence study through the de partment of extension teaching until the beginning of the spring term when he will register for regular work. More students are applying at the hut for work than can be supplied, says Mrs. Donnelly. Student work of all kinds is scarce and more especially the longer jobs such as janitor work and places in fraternities. SENIORS TO HOLD “BUST” Hilarity Planned for Annual Affair To Be Given February 11 Tentative plans for a “Senior Bust,” to be held February 11, were dis cussed at a meeting of the senior class Tuesday night, in the “Y” hut. Gene ral opinion seemed to be for no slack in the general spirit of the affair. Bill Collins, chairman of the invitation committee, urged the seniors to order commencement invitations immediately from the “Co-op.” EDUCATIONAL TRIP OFFERED Announcement has been sent to the University of a trip to Italy, given yearly to students of Italian Extrac tion for educational purposes at the ex pense of the Italian Government. Formerly the men chosen were prin cipally those from Eastern colleges but this year there is also a chance for stu dents in Western Universities to take the trip. Any students on the campus qualified to take this trip should see Mrs. Fitch in Dean Dyment’s office for i further details. PRESIDENT ASKS GIFTS TO AUGMENT INCOME FROM TAX Board of Regents Told Millage Alone Would Not Meet All Demands ALUMNI CHIEF RELIANCE Buildings Now Needed by The University Would Cost Million and Half ‘1 There is no good reason why two sources of revenue, taxes and gifts, in stead of taxes alone, should not provide for the support of our state institu tions. ’ ’ This was one of the outstanding state ments of President P. L. Campbell in his report to the board of regents, which met Monday. The report, which outlined the pro gress of the University during the past year, in the matter of both enrollment and standards, had ns its aim the of ficial presentation of the matter of en dowment and gifts, a campaign for which was launched last fall. After telling the difficulties under which the University labors in order to expand in accordance with its population, the President said: “The serious prob leni then, facing the University is that of first making the best possible use of the income from the millage tax and then of inaugurating a campaign to secure additional funds especially for buildings and equipment, through gifts.” The al umni will be the “principal reliance” in this undertaking, he believes. The completion and equipment of the Woman’s Building, the Commerce build ing, the two Education Buildings, Susqn Campbell hall, and the remodeling and equipment of the old women’s gym., uie open air gym. ana me oiu music building, were all recounted as steps in the progress of the institution during the past year, according to the report, which went on to show the need of more money for development. In this connection President Campbell said: “The buildings now needed at the Uni versity would easily cost a million and a half dollars. The margins to be saved from the millage tax, even with the most drastic economies, can not provide that amount for many years. The income through increased state valuation can not be counted on to provide it rapidly enough. Additional appropriations are clearly out of the question for a number of years. The only alternative left is to build up in the state a keener consciousness of the blessed ness of giving and to organize amongst the Alumni and other good friends of the University a systematic and energetic campaign to raise funds through donations. Beginnings of such an organization have already been made, and the hearty response everywhere met with gives promise of rapid growth.” OREGON MAN PROMINENT Walter Berry, ’08, Heads Gas Engineers Section in Bureau of Standards Walter M. Berry, who was graduated from the chemistry department of the University of Oregon in 1908, has gained considerable prominence in help ing to clear up some of the problems that confront the gas industry. Upon leaving the University, Mr. Berry went to work for the Portland Gas and Coke company where he stayed foi eight years learning the A. B. C. ’s of the gas business. Tn 191fi, he be came connected with the bureau of standards in Washington and is now in charge of the gas engineering section of that organization. Realizing that the manufacture and sale of gas was tiecoming a business intertwined with matters legal and poli tical, he studied law and obtained a de gree from Washington last year. Mr. Berry devotes much time to ' study of gas standards, a safety code and to utilization problems. In a recent issue of the Gas Age Record magazine, a page was devoted to the explanation and results ob tained from tests conducted by Mr. Berry on gas appliances resulting from the necessity of finding some method of saving America’s waning supply of natural gas LIMIT OF HOURS SET A maxium limit of three hour has been set for undergraduate examinations at the University of Illinois. Veneta Brings Lincoln Up to Date; Eats Gas Abraham Lincoln walked miles through the wilderness to borrow books so that he might slake his thirst t'or knowledge. But Mr. Lincoln has nothing on the Sigma Nu chapter when it comes to the pursuit of knowledge- The fraternity has employed the latest word, in fact the very last word, in automotive engineering to facilitate the making of 8 o'clock classes. Veneta is the name of the snorting, gas eating monster that plows through the breaking dawn to the campus. Venta would draw attention at any automobile show with the unique lines of the model. One feature never be fore relased by motor car manufacturers is the combination coach and parlor car scheme. The rear section is opon to na ture with a box like attachment, which when boards are laid across will accom odate some dozen pledges. A wrinkled fender is also another wrinsle in design, which when coupled with the one-side weather protecting curtains makes the car the snappiest model on the road any cold morning. As long as Veneta functions grades are in danger and the ones are very apt. to be stacked up at the Sigma Nu house at the end of the quarter. SOCIAL SEASON OPENING BIG TIME PROMISED AT FROSH GLEE FEBRUARY 10 Seniors, Juniors and Sophs Formulating Plans for Series of Busts, Lotteries and Jazz Jinx The Frosh Glee to be held February 10 will be the starter of a number of busts, lotteries, jazz jinx and other forms of hair raising indoor athletics. Lack of school holidays during the win ter term will bo forgotten in the whirl of coming events which will last well into the spring. Committees are busy working for a Frosh glee that is to surpass any other glee ever held. It will take place in tho armory downtown. Everybody is invited. Several more, get-acquainted parties are also being planned to be neiu (luring mo your. jv meeting or nil chairmen of the various committees wilt bo held Thursday night in Dean Straub's office. The sophomore lottery is being eager ly anticipated by tho sophs, and further plans for it and other class activities are being worked out by members of the class. The members of the senior class have plans for the senior play under way and it promises to bo quite the biggest and best yet, according to Leith Ab bott, president of tho class. On Feb ruary 11 the senior class will stage another “bust,” and ns the junior jazz jinx is to be the same night in the men’s gym, the seniors will adjourn to one of tho halls downtown. The junior jazz jinx promises to be even jazzier than ever, and in two weeks Tommy Wyatt, junior president, expects to have all committees orgnni zed and working. The junior class is entirely responsible for Junior Week end and plans are being formulated as usual until it is definitely known if the week-end is to be altered. Junior Week-end is by far the most important event of the spring term, but until the controversy as to its ad visability and nature this year has been settled, no definite plans will be made by other than the junior class. Several minor “busts” will take place during the year, and in the spring comes the big “annual bust” at the Sigma Nu house. There will be the traditional picnic in tho spring and Commencement, the grand finale, in which it is hoped a good many mem bers will participate. “ORDER OF 0” WILL DANCE Members of Basketball Team to be Guests Friday Night The sport motif will be emphasized in the decorations for the annual “Or der of the O” dance Friday night, jv-hen i the members of the basketball team will be guests of that organization. Troph ' ics, Oregon blankets, and a general lemon-yellow color scheme ivill prevail. The dance will be held in .Dreamland hall, following the Washington game. The committee in charge consists of Leith Abbott, Noil Morfitt, and Curtis Phellips. Iniation for lfi members of the “Or der of the O,” will take place between halves of the Washington game, it is rumored- .4 NEW LOCAL ORGANIZED AdAmicus, a local professional fra ternity, has been organized in the de partment of Architecture of the Uni versify of Southern California. This fraternity tends to advance architecture in the school by the offering of prizes for meritous work. ATHLETIC SITUATION WILL BE SIFTED FOR Constructive Suggestions for Improvements Welcome at Next Meeting MEN’S GLEE IN STRAITS Disbandment Feared for Lack of Trips; Fred Lorenz to Manage Orchestra A thorough and comprehensive analy sis of the present situation as to ath letics hero and possible constructive suggetion will be taken up at the next mooting of the Executive Council ac cording to a plan of action outlined at last night’s meeting of that body. This plan of a thorough discussion was adopted after tho point had been raised by a member of tho council that it was the duty of tho Executive Council to secure n complete perspective of the entire athletic situation at once; and that in so doing it was probable that many constructive things which can be done to promote athletics in the Uni versity would bo suggested. Council Committee Named Upon motion of tho Council, Presi dent Bartholomew appointed a com mittee to outline tho discussion and take up the various phases of tho sit uation which will bo brought out in the next, meeting. This mooting of the Council which will probably be of ftreat importance and which may shape some important policy which will bo taken in regard to athletics, will take place February 1. A greater part of tho meeting last evening was taken up in a discussion of tho present status of the men’s glee club although nothing of a dofinite na ture was settled. John Stark Evans, director of the club, Maurice Eben, president of the organization and Clay ton Ingle, a member of the Student ' ounni appeared ncrore tno executive Council and presented the condition of the club. It wns declared by these representatives that the club had not been given a chance to take any of its proposed trips this year and that with nothing further in view nfter the homo concert on January 28, there was dan ger of the organization disbanding. Incentive for Men Sought The matter wns referred to a com mittee to confer with the graduate man ager and outline a possible plan of ac tion which will allow an incentive for the members to keep on with their work nfter the homo concert. Graduate Manager Jack Benefiel out lined the entertainment program which was afforded the members of the Ore gon football sipind in the Hawaiian Islands. TTe declared that the trip was a great success, not only from the standpoint of the achievements of tho football team on the gridiron, but from the fact that, there was a considerable educational value attached to such a trip. The Executive Council instructed Mr. Benefiel to write n letter of ap preciation on behalf of the associated students to the people of Hawaii who had made the stay of the Oregon team in the islands, such a pleasant one. Orchestra Manager Resigns The resignation of "Ernest Haycox, as orchestra manager wns accepted. Fred Lorenz, was elected manager of the organization to succeed Haycox. Discussion of finances took up the time of tho session until tho mooting adjourned. MRS. PIPES TO PLAY HERE Well-known Portland Violinist Will Appear in Recital Next Month Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, well-known Portland violinist, will appear in re cital at the University about the mid dle of next month, according to infor mation received through Dean Fox’s office. The concert will be in Alumni hall of the Woman’s building. A def inite date has not yet been set. Mrs. Pipes, who is instructor in violin at the Ellison White conserva tory in Portland, has just fini^f^H series of three recitals at the wP|me Theatre, music for the three Bach, Brahms, and' Beetho lively. She is an honorafj^wember of the Oregon chapter of Mu Phi Epsi lon, national music honorary for wo men. Mrs. Pipes’ pianist at the recital for next month is Miss Henrietta Michael son. MICHIGAN SAID RICH The University of Michigan is the best financed university in the United States, 'according to President Marion I.eRoy Burton.