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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
Annual Women’s Emerald Theta Sigma Phi Edition VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSIT Y OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 NO. 137. SIGMA DELTA PHI EELS CHARTER OF Ml CHI OMEGA Local Chapter Started Here Two Years Ago, Aiming For This National. fifth on coast to be taken by organization Members Prominent In Stu dent Activities; Five Times Leaders In Grades. Sigma Delta Phi, local girls’ sorority i on the campus, has been granted a chap ter of Alpha Chi Omega, and will be in stalled as Alpha Theta chapter of the national organization some time in June. Word of the granting of the petition was received this week. Sigma Delta Phi was formed on .Janu ary 14, 1919, and at that time it was the first sorority to be organized On the campus for four years. The girls con ferred with Dean John Straub and Miss Louise Ehrmann, acting dean of women, on the advisability of forming the new group, and received their enthusiastic support. Alpha Chi Omega was the aim set by the girls at the time of the formal announcement of the new group, on April 16, 1919. Five Chapters On Coast. There are five chapters of Alpha Chi 'Omega on the coast, at Berkeley. Cali fornia; two at Ijos Angeles. California; Corvallis, Oregon; Pullman. Washington. National officers of the group include Mrs. S. D. Graff, president; Miss Myra H. Jones, alumnae vice-president; Mrs. R. E. Bennett, extension vice-president; Mrs. Tom Jones Parry, Pacific province president. Mrs. George MeMoi-rau and Air*. M. Jl. Douglass; of Eugene, are patronesses of the local organization. During their two years as a distinct organization on the campus the girls of Sigma Delta Phi have been prominent in University activities and have worked for the attainment of a* “Greater Oregon.” For five terms they have headed the scholarship list on the campus. In de bate, music, and other University affairs they have taken prominent parts. They are situated at 727 East Thirteenth street. Active girls of Sigma Delta Phi who will be installed in June are; Mary Moore. Eugene; T.eola Green. Baker; Alice Hamm, Eugene; Mary Turner. Eu gene; Germany Klemm. Eugene; Bess Shell, Wallowa: Dorothea Boynten, Eu gene; Charlotte Clark. Filer. Idaho; Wanna McKinney, San Pedro, California: Beatrice Hensley, North Bend; Eunice Eggleson, Enterprise; Annabel Denn. Roseburg; Ruth Sanborn, Eugene; Ed.vth Wilson, Astoria; Frances Moore, Aber deen. Washington; Florence Jagger. Ore gon City; Margaret Jackson. Baker; Hil da Hensley, North Bend: Alice Curtis. Marshfield; Georgine Crockett. Eugene; Henrietta Hansen. Astoria; Gwladys Keeney. Portland; Truth Terry, Port land: Marie Courtney. Baker; Mildred LeCompte, Portland; Nita Howard, Eu gene. SENIOR PLAY MAKES KIT WITH 2 CROWDS Full Houses Greet Both Performances of “Nothing But the Truth.” Clever repartee, action and tense sit uations make the three-act comedy, “Nothing But the Truth,” staged by the 1 senior class, the best production which has been put on this year. •Tokn Houston, as Bob Bennett, the man who bet ten thousand dollars that he could tell the truth for 24 hours, brought down the house time after time with his keen acting. The leading wo man. Gwen Ralston, excellently played by Marion Taylor, nearly succeeds in wrecking Bob’s determination to stick to the truth and nothing but the truth. Everett Pixley, Neil Morfitt and Lyle Bartholomew, partners on the bet. spend most of their time trying to catch Bob in the act of telling a falsehood, with no success. Marian Gilstrap. who plays the Part of a hardened young person from the “Follies,” is a splendid character lead. “Nothing But the Truth” played to two crowded houses, and it is planned to stage it in other towns. ;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ sigma phi elects. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ Ruth Austin Lenore Cram Helen Dougherty Inez King Margaret Scott Jean Strachau Jessie Thompson Elisabeth W,hitehouse. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 Campus Piggers Urged to Greater iforts by Lemmy le 1'ggers’ Number of the Lemon Punch, which is the last issue for the year, was appropriately distributed at the senior play last night. The cover of this number is gay in black and yellow, and shows the requisite number for company, sitting side by side under a spreading tree and gazing earnestly at something they see out in space. Beside them is a heap of doughnuts, or daisies, or some thing of the sort, so probabjy they’re having a picnic. Eugene Short drew the cover design. There are more illustrations than us ual in this number, most of them depict ing the various stages in the life of the pigger. Freshmen may take warning by the many small bits of deep, dark advice to piggers which may to the casual reader seem to be mere jokes. Lem my will come out oftener next year, says its business manager, Harris Ellsworth, and the editorial staff has plans which will make Oregon’s humor ous publication better and bigger than ever. “More talent will be needed, both in the literary and art. departments,” declares Lc-mmy in an editorial. “It is going to mean a groat deal to make the Punch staff next year. Those who have worked conscientiously and consistently will be rewarded. There is a need ev erywhere for such people.” mill TEAMS' LEAD TENNIS MATCH Final Contest Scheduled For Saturday Morning. California and Stanford racquet-wield-1 ers proved too strong for their northern competitors in the Pacific coast tourna ment which began here yesterday, and the two southern institutions will fight it out on the University of Oregon courts this morning for the Pacific coast cham pionship. P>ates and Levy, of California, and Davies, of Stanford, remain unbeaten in the singles, while both Stanford and California doubles teams are unbeaten. California had a smooth-working doubles combination in Levy and Bates both of whom are ranked high among the tennis players of the whole west, Ore gon’s team, Westerman and Smith, fell before the Berkeley pair iu straight sets. 6-4, 6-0. Washington, with Taylor and Allen, gave California stiffer competition and both sets went to 12 games. Stanford eliminated Washington in the doubles, when Neer and Davies defeated Waller and Langlie, 6-1. 6-3. Oregon Agricultural College turned in a victory over the Washington State Col lege doubles pair. The Corvallis men Maberly and Joy. were played to three sets by Webber and Heald. of Pullman the final score standing 6-3. 3-6. 6-3. The Aggies put up a fairly stiff contest against the clever Stanford men in their doubles match, but Neer and Davies took straight sets. 6-2, 6-4, though Maberly and Joy looked good at times and played a steady game. Iu the singles California was invinc ible. with Levy and Bates. Levy elim inated Joy. of O. A. C., 6-1. 6-1. Dates in turn, overcame Taylor, of Washington 6-0. 6-3. This, incidentally, was Bates’ consistent record for the day. as he took love sets from Neer and from Smith, of Oregon. Smith and Westerman. of Oregon, made a fine showing in the singles until they were crushed under the southern jugger nauts. Westerman defeated Webber, of Wahington State, and Smith beat Web ber’s team mate, Heald. This leaves Stanford and California in the finals scheduled for this morning at 10 o’clock. The winner of the match between Levy (California) and Davies (Stanford) will play Bates (California), for the singles championship. Levy and Bates will meet Neer and Davies to de cide the doubles. HIGH SCHOOL EDITORS PERFECT PERMMT ORG1ZM PUNS Roy Bryson, of Eugene, Chosen President of Press Association. ANNUAL CONVENTIONS ARRANGED FOR FUTURE Constitution Adopted Stands For Better Prep School Journalism. Forty-two delegates from all parts of the state were present at the first an nual convention of the Oregon High School Press Association held on the University campus yesterday morning. As a result of this first meeting a per manent organization was effected, offi cers for the coining year elected and definite plans laid for the continuance of the conventions. Hoy Bryson, of Eugene, was elected president of the association for the bal ance of the present school year. Myrtle Carlson, of The Dalles, vice-president lor the same period, and Dorothy King, of Corvallis, secretary-treasurer. Bry son also acted as temporary chairman for the preliminary session. Officers elected to serve nest year are Alfred Montgomery, of Salem, presi dent; Irva Dale, Pendleton, vice-presi dent, and Helen Lister, Grants Pass, secretary-treasurer. These officers will taite charge at the end of the current s-hool year. Temporary officers for the meeting were: President, Roy Bryson, Eugene; vice-president, Phil Baird, Cor vallis, and secretary-treasurer, Myrtle Carlson. The Dalles. President Welcomes Guests. The address of welcome was given by President P. L. Campbell. He expressed the pleasure of the University in being able to have as its guests the editors" of the high school papers and brought out the point that they held in their power to a large extent the molding of the public opinion in the schools which they represented. A democracy is essentially a government of public opinion, he said, aud as the newspapers of the nation are its greatest molders of public opinion, it is highly necessary that they be manned by men and women, well-trained, and with a world outlook. To perform this service was the reason for the existence for the school of journalism, said the president. Dean Allen Speaks. Dunn Etie XV. Allen, of the school of journalism, fit<- expressed his pleasure on seeing so many present at the first convention. “The attendance at this time leads mo to believe that we will be able to do in one year, what we first thought v nubl take two.” he said. In speaking of the high school papers which he had studied he said that every one showed signs o" enthusiasm and real na tive ability, but that the difficulties under which they worked were also apparent. Slips entitling the holder to a compli mentary copy of the Lemon Punch were distributed to the delegates by Harris Ellsworth, manager of the publication, at the close of the meeting. The delegates were also presented with complimentary passes to the track meet Saturday after noon. List of Delegates Given. The delegates who registered yesterday morning were: Junction City high school, Anetta Hansen, Palmer Ayers, E. L. Murphy: University high school, Mar garet Swan, Ruth Hillman, Ruth Miller, Wilbur Hayden; Linooln fiigh school. Portland, Rupert Bullivant; Astoria high school, Curtis Dyer; Corvallis high school. Phil Baird. Dorothy King, Gil bert Miner, Tessie Durgin; West Linn high school. Fred Hegdole. Dennis Kid by; Washington high school. Portland, Rodney Keating: McMinnville high school. Jack Burleson; Albany high school, Gor don MacDonald; Eugene high school. Roy Bryson, Blondel Carlson, Floyd Milne. Gwendolyn Lnmpsbire; Stayton high school, AVava Brown; The Dalles high school. Myrtle Carlson; Salem high school, Ralph Emmons, Aubrey G.ra wick; Benson Polytechnic, Portland. Hu bert Ersy. Millard Johnson; Cottage Grove high school. Wilbur Spray. Thomas Matthews. Alarian Lowry, Ruth Bede: Grants Pass high school. Helen Lister, Lula Garrett, Remoh Tryer, Corlyss Courtney; Pendleton high school. David Swanson, Lens Terjison; Jefferson high school, Portland. A'irginia Broughton; Oregon City high school. Ethel Gillette, Gordon Hannaford. Seniors Persuade, Frosh Hump Themselves, Fountain Splashes, Green Caps Disappear Friday I Big seniors, little seniors, loan sen iors, fat seniors, dirty seniors, clean sen iors; all armed with wide and active puddles, great knobby willow clubs, and other husky persuaders, were official overseers of Campus Day activities. Trash on the grounds disappeared in the twinkling of an eye, and mountains of earth around the new buildings were in duced to take themselves up and walk off. Spoil fie! Gugle! Spouff! Only the annual quota of senior fountain victims receiving their deward for work well done, or not done at all. at the hands of the army of senior cops, at 11 o’clock, when there was nothing left to do but put the finishing touches to the great forenoon’s work. The fountain played merrily around the shoulders of the willing babes who had been waiting for a year to plunge into its depths. A line of grimy frosh wallowed in the water, and an equally grimy line filed out on the other side. One time when water cleanseth not is when the foreign matter is yollow paint, There was no scarcity of that ingredient of Oregon spirit on the persons of the frosh. and even some of the sophomores who had been in the vicinity of the town fountain, near the depot, when the fresh man football warriors returned from their little jaunt up Skinner’s Butte to apply gallons of lemon-yellow to the *0.” The “O” never looked fresher than it did after the ministrations of the year lings under the loving guidance of the varsity letter men. Frosh letters received for the noble piece of work will be cherished; yea, held as rubies beyond price. They are large letters, and very conspicuous from the rear of the honored lads. The faces of the frosh will eventually resume their normal pink and white loveliness, but for several days, or a week, liiajbe, they may look like Indians decked for battle. At 1U o’clock, a mighty blare of jazz from Within caused the doors of Hay ward hall to rattle and burst open to admit the seething multitude of hungry merry makers. A husky odor of pickles am! coffee, coupled with more jazz, pep ped up the appetites of all, until by 1 o'clock there .was little left that wnt eatable. Heaps of sandwiches, gallons of potato salad, and barrels of beans dis appeared in double-quick time, and every body meed off to the mill face to see the tug-of-war. Heave! He-eave! He-ave! It was the pica of the frosh to their beefy rep resentatives holding the rope on the south side of the race. And heave! he-ave! heave! implored the sophs of their laboring team. The roj e dipped up and down the least, least little bit, but to the one side or the other?—No! Neither side would give an inch In spite of extravagant encour agement to both sides, the minqtes crept by, time was called, and the hungry race unap,penned. Both sides won. Then, the frosh, like a drove of trained frogs, jumped into the green water, tumbling, ■ and scrambling over each other, and swarmed out dripping and happy on the sophomore side. One more ceremony for the frosh to participate in! No more will green lids he seen on the campus this year. They have smouldered and lost their identity, they arc ashes and arc cast to the four winds. Pome of them went to the flames nnnointed with the fondest, osculations of their wearers. Now, how are we to know fiosh from ordinary folk? Well, it doesn’t matter, they are full-fledged Oregon students now. The end of campus day is the end of a perfect day. GIRLS ONCE DREADED GETTING OUT EMERALD As it was in the Beginning, Is now And Ought to be: "About nine years ago, when I came here,” says Dean Allen, of the school of journalism, “I had to write about half of the Women’s Emerald. Junior Week end was a strenuous time for me. I worked all day and all night helping the girls get out the paper.” But things changed, so he avers. Came a time when the women journalists eamt to him and with a rather hesitating, but hopeful air, and asked, “Do you think we can do it?” All they needed was a little, bolstering up, w’biek he promptly and efficiently gave. “Nowadays,” the dean leans back with a smile, “they go ahead and do all their own organizing, and the first 1 know of it is when they come to interview me for news.” 600 FEET 6F FILM TAKEN Familiar Campus Traditions Included In Scenario of Events. In spite of the- interference of the weather, 000 feet of motion picture film was taken of the Junior Week-end activ ities yesterday. The scenario included many of the familiar traditions of Junior Week-end. David Husted, a freshman, submitted to a ducking, followed by the customary treatment to a paddling administered by the senior police, who were filmed in all their official regalia. The hero—or victim—registered pain, submission, and represented faithfully the attitude taken on such occasions. George Pasto, direr- | tor of the pictures, was also submerged in the senior fountain, and this pre vented him from taking the first, part of the tug-of-war. The cast of the senior play. “Nothing But the Truth,” were caught by the wall between Susan Camp bell and Hendricks Halls. * The film is being taken under the di rection of the extension department, with Alfred Powers in charge. GWLADYS BOWEN ON CAMPUS. Gwladys Bowen, a special student in 1910, is on the campus this week-end, making her headquarters at the Alpha Phi house. Miss Bowen was founder and first # president of Pot and Quill. Since she left the Pniversity she lias been working in the Extension Office in Portland as secretary to Dr. Rebec. WHERE WAS MAH WHO STAYED AT HENDRICKS? ‘‘I am looking for the man thnt, stayed all night in Hendricks hall,’’was the calm announcement of a University frosli at mi early hour yesterdny. “Oh mercy me, he did not,” gasped a surprised res ident. “Well, I guess so, and I ain after him,” was the determined reply. All the excitement was aroused by the arrival of three deleaves to the High School Ureas Association convention*-who arrived from Oregon City at 6 o’clock Friday morning. Owing to the failure of a certain “Big Ben,” they were not met by University representatives and were forced to find their way to the campus alone. The two girls in the party were rescued from the rain and put to bed in Husnu Campbell hall. The poor lone man was not so fortunate, however, as he was parked on a conven ient daver.port for nearly two hours, with no apparent relief in sight. After much telephoning, a University man was secured to come to his rescue but as is the way with University frosh (and others) he came to the wrong house and it was then that the girls of Hen dricks got the shock because they were i entirely ignorant of the arrival of the guests. Of course it was all straightened out after a while, though, and now the guests are enjoying themselves in the real Oregon style. “My, but Oregon hospitality is great when it gets started." was the Verdict of one of the delegates. MEN’S GYM IS ARK Students Dance When Rain Spoils Base ball Diamond. When it rained, the oimals went into (he ark and vegetated, and the University students went into the men’s gym and (lanced. The weather made good its threat* and the baseball diamond was damp, to say the least, but time didn’t hang heavy on anybody’s hands yester day afternoon for want of something to do. Tiie band furnished the jazz and the floor was filled with dancers, proving that tesoureefulness and enterprise ean produce entertainment, even if the scheduled baseball game ean’t come off. BASEBALL GAME POSTPONED. Because of a wet field and threatening showers, the O. A. (’.-Oregon baseball game, which was scheduled for yesterday afternoon, was postponed until fl o’clock this morning when a double-header game will be staged on Cemetery Itidge. PACIFIC COAST MEET THY IT 2:15; SEAT SAIF NUMBERS HICK Teams Arrived Friday For Big Event of the Year For Oregon. BILL HAYWARD, FAMOUS TRACK MENTOR, DIRECTS Final Announcement Made As to Entries; New Scheme In Relay Planned. Teams from Seattle, Pullman and Cor val'is have arrived. The final choice for men on the teams has been made. The new $10,000 track on Hayward field is m th<> best possible shape, nud the Uni verity or Oregon students and their I lvdrcds of guests are ready to see ;!»» Pacific Coast Conference track meet this afternoon. The meet will start at 2:15 after the teams hnve marched from the gymnasium to the field to the strains of “Mighty Oregon,” and hnve been welcomed by Colin V. Ilyinent, in the name of the University. Following a conference of coaches yes terday afternoon, it was decided to run the f'rst. lap of the relay in lanes, which is n distinctly new feature in track procedure. Bill Hayward, Oregon coach, who by the way is one of the best known track experts in the country, is enthu siastic over the plan and says it is an idea which should have been tried long ago. Practically all the seats for the meet have been sold and the weather man’s prophecy of a clear day, combined with a lively interest in the affair, assures that Eugene is going to have one of the most interesting Pacific coast meets over held. The final entries were determined lata yesterday afternoon by the conches, who nTso got together and drew for places on the traek for their men. In the follow ing list, which gives the entries, the num ber in parenthesis following the name, in dicates the position of the man on the traek; number one indicates that the man will run next to the inside rail, number two and three in the middle of the track (Continued on Page 2.) EAR-RING GLASS EMBLEM Story of Mere Man’s Pliqht In Early Days Told to Eutaxlans. In one of the early classes to he grad uated from the University there were ait women and one man, and when a class emblem was to be chosen, the great—in fact, the preponderant—majority, voted to have the emblem ear-rings. The man was out of luck—but the alumnae who told the story at a meeting of Eutaxian last Tuesday night, didn’t mention what he did about it. Two of the charter members of Eutax ian, the University’s first woman’s or ganization, which was founded in 1878 Miss Anne Whitaker and Mrs. Nellie Moore, told the present members of Eu taxian at a meeting last Tuesday about the days when the club was first found ed, and had a room in Deady ball, the only building on the campus, for its meeting place. Debating was the chief interest of Eutaxian at the time, but another of the activities—Miss Whitaker informed the members seriously—was war-dancing, 'which took the place of the modern acs thetic dances. This activity was not inaugurated from the natives, however; Mrs. Moore hastened to explain that “war dancing” was nothing more start ling than calisthenics. HONOR FRATERNITIES ELECT. Friars.—Wayne Akers, Lyle Bartliolo mew. Karl Leslie. Norton Winuard. Scroll and Script.—AJiee Evans, Isa belle Kidd, Emily Perry, Marian Taylor, LeLaine West. Zeta Kappa I’si.—Glen. Frank, Eliza beth Hadley, Vera Houston. Gladys Johu son, Elizabeth Melis, Elizabeth Steph enson, Emily Veazie, Adelaide White, SALEM WINS DEBATE CUP. By defeating the Eugene and Corvallis high school teams, Salem won permanent possession of the silver cup in the final debate of the series yesterday afternoon. The subject was, “Resolved: That the United States Government Should Own and Operate the Railroads.” Members of the faculty of the University of Ore gon acted as judges. Corvallis high l school won second place in the contest.