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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1921)
VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY of OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. NO. 117. mow, w i Music Will Be Furnished By Portland Symphony Orchestra. ENTIRE DAY DEVOTED TO FORMAL SERVICES Dr. Reinhardt, Mills College, and Rabbi Wise Main Speakers. The formal opening and dedication of the Women’s building will take place Saturday, May 7, and the exercises will take up the entire day. Extensive prepa rations have already been made for the program, including speeches and musical numbers, which will be concluded by a concert by the Portland Symphony or chestra. “The event is not only in itself a fit tidg climax to the opening of the Wo men’s building,” said Dean Landsbury, of the school of music, regarding the orches tra’s appearance on the campus, “but it is a most important musical event for Eugene, because it will show the spirit of co-operation and gratitude felt by the University toward Portland. This con cert ties up the two interests and shows our desire to show our appreciation for Portland by our desire to help her or chestra.” Portland Man to Play. David Campbell, pianist of Portland and formerly an Oregon student, will be a soloist for the orchestra and will play the Tscliaikowsky concerto. Dean Lands bur.v considers him one of the greatest of the younger generation of pianists and his playing of the concerto is an event which should not be missed. Dr. Aurelia Rinehart, president of Mills College, Oakland, will be chief speaker of the morning services, and will talk on the importance of physical edu cation for women. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will deliver the invocation at the after noon exercises of dedication and accept ance. Governor Oleott, Lawrence Wheeler, of the Portland Telegram, Dean Straub, Homer Angell, Frank Chambers. 'Mrs. Alexander Thompson, A. C. Dixon, and Judge J. W. Hamilton will give short addresses, and Bishop Walter T. Sumner will pronounce the benediction. Most Interesting In History. “The opening of the Women’s building will be one of the most interesting dedi cations in the' history of the University,” j said President Campbell. “The dedica tion is in the recognition of the gener osity of the many friends of the Univer sity who have contributed more than $100,000 towards its construction and of the generosity of the state for the ap propriation granted for the building.” The place of the Women’s building on the campus will be two-fold: First, it houses the department of hygiene and physical education for women, to which approximately two-thirds of the building is devoted; secondly, the east wing of the building will fill a long-felt need in the social life of the University. Club rooms, and social rooms for University people and alumni will accommodate every or ganization. large or small, making the building of singular importance and in terest to every member of the University family. VESPERS PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR MAY 8 Professor Graham Taylor, of Chicago University, to Speak at Sun day Meeting. Mother’s Day, May 8, will be observed at the University of Oregon by a 3 o’clock 1 esper service in Villard hall, at which Professor Graham Taylor, of the Univer s'ty of Chicago, will be the principal speaker. Professor Graham Taylor comes as a result of his friendship with Bishop Sum* llpi\ who has characterized the Professor as the best informed social service work er in the United States. At the student assembly, May 12, the professor will speak again, probably on some industrial subject, according to M. H- Douglass, who is in charge of bring ing the speaker to the campus. Between his two speeches at the Uni versity, Professor Graham will address meetings at O. A. C. au<T In Portland. Professor Taylor, besides being a theological professor, is associate editor f|f the Survey tmd heads the Chicago f ommons, a social center. “It will be e. real privilege to hear the Professor,” fays Mr. Douglass. + *444444 om + 4 ♦ OREGON LOSES FIRST 4 t GAME TO WASHINGTON 4 ♦ 4 ♦ The Cre9°n baseball team lost 4 ♦ to the University of Washington 4 ♦ y0sterday 8-1. Gray, pitching, 4 ♦ held until the third inning, when 4 4> the Sundodgers scored a run on 4 ♦ two hits. Washington scored five 4 4‘ runs in the fifth inning, Latham 4 4 replacing Gray in the box. 4 ♦ Score R. H E_ « ♦ Oregon .I 2 44 4 Washington .3 II SIGMI DELTA CHI ELECTS FIVE MEN Gratke, Guyon, Youel, Allen and Maxwell Honored. Five men were yesterday informed of their election to Sigma Delta Chi, na tional honorary journalistic fraternity, and arc now wearing linotype slugs on their lapels as a symbol of their pledg doin. The new members are Floyd Max well, Kenneth Youel, Wilford Allen, Char les Gratke and Fred Guyon. Each of the neophytes is a major in the school of journalism and all but Al len and Guyon are members of the soph omore class. Allen is a junior and Guyon a special student. It is the custom of the fraternity to elect twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring. Mem bers are as a rule chosen at the end of the sophomore year or at the beginning of the junior period. An active part in student publications has been taken by each of the newly elected men. Maxwell has acted as sport editor of the Emerald for the past year and was also a member of last year’s news staff. This year he is editing the. sport section of the Oregana. Kenneth Youel served on the news staff of the Emerald for some time and was later promoted to a night editor, which posi tion be now holds. Wilford Allen is also a night editor on the Emerald. He was formerly city edi tor of the Grants Pass Courier, having left school last year to take that position. Charles Gratke has for the past year served as news editor of the Emerald. He was a member of last year’s news staff and also was on the Oregana staff last year. This year he is working with Maxwell in editing the sport section of the Oregana. He at one time was city editor of the Astoria Budget. Fred Guyon has been a reporter on the news staff of the Emeralcl since the beginning of the fall term and has proved himself a good writer and a dependable member of the* staff. The old members of the fraternity now on the campus are Harris Ellsworth, Harry Smith, Alexan der Brown, Raymond Lawrence, Gene Kelty. John Dierdorff, Stan Eisman, Raymond Tester and Carlton Logan. HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA SUBJECT OF PAMPHLET Prof. H. R. Douglass Publishes Treatise to Make Possible Systematic Study in Schools. To make possible a systematic study of the teaching of algebra in the high schools of the United States, is the pur pose of a study just completed by Pro fessor Harl It. Douglass, of the school of education. The result of the study, together 'with an elaborate system of tests devised by Professor Douglass is published in a pamphlet entitled “The Derivation and Standardization of a Ser ies of Diagnostic Tests for the Funda mentals of First Year Algebra. In his preface, Professor Douglass ays: “It is the purpose of this study to do e following things: First, to deter i„c what seem to be the fundamental rinal processes in first year algebra ; commonly taught in the secondary hools of the United States; second, to leet for each such fundamental process number of problems which require for cir solution varying degrees of mastery these fundamental processes in their irious schoolroom aspects; third, to andardize the results obtained by giv „ the problems so selected to a large Sober of first year high school students , that definite objective standards of tainment may be set up; and fourth. , point out the uses and values, and nitatious of tests so devised.” Besides numerous tests, graduated and instructed so as to be easily applicable , all cases, the pamphlet includes a catise on the limitations of study*, ethods of study, material of the tests. ,d the fundamentals of both the tests ld the studies which they cover. UNIVERSITY BUDGET PROVIDES EXTENSIVE RESEARCH PROGRi 16 Pieces of Work in Sciences Accepted By Committee As Participants. PROPERTIES OF ALLOYS TO BE INVESTIGATED Experiments Now In Progress to Be Materially Aided By Fund. t Although members of the faculty of the University of Oregon have done consid erable research in past years, and a few of them have received small special al lotments for materials and equipment, the X niversity has never set aside a definite budget for research until 1921. This year it has made the first of what is expected to be an annual series of re search appropriations, from which the faculty men will be assisted in their original contributions to the mass of hu man knowledge. The faculty committee appointed to administer the research budget for this year has accepted 16 pieces of work as participants in the appropriation. Because the budget is still comparatively small, the men doing these researches had to be held down rigidly; and several re searches were crowded off altogether. Nevertheless, a number of men in the pure sciences, and in law, wil be en abled this year to go ahead with import ant original work. Caswell Conducts Research. A specimen piece of research included among the 16--is that in the thermo electric properties of metals, which is being conducted by A. E. Caswell, Ph. D., professor of physics, ,who besides previous work at the University of Ore gon has already worked on this problem in the\ east one year under the auspices of the National Research Council. The research involves a study of the rela tion between the electric, thermal, and magnetic behavior of strips of differ ent metals. These metals are subjected to varying temperatures, and are ob served for the effect on their atomic and molecular properties, including the mechanism of the conduction of electric ity in solids. It is Dr. Caswell’s hope that the outcome will have a practical application to the determination of the proportions of metals that go to form alloys having definite required proper ties: in other words, he is seeking a short cut to the composition of certain alloys. Several years more will be consumed in this research if it seems that it will be successful. A few hundreds of dollars will be available from the research bud get for equipment, such as containers for liquid air, and for liquid air itself, so that the metals may be studied under [ extremely low temperature; also for an ! electro-magnet that they may be studied within at magnetic field. Tables to Be Prepared. An interesting piece of research in mathematics is being carried on by W. E. Milne, Ph. D., professor of mathe matics, who expects to prepare tables that will make possible the solution of problems in certain types of wave mo tion. An important practical application Is found in hydraulic engineering. Other pure science researches are in progress in chemistry, geology, psychol oby. and biology. Roger J. Williams, Ph. D.. assistant professor of chemistry, for example, is carrying on a research in the oxidation and reduction of or ganic electrolytes. II. R. Crosland, as sistant professor of psychology, has just published an extensive research captioned “A Qualitative Analysis of the Process of Forgetting.” which has been submitted as his thesis for the Ph. D. degree. Grant Made to Clark. Tn the social sciences, considerable re search is under way in the schools of law and education, and . the department of history. A small grant was made R. 0. Clark, Ph. D., head of the department of history, in connection with an investi gation in early northwest history, for which the copying of records in the Brit ish Museum Library is necessary. In the school of law. Professors Thomas A. Larremore and Sam B. Warner are mak ing a study of the workmen’s compensa tion laws of Oregon. Besides this. Pro fessor Larremore is making a study of the office of public defender. The school of education has three pieces of research under way, conducted by II. D. Sheldon. Ph. T).. dean of the school. C. A. Gregory. Ph. D.. and F. L. Stetson, M. A. The University research committee is (Continued on Page 4.) Strange Sights To Be Seen In 1935 by Mr. and Mrs. U.O. Alumni When They Return (By Mailel ene Bogan.) University of Oregon, November 15, 11K5;>.—Among the visitors to the campus to attend the U. of O.-O. A. C. football game this week were Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Alumnus, of Portland, whose son, Itob, is the well known captain of the varsity. Mr. and Mrs. Alumnus were prominent in the University in the days when Johnson hall was the center of the campus »and the young medical students were still struggling along in dear old, cramped old Deady. Did you ever wonder what Mr. and Mrs. Alumnus would see? At least two men on the campus now can tell you, and those men are President P. L. Campbell and W. K. Newell, superintendent of University buildings and grounds. Not only can they tell you, but they can show you pictures of the way the campus will look “When Dreams Come True.” First of all, Mr. and Mrs. Alumnus, of Portland, would not leave the train way down at the other end of Willamette street, but at “University Station.” Oh yes, indeed, there will be such a place. Across Eleventh street, back of Villard, will be the artistic little station where all trains will stop at “University of Oregon.” Crossing Eleventh street they would enter the real front door of the University. This front door will be in the form of an entrance archway open ing onto the path leading up through the campus between the Oregon building and the Commerce building. Crossing Thir teenth street, the path will lead through what is now Kincaid field, but it will not be' a field then. It will be a beautiful quadrangle with buildings for classrooms and science laboratories. The second building on the right, of this quardangle, Bob will point out ns “The Library." Continuing along the tree-lined path, they will enter the Memorial Court. This court, erected in honor of the University men who served in the world war, is one of the most beautiful and impressive spots on the campus. It will stand at the entrance of a massive auditorium which will no doubt bo the center of the student life of the University. The wing of the auditorium to the right of the court is a sound-proof music building. It seems that the student of 1950 who as pires to literary fame will not be dis turbed by those who dream of operatic triumph. The left wing of the auditorium will be the University museum. Yes, a museum—that hope and dream of the days of 1921. Back of the auditorium is the building that was known in the days of ’21 as the music building but it is now used as one of a group of men’s dormi tories. Turning cast from these, Bob will no doubt, point out the residence halls for University women. Hendricks hall and Susan Campbell hall are as of old, only doubled. Yes doubled. On each side of these halls, with a central dining room between, is another hall, practically a duplicate of the first two. Imagine if you can, two buildings which together will house 450 girls. In (he center of the women's quadran gle, directly behind Johnsou ahll will be the household arts building. No, Mary Spillcr hall is not here, its place has been taken by the addition to Hendricks hall. No doubt Mr. and Mrs. Alumnus will find many more changes, ,but our imagi nation fails us just now. MEN'S GLEE TO GIVE PEPPY PERFORMANCE Program Tonight to Be Best Yet, Says Ingram. “Tonight’s the night,” says Joe In gram, press agent for the Men’s Glee Club. “How do I know that it is the night? Because the gang is all hopped up. You’d think that they had all been drinking that old prohibition drink the hoboes used to call alki. “Tonight’s program has the Portland one cheated,” he continued. “It is lit erally bristling with local color. Perhaps it would be better for all local celebrities to stay away so as not to be hit, but all others are sure to enjoy it. In sec ond thought, too, I should advise all notables to be there in order that the remarks of the club may not be swelled by the telling and retelling of hearers into positive slander before it reaches their ears. “And when the gang comes on with ‘A Little Specialty’ you’ll thing that some of the contraband drops are right off stage. A big laugh is guaranteed to everyone who is in good physical con dition. “She’s sure been a great season,” Joe said. “Of course, I’m not patting us on the back or anything like that, but we’ve knocked them for three and four pyramids everywhere we’ve been. In Portland we had to come back sevpral times after each number to keep that Auditorium full of people from tearing the place down. “Now don’t think that this is mere press dope.” I’m backing everything I’ve said. We’ve got the men and we’ve got the director and we’ve been giving all we have to put the club over. We are willing for the listeners fonight to judge our success. “And, as a final bit of advice, be down to the box office early this morning Those seats are going to go fast.” ECLIPSE HAPPENS ON TIME. According to schedule, the moon eclipsed Thursday night. And, according to schedule—it went out—completely. Stu dents who stayed up until the witching hour of 12 o’clock saw the celestial hap penings in totality. Several who stayed up Wednesday night under the misap prehension that 'it was to take place hten, missed the performance Thursday. .T. E. Allison, of the University business office, is the only one who is reported to have waited up for the moon both Wedndesday and Thursday nights. Sixteen Teams to Compete In Opening Next Week. The inter-sorority debates have been postponed from Tuesday until Wednes day night of next week. The debates will be held at 7:30, but it has not been decided in what buildings they will take place. After these first# debates take place the one half that receive the low est number of points will be dropped out and finals will be held soon after to de cide on the winners. As the arrangement now stands the negative Alpha Phi team will meet Hen dricks hall; the negative Oregon Club will debate Chi Omega; the Sigma Delta Phi will meet Alpha Delta Pi; the nega tive Chi Omega will debate Gamma Phi Beta; the negative Alpha Delta Pi, Zcta Itho Epsilon; the negative Hendricks hall team will debate Sigma Delta Phi; the negative Gamma Phi Beta will meet Alpha Phi, and the negative of the Zeta Rho will debate Oregon Club. The question that will be debated is; Resolved, That the exemption of the Panama canal tolls originally extended to all American coastwise vessels, should be restored. I _ FORUM ARRANGES TALKS Madelene Logan to Obtain Speakers For Programs on Labor Problems. The Industrial Forum is planning to have four more meetings this term. Mad elene Logan was appointed at the last meeting to arrange for speakers on fu ture programs. The Formn haH had a meeting as nearly as possible every week for the past term. Jessie Todd is chairman and many prominent speakers have been secured. Labor problems that directly affect wo men workers have made up the sub jects for discussions. PULLMAN BEATS GONZAGA. State College of Washington, Pullman, April 21.—With Jack Friel and Curley Skadan pitching airtight hall, and with real support from their team mates, the Cougars defeated the Ganzaga Bulldogs 2 to 1 Saturday afternoon. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED. Kappa Theta Chi announces the pTedg I ing of Troy L. McCraW, of Ileppner, Oregon. IS GIVEN APPROVAL Professional Preparation Work Offered By Oregon to Undergraduates. CREDITS ACCEPTABLE AT RANKING SCHOOLS Degrees Provided Por After Completion of Fourth Year’s Training. Three- year curricula in pre-engineer ing which will fulfill the requirements of the first two years in professional engineering schools, and which will in addition provide that amount of work in the pure sciences and the humanities, which has become indispensable to great engineers, was approved by the state board of higher curricula at its meeting in Portland on Monday. This prescribed course of study, which covers pre-engi neering work in mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, mining, and certain special branches, will become effective Septem ber, 1921. Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics, is chairman of the new course of study. Engineer's Degree In Six Years. Arrangements have already been en tered into with about a dozen selected engineering schools whereby students who have completed the three-year course at the University will be admitted on such a basis that they may obtain the bach elor’s degree in engineering at the end. of two additional years, and the pro fessional graduate degree of engineer at the end of the third year after leaving Oregon. Upon the satisfactory completion or the first year’s work at the engineer ing school, the University of Oregon will grant to these students the degree of bachelor of arts. In this way the stu dent may obtain both the bachelor of arts degree and the first professional degree in five years, or the arts degree, the bachelor’s degree in engineering, and the professional engineering degree in six years. The requirements for the first year include English, nine hours; mathematics, including advanced algebra, trigonometry, and analytical geometry, 12 Fours; inor ganic chemistry, 12 lionrs; advanced or elementary French or German, 12 or 15 hours; and mechanical drawing, six hours. Students who intend to pursue courses in civil or mining engineering and who present two units of either French or German for entrance may be permitted to substitute elementary French or Ger man during the sophomore year. Those intending to study chemical engineering should take German during both the freshman and sophomore years. In addi tion to tins course, nil men students are required to devote three hours each week to military science and to physical training throughout the first tw'f» years. Courses Are Prescribed. In the Nophomore year the student is required to take calculus, 12 hours; general physics, nine hours; French lit erature or advanced French or scientific or advanced German or elementary Span ish, nine, 12 or 15 hours; descriptive geometry, four hours; advanced mechan ical drawing, two hours; analytical chem istry, six or eight hours; and dynamic geology, four hours. The program of studies' for the junior year is intended to articulate the work done in the University with the course of study which the student proposes to pursue in the technical institution. For this reason the student is supposed to have selected the school which he in tends to enter and the course of study to be pursued there in not later than the beginning of the junior year. The regular program consists of cer tain required subjects plus a number of electives, the latter becoming prescribed also according to the branch of engineer ing or technical work contemplated. These required subjects are advanced analytical geometry and calculus, three hours; strength of materials, eight hours; ad vanced general physics, niue hours; prin ciples of economics, eight hours; and advanced economies, four hours. Certain Electives Recommended. The elective subjects recommended are kinematics, six or nine hours; differen tial equations, six hours: physical chem istry. 12 hours; structural geology, two hours; field geology, two hours; princi ples of assaying, four to six hours; practical astronomy, three hours; graphic statics, four hours; bacteriology, eight hours; English, eight, hours; principles of accounting, 12 hours. Those especially recommended for civil engineering are (Continued on Page 3.)