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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1921)
Good Early Season Form Is Shown By ’24 Nine. With two black Indian scalps hanging t0 his bolt. Bill Steers returned to the campus Saturday night in company with his victorious frosh basebal lteam after taking the Chemawa redskins into camp in two contests, the scores being 6-3 and pO For early season games the contests were very good, according to the coach, rpho marked improvement in fielding over what was shown in practice was ii„e to the fact that the fields were so much better and according to the testi mony of the players it was a big argu ment for better home diamonds. In both games “Tex” Knight did ex ceptional work. He is credited with the second game because of a home run which netted the winning score. “Lefty” Baldwin’s pitching was also a feature jf the second game and served as n Winter-defense against the work of .Joe Beetle, a semi-professional pitcher whom ■he Indians used. The hitting of the team was described ls above average by a group of Oregon mpporters who saw the game $t Salem, [he youngsters managed to garner in [0 hits at the game at Chematva and mocked Beetle for 11 at Salem the next lay. Large crowds witnessed both con csts and according to all reports the ioys received courteous treatment and r quare deal. “Frisco” Edwards, of the Salem Senators, umpired the first game mil “Ducky” Holmes, also of the Sena tors, acted in that capacity for the Salem game. Oregon’s batteries did exceptionally pell for the first, games of the season. Lefty” Baldwin and Ward Johnson forked out as pitcher and catcher in the pener while Johnson handled the shoots f both Dong Wright and Phil Ringle in he home town of the Senators. Th next game for the frosh will irobably be at home as an attempt is oing made to stir up a row with the higcnc high school for next Saturday lowing. With another week of prac ice and their experience of last week nil the ball playing knights of the green sip will be expected to put up a lively how for the local ball fans. PAGEANT TO BE GIVEN The Dawning” Will Be Repeated To. night, At Central Presbyterian. “The Dawning,” a religious pageant, rill be given for the fourth time at the 'entral Presbyterian church at 7:30 to ilght. Seats will be reserved for col ege students up to 7:25. The pageant s being repeated again on account of lie large demand for it. The pageant, which was first given on Saster Sunday, is said to have very loocl scenic and musical effects. It is dramatization of the store of the lesurrection. Native costumes form a iictnresque part of the production, forty-eight characters, including eight .adversity people, are in the cast.* \odak Finishing—Anderson’s Film Shop. —Adv. Phone 141 City Messenger Service Messengers $ E. 7 th J. C. GRANT, Mgr. for RENT — Comfortable room for cue man. Two blocks from TTniversity. Kvery modern conveniense. 1300 Emer ald. Phone 748-L. 's.t.w Patronize Emerald Advertisers. FOR RENT — Two nicely furnished rooms complete with heat and light. Bath bu the same floor. Only one block from (!• riendly hall and very convenient to (campus. Mrs. Minnie Del.ay. 1193 Onyx ,'street. ' s-t-w if you want something that is in a class by itself, get a Grape Highball I hat is just another answer why so many students got to OREGANA The Students Shop YOUNG MEN Here are ALL-WOOL suitings at the most reasonable prices. We tailor to your measure in the latest Spring fashions. SCROOGS BROS. TAILORS (Up Stairs) 760 Will. St. Campus and Millrace Views Kodak Finishing -FILMS CAMPUS A ^ D aa J Photographer 849 E. 13th. Him V# lYvdU Telephone 1393 Service Our Aim Phone 123 Wing’s Market Quality, Service and Low Prices. Fresh and Cured Meats. Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street. Visit the State Exhibit in the Hampton Building and see our part in making Oregon products first. We always boost the state, city and University. Thats one reason we feel we have such a wide support of the um\ersitj. OREGON PRODUCTS Know Them Use Them Boost Them The VARSITY CLARK R. HAWLEY, Prop. A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS This course covers teu easy lessons which will enable the Student, Professor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professionel career, to go thru life with 100 per cent efficiency. THIS COURSE Is short and inexpensive, and is given with a money back guarantee if not sat isfied. SEND THIS CLIPPING TODAY *---¥ PYRAMID PRESS: Publishers 1416 Broadway, New York City. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by mail. It is understood that at the end of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. Name . Street . City and State. ★-* YOU HAVE WRITTEN POEMS! Do you care to have them revised or constructively criticized by successful authors? If you do, then send us your manuscript (stories, articles or poems.) We will criticize, and place them should they prove to be acceptable for publication. There is no actual charge for our services. If, however, you have not previously enrolled with the advisory department of this association, we re quest that you enclose the initial fee of two dollars, which we must ask of each new contributor. There is no addi tional expense, no future obligation. It must be realized that we can only be of aid to those of serious intent. If you do mean to strive for literary suc cess, we can help you in many ways. Our services are yours until we have actually succeeded in marketing at least one of your manuscripts. Send some thing today! Please enclose return postage with your communications. NATIONAL LITERARY ASSOCIATION 131 W. 39th St. New York City. * Advisory Department WHEN PASSING PHIL-UP Opposite_ The Co-op Store When you plan a hike— Take a lunch that is put up — At — Telephone 30 for our specialties i ii i m University of Oregon vs. COLORED GIANTS, of CHICAGO 3:30 P. M. Kincaid Field *\ Admission 50c ■A T<* .."i*’; •'! '«iw> * i we offer special prices on several lines of choicj^ta tionery. This offering includes our entire stock of . ■ , | -• •■■■■■'* Superb Strathmore papers, in three fold styles, also Gentlemen’s Club Letters and staple note papers in a large variety of styles. THE CO-OP ! — M-fi-M******-***: Our Policy— In the past we have tried to serve all customers in the same courteous manner, giving careful attention to all details. We thus built up a good business that has steadily increased. We also have aimed to give our customers the best of meats that we could secure and to sell at prices within the bounds of good reason. BRODERS BROTHERS 80 W. 8th Street. Phone 40 • ■ ; v ■ 4