Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1921, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
* f '*
NO. 81.
IKE I A. S. 0. D.
Committee Named by Presi
dent Savage Considering
new plan will be
In Tentative Form Now; Much
Time Spent Formulat
ing Ideas.
Radical changes in the present consti
tution of the- associated^ students, which
will probably affect the entire system
now used, are being considered by a com
mittee of students appointed some time
ago by Carlton Savage, A. S. U. O. pres
ident. upon the recommendation of the
executive council, which was Vested with
authority to make a complete investiga
tion of the present student government
and to recommend any changes which it
thought advisable to the students for
consideration at the regular meeting of
1 lie student body in March.
The committee, consisting of four stu
dent members and four members of the
faculty and alumni who servo in an ad
visory capacity, is not yet ready to an
nounce the amendments which it will
submit, to the students in March, the
complete plans being yet only in :i ten
Juiive state and subject to changes.
Other Plans studied.
According to Wilbur Carl, chairman of
the committee, about three months has
boon spent in drawing up plans for the
changes which it. was th night advisable
to propose, during which ’ ime the ••cn
stitutions and the government plans of
other institutions yave been investigated
with a view to incorporating the best
features of other schools in the new sys
tem for Oregon. A representative was
sent to O. A. 0. to investigate the plan*
of student government, at that institu
tion, while correspondence has been held
with a great many representative col
leges in the country.
At present the new plan is only in a
tentative state, according to f'arl: A
sub-committee has been appointed which
will draw , up the plan which was ap
proved by the committee at its last
meeting, held yesterday afternoon, which
will be presented at the next meeting of
the entire committee, called for next
Wednesday. Should the plans as drawn
up he approved they will then be an
nounced, according to the chairman.
Council Starts Move.
The movement for a change in the A.
S. IT. O. constitution came from the exe
cutive council and was given a hearing
at a meeting of the student council some
time ago. The committee named by
President Savage consists of Wilbur
• 'nil, chairman; Lyle Bryson, secretary;
Vivian Chandler, president of the wo
man’s league, and John Houston, vice
president of the student body. Savage
also serves as a member of the commit
tee. Faculty and alumni members are
Lean Colin V. Dyment, Karl Onthank,
Marion McClain and Dean Walker.
According to Carl, a member of the
executive council, where the movement
started, it was felt that the present
form of government needed more co-or
( Continned on Page 4.)
Dean Straub Announces Action Taken
By City Officials to Prevent
Dangerous Practice.
The city streets of Eugene shall not
be used as a baseball diamond, gridiron
nor basketball court. This edict has
(gone forth from the city officials, and
'prevents Students from exercising the
<<ommon practices of playing catch and
passing, a pigskin upon the city tlioro
I fares.
This action, which is announced to
i University men by Dean John Straub.
( has been taken by Chief of Police Chris
tensen in order to prohibit what is said
to be becoming a dangerous practice.
Students, according to the chief of po
liece, make it a habit to play catch upon
streets where there is considerable traf
fic, thus placing their personal safety in
jeopardy and hindering those who use
the thoroughfares. Recently a passing
automobile \«is struck by a baseball, the
windshield of the car being broken and
'the occupants narrowly escaping injury.
This, and similar accidents which
'have occurred have led to the blanket
ruling prohibiting the playing of catch
or passing or kicking of a football upon
the streets. Devotees of these various
sports will be forced to confine their ac
tivities to vacant lots, or places where
passers by and the regular traffic will
not be obstructed.
Committee Has Difficult Task
To Secure Coaches.
Twelve of the girls’ organizations on
the campus, have signified their intention
of competing in the series of inter-soror
dt.v debates which will take place next
term. Those who are entering are:
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Phi. Chi Omega,
[Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Gam
|ma Phi Beta, Hendricks Hall, Pi Beta
Phi, .Sigma Delta 'Phi, Zeta Rho Epsilon,
Kappa Kappa Gamma and the Girls’
.Oregon Club.
A committee consisting of one girl
from each organization has been ap
pointed to select coaches, and work up
the material for the teams. Those on
this committee are: Elaine Cooper,
(Helen Carson, Mildred Lauderdale, Ruth
Griffin, Thelma Lyons, Francis McGill.
[Elizabeth Meiis, Beatrice Hensley, Elsie
[Hildebrand, Gail Acton and Marjorie
“The girls find it very difficult to se
cure coaches, every one is so busy,”
said Marjorie Stout, chairman of the
coaching committee. However, five out
of the twelve organizations have suc
ceeded in obtaining coaches, and are be
;ing worked in earnest. Those who have
selected coaches are: Chi Omega, Miss
Julia Burgess: Delta Delta Delta. Remey
Cox; Delta Gamma, Professor Eldon
Griffin; Zeta Rho Epsilon, Ethel Wake
field, and Oregon Club, Professor George
Turnbull. *
The question decided upon is, “That
; the provision of the present law im
posing Panama canal tolls on American
coastwise vessels should be repealed.”
Speeches are to be eight minutes in
length with four minutes for rebuttal.
The first series of debates will be held
1 the first week in April. -
No! She Does Not Box; Other#
Ways to Obtain Black Eyes
1 lie appearance on the campus of a
'’°y with a black eye excites little or no
comment. It is taken for granted that
ho has been indulging in one of the many
sPorts in which boys bat one another
about as if they were tin soldiers with
leaden weights in their feet.
It is an entirely different matter, how
ever, when a girl appears with the
above-mentioned “shiner.” True, it may
oot excite much audible comment, the
v ‘'eat majority of the students being too
l'olite even to mention it. Instead they
stand off and stare at such an unusual
phenomenon. ^ Stories are far more dis
i meting than comment especially if the
' h tim happens to be a> poor little frosh,
n '‘hiss which is always sensitive to every
aionee cast in its direction. Some may
1' ‘11 go as far as one professor who
^tupped in the middle of a recitation
"hh, "Miss-, where did you
g* t that black eye?” aud when duly iu
tonned hastened to add: “Of course I
knew you hadn’t been fighting.” An
other might wonder if a course in box
ing has been instituted in the new wo
man’s building.
As a matter of fact the trouble was all
over a little basketball game in which no
one was particularly to blame. The main
difficulty was that the frosh in a bas
ketball game was playing pimping cen
ter. a position entirely outside of her ex
perience; which, according to all time
honored principles calls for an individual
far above the average height, while this
particular center measured but five feet
three inches. She was just tall enough
to catch her opponent’s elbow squarely
<iu the eye,—which she did. By the end
of the game there was a fair sized moun
tain on that side of her face and the next
day it looked like a maple grove in
autumn. i
“Oh, well,” she said, “I don’t care. It
was worth it. We beat them 46 to 5.”
Position At Head of Hygiene
Department In Eastern
College Lures.
; Retiring Director Recognized
Nationally For Develop
ing Great Department
Miss Mabel U. Cum
mings, head of the de
partment of physical
education for women,
has been called to head
a similar department
at Wellesley, one of
the three great wo
men’s colleges of the
country. Miss Cum
mings will leave the
University of Oregon
at the end of the pres
ent term but will not
take up her new work
in the east until next
fall. She will spend
the intervening time in
special study.
S51lO ixrill lion
partment of hygiene at Wellesley, where
the training course for teachers is rec
ognized as the. best in the United States.
Though only about 200 more women are
I enrolled in this department than at Ore
gon, the staff is much larger, numbering
thirteen in all and including Dr. William
S. Karstiom. national authority on gym
nastics, Wl Dr. w. T. Brown, author
of the well-known text “Health by
Stunts.” Miss Cummings will succeed
I Amy Morris Homans, one-time president
of the Boston School of Gymnastics,
who built up the department of hy
giene at Wellesley, and Dr. Rosanna
1 Vivian, who has recently been filling the
Here More Than 5 Years. j
Miss Commings line been with the Uni- ]
versity of Oregon for five and one-half
years and has been intimately associated
with the development of the work in phy
sical education for women, which has at
tracted national attention. She re
ceived her training at the Boston School
of Gymnastics. University of Chicago,
Tufts College Medical School, and Rush
(Medical School,
“Notwithstanding the offer as head of
a depai tment in one of the three great
women’s colleges in the country.” said
INIiss Cummings yesterday, “I had great
'difficulty in reaching a decision to leave
the University of Oregon. There is no
greater opportunity anywhere In the
country than here at the University for
Uhe development of physical education
and professional courses for women. The
'University is recognized as a leader in
this work among the colleges of the
country. The new woman’s building
from the standpoint of a working plant
has no equal anywhere. The fact that
the courses at Wellesley are of a grad
uate rather than of an undergraduate
nature is all that is taking me away.”
i President and Dean Praise.
President P. L. Campbell and Dr. John
Bovard, dean of the school of physical
education, said that Miss Cummings was
going to the biggest position if its kind
in the United States and described in
fhigh terms the quality and value of her
'fwork during her five years with the Uni
McArthur lauds“shy”
Oregon Representative, Famous AHum
nus, Congratulates Team and Coach.
Coarh “Shy” Huntington has received
! a letter of congratulation from Congress
man C. N. “Pat” McArthur ’01, who was
a member of the athletic council nere
for several years, and is one of the most
prominent of Oregon alumni. The let
ter follows:
My Dear “Shy.”
‘‘I have just read of your re-election
as coach for the Oregon team for next
| year, and I wish to take this opportunity
of congratulating the team and the Uni
versity, and to commend the dignified
and manly way in which you withstood
the attack of the little group of trouble
makers who tried to unhorse you. 1 am
satisfied with your record as coach and
believe you will turn out a winning team
this year.
“With best, wishes, I am,
“Yours faithfully,
c. n. mcarthur.”
To Be First Appearance Made
Away From Eugene
This Year.
All Members of Organization
To Be Taken On This
University orchestra will give its first
■concert outside of Eugene in Cot
tage Grove high school auditorium on
Friday evening, February 18. under the
auspices of the Cottage Grove high
school. All the 35 members of the or
ganization will make the trip.
The program for the eweert is care
fully worked out, according to Rex Un
derwood. director of the orchestra. In
putting it together he tried to get all
possible out of the musicians and at the
,same time to make a well-balanced and
interesting program. In doing this he
carried out the plan with which he
started at the beginning of his work at
Oregon, that of not. making the whole
concert so heavy that it would bo .tire
some to the ordinary listener. The Cot
tage Grofe program contains several
heavy concert numbers but in between
them are placed lighter ones. Novelty
numbers such as a cello quartette, a
brass sextette and a musical vaudeville
skit are included to prevent lagging of
interest. Mr. Underwood is very well
satisfied with the program, he said.
shortly after the Cottage Grove con
cert it is planned to give a Sunday aft
ernoon concert in Villard hall in which
the central number will be a Greig Con
certo for piano played by Mrs. Jane
Thaeher accompanied by the orchestra.
'Part of Beethoven’s First Symphony
; will probnbly be included in the pro
gram. It. is also planned to give a home
concert before the spring vacation.
Instruments are being added to the
orchestra as they are purchased by Mr.
(Underwood with money from the instru
ment fund started with the proceeds of
the dance given last fall.
The program for the Cottage Grove
concert follows:
Light Cavalry Overture.Suppe
La Vee'da . Alderi
Song—Thora .Adams
Frank Jue.
Dance of the Honrs (Giaeonda)___
Violoncello Quartette—To a Wild
Bose .MacDowell
Carpenter Stnples, Agnes Kennedy, John
Anderson, Ralph Hoeber.
Violin Solo—Spanish Dance... .Relifeld
Alberta Potter.
Venetian Moon—Novelty arrangement,
introducing each instrument in turn.
Prelude .."Rachmaninoff
Brass Sextette—Introducing “Love
Here is my Heart.” and a little Jazz.
Hacker, Simpson, Doming, Rosenberg,
Staples, Jue.
Morning, Noon and Night Overture...
i European Party to Include Marie Rid
ings, 21, and iare Campbell, ’24.
f Two more students in the Fni versify
' were added yesterday to the list o' tiiote
’ who have signed u,) for*tbe trip to Eu
rope this summer under th" direction of
' Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, and
Miss Julia Burgess, professor of rhe
toric. Jane Campbell ,a freshman, niece
of President. Campbell, and Marie Rid
ings, a senior, are the iarest two to tign
Miss Fox announces. Miss Hidings
been interested in the project from the
beginning. The total now signed for the
tour is six, with several more express
ing interact,
' A letter has just been received by
Dean Fox from Miss Geraldine Il'ich.
Oregon ’20, now teaching in the high
school at Ashland, expressing interest in
the tour and a tentative plan to join the
party. The group will be limited to 1(5.
The trip will occupy the greater part of
the 1921 vacation period of the I'niver
Delta Delta Delta announces the
pledging of Margaret Goodin, of Salem.
“Lincoln and Labor” To Be Topic of
Head of 4 L's at Regular Stu
dent Assembly.
Norman F. Coleman, executive head of
the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
berman, former professor at Reed Col
lege, and war-time Y. M. C. A. worker
in charge of all association schools on
the Pacific coust. will address the stu
dent. body assembly Thursday morning
at eleven on the topic “Lincoln and
Mr. Coleman is well known to the Ore
gon students who attended the Senbeck
conference held under the auspices of
the Y. M. C. A. last summer, where he
addressed the student gatherings on
several occasions.
Well liked by both employer and
employee and having a wide experience
with labor during his work in the lum
ber camps on behalf of the Y. M. C. A.
Thursday’s speaker is well qualified to
talk on the subject of labor and espe
I cially of his work among the workers
of the Northwestern lumber camps. It
was through bis efforts in behalf of
i these men who work in the woods that
led to his appointment as head of the
Loyal Legion at the close of the war.
A special musical program hys been
arranged for the assembly Thursday, de
tails of which will he announced later.
Work of Producing “Mikado”
Begun In Guild Theater.
Names of the members of the cast and
the chorus of the “Mikado,” comic opera
by Gilbert and Sullivan to be produced in
Guild theater, March 8 to 12, by the pub
lic speaking department and the school
ot‘ music, have been announced. The
, cast is built around Madame Rose Mc
! Grew in the role of “Katisha,” Fergus
Reddie in “lvo-Ko" and Nell Gaylord in
This 35 year old opera, one of the
most popular of its kind ever written,
has been played repeatedly ever since
its first run. By the co-operation of
the public speaking department and the
school of music the campus will be
enabled to hear things of this sort that
has not and could not be staged under
any other arrangement.
Work on the opera started last week,
the direction of the vocal and acting
work being in the hands of Mine. Rose
McGrew, and Prof. Fergus Reddie re
spectively. The orchestra, under the di
rection of Rex Underwood, will prob
ably begin on the opera next week when
the musical scores are expected to ar
rive. Electrical work on the stage will
be in the hands of George Pasto.
Members of the cast as announced are
as follows:
Katisha.Mme. Rose McGrow
Yum-Yum . Nell Gaylord
Peep-bo .Eloise McPherson
Pitti-Sing.Charlotte Banfield
Mikado .Manford Michael
Ko-Ko.Fergus Reddie
Pooh-bab .Norvell Thompson
Pish-tush .George Stearns
(Nanki-poo .Delbert Faust
[ Members of the chorus are: Soprano
■*—Mary Alexander, May Cooley, Leota
[ Green, Dolores Catlow, Kathleen Kern,
Marion Linn. Connie Miller, Maurice
Welch; Alto—Gladys Emison, May Fen
’ no, Florence Cartwright, Leona Greg
ory, Mabel SmTth, Margery Wells; Ten
or—Y^allace Cannon. Crecene Fariss,
Victor Husband, Raymond Osburne,
Ralph Poston, Harold Orr. Allan Smith;
Bass—Ted Baker, Charles Huggins, Glen
Morrow, Paul Mortimore, Donald Mc
Pherson, Orrin Thomas.
Executive Head of 4 L Will Telll of In
teresting Labor Problems.
Tho principles of the competitive sys
tem in industry will he the question dis
cussed at the regular meeting of the In
dustrial Forum at the Y. W. O. A. bun
galow Thursday at 7:30. Norman F.
Coleman, executive head of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, will
also speak on some of the interesting ex
periments the Legion nas been making
with labor problems.
Other questions will be: “What evi
dence of protest do we have against the
‘law of the jungle?’” “What is the dif
ference between property for use and
property for power?” “At what point
does the massing of private property be
come a social menace?”
This will be an open meeting.
California Defeats Stanford
and 0. A. C.; Fighting
for Leadership.
Varsity To Have Hard Fight
In Effort To Wrest Hon
ors from Bruin Five.
♦ Coast Conference Standing*. ♦
♦ Team W. L. P.C. ♦
♦ California.5 f 833 ♦
♦ Stanford ......... 5 I 833 ♦
♦ Oregon .6 2 750 ♦
♦ Washington.4 4 500 ♦
♦ W. S. C. ...I 4 200 ♦
♦ 0. A. C.0 9 000 ♦
♦ - A
<♦ Last Night’s Results. ♦
♦ At Corvallis: ♦
,♦ California, 24; 0. A. C., 19
♦ At Pullman: ♦
♦ • Stanford, 42; W. S. C„ 37. ♦
When Oregon meets California this
Friday and Saturday, it, will be a con
test for the const ■ championship. By
virtue of their win over Stanford at
Berkeley last Friday 86 to 24, and their
,victory over the Orpgon Aggies at Oor
ivallis last night 24 to If), the Bears have
|jumped into the lealership of the coast
The Berkeley quintet spilled the dope
last Friday by winning from the Stan
ford five, until then leading the confer*
Vnee with no defeats credited to them.
The score indicates that the game win
all in favor of California. Last night
i at Corvallis, the Bruins started, their
second team, but when the half ended 12
to 4 in favor of the Beavers, the south
erners were forced to get in and fight «■’
for a victory. The game ending 24 to
'19 indicates the fight put up by the vis
itors from Berkeley in the last half to
win the game.
Varsity Watches Bears.
Coach Bolder and the members of the
Oregon varsity squad left Eugene yes
terday afternoon and saw the California ,
five in action against the Aggies, on the
Corvallis court. The second game will
he played there tonight, when the south
erners will come to Eugene for a two
game series with the varsity.
That California is out to make a
strong bid for the conference title is evi
dent from the result of their last tyro
games. They started the Aggie game
with their second string quintet, evi
dently wishing to save their first string
ers for the two games with Oregon this
week-end here. This game does not of
fer much dope, on the comparative
strength of the varsity and the Califor
.nia teams on that account.
Little Is Known.
Other than the foot that California
walloped the Oregon Aggie quintet by
decisive scores in the two games played
at Berkeley during the early part of the
season, and the fact that the Bears brake
even with Washington in a two game
series at Berkeley, little is known of
.the comparative strength of the South
erners as compared to the varsity quin
tet. The dope sheet would apparently
'give the Bears the edge over the Lemon
yellow quintet and no easy game can be
expected in the series to be played here
.Friday and Saturday nights between the
two teams,
\ Washington defeated Oregon by a
jpretty wide margin in the two games
played at Seattle early in the season.
(They lost their first game to California
j and won the second contest by a few
| points. Oregon also defeated the Aggies
decisively, and the Washington games
r will probably have to be taken as the
only criterion of the ability of the blue
and gold quintet on the basketball
Bohler Works Squad.
'»Coach Bohler is putting the squad
through the paces this week and is mak~
ing preparations for sending his team in
fto the California games in the best pos
sible condition. He appeared to be well
'.satisfied with the work of the quintet in
the two Aggie games, although he stated
that the Aggies did not play as good a
i game here as they did in Corvallis the
week-end previous.
Oregon’s chances to climb to the top
of the Pacific Coast conference stand
lings depend a great deal upon the out
.come of tlie games thi^ week. Stanford
(Continued on Page 4.)