Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. __UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1921. * f '* NO. 81. IKE I A. S. 0. D. RUT TO BE OFFERED STUDENTS Committee Named by Presi dent Savage Considering Improvements. new plan will be VOTED ON IN MARCH In Tentative Form Now; Much Time Spent Formulat ing Ideas. Radical changes in the present consti tution of the- associated^ students, which will probably affect the entire system now used, are being considered by a com mittee of students appointed some time ago by Carlton Savage, A. S. U. O. pres ident. upon the recommendation of the executive council, which was Vested with authority to make a complete investiga tion of the present student government and to recommend any changes which it thought advisable to the students for consideration at the regular meeting of 1 lie student body in March. The committee, consisting of four stu dent members and four members of the faculty and alumni who servo in an ad visory capacity, is not yet ready to an nounce the amendments which it will submit, to the students in March, the complete plans being yet only in :i ten Juiive state and subject to changes. Other Plans studied. According to Wilbur Carl, chairman of the committee, about three months has boon spent in drawing up plans for the changes which it. was th night advisable to propose, during which ’ ime the ••cn stitutions and the government plans of other institutions yave been investigated with a view to incorporating the best features of other schools in the new sys tem for Oregon. A representative was sent to O. A. 0. to investigate the plan* of student government, at that institu tion, while correspondence has been held with a great many representative col leges in the country. At present the new plan is only in a tentative state, according to f'arl: A sub-committee has been appointed which will draw , up the plan which was ap proved by the committee at its last meeting, held yesterday afternoon, which will be presented at the next meeting of the entire committee, called for next Wednesday. Should the plans as drawn up he approved they will then be an nounced, according to the chairman. Council Starts Move. The movement for a change in the A. S. IT. O. constitution came from the exe cutive council and was given a hearing at a meeting of the student council some time ago. The committee named by President Savage consists of Wilbur • 'nil, chairman; Lyle Bryson, secretary; Vivian Chandler, president of the wo man’s league, and John Houston, vice president of the student body. Savage also serves as a member of the commit tee. Faculty and alumni members are Lean Colin V. Dyment, Karl Onthank, Marion McClain and Dean Walker. According to Carl, a member of the executive council, where the movement started, it was felt that the present form of government needed more co-or ( Continned on Page 4.) BALL PLAYING BARRED ON STREET BY POLICE Dean Straub Announces Action Taken By City Officials to Prevent Dangerous Practice. The city streets of Eugene shall not be used as a baseball diamond, gridiron nor basketball court. This edict has (gone forth from the city officials, and 'prevents Students from exercising the < poor little frosh, n '‘hiss which is always sensitive to every aionee cast in its direction. Some may 1' ‘11 go as far as one professor who ^tupped in the middle of a recitation "hh, "Miss-, where did you g* t that black eye?” aud when duly iu tonned hastened to add: “Of course I knew you hadn’t been fighting.” An other might wonder if a course in box ing has been instituted in the new wo man’s building. As a matter of fact the trouble was all over a little basketball game in which no one was particularly to blame. The main difficulty was that the frosh in a bas ketball game was playing pimping cen ter. a position entirely outside of her ex perience; which, according to all time honored principles calls for an individual far above the average height, while this particular center measured but five feet three inches. She was just tall enough to catch her opponent’s elbow squarely