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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1921)
% • . > Oregon Daily Emerald _VjLUJIg,^1:---UNI VERSIT Y OF OREGON, EUGENE.OREGON. W E D N ESP A Y.J A N U A R Y 5. | _ NO5I ILTiMH GAME AT PORTUII FIRST OF BASKETBALL SEASON Four Letter Men to Be Used In Tussle Wi,th Clubmen Next Saturday. last YEAR’S FROSH SHOWING UP STRONG Lemon-Yellow Five Will play W. S. C. at Pullman on January 22. With the first game Jess than u week off. Coach G. M. Bolder has a real task iu whipping a basketball quintet into shape to meet the Multnomah club five at Portland, Saturday. The team which will in all probability be sent against the clubmen will be made up of the last year letter men ns far ns possible for there has been little chance to get u line on (he new material in the short time which the squad has been practicing. Coach Bolder is planning to take about 10 men to Portland for the initial con test; of these 10, four of the last year’s fluiutot who will make the trip are Cap tain “Eddie” Durno. Marc Latham, Fran- j res Dollar and “Nish” Chapman. Just j who the remaining six will be is yet u matter of doubt even to the coach. This will leave one forward position open and it is not certain that the other veterans will start in their old posi tions. Durno, who captains the quintet this year, was the unanimous selection for all Pacific coast forward and rated the same position on the all Northwest mythical five. Chapman also drew a place as all Northwest guard. Latham and Dollar both played their first season with the varsity last winter. Dollar at guard and Latham at center. “Ilcrm” Lind, Lynn McCready and the Jacobberger boys will not be out this season. Neither “Jake” or “Vince’ Jaoobberger are registered this term -and Lind and McCready graduated last spring. The material from the frosh quintet of last year will be phj.ved up to fill the vacancies. Couch. Burnett, .Andre and “Hunk” Latham all of last years frosh team are showing up well. Andre worked in the forward position last season and was high point man ou the frosh quintet, “Hunk” Latham, the I'angy center will battle it out with his brother A Tare for the center position, flunk” played a good game for the frosh last season although bo will be at a disadvantage for experience against Marc. f oucli and Burnett are consistent guards and may be relied upon to play a steady game. They are both showing up well in practice. A catch. "Reinhart and “Spike” Leslie are out and will make a strong bid. Acaleli Ims been showing up well in the j dough nut games and Reinhart and Les lie are both working well. The pruning process lias not com* '■raced yet. and it is doubtful whether the squad will be cut down for a week or more yet. The conference schedule win begin on January 22 with Oregon playing AV. N. C. at Pullman. This places the lemon-yellow at a disadvantage be cause of the long trip, and the fact that Oe games with the strong northern teams come at the opening of the sea son, The later part of the season will see all the games played at Eugene. Y. W. TO HOLD LECTURES First of Series Will Be Presented in Vil lard Sunday. ll.o first of n series of lectures to be ?t'en on the "University campus during the coming months under the direction of ^ C. A. will he presented next '"uinlav, when William ,\f. Sweet, presi lii'iit of a large bonding concern of I>en !er’ ""'11 discuss “Religion and Business" immediately following the orchestra oon in \ illard hall. In the evening lie "hi talk to men only. ■Sweet has been lecturing in California d student conferences. Tie Is.said to " of (be ablest speakers of bis kind 111 the west. Sherwood Eddy, one of the best known ■ ^l- < . A. speakers in the world, is ' °ming next week. More definite an *iounceiuent will he made later concern ,nS his and the following lectures in the ■ series. UNIVERSITY STUDENT ILL. 'ce Deffenbacher. a sophqiorc from ■ ■Inirg. Oregon, is confined at the in i'mary v\nth pneumonia. NE/W PROFESSOR HERE TO TEACH GEOLOGY Edwin T. Hodge Will take Classes In Minerology; Conies From Univer sity of British Columbia. Midi the ' oening of tin1 winter term several new additions to the faculty are announced. Among these is Professor Ivdwin T. Hedge, of the department of geology, lrrofessor Ilodge is a recent arrival at Oregon, and although ho is not well acquainted here, lie is pleased with the appearance of the campus, and lie ex pects to find his new position both in teresting and enjoyable. . Professor Hodge earned his B. S. and M. A. at the University of Minnesota, and his P. H. 1). at Columbia University, New York, and then he went to the Uni versity of British Columbia as bead of the mining geology department. lie has held this position for the last four years, and also had outside interests in the mines of British Columbia. He still lias interests in some of these initios, and is consulting engineer for private mining companies. Teaching geology is his hobby uml he is interested especially in the practical application of his work. He will give advanced courses in economic geology and minerology, in the geology depart ment. FRISK TO WRESTIE ROOKS IK MM Varsity Meets to be Arranged With U. of W. and Aggies. # Whether or not Oregon fight can stand up under the test in a wrestling bout will be shown in a match between the Oregon freshmen and O. A. ('. rooks next March, according to Bill Hayward. For several years wrestling lias been among the more important of the minor sports at the University and for the last year and a half it has been nearing the highest point of interest under the direc tion of Arvo Simola. There are at pres ent alwrF-a score of first year men out for the sport and about 15 wrestlers who are considered varsity material. Work this year has created a great amount of interest among mat fans ami already some interesting bouts have been staged in the classes, which ‘ are held three times a week. The freshmen espe cially are taking great interest in the activity, according to Simula, who pre dicts that the frosh-rook meet will be one of the most lively affairs of the year in Ttlie athletic line. About the time of the freslimeu meet, the varsity squad, consisting of five men, will have been chosen. Hayward says that meets can be arranged with Wash ington and O. A. C. if the men show enough interest. Should the meets be held wrestling will become a major sport and letters will be awarded. If meets are held. Simola, being a senior, may take part as a member of the team which will represent Oregon. He has been on the Oregon varsity wrestling, team and took part in a meet agajnst Washington sev eral years ago but was unable to com plete the season on account of enlistment in the army. He is regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the northwest and will he. without doubt, Oregon’s mainstay in a contest. Among those in the classes who are especially well prepared for varsity are Dick Shim of Ashland and Bob Sheppard of Portland. Adams und Norton are. the heavy weights and several dark horses are said to lie in the field. Freshmen wrestlers who are among the leaders for places on the freshman team, according to Instructor Simola, are Whitcomb, Dorman. Strachau and Rudd. ,PRIZES IN ART OFFERED 'Total of $15 to be Awarded Students Making Most Progress. Prizes totalling $15 will be given in the art department this year to the per sons who make the most progress in drawing, life drawing, or design, five dollars is to he offered in each of those classes. John E. McGuire, a former student of the University, who was graduated in architecture, is offering the prizes for work in design and color. Professor A. it. Sehroff will offer these prizes next term in his classes. iThe students will be judged by the pro gress they make and not by the best work that is done in the classes, PLEDGING ANNOUNCED. Kappa Theta Chi announces the pledg ing of Kenneth Youel of Silvertou. Booth to be Placed in Front of Library to Canvass Sales for Book FIVE PRIZES OFFERED TO BEST SOLICITORS Cash and Copies of Publica tion Will Be Given Mem bers of Committee. Promptly at 8 o’clock this morning tlio drive for the 1021 Oregann is to start. A booth will be opened in -front of the li brary, and the members of the various committees are expected to be on hand in order to obtain tags and receipt books. "The Oregana this year,” says YYolsey Frater, circulation manager of the year book, “will be the biggest and best book yet. I know that this has been said before, but each time this has proven to be the ease. The price for the book this year is five dollars, three of which must be paid before obtaining a receipt, while the remainder will be collected in the spring when the Oregana is out. It is necessary that those intending to pur chase an Oregana make the initial pay ment early in order that it may be pos sible to ascertain the number of books to he printed.” Many Prizes Offered. Five prizes are offered for the great est number of subscriptions obtained by an individual member of the committee, ranging from a cash prize of $25 to a leather bound copy of the Oregana. The other prizes offered are: Second, $5 and an Oregana; Third, $15 and an Oregana; Fourth, $1 and an Oregana. and Fifth, an Oregana. In addition, a leather copy of the year book will be given the fra ternity first reporting a 100 per cent sub scription.- -• .... Frater will be assisted by Wayne Akers and Wilbur Hoyt, aud has ap-| pointed the following students to help j put the drive over: Campus Committee: Carolyn Cannon, Ruth Engstrom, 'Madge Catkins, Helen Carson, Laura Rand, Nancy Fields, Eleanor Coleman, Helen Dougherty, Doris Pittengcr, Lenorc Cram. Haddon Rockhey, Dean Ireland, Lyle Johnson, YVolcott Buren, Francis Kern, Elmer PendcFl. Booth Committee: Louise Irving. Faculty Committee: Lois Hall, Mary Ellen Bailey. Town Committee: Ruth Flegal. Roy Veaeh, Norton Winnard, Beatrice Wetb erbec. Publicity: John Dierdorff. Organizations: Alpha Tim Omega, Ralph Couch; Bachelordon, Dan Woods; (Beta Theta Pi, Frank Miller; Delta Tau Delta, Guy Saere; Della Theta Phi, James Baker; Friendly Hull, Arthur Campbell, Ralph Iloeber; Kappa Sigma, Elston Ireland; Kappa Theta Chi, James Say; Phi Delta Phi. Gordon Weils; Phi Delta Theta, Jack Myers: Phi Gamma Delta, John Houston; Phi Sigma Pi, Carlton Logan; S. A. E., Benjamin ltced; Sigma Chi. Victor Brayleson; Chi Psi, George Shirley; Sigma Nu, Raymond Harlan; Alphu Delta Pi, Naomi Rob bins; Alpha Phi, Austrid Mork; Chij Omega. Mario Anderson; Delta Delta Delta, Betty Pride; Delta Gamma, Helen Casey; Delta Zeta, Alys Sutton; Gamma Phi Beta, Helen Nelson; Hendricks Hall, Muriel Myers. Frances Habersham, ' | Georgina Perkins Wanda Daggett; Haley Cottage, Germaine Dew; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Margaret Duuiway; Kappa Air pha Theta, Anna may Bronough; Mary Spiller Hall. Isabelle McArthur; Pi Beta Phi, Edith Pirie; Sigma Delta I’hi. Elsie Marsh; Thacher Cottage, Mildred Black; Zeta Rho Epsilon, Maud Largent. ALMACK ASKED FOR ARTICLE. J. C. Almack, assistant dire 'tor of ilic extension division, has received, u re quest from “The Northman,” a maga zine published in Portland, for an arti cle on “Training for Citizenship.” The editors of the magazine saw an article by him on the subject in one of the Uni versity publications and are desirous of obtaining a similar story. GREGORY TO RETURN SOON. I)r. C. A. Gregory, instructor in the educational department is confined to his home this week recovering from a surgical operation which he underwent ;n the early part of the Christmas vacation. Dr. Gregory expects to be able to meet his classes next week. Santa Claus Passes Hearts For Christmas; 7 Student Weddings During Holidays _ ___ * Tlx* energetic love god nod the patron saint of Christinas joined forces during the holidays ntxl raided University so cial circles. The combination was too powerful, and several casualties have' thus far been reported. I’ierre DuBois Mead, varsity football man from McMinnville, and Zonweiss Rogers, senior, Kappa Kappa Gamma, ulso from McMinnville, wore married during the holidays and nave left for New Orleans where Pete will be engaged in the cotton manufacturing business. .Toe Trowbridge, registered at the Uni versity last year, and Lueilc Stanton, for mer Oregon girl and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, were married during the festal season and arc now living in Port land. Three girls from the Pi Phi house wore married to three Sigma Chi men during the holidays and ore all now living in Marshfield. Louise Clausen, junior.from Coquille, was married to Keith Leslie of football fame, also from Coquille. Vel ma Ross and Thomas Bennett, Kate ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WASHINGTON DEBATERS ♦ ♦ WIN FROM PRINCETON ♦ ♦ (Pacific Intercollegiate Press ♦ ♦ Association.) ♦ ♦ University of Washington, ,1an. 4. ♦ ♦ —(Special.) — The University of ♦ ♦ Washington unanimously defeated ♦ ♦ the Princeton debating team Mon- ♦ ♦ day night. "Washington upheld the ♦ ♦ affirmative on the question: “Kc- ♦ ♦ solved, That congress should pass a ♦ )♦ law prohibiting strikes in essential ♦ ♦ industries.” The constitutionality ♦ ♦ of the question was granted- A rcc- ♦ ♦ ord attendance heard the dpbate. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ First Contest With Eastern Team Held in Portland. Oregon’s debaters were defeated by Princeton in Portland last Saturday in the first contest ever held between this University and an eastern college. Princeton’s affirmative team won a two to one decision on the question: ‘‘Re solved, that congress should pass a law prohibiting strikes in essential indus tries.” Those on the Princeton team were: Charles Denby, Jr., Alfred .Mc Cormack and George It. Warner. Those representing Oregon were John J. Oo noles, Lebanon; C. Carl Meyers, Eu gene; and Remey Cox, Portland. The judges were Dr. Edward II. Pence of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Portland; II. II. Ilerdman, principal, of the Washington High school, Portland, and Norman F. Coleman. Former Jus tice Wallace McCamant presided. Each speaker was given 12 minutes and 0 for rebuttal. A great deal of interest was shown in the contest, and in spite of unfavorable weather conditions about six hundred persons gathered at the Line olu High school auditorium, where the debate was held. Moving pictures of the Princeton-Yale football game were shown before the debate. The teams for the girls’ debates with O. A. C. and Washington will be picked at the end of the week, according to Pro fessor Michael. The team for tin- men's Stall ford-Washington-Oregon triangular debate will also be chosen at that time. A. S. U. 0. DANCE FRIDAY Stepping Event to Take Place of Open House This Term. The Student Body dance to be held next Friday night at 8 o’clock in the Armory is to take the place of open house which will not be held on the cam pus this term. A large crowd is ex pected b.v Johnny Houston, chairman of the dance committee. Wayne Akers, in charge of the music, has arranged for a special student or chestra and promises real jazz. The committee in charge of the affair is composed of Johnny Houston, chair man; Lyle Bryson, Lyle Bartholomew, Hud Wayne Akers. Chatburn and Ben Fisher are the other > two couples now residing in Marshfield. Dorothy Cox. registered as a junior iu (lie journalism department in 1918. was married to Dr. «T. L. Ilesse, local dentist. Miss Cox was employed as the only wo man reporter on the Pittsburg Dispatch. Dr. and Mrs. Hesse are now living in Eugene. Fldawalla P>asloi\ who was registered! at the University last year, was married to Ed Falienstoek. They were married last fall but kept the marriage secret until recently. Mr. and Mrs, Falienstoek are now iu the east, according to a news clipping. Announcement; of the marriage of Miss Carolyn Eugenia Merritt, sister of Walee Merritt, an instructor in the University of Oregon law school from 1914 until 191(1. has been received by Dean Colin V. Dyment. Miss Merritt, who is now Mrs. Osiuou Royal, was an instructor in the Portland schools. This Wedding took place previous to the Christmas holidays on November 24, in San Antonio, Texas. PURS FOR EUROPEMV TOUR FAST MATURING Party of Girls Wiill Be Made Up This Month. Plans for a two months tour of Eu rope, to be conducted by Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, and Miss Julia Burgess, professor of rhetoric, are near ing completion and University girls who long for a glimpse of “the great, wide, beautiful, wonderful*\vorld,” and who can spend next summer visiting such parts of i it as the battlefields of France, the ruins of Rome, and the lakes of Scotland, are asked to make their reservations soon as the party is to be organized in January. Original plans were for a group of six teen to make the tour but if more of the University girls can go, Dean Fox as sures that they will not be disappointed for she says, “It will be an Oregon party and the more the merrier.” It is a trip which will be first of all, pleasant, but will also be educational. The itinerary has been planned to be gin with a week’s sightseeing in Paris nnd an excursion to Versailles, and will include a sail on Bake Geneva, visits to Genoa. Rome, Florence and Venice. In England trips will be made to Oxford, Eaton, Windsor Castle and Stratford-on Avon. ( Dean Fox and Miss Burgess have both had experience in European travel. Miss Fox spent a year and a half in Europe during the war as a Y. W.'C. A. secre tary in charge of work which took her into all the countries included in the itinerary. Miss Burgess has also spent some time in each of these countries and wil] add interest and profit to the party by explaining historical facts concerning the places visited. The trip has been planned primarily in the interests of girls from the Univer sity, and Doan box and Miss Burgess are anxious that the purty can he made up of Oregon girls; in case this cannot be done, however, the number will be com pleted from other universities. J he tour is to be made at the minimum of expense. .Fin* date of sailing from ’ New York will be July ” Each girl will be allowed transportation for two pieces of hand baggage. Any girls who are in terested may obtain details from Dean Fox or Miss Burgess. Y. W. TO MEET THURSDAY First Gathering of Year to Discuss Plan for Bible Discussion Group. The Y. W. (.V A. will hold their first association meeting of this year in the bungalow Thursday afternoon. Tea will be served at 4:45. The plans on the Hiblo study group will be disr-ussed. Eleanor Spall, chairman of the group, will be in charge of the meeting and Miss Mary Perkins on the advisory board, will speak. Plans lor the Itiblc study discussion group were made last term and will be explained fully at the meeting Thursday. The discussion groups are formed in all of the girls’ organized houses and the Oregon club and Christian fundamentals are discussed. According to Miss Tirza Dinsdale, similar groups were formed during the winter term of last year and were very successful. COMMERCE an NOW IS DRASTIC' CUT BEIMIONS Dismissal From Class Penalty for Excessive Absence Without Excuse. SYSTEM OF GIVING POSTS IS CHANGED Dean to Pass on All Cases Under Plan As Just Announced. More drastic cut regulations than have "hitherto been in force were adopted last night by the school of commerce. The •new regulations are to be enforced in that department, effective at the begin ning of this term, according to the an* liouncemcut made by Dean E. C.’ Bob bins. * Fnexcnsod absences will henceforth constitute a serious obstacle in the way of securing passing grades. Excuses will not be issued by tin* instructors but must come from the dean of the school. The following explanation of the new system was issued last night over, the signature of Dean Robbins: Unexcused absences to the extent of more than one week’s work in atiy course means immediate dismissal from the course with a grade of P. In a three hour course four uneg* cused absences means dismissal with e a grade of P. In a four hour course five unexcuaed absences means dismissal with a grade of F. In a five hour course six unexcused absences means dismissal from the course, with a grade of F. Students will be posted for unexcused absences as follows: In three hour courses the first post will be sent on th. second unexctittd ab sence and the second post on the third unexcused absence. -' . In four hour courses^ one post will bf sent ou the third unexcused absence, and the second post on the fourth •unex* cused absence. In five hour courses, the'first post will be sent on the fourth unexcused absence, and the second post on the fifth unfo cused absence. An unexcused absence means a sub stantial decrease in the final grade of the student. Instructors do not have the right to excuse absences. All such excuses must be secured from the dean. i Enrollment Expected to bo 2000 by End of Year. Registration for the winter term which includes between 100 and 200 new stu dents will probably not far exceed the fall enrollment, and although no official statement has been made, Dean Straub declares that he thinks the number will reach about 2,000 for the entire year. Among those registering are many for* mer students who have been out < ■*' school for some time, aud Dean Straub says he has been kept busy shaking hands with old friends. He further said that while traveling over the state during the Christmas vacation he encountered many former students who were planning to return to school in the spring term. The three term system, according to Dean .Straub, is making it possible for a great number of students to complete un finished years with greater ease. The number of old students taking advantage of this opportunity is increasing, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ OWL CLUB TAKES NAME « ♦ OF KAPPA THETA CHI ♦ ♦ The Owl Club, local fraternitji ♦ , ♦ has adopted the name Kappa Theta ♦ ♦ Chi and will be known by this name ♦ ♦ in the future. It is announced that ♦ ♦ the adoption of the new name is a ♦ matter of Jiouse policy and does not 4 ♦ mean a reorganization of the group. ♦ I ♦ The change is effective from Janu- ♦ i ♦ ary 5, 1921, on which date the or- ♦ ♦ gnnization will be two years old. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦