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About Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1919)
Oregon Emerald VOL. 20 EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 19,1919 NO. 67 110 APPLICATIONS FOR DEGREES FILED OF SENIOR CUSS 92 to Graduate in Arts, 12 in Sci ence, 1 Commerce, 1 Law, 3 as Masters of Arts 20 FAIL TO FILE PETITIONS Tardy Ones Hold Up Preparation of Recommendation to the Regents About 20 seniors in the University are not going to be included in the com mencement exercises next June unless they file a petition fqr graduation within the next few days at the regis trar’s office. Posters have been up on the campus for the last two months urging the members of the senior class and those other people desiring to apply for de grees to attend to the matter. Carlton Spencer, the registrar, says that 110 have responded nobly and that the above mentioned handful are delaying the office in preparing the applications for the recommendation of the regents. Of the students whose petitions are already filed, 92 are asking for a bach elor of arts degree, 12 for bachelor of science, 1 for bachelor of commerce, 1 for bachelor of architecture, 1 for bach elor of law, and 3 for master of arts. The incomplete list if those students representing the various departments is as follows: 7, journalism; 4, com merce, 1, law; 6, economics, 6, history; 9, English literature; 7, rhetoric; 8 education; 8, Romance language; 1, German; 6, physical education; 2, psy chology; 1, public speaking; 5, mathe matics; 2, architecture; 12, natural sci ences. The students applying for a degree, their address and major sujects, is as follows: Caroline Alexander, Portland, major in romance language; Helen Andersoii, Portland, rhetoric; Elizabeth Aumiller, Yakima, journalism; Nana Axtell, Mnro, botany. Maiie Badura, Portland, German; .Frances Elizabeth Baker, Hood River, physical education; George Baney, Eu gene, economics; Agnes Busier, Don Belding, Grants Pass; commerce; Mrs. Laura Beck, Portland; Joseph Boyd, Lodi, California; Helen Brenton, Eu gene, journalism; James Burgess, Lake view, literature; Tracy Byers, Eugene, journalism. Helen Campbell, Portland, romance languages; Marjorie Campbell, Port land, English literature; Dong Chu, Kiang-Su, China, economics; Marion Coffey. Portland, physical education; ! Bess Colman, Portland, journalism;! Charles Comfort, Stockton, Cal., educa- j tion; Therressa Cox, Ontario, English literature; Pearl Craine, Marshfield, journalism. Vera Derflinger, Eugene, Ella Dews, Klamath Falls, physical education; 1 Catherine Tobie, Superior, Wis., English literature. Rufus Eckerson, Portland, Commerce; j Margaret Edmondson, Eugene, psychol ogy; Henry English, Eugene, History;; Dorothy Flegel, Portland, history; ! Frances Frater, Riddle, history. Grace Gilmore, Junction City, bot any: Dorothy Graham, Portland, his tory; Ruth Graham, Portland, public speaking; Edna Gray, Portland, Ro mance language; Ruth Green, Creswell,1 rhetoric; Harold Gre}', Medford, math ematics; Helen Guttery, Hood River, j psychology. Helen Hair, Grants Pass, Virginia Hales, Eugene, physical education; Ada Hall, Eugene, Zoology; Daisy Hallock, Newport, education; Hallie Hart, Port land, education; Kathryn Hartley, Hood River, English literature; Marion Hays, Eugene, education; Marvin Hol land, Eugene, law; Rieta Hough, Eu gene. chemistry; Morieta Howard, Port land. chemistry; Sophia Hunter, Port land, physical education; Hester Hurd, Florence. Oran Jenkins, Albany, architecture; i Wilford Jenkins, Eugene, literature; : (Continued on Page Three) I Wouldn ’t It Make You Mad; We 7/ Say So; Read about Ii Suppose you were deeply in love with a nice girl. Suppose you had liar a slight falling out with said nice girl And suppose, further, that you had senl an expensive bouquet of flowers to her with a sentimental little note. Anc suppose the note had fallen into tlx hands of a fraternity. Wouldn’t i! make you madf On the other hand, suppose you were a perfectly innocent fraternity. And sup pose that your daily order of meat camt from the grocers. And suppose furthei that stuck to the meat was a sentimen tal little love note. Wouldn’t it make you glad? The delighted brothers kept mun about the story for many days, but ii has finally leaked out. Here it is slightly censored by considerate edi tors. x The other day the house manager oi a certain fraternity forgot to order th« daily meat. He phoned to the market and they promised to send out the meal by a messenger boy. Evidently the boy was delivering a package of flowers on the same trip, because stuck to the meat was a small, well-written note. II was addressed to a well known sorority girl on the campus. “Though you may throw these flow ers away, remember, dear, that I still love you. “DON.” Puzzle—Who is Don? JUNIOR PROM TO BE INFORMAL AFFAIR Class Decides Against Dress Suits for This Year; for Formal Hereafter The Junior Prom will be an informal dance. There will be no dress suits, flowers nor taxis this year but the junior class will go on record as favor ing a formal prom in the future. The class reached this decision at a special meeting Friday afternoon in Villard hall. Only 1000 tickets are being printed as it is hoped by the committee in charge that the armory will not be too crowded. "We expect to have an ex ceptional dance,” said Harry Jamjeson, president of the class. ‘‘The programs are very different from any that we have had before. The idea for the fea ture is entirely original and is going to work out fine. Although the music has not yet been arranged for the com mittee promises that it shall be the best obtainable. ’ ’ Another feature of Junior Week-End will be the canoe fete. Morris Morgan is in charge and he hopes that each entry will be original ad different. There are very few canoes so the fra ternities and classes will have the only entries. Several have reported that work has already started on the plans for the decoration of the canoes. The military bridge will be removed so that the floats can pass without dan ger of upsetting. Ned Fowler has charge of the junior canoe. Merle Margason is busy trying to work up some class spirit for a swim ming meet, a canoe race and the fresh man and sophomore tug-of-war. He also plans an exhibition of fancy diving from the platform on the mill race. Swimming and canoeing teams have not been organized and any one wishing to participate should see Margason at once. The baseball games on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons will be with O. A. C. Saturday’s track meet will also be with the agricultural school. SPONSOR-SPONSEE DANCE A matinee dance Monday after noon from four to six for all women in the University in the out door court of the woman’s gymnasium has been announced by Madeline Slot boom, chairman. It is to be a spon sor sponsee dance. Every sponsor should bring her sponsee and ten certs. OYMENT HI SPEAK BEFORE ASSEMBLY NEXT WEDNESDAY Red Cross Officer With 91st Will Tell of Experiences While Overseas Colin V. Dyment, former professor of journalism here and recently re turned from service overseas as a lieutenant with the Red Cross con nected with the 91st division, will he the speaker for the assembly next Wednesday morning. Dvment is at present director of the school of jour nalism at the University of Washing ton. t “Mr. Dyment is a most interesting speaker,” said Karl Onthank, secre tary to President Campbell, who made the announcement of his coming, “and he has a great deal of exceptionally .good material to speak from.” Mr. Dyment knew intimately many of the Oregon boys in the 91st division, and his story of the action of that divi-; sion will be doubly interesting to the University people. His work with the Red Cross was that of searcher for the wounded and dead. His history of the action of the division is now running in the Portland Oregonian. Among other speakers scheduled for the assemblies for this term is Bishop Walter T. Sumner of Portland. There are several outstanding invitations which have not yet been answered, Mr. Onthank says. One of the remaining assembly per iods will be taken up with the final intramural debate between Hendricks! hall and Beta Theta Pi, two by student! body meetings, and some by class meetings. BIRTHDAY PARTY IN LAB. Dr. Shinn Given Surprise by Students of His Department To have a surprise party on his birth day and nearly not attend, was the ex perience of Dr. F. L. Shinn, of the j chemistry department Thursday after i noon.y It happened this way; Miss Rieta i Hough, Clyde Mison and Nels Carlson, I assistants in chemistry, found out that 1 Dr. Shinn was to have a birthday and : decided to give him a party. Students of the department were told to come to the laboratory at five, when Dr. ; Shinn would be asked down. All was going well, the tea was being ! brewed over a bunsen burner and the lab. was all dressed up with flowers, when about a quarter to five it was discovered that the guest of honor had unsuspectingly gone down town. He was hotly pursued in an auto but a thorough search of the streets failed to locate him. However, shortly after five he serenety walked into the trails formed lab. where the thirty students welcomed him. The whole party in dulged freely in tea which they im bibed from beakers through glass tubes. Dr. Shinn responded to a toast from 1 Bill ReBee and the party adjourned. Cast of Rollicking Comedy by Shaw Makes Most of Opportunities (By FRANCES STILES) ‘ ‘ Androeles and the Lion, ’ ’ given at Guild hall last night, by the stu dents of Dramatic Interpretation, un der the direction of Mr. Reddie, is the first University performance given in the hall this year and was a decided success. The lion roared, the six-weeks’ old pup yawned widely, and the meekest of tailors fnd most henpecked of men, cavorted about the stage with the fero cious king of beasts. Shaw’s delicious comedy, full of rich lines of satire and ‘pure fun gave the cast a rare chance to bring but all the juicy humor hidden therein. The part of Androeles, the henpecked tailor, taken by Norvell Thompson, was played with an almost uncanny un derstanding of the situation; with a finish that would have been creditable to a much more experienced actor. The tailor showed beyond a* doubt that the most henpecked of the henpecked tribe might do wonders with a beast of such ferocity that Caesar himself stood in abject fear of it. Houston Portrays Caesar The mighty Caesar was especially well done by John Houston, with the pomp and dignity due that most es teemed emjleror. The role of Lavinia, the beautiful head of the Christian martyrs, was taken by Helen Purring ton, who laughed at the handsome cap tain of the guards so bewitchingly and was so human at times in spite of her ideas of martyrdom that she quite won over the audience. Hester Hurd as the fat and garrulous wife of friend tailor brought a laugh from her first entrance in the prologue when she rails at her husband for being a martyr in stead of a respectable incense burning Roman. The Christian Ferocious was all that his name implied. A ferocious man surely was Cres Maddock as the strong would-be martyr whose temper forever got the best of him. Whenever his deep voice poured forth in ponderous meas ured tones the attention of the audi ence was on him alone. In contrast was the fop, Lentulius, who was just as fop pish as a Roman of that description could well be. The part was well done by Roy Veatch. Mr. Reddie Is the Lion Last of all, the Lion—or rather that expressive roar which issued from the lions head—inquiry found to be played by* Mr. Reddie. Too much cannot be said in praise of the dumb beast in his royal affection to Androeles, with cor responding ferocity towards the others, and the enjoyment afforded the audi ence hereby. And perhaps a word might be said concerning the other dumb animal of the cast, who received much apprecia tion from the audience, the tailor's pup, perhaps a bit sleepy and bored with the whole performance due to the late hour for a very young pup, but surely a born actor. LEAGUE OF-NATIONS MEETS APPROVAL OF FACULTY MEN I Most Members Interviewed See Necessity of Organizing Against War-Difficuities Recognized-One Sees Peril Unless All Lands Are Included Congressman Hawley’s speech at the assembly Wednesday started a great deal of discussion on the subject of the United States entering the League of Nations and what good the League would do for its participants. Whether the League would cause lasting peace,; and the object for which it is supposed- j ly founded, is the moot question, on which members of the faculty express varying opinions. - Following the are opinions of faculty members interviewed: President Campbell: “I hope that the League of Nations will be ratified by all of the countries interested in it. It seems the only alternative to the necessity of maintaining a large standing army and incurring all of the corresponding dangers of war. I feel sure that under the criticism which has come upon the plan of the league, such (Continued on Page Four) Scientists To Take Little Journey Into Stone Age Realism Members of the science group in the faculty of the University will trans port themselves bodily into the Stone Age for a day, for scientific purposes solely, within the near future. In an exclusive meeting in primitive sur roundings in the woods somewhere near Eugene, they will demonstrate how cave men dressed, lived, cooked, ate, played and slept. The principal actor, who will repre sent the true cave man, with all the oW-time implements and dressed in strictly accurate scientific period cos tume, will bo Dr. Warren D. Smith, pro fessor of geology. Assisting him will be William Rebec and Sophus Winther, students. The time and placo of the meeting are being kept a dark secret. There will bo no guest list, the spectators being members of the club, which is a society of intellectuals among the faculty and students, the membership being limited to less than two dozen. No motion pic tures will be taken. , Stone implements will be taken from the geology museum; and with no matches, no stove, no pans, no flour, no salt, no knives except stone ones, these exponents of the primitive age will pre pare a dinner which the members of the club have pledged themselves to eat. M’M LEST PLANS m WAY K. K. K. to Stage Big Event in Men’s and Women’s Gym’s Next Saturday Night Preliminary arrangements for the K, K. K., which will be staged in the men’s and women’s gymnasium next Saturday night are well under way, he cording to, Dow Wilson, chairman of the general committee, and already the various events of the big joy fest are taking a form which gives promise that the occasion will bo one of tho live liest and jazziest of tho collogo year. The committee which is working un der Wilson is composed of Ores Mail dock, Dot Medley and Carl Nelson. Spe cial committees to look after tho dance, sideshows, eats, program and other parts of the big program, have been ap pointed and are now busy lining up their parts of the evening’s fun. Brick Mitchell has been appointed justice of the peace and chief of police and will have working with him such famed bouncers and fly bulls as, Ruth erford, Taylor and Brandenburg. Gym to be Dance Hall Speaking of the program in general1 Manager Wilson explains that the I women’s outdoor gymnasium will be! converted into a dance hall for the evening and the men’s gymnasium will j be the big circus pavillion, where a multitude of sideshows, stunts, eating joints will hold hway. The joy seeking' multitudes will seek pleasure in both natatoriums, the pjice of admission al lowing them entrance to both fests. A j carnival like spirit will reign supreme throughout the evening. Confetti will be thrown, bands will play, pop corn, hot dogs and pink lemonade will every where flow as doos the rain from Ore gon skies. King Joy will wave his wand over the campus and set in motion millions of little pep bugs which will creep beneath the skin of every Ore gon man and woman. Many Sideshows Planned A grand total of 13 sideshows are be ing worked on by different organiza tions. They are all being kept a dark secret, of course, but in tho future at least tho names of the organizations who will stage them will be announced. ORCHESTRA PLAYS SUNDAY Closing Recital of College Year to be Given In Villard Hall The symphony concert which will be given by the University Orchestra un der the leadership of Robert Louis Bar ron, Sunday afternoon at .3:30, in Vil-i lard hall, will be' another rpusical land mark of the year on the campus. This will be the last opportunity to hear the orchestra in recital until next year. Miss Eleanor Lee, contralto, will sing a selection from “Sampson et Dalila,” and Harrison Devereaux will give a cel lo solo, accompanied by the orchestra. 1 TODAT’S GAME OFF; VARSITY WILL PUT M.A.A.C. APRIL 26 Muddy Field Makes Season’s Scheduled Baseball Start Impossible 0. A. C. TO COME NEXT Sheehy May Turn Out Again for Team; Frosh in Good Time for “Rook” Contest (By ALEXANDER G. BROWN.) The baseball game scheduled be tween the varsity and the Multnomah club team, of Portland, for this /after noon, has been postponed until next Saturday in the hope that the weather will be better to stage the contest. The season will probably be opened next Friday with a game between William ette University and the varsity. This game has not been definitely decided upon at yet but is being considered by the two colleges. The conference season will open Monday and Tuesday, April 28 and 29, when O. A. C. will be met on Cemetery ridge. May 7 and 8 will be the dates for the first two contests with the University of Washington, which will serve as a forerunnor for Junior Week End. The following week, May 15 and 16, the Oregon team will play Washing ton in Seattle. There is also some talk of getting a contest with Camp Lewis while on this northern trip and Dean Walker will probably have an answer in a few days. The last two games with O. A. C. are billed for May 30 and 31 at Corvallis, and June 4 and 5 aro set aside for the University of Col ifornia team, which will be entertained here on their trip north. Varsity and Frosh to Play This afternoon, if old J. Pluvus holds off long enough, the varsity and the freshmen were scheduled to go a round or two just to koep in condition. From the bench it looks as if the freshmen could wallop the varsity if they had a real batting order and some signals that would work. There are some mighty sweet looking ball players on that freshmen team and they can give the varsity a real run for their money any day in the week. The freshman team will play at least two games with the Aggie “Rooks” during the season and unless the Cor vallis bunch of infants are near big leaguers they are in for a couple of the most royal razzings that they have yet received. The freshmen will also prob ably take a two days’ trip into the heart of the wilds around the state capital and play the Salem high school, Chemawa, and the state pen. The freshmen track team will jour ney to Corvallis on May 16, where they will hold a dual meet with the Aggie Frosh. O. A. C. has at least one track man that is an almost sure winner and that is Snook, former Jefferson high star. The Oregon team should compare favorably with the Aggies on the track and the meet has promise of be ing very close. Sheehy May Tackle Third There is a rumor floating around the gvrn to the effect that one James Sheehy, third baseman on the Oregon team last season, will be out in uni form again within the next week or ten days. With the return of Jimmie the team should take on additional class. Sheehy is an outfielder but was brought in last season and stationed at third. If Jimmie comes back into tho game he will probably take the third station, which will greatly strengthen the aggressive ability of the team. Houston has been going all right at tlprj as far as the fielding goes but he has not been able to bat at all. Sheehy is not a slugger but he is a fairly con sistent' hitter and can place the ball nicely. It will not weaken the defense of the team by putting Sheehy at third, as he is as clever a fielder as Ifoustou.