Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 31, 1912, Image 4

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    S. H. FRIENDLY & CO.
We are now selling all of those
$25.00, $27.50 and $30.00
suits for
$ 14.85
Tak advantage of this reduction and
save money
Student Trade Appreciated
Shoe Repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ed Cluer 619 Willamette
Wing’s Market
Phone 38 487 Willamette
“Deep Purple” Coming.
On the first night of his appearance
as Laylock in “The Deep Purple,” in
Chicago, Walter Edwards had one of
those curious accidents which are tra
gic in their import at the time but af
terwards become food for jest and
laughter. The point of the last act
of the Armstrong-Mizner play de
pends on an almost incredibly swift
turn and shot at Leland, the badger
man of the play, who is about to kill
Laylock by shooting him in the back.
Mr. Edwards in the character of the
western road agent is obliged to car
ry an old fashioned revolver of the
type used by western men and on the
occasion in question for some reason
the pistol failed to go off. Mr. Ed
wards snapped and snapped and Le
land waited, pistol in hand, to receive
his death sentence. The property man
who always stands in the wings ready
to fire should the pistol in Laylock’s
hands fail to explode, saw the situa
tion was desperate and fired his pistol
and Leland keeled over as the drama
tists had planned, without any visible
evidence of fire from Laylock's gun.
Mr. Edwards said he would not go
through another such experience for
a season’s salary, for the few seconds
that elapsed between his turn and the
pistol in the wings seemed to him like
an age. Eugene Theatre, Monday,
February 15.
McMorran & Washburne
complete stocks of
Society Brand
L System
Blue and Black Evening Suits
$20.00 to $35.00
Full Dress Suits are Accessories
cir %JlKW sfaskfaiMPcftCXP.
ro* srur Q£»i<rr £ cco.somv
Issue Contains Much Interesting Mat
ter in Essay, Story and Verse
The January issue of the Monthly
is now off the press and will be ready
for distribution by the last of the
week. This issue contains much in
teresting matter both to the state
and to the students. There is a wide
diversity of contributions from prom
inent University essayists, story
writers and poets. The table of con
tents is headed by a sonnet on “Win
ter ’ by Gabriel Dante Rossesti.
Judge Galloway’s decision is treat
ed in full and the hitherto slightly
known Pneumogastn'c Nerve is dis
covered by Harry Black.
A poem by Alma Payton comes
next and then Allen Eaton on Oregon
Alumni. Next in line are Sorority
Table Talk, Daniel Webster As a
Statesman, The Pharisees, The Cor
duroy Trousers, By the River Pass,
After Many Years, The Dingbat, The
Relation of Life to Pence, Priest or
Sinner, Tried and True, The End of
Summer, Kultus, Alias Gold Bug,
which bears no nanv?. After Waiting
at Nightfall, comes the Editorial and
a new department, ‘’Lost, Strayed, or
Stock Quoted Above Par as Member
ship Approaches the Limitation
That the 'Varsity Canoe Club will
have permanent quarters with ade
quate lockers for the canoes, pillows
and paddles, seems to be an assumed
fact, unless the unforseen arises.
The scheme was discussed at the
meeting held in Deady Hall last night
and members were enthusiastic in
responding with promises of assist
ance in furthering the project.
Reports of various committees
were also heard. The membership
committee reported that the limit 30
had nearly been reached, although
there was still room for several live
wires. The club agreed that only
those should henceforth be admitted
who were sincerely interested in the
favorite spring pastime. An effort
will be made to interest canoe owners
among the men and only those women
who know how to swim, thus prevent
ing the club from degenerating into
a mere "pink tea” society.
Former Oregon Football Star and
Grad Quits Schoolteaching
for Law.
Athena, Ore., Jan. 26. 1912.
To the Hon, Editor-in-Chief of the
Oregon Emerald, University of Ore
gon, Eugene, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I noticed that in your issue of Nov.
19 ult., it says Frederick Steiwer
is farming near Pendleton, and that I
am principal of the Athena High
Mr. Steiwer is rather modest and
would never correct any error what
soever, but he has reasons for being
modest, and as for myself, I never
knew what modesty was.
Now, Mr. Steiwer, you will under
stand, and without sarcasm at that,
is one of the prominent attorneys of
Pendleton, and he has a farm, or at
least is soon to get one. Now, Mr.
Steiwer’s modesty has led him to tell
someone that he has a farm. His
farm interests will be better under
stood when an explanation is given
you. That farm is sixty feet by one
hundred and twenty feet; in the most
popular residence district of the city
of Pendleton. A nice little bungalow
is nearing completion upon this farm,
said to be one of the finest in the
Now what a bachelor is going to do
with that kind of a farm might well
be seen. He certainly is not going to
raise wheat or produce. He evidently
has serious intentions; if you are a
friend of Mr. Steiwer’s, you might
write to him and ask him; he would
perhaps tell you; I wrote to him and
asked him—the reply he made to me
was that if I would purify my breath
of foul tobacco odor and Athena
booze, shake the dust from my brog
ans, some time about the first of the
year, he possibly would permit me
to walk on clean carpets and be pre
sented to a Mrs. Frederick Steiwer.
As for myself, necessity compelled
me to quit the exalted profession of
teaching to enter the profession of
law. You see, I am married, and now
my family consists of a wife, a little
sister-in-law of fourteen years, my
self and three dogs. Living expenses
have increased very rapidly in the last
few years, my whole family are hear
ty eaters. Necessity drove me to do
one of two things—deprive my fam
ily of the necessaries of life, or quit
the profession of teaching. I choose
the latter. Another thing which had
a material influence upon me when I
made this rash decision, was that af
ter all the years of schooling which
I had had, I did not feel disposed to
teach school, if you will call it such,
and be dictated to by a lot of block
head directors who had never fin
ished the eighth grade; to be bored
by the methods of a county school
superintendent who had never fin
ished high school. In fact, my entire
being and make-up was in discord
with the idea of school teaching.
fc>o 1 quit school taching; and I ex
pect you will too, if you ever start in
on it; because I had left in me just
a little of individualism that prompts
up all to act for ourselve. When I
say school teaching, I mean in our
schools, not our colleges. I hate to
say it, but I believe it to be a fact
that the Oregon school system is the
weakest of all the states in the
Union. I would not attempt in a
friendly letter to tell you my rea
sons and arguments for this assertion.
But perhaps for this letter it will be
sufficient when I tell you that I was
schooled in six different public
schools of the state, two of the dif
ferent Normal Schools and the State
University; the only compliment I
have to pay to the schools of Oregon,
is that we have a university which in
its work is equal to the schools in the
East, Harvard included. And when
I say Harvard, I know what that
school is, I spent three years there
Let it suffice to say that I and my
family, my dogs included, now eat
three times a day.
Very truly yours,
Shoe Store
The Store That Sells
Good Shoes
First Class Workmen.
606 Willamette Street.
40 East Ninth Street.
Linn Drug Co.
530 Willamette Street.
Billiarbs anb pool
SMITH & McCORMIGK, Proprietors
We would appreciate your ac
count. Interest paid on Time De
posits and Savings Accounts.
Merchants Bank
Tomer Seventh and Willamette
It's easy to learn the value of
tasteful, appropriate and /classy”
printing if you will place the work
m onr hands. We prepuce printed
things that make a pleasing im
Eugene Printing Co.
Loan & Savings Bank Bg. Phone 409
Making Clothes is
Our Specialty
Men Buy at
505 Willamette St.
A Good Surprise
to vour mother, sister, or sweetheart,
'V,H be a box of OTTO’S CANDIES
lhe only candy made in Eugene, and
better than any candy shipped in to