S. H. FRIENDLY & CO. THE LEADING STORE We are now selling all of those $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 suits for $ 14.85 Tak advantage of this reduction and save money THE CLUB BARBER SHOP Student Trade Appreciated BERT VINCENT Proprietor Electric Shoe Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed Ed Cluer 619 Willamette Wing’s Market THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS AN1) GROCERIES. , FRESH CURED, CORNED AND SMOK ED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND POULTRY Phone 38 487 Willamette “Deep Purple” Coming. On the first night of his appearance as Laylock in “The Deep Purple,” in Chicago, Walter Edwards had one of those curious accidents which are tra gic in their import at the time but af terwards become food for jest and laughter. The point of the last act of the Armstrong-Mizner play de pends on an almost incredibly swift turn and shot at Leland, the badger man of the play, who is about to kill Laylock by shooting him in the back. Mr. Edwards in the character of the western road agent is obliged to car ry an old fashioned revolver of the type used by western men and on the occasion in question for some reason the pistol failed to go off. Mr. Ed wards snapped and snapped and Le land waited, pistol in hand, to receive his death sentence. The property man who always stands in the wings ready to fire should the pistol in Laylock’s hands fail to explode, saw the situa tion was desperate and fired his pistol and Leland keeled over as the drama tists had planned, without any visible evidence of fire from Laylock's gun. Mr. Edwards said he would not go through another such experience for a season’s salary, for the few seconds that elapsed between his turn and the pistol in the wings seemed to him like an age. Eugene Theatre, Monday, February 15. McMorran & Washburne announce complete stocks of Society Brand and L System Blue and Black Evening Suits $20.00 to $35.00 Full Dress Suits are Accessories cir %JlKW sfaskfaiMPcftCXP. dl—Tl ro* srur Q£»io 1 quit school taching; and I ex pect you will too, if you ever start in on it; because I had left in me just a little of individualism that prompts up all to act for ourselve. When I say school teaching, I mean in our schools, not our colleges. I hate to say it, but I believe it to be a fact that the Oregon school system is the weakest of all the states in the Union. I would not attempt in a friendly letter to tell you my rea sons and arguments for this assertion. But perhaps for this letter it will be sufficient when I tell you that I was schooled in six different public schools of the state, two of the dif ferent Normal Schools and the State University; the only compliment I have to pay to the schools of Oregon, is that we have a university which in its work is equal to the schools in the East, Harvard included. And when I say Harvard, I know what that school is, I spent three years there myself. Let it suffice to say that I and my family, my dogs included, now eat three times a day. Very truly yours, HOMER I. WATTS. Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store That Sells Good Shoes THE PLACE First Class Workmen. PIANOS FOR RENT 606 Willamette Street. Yerington PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST JOHNSTON’S CANDIES 40 East Ninth Street. Linn Drug Co. KODAKS KODAK SUPPLIES BUNTE’S CREAMS 530 Willamette Street. Club Billiarbs anb pool SMITH & McCORMIGK, Proprietors We would appreciate your ac count. Interest paid on Time De posits and Savings Accounts. Merchants Bank Tomer Seventh and Willamette Printing... It's easy to learn the value of tasteful, appropriate and /classy” printing if you will place the work m onr hands. We prepuce printed things that make a pleasing im pression. Eugene Printing Co. Loan & Savings Bank Bg. Phone 409 Making Clothes is Our Specialty Men Buy at THE Haberdasher 505 Willamette St. A Good Surprise to vour mother, sister, or sweetheart, 'V,H be a box of OTTO’S CANDIES lhe only candy made in Eugene, and better than any candy shipped in to Eugene.