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About Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1910)
MANY CHANGES MADE New Catalog Outlines Courses For Engineers To Follow Next Year A close scrutiny of the new catalogs just issued from the University office reveals some interesting changes in the courses and management of the Uni versity. Tlie book contains in all 273 pages, exactly 50 more than last year. I he greatest change is in the Engi neering department, where the elec tive plan is departed from somewhat and regular courses are outlined for the students to follow. In most of the branches, however, it is only advisory and much choice is left with the student. The notable exception is in the case of Mining, where a regular course is spe cified as a requisite to graduation. Another change is in the addition of a course in Railroad Engineering, which has heretofore been given as a branch of the Civil Engineering department under Professor McAlister. Professor F. G. Frink is at the head of the new course. Professor Buchen will continue his courses in Argumentation and Debating. Besides, he will have full charge of the freshmen and sophomores in the regu lar Elocution and Public Speaking cours es. Professor Glen will devote all his attention in this line to the upper class es. Professor Samuel E. Eliot will have full charge of Psychology, and in addi tion will take over the work in Ethics which is now being done by Professor Sheldon. 1 he latter will still continue his work in Philosophy and Education. \ale heads the list of universities in regard to the number of undergrad uates enrolled in the Bible study classes, with 673 members. A rule forbidding faculty members iiom smoking in public is in contem plation at the University of Kansas. DEPOT LUNCH COUNTER BAKER’S CHICKEN TAMALES and CHILI CON CARNE Home Made Pies, Large Sandwiches and Good , Coffee. Everything Clean and neat. Endorsed bv students. Open All Night. R If. RAKER For Fresh Groceries GO TO BAILEY’S GROCERY 494 Willamette Main 865 HASTINGS SISTERS BEAUTY PARLOR WORK FIRST CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Register Bldg., Eugene, 485 1-2 Willam ette St., Phone Red 6481. Overton Wall Paper £ Paint Co. Paint for all purposes WE FRAM.. PICTURES 16-18 W. Seventh St. Red 161 W. A. KUYKENDALL Chemicals, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Stationery Pharmacist Free Delivery I Chocolates and Confections Deliciously flavored, temptingly boxed FOR SALE BY Dll LON DRUG CO. Hotel Snteede Building 527 Willamette street i Preparations for the .■1 ■.in• nt reunion during the commencement week are Ic ing worked out with thor ugimes'-. and it is the purpose of the d nmu > f :he University of Oregon to nr ke it Ihe greatest reunion in every respect has ever heen held. Among die ath letic events which will enr?r into iiie program will be a ten-os tourn uvent on Monday of cornmeu vmerit week', and on Tuesday a baseball game, i push ball contest and a tug of war across the mill race, between the members of the senior class and an equal number of the alumni. A trophy, representing a shield, will be offered by the Victoria law students, to be competed for each year in debate by the law schools of the Universities of Oregon, Washington and Victoria. 'Ibis year the University of Washington a ill be eligible to the trophy because of her victory over the University of Ore gon and Victoria. All women undergr iduates at the Uni versity of Minnesota will be admitted a the baseball games free of charge, d he coaches have made this request on the ground that the players would work harder. Records at the University of Kansas show that up to the present time the standing of the fraternity men at that institution has been higher than that of non-fraternity students. Eighteen out of twenty in the politi cal science class at the University of Iowa voted for woman franchise. The class is composed entirely of men. An organization to be known as the Christian Science Society of the Uni versity of Minnesota was formed re cently . SCHWARZSCHILD’S BOOK STORE Kodiks, Stationery, Student’s Supplies, Fountain Pens MANY RECORDS SPOILED OH TRACK THIS YEAR OREGON NOW HAS NINE OUT OF SIXTEEN—TIES FOR TENTH Northwest College Records Com pare Favorably With the Best Marks In Big Eastern Colleges ********** |* APPORTIONMENT OF NORTH WEST RECORDS * College. No. Held. * Oregon .Ten * W. S. C...Three * Washington .Two * Whitman . One * Idaho . One .. O. A. C. None * * * * * * * * * * * * :*' ******* * Some long standing records have gone down a notch on the cinder path in the Northwest this year, and as usu al Oregon lias carried off her full share. A glance over the revised list shows a total of nine out of sixteen uudisputedly under her colors, with a tenth one tied for with two of the other colleges. Four of Oregon s records were made this year with a new team. W. S. C, whom Oregon meets here next Friday, holds second honors with two records and a tie. Washington comes third with two, and Whitman has one, Ida ho is tied for one and O. A. C. has none to her credit. I he NorrtInvest college records com paie favorably with similar records in the big colleges of the East. In fact, ■ it would be hard for the best Eastern 'e:ms to beat the records in the shot I put, hammer throw, pole vault, broad jump, hurdles, and dashes. McKin ney s record of 46 feel in the shot put ties the American college record made hy Feck, of V ale, in 1905. Fdmunson | of Idaho has run the half mile in 1:56 4-5, but not in a college meet. Following is the full list of North west college records, revised to date: 100-yard dash—Kelly, Oregon (1906); Nelson, W. S. C (1909); Huston, Or • Sl n, ( 1909) ; 9 4-5 seconds. 220-yard dash—Kelly, Oregon, < 1*107) ; 31 3-5 seconds. 440-yard dash—Nelson, W. S. C., <19d9); 50 1-5 seconds. 880-yard run—Cooil, W S C ( 1910) ■ 1 59 4-5. Mile run—Cooil, W. S. C, (1910) 4:31 1-5. Two mile run—Stookey, W S C ( 1910) ; 10:10. Mill' relay—Oregon team,•consisting of Kay, Johns, Klliott and McDaniel (1910) ; 15 2-5. 120 yard hurdles—Hawkins, Oregon 1910) ; 15 1-5. 220-yard hurdles——Moores Oregon (1907) ; 25 2-5. Shot put—McKinney, Oregon (1907); 46 feet. Hammer throw—Zacharias, Oregon, (1907); 155 7-11) feet. Discus throw—Philbrook, Whitman, ( 190S) ; 136 feet 6 inches. ravelin throw—Evans, Washington, [ < 1910) ; 143 feet 4 inches. Broad jump—Kelly, Oregon, (1906). 24 feet 2 1-4 inches. High' jump—Grant,' Wash., (19)4); 6 feet 1-4 inch. Pole vault—Williams, Oregon. H91( ' 12 feet 2-10 inch. U isconsin’s physical examiner has found that “crihbers” are low in phy sique. Men’s Hats Cleaned and Blocked MILLER The Ht.itter < Uii’c St. Phone M 6yi Good Soda Water is a Perfect Drink. It gratifies the taste, it quenches the thirst, refreshes the mind and body. The making of Good Soda is an art to which many aspire and few attain. We have solved the Proplem in all its details. BOWERS DRUG CO. (Inc.) Cor. Ninth and Willamette LOWNEY’S CANDY Fresh Each Week. LAST MEETING OF YEAR The members <>f the Verein ii.r mania ln-ld their Iasi meeting' for this semester at the lleth Rhea house last night. A short (lerman ■program was given, alter which tin- remainder of the evening was spent in games. The fnl lowing officers were elected to serve during the ensuing semester: Presi dent, Mr. Win. Renter; Vicce Presi dent. Miss Olive Zimmerman; Secretary, Mr. led Williams; Treasurer, Mr. Dean Collins; and Sergeant at Arms, Miss Adams. On Tucesday evening ;il 6:00 o'clock tlic Laurean Literary Society will give a banquet at tlie.(dsburn lintel. All mem hers i f the society who wish to attend are requested to see either Men Williams, Wither llimtiiigton or Percy Collier. I ickets will he sold at fifty cents per plate. Coach Kelly announces that Freed Kay will he given an infield position al ter the conclusion of the track season Friday. I he students of Washington Stale College are contemplating sending Cooil and Nelson, their two star track men, to the conference meet to he held at the l adversity of I liinois. "Freshetles” is the name applied to the women students at the University of Toronto. TOLLMAN STUDIO While attending photo conventions at Seattle we purchased new hack grounds, new photo mounts and some thing you will all like, the latest photograph ma terial. Watch our sample case. PlKtS on SIMMS Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY, Proprietor ye Oregon Critic of Critics visit the ■ Palace of Sweets ••and be pleased null WILL PRESIDE OVER NEXI ASSEMBLY Students and Graduates to Get Closer Together for Good of Varsity i lu' ;:lnnini of the University of Ore on will preside over the program at he issemhly 011 Wednesday, hint 1, he purpose being to make it possible or the students and the graduates to i ‘loser together in the work of fur* hering the interests of the institution, 'or this reason those who are prepar ing the entertainment urge that the indents ntal-e the attendanee at the ’hnnni assembly is large as possible. I he assend 1\ will he presided over >\ Allen baton, and the program will io as follows : 111 vocation. Rev. Ora C. Wright. 1 he Saerilices and Hopes of the bounders ol the University," H011. B. I\ I'orris. e\ Regent o| the University >l Oregon. Ouartelte "Wake lor the Sun that Seattered Into Might," (from the Per '""i Carden, In Li a Lehman), Misses Stmson and ) oran and Messrs. <»1 en ml IVeseott. "Opportunity of the Students to S f, ■ the State by Serving the Univer ' 1 \ 1 l.arold I lopkins. ’03. •he Work Which l.oeal Munuii Should l>o lor the University," Charles S Williams, ’81. "Relationship that Should F.\ist Re 1 1 Students sand Alumni," Theresa I’riendly, ’08. " I lie Reception of the ('Id Men by the So ''eats.’ Ray Ooodrieh, '04. ' ■uartette I hey Say the Lion and di ' l.i/ard Keep" (from the Persian Ctrden, h\ Li/a Lehman), Misses Stin i'd \ oran, Messrs. ( ilon and Pres rott. Che Store that Saves Vou money J.W. HARTLEY W hoh'salc and Retail Dealer in HIGH GRADE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 0? Willamette Street. S i! Sini i! 1 lav McCormick BILLIARDS AND POOL College Men’s Retreat 1.1. RENSHAW Wholesale and Retail CIGARS AND TOBACCO 513 Wilamette St. m ~ to sex* our new stock pattern “Orleans” lor vonr new Dinner Ware. Von are a hie to always keep vonr set full when you i)ti from us. Gee. l>a!l & Son Staple ana fancy Groceries