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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1962)
oo Want Ads Are Community Conversation - Read and Use Them. Dia I OR 2-3321 14 Th News-Review Roieburg, Ore. Fri., July 13, 1962 Real Estate 34 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 BR homt. RMtttUblf. 21J5 N.W. Mint. FULLERTON REALTY 1 ACRE very neat homt. Living room with fireplace, nice kitchen dinette, 2 bn nd den or use as 3 bra. utility, rooted patloarporl-stor age, beautiful trees and shrubs, pas ture and pet shelter, excellent well. Sell at appraisal $13,600. ATTENTION Employees of Roieburp Lumber Co.: Nice 2 br home in Myrtle Creek uit 14750. Will lake camp trailer or pickup as down pay mtnt. Immediate possession. ACRES neat furnished home, barn. Good woven wire fencing. 17950, terms. Consider house trailer part dn. payment. FULLERTON REALTY 723 N.E. Stephens OR 2-3172 or OR 3-6998 REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONEOR2-1413 SPIC'NSPAN NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom home. Nice kitchen and living room. Big utility, concrete foundation, carport. About 3'A miles to town. City water. Large lot, new roof. Only $55Q0 with $700 down. . . THIS IS IT! NEAT 3 bedroom, on big 120 X12S lot. Close to shopping cen ter, schools and bus. Nicely landscaped, big patio. Garage, plus carport. Refrigerator, electric range, breakfast set and living room rug included in sale price of $10,850. HIDE -AWAY -ACRES 154 ACRES ON South Umpqua river, near Days Creek. 30 A now under cultivation (could be Increased). Unlimited free outrange. Two good creeks, barn and other utility buildings. Equipment and irrigation system. House is in poor condition, but plenty of logs to build a lovely log house. Hunting, charm, privacy What more can you want? We think you will like the potential In this one. Everything' goes for $21,000, with $7900 down. I'M OLD BUT I'm awfully toughl Shore I need some fixin', but I've weathered many a storm and figgcr to perteck myself and some deservin' fambly frum the elements fcr many more years. My two bedrooms will shelter Paw and Maw and a couple of young'uns. The kids kin roam all over my fenced 10 acres. Good barn for Maw to do the rnilkin' in. No durt road, It's paved. City water too. I'm worth every durn cent of $4800 Terms? Why Shorel LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Hera DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS SEWINO of all klntli. AlliMlloni i uncial IV. Call OR tout. APPLIANCE REPAIR DOUGLAS COUNTY Filter Quean sal.s. Saw lea ana repalra. SOU W. Military Ava. OR 7-tm PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 day eervlce Bert alack of appliance parti In county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC m SI Oak OR 3-U1I BCRGH'S APPLIANCE ; Dealers lor PtDDERJ end EDISON Air condlllonari. 1,000 BTUi end up. NORGE end EASY eppllancet Paris and Service for all makes U'Sawe ttempi. South City limit. OR 2-16AI AUTO REPAIR. SERVICE AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR 30151 619 SE Rose ll Oak Roieburp,. Oregon Watly Wright Rrs. OR 3-1770 Swede Mickelson Rei. OR 3-379S BUILDERS, CARPENTERS FLOOR LAYING and small carpenter obs. Free till mule l. OR 2-4016. CARPENTRY end cabli.e17'Hrry6rYoung. OR3-7419 CARPENTER WORK cuYtom built "cabi net!. Reasonable rates. No business on Sunday. OR MS3. Foundation s,houw raiiingTnkvtitngT-?. palr. WOflt FMA approved. Cement, bloc work, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cat Mir 01. OR 3-4345 Or OR 3-M44. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-131 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, supplies. Open dayi wk. Laming a. Oliver, OR m. EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL IXCAVATINQ AND BACKFILLING Call OP Mul IMALE, rlvtrloam, land and gravel, alo doting and back, hoa work. Frank Farn worlh.OS t)0INO" leveling; alio gravel rock, river FLOOR FINISHING COVERING MIKE'S FLOOR SERVICE. IS years exper ience. Laying, landing and finishing. Od floors reflnlshed. OS -S712. pfaffY Floor landing, finishing and reflnlshlng. OR JO ".14 FURNITURE; REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE REPAIR-reflnlsh-Ing. Free estimates. Pickup deliver. Mil eon Furniture. OR J-etal. Ia NE Currier. The People's Market Place Is the News-Review Classi fied Went Ads 34 OLDER 3 8R modern home, close to town. Approx. 3000 so ft. I floor. Dishwasher, wall-to-wall carpeting, 2 fireplaces, forced air furnace, barbecue room. IVj baths. 117,000. For appointment call OR 3-1713. TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE THRFE bedroom home, 3 yrs old, hard wood floors, large living room, Formica kitchen, carport and storage. Owner sac rificing equity of S2M0 to $1600 and will turn over reserve, for quick sale. Call us for details about this exceptional buy. Owner Leaving Town CUT PRICE of house and 2 beautiful land scaped lots to bone, located on Page Road. 1 bedroom, all modern home with covered patio nd guest house. FURNISHED APT. for rant. CO-OP MEMBER 1348 SE Stephens OH 2-1316 Evenings Kruagsr OR MW4 Nelson OR 3-4072 Scanland OR 3-8217 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 ,OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 HAY BALING CUSTOM BALING. Roy Hosteller. Ph. OS 9-5426 no Sunday Calls. LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM TILLING, weed -bruin cutting, grad ing, leveling. OS T-5S4I aves. M, H. Fo. Custom Tractor Work New extra heavy duly M" tiller Weed and Grass Loll Mowed or Tilled Three tractors to serve you Leveling, Landscaping and Lawns BEEBE & BOWMAN OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 LOANS Loans Aulo - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dirk Rm-'lick MnnaRr-r B44 SK Stpilwns OR 3-B668 PAINTING, DECORATING HAINTING, nxt.rlor and Interior. Ramon able raloi. tree eilimalei. OR 2-1710. PAINTING Interior and E.t.Hor Paper hanging Minor alterations OK 3-4M2 Oil 2 4L'4B PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, r.nalr. cleaning, end da. molhlng. Harold Bailer. 1-llHl or 3-40S. ROOFING FOR TOP OUALI1V ROOFINO call QUAL ITY ROOFING CO. - OR MJfrt. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable OR 3-ult, SHUIC'Tanks CI E ANED Rosphurg Sani. tation Service, Phonr, OR SHEET ROCK WORK Rf PAIR AND remodellno. Wall board, lap. Ing and llnlshlng. Ftee esllmntei OS "J" or Siilh.rnn ins SIB BulldfM TOOL RENTALS DO IT YOURSELF And Save lube tc 75c. Oil change 20 par cant elf with lubes. Change motor, mulllers, reline brakes, tl.00 per hr. Roselund Union Station 2050 NK Stephens (lit 2 9033 TOOL SHARPENING PlOW SMARPFNINO. sveldlng. !J1 SvV Caitle Ave Machine Shop OR l.sst. WELL ORILLINO Waftr Well Drilling Noth'ng down on approved credit. VOHR WELL DRILLING OR 3-UJ1 :tt se Jackson PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! 1 Real Estate 34 FOR SALE CR TRADE Apartment Hotel I APTS. plus living quarters and I rental rooms. Good income. Room for trailers. Beautiful Grounds. HAMILTON HOTEL Phone 132-3445 Glen Courtesy to brokers Helen Glenn Real Estate Roseburg, Glide Homes, River properties, Acreages, Ranches and Trades, Retirement Property. Cor. Kane and Washington OR 2-3692 GY 6-3579. LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers 1 Sellera S9800, 1300, down. Green district. Large, modern, 3-bedroom, carpeted living room, fireplace, 100X100 lot. a buy. 243 ACRE river front ranch, 10? acres bottom land. Irrigation righl. 2 barns, fenced. All good usable land. 155,000, 29S down. 4 BEDROOM Newlon Creek, $t 7,900. Fireplace, playroom, patio, fenced yard, trees. F.H.A. Terms. 1041 ACRE ranch, 220 tilled, 650 per manent pasture, balance timbered. New barn, older house. Fenced. $44, 000, 29 down. J) 1,000. 50 DN, Newton Creek, S bedroom, oil lurnace, carport, nice yard. WESTSIDE, 3 bedroom, $12,750. As sume low Interest State Veterans loan or 10 down FHA, 1340 sq. ft. car port, 105X155 lot, trees, fenced. HAVE modern 3 bedroom Westslde home, $14,900. Want $500, lease-option or lot accepted for down payment FHA. $11,400. NEW 3 bedroom, 1100 sq. ft. N.E. side. 10 down FHA. Separata dining and utility room. 3 BEDROOM Newton Creek, $13,250. 10 down FHA or accept good lot In trade. Built-in kitchen appliances, back porch, fireplace, bath with coun lertop and heat lamp. Call today. List your properly with Lackey today for sale or trade. CO-OP MEMBER 368 SE Jackson OR 2-1658 Bob Carne 2-1SAA Mil lor Miller OR 3-4907 Jack Suksdorf Or 3-4745 Gene Peck 2-4534 Lots And Acreages 35 Vi ACRE lot, Calkins Road area. TERMS. OR 3-7791 FARM LOTS, 14 acres. Houses and barn. S. E. Booth St., mite to city. Ph. or 3-3m, NORTH ROSEBURG trailer lot. Clly water, wired 220. Phone or 2-1B36 alter 6 p.m. CLOSE IN. clean hillside lot. 50 x 160'. Good location. Make oiler. OR 3-758B. LOTS 100 x 100', In Green, some on pave ment. Water In, sewer soon, ok 3-B459. $1000 CASH. Vi acre homeslle on beautiful Cavltt Creek, near falls. Tail trees. Elec tricity, phone available. Store a miles. OS 9-5773. TWO RESIDENTIAL lots, Calkins Road, for sale or will trade tor boat. $3000. O. M. Willis, 954 Apple Blossom Ave. NE, Salem. Farms And Ranches 36 60 ACRES with 3 houses. Good water rights, tlB.OOO. Call OS 9-1454. RANCH and Farm Properties our Spe cialty. Largs or small acreagt THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 100 A. CLOSE IN. 11 A. Irrigated, tree loll, planted to permanent pal ture. Irrigation system with 12 heads. Tractor and attachment!. AV x 40 barn w-cement lloor In milking room. Shop end 2 shads. Oood water mpply. Fenced and cross lanced. Nice J bedroom home, hardwood floors, good location. Price, HS.000 with S7.000 Down. Jim Bevans Real Estate 957 N. E. Stephens OR 2-3731 (Day or Night) F. D. Coon, Ranch Salesman OS 9-5788 Income Property 37 NCOME PROPERTY JIM mo. Income, 1 acre, houie, apt., repair shop. OR 3-B233. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas fir, cedar loos and cordwood In multiples of I ft. we load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 3-1791. 320 ACRES Sec 9-T30S RSW about 3 miles so. of Myrtle Creek. Approx 200M poles and mill logs. Year around springs. Good grating land. $20 per acre. Box 135 Rose- burg. Building Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER - 112.50 par unit C1D Lumber Co.. Riddle. Ore. TR 4-22S1. " USEO'CORRUGATEO steel roollng. OS f-541 DKCORATIVK STONE For fireplaces, veneer, rock gr dens, patio's etc. Mirny colors available DOUGLAS STONE PRODUCTS CO OR 35117 OR I-4? OR 3 W1 Vacation Homes "A" FRAME CABINS Complete or partially comnleta con it ruction 10 SUIT YOU BuitdiOQ, remodellno of ell type Deady Lumber Co. 2 Ml. N. of Wilbur OH 3-7194 SMART noma ownrri r turning to Alu minum this your. Kor tasting beauty and durability it can't be beat. See our roitylrle line nf roofing. 1 siding and shingles. DON'T JUST JY IT Buy it installed 0 Call for FREE estimates. OR 2-4811 Ask for Kd Davis. j MONTtVUAFRY WARD P North Steot'tni at O0t Valley JunefW. Real Estate (Building: Materials 41 BOARDS SHIPLAP RUSTIC FENCING up loads at special prices. Custom cut tings direct from sawmill ALU GRADES, 2x4's and wider. Clean PRICED FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Valley near RR Tracks OR 3-7342 WE HAVE AVAILABLE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PLYWOOD & PARTICLE BOARD hardwood material W Pre-finished paneling ALSO LARGE saving! on floor ing for your jummer cab ins Always open I til I! Saturday. PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781. Ext 70 Halfway Btw. Winston -Dillard REMODELING SPECIALS PORTABLE evaporator room cool ers. Only $19.88 DEEP or Shallow well pumps from $73.50 up. PLASTIC pipe. All sizes. Vi to l'i in. DON'T JUST BUY IT Buy II Inetalled Call for FREE ESTIMATES MONTGOMERY WARD OR 2-4811 Fuel 43 O & C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak and fir; no iir neaier wooa. ok a-7MB. LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust - - Blower er Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Hoad OR 3-S08J Wood - Sawdust Peeler Core Green Slab Planer Ends Pond Lilies Dry Oalc SUMMER RATES on aawdust lor mulch ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. at 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munlon. Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-5016 Kirby Vacuum Sale SINGER Lata model, all artachments $25.00 ELECTROLUX latest model $44.50 ELECTROLUX $10.00 FLOOR POLISHERS $15 and UP Hoover Constellations $15 and UP COMPACT Latest in Hassocks, like new, floor polisher, magic disc $90 KIRBYS 0 Rebuilt $40 and UP All ffcorditirtned and by Kirby Co. of Parts and service TRADE - TERMS - KIRBY CO. OF ROSbURG 2161 NE Stephens (Miscellaneous For Sale 45 KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner 175. Filter Queen cleaner SSfSCaM OR 3-7010j- OR 3-33t. CHEST OF DRAWERS, $25 OR 3-5142 150 OLDS engine transmission and rear end, S60. Call OR 2-8020. UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent condition and tone, Sli5. OR 4 vu. DELUXE KENMORE electric range Call tlltr : p.m. OR 2-4783 TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn'a Appliance. OR 3-551 8. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call OS 9-8809 M71 W 05 9 8VW Or OR 3-5B59. CERAMIC lesson's free Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Trava'a Ceramics. OS 9-5133. WALK-IN cooler, cork Insulated 8X8, $1,000. Call OR 3-6062 or OR 3-7581. USED household furniture. Baroaln prices. Earl Sm Ith Trailer sales. OR 3-3356. REFRIGERATOR,' good working condition, $45. OR 2-2570. MOVING selling all household furniture. 376 south state, sumer.m. TOP SOIL finest of loam soil, light and easy to handle. Chart Keely, OS 9-5117. USED BATHTUBS and wash basins, $15 and $5. OR 2-4002. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE SMITH-CORONA typewriter, $35. Call OR 3-4094 after 5. ANTIQUE china closet, round corners, excel lent, $95. 904 E. 4th, sutherlln. BABY BED, $5; Ashley wood heater, $45. OS 9-5544 SPEED QUEEN washer-dryer, late model. fine condition. Kler Crooch Plumbing 2448 W. Harvard. OR 2-3364 MAYTAG washer and dryer comb., looks like new, and working cond. guaranteed. $150. OR 3-6728. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com pact, Eiectroiux, Hoover, Kirov, also parts. J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010; or 3-3591. GENTLE horse, also cart and harness. Will ride single or double. Ideal for children. $173. or 3-5732 Glenn Phllltpi. TO"P SOIL "from new location. The best you nave ever seen no roots or weeos. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-849X BRONZE METAL dining set with 8 chairs, Admiral ret., eiec. stove. Adier sewing ma chine (cabinet), or Z-2BU3. HAVE PURCHASED Kenmora automatic washer, have for sale square tub Maytag wringer washer, $35. Call OS 9-8841. REFRIGERATION UNIT for walk-In freezer. H.P. compressor, shelf-typo freezing unit. OR 3-6323 SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, coffee urns, sew ing machines, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR 2-5518. NEW AT PIXIE Fuchsias, geraniums, lantana, oleanders. Bot tle brush, rock Daphne, Camellias, SUN DAY ONLY. Pixie Gardens. N. end of Broad St. N. of Airport. OR 3-6113. Zig Zag machine in nice walnut finish cabinet. Buttonholes, mon ograms, sews on buttons, etc Price only $118.27. Take over payments of $5.30 per month. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone OK 3-7348. Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester Oil 3-7272 RETREAD SPECIAL Any size passenger car tire. ONLY $11.87 plus tax. A&R TIRE CO. 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONE OR 3-4421 FREEZER SUPPLIES Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save o.i 20 lb bags of fruits and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice steer beef. Bring us your cutting and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORE OS 9-5133 MANURE : $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon NO DEALERS Please WESTINGHOUSE nf.r, cron lop frtu- - LEONARD refir $45.00 LATE MODEL Frigldalrt Washer-dryftr pair 1135.00 TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 711 SS O.K Avt. OR 3-SSil guard fd on. eor Roseburg. on all makes. AND RENTALS 013 - 63lO Miscellaneous For Sale 45 GO KART with J'j hp. engine, top condi tion, with two place Ken trailer. $175. Call OR 3-6053. CIRCULATING HEATER, retrlfterator with Ireeier cross top, Singer treadle machine, double bod with spt tng and mattress. Piano accordion, student site, all in excel lent condition. Phone OR M143 after 3 p.m. Repossession KIRBY vacuum cleaner with att., balance SM.M. ELECTROLUX vacuum with alt. and pol. Balance S17.30. KENMORE tank and .att. with cart. Balance 1 16. B0. . NECOHI-ELNA OR 3-6325 455 S E. Jackson 1960 GE pushbutton range I960 30" Kelvinator range 39" rolls way bed, new R -mat tress ... $19.95 48" Hlde-A-Bed, newly upholstered 45 00 22' Deepfreeze, good 95.00 18' Deepfreese, nearly new 159.95 3 piece chrome dinette 12.95 5 piece chrome dinettt set 27.50 5 piece Ward dinette set 9.50 Baby cribs, rebuilt mattresses, complete 12.50 Refrigerators, across-top freeiers ... 42.50 Good apt. gas stoves 19.95 7Vi hr gas Irrigation pump, runs 10 raln blrds 45.00 Bargains Galore Johnnie's Second Hand Slore Trl-Clty, Oregon CAMERAS New and Used KODAK Kodasllde 1000 watt protector with case. Electric slide changer and Airqufpt magazine and remote cord. Also with this unit comes a 5 In. and 7 In. lense. This projector Is Ideal for clubs, churches, schools, etc., etc. One-third of original cost. ELECTRONIC flash. New battery. Fits most any camera. Big savings $29.95 KODAK Signet 35 mm camera. Original cost was $75. Now only $29.95 MANY other good used movie cameras CLARK'S STUDIO & CAMERA SUPPLIES 711 SE Jackson OR 3-3526 s1 DOWN USED DRYERS USED WASHERS USED RANGES USED REFRIGERATORS USED TVs GRAY!S Home Furnishings Of Roseburg Inc. 1345 NE Stephens St. OH 2-3641 WARD'S USED APPLIANCES AIRLINE 21 in. console TV. in Mahogany cabinet $G9 TWO TVs. Your choice $15 ZENITH 21 in. table model TV with stand $25 REPO Montgomery Ward upright 15 cu. ft. freezer. Reg. $249 $169 KENMORE top loading automatic washer $25 BEND1X automatic washer $39 WESTINGHOUSE dryer $39 MONTGOMERY WARD automatic washer $59 WESTINGHOUSE automatic wash er $35 WESTINGHOUSE console TV .. $99 UOTPOINT Electric range .... $15 O'KEEFE i MERRITT gas range with griddle $45 ONE GAS range . $10 HOTPOINT Automatic washer $49 BEND1X automatic washer $20 WESTINGHOUSE (pink) l.aiindrainat. $39 COI.DSPOT 15 ft. chest type freezer $45 Stretch Your Budget With A Good Used Applionce From Montgomery Ward's OR 2-4811 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED two old hilch.o traih burners. PMooe OR WANTFD" u.l "l(Mm maltrfn. 0" io douol lire. OR 1-116S. ; WAN 7EO " Twinitroiler. ! Call OR 3-4M) j WANTED tiVd hjrnlfurt ana mu Rosa-i rxfro Furn.turt. 3U SE Ja-kson. OR 1-SIM.j CASH "lor oood 1 erT4"ft-iraiierraUo"led. 1 OR 2-n WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, cri'na. I oiassware, fewfiry. clocks. Prlscllla's An-1 fiquM JiT SE Jackson OR 3-1411. 1 Trade Miscellaneous 48 WILL TRADE tr trailer housa for livestock. Csll 05 s:?i i Musical Instruments 50 USED PIANOS joiners and Uprights All in Kvcrllrnt Condition Ricketts i3usic. Inc. Coiner t' and Jackiri OR 3-3202 O 52 SINGER Young Budget Rental Machines Reduced To Only $49.50 Sleek straight stitch machine sews full range forward and reverse. TERMS OF COURSE Singer Sewing Machine Co. 558 SE Jackson St. OR 3-7348 Repossession WHITE round bobbin sewing machine In beautiful walnut cabinet. Has Sewlite, re verse stitch and attachments. Balance SIS. 60. SINGER portable, round bobbin, balance 113.20. NECCHI ELNA OR 3-43J5 655 SE Jackson SINGER ZIG-ZAG Take. over payments of $6.41 Per Mo. This machine has tverylhing built fn. Will button-holt, blind hem, sew on button, make decorative designs without attach ments, , SINGER Sewing Machine Co. 558 Sjtais OR 3-7348 Sporting Goods 53 Sell aoo savage model 99. ' OR 2-2274 TEN FOOT Sports King camp coach. Sleeps Ca II OR3-6026 alter 6 p.m. 10' CHINOOK pickup camper, like new. PO Box 731, Canyon vllle Ore. Call 839-4375. FOR SALE Western saddle, double rig ged, very good condition $75. Call Riddle, 8742355. LIKE NEW saddle. Martingale, Kackamore, bridle itnd bit, saddle blanket and curry comb. GY 6-358 J . JUST FINISHED sportorlzlng a new 03-A3 Springfield 30-06, drilled and tapped for scope. OR 2-4309. Boats And Motors 55 SKI BOAT, motor and trailer, $495. Call OR 3-8385 WANTED 12 aluminum boat, trailer, and 5-.t0 Vl HP-m01ir- OR ' 2-2980. 10 H.P. Evlnrude motor, 1959model,' "less than 25 hours. Perfect condition. $195. OR3-3665 18 FT. BRYANT EXPRESS CRUISER. Sleeps 2, excellent bar boat. Refinished this spring. 25 HP Johnson motor. S925. Call Sulherlln 4220. "SAVE ON 3 Piece Boat Outfits Reg. Sale 15' Glass Boat . $799 $666 40 hp. elect, start motor . $569 $499 900 lb. trailer -$,fiS 5,44 $1533 $1309 YOU SAVE $224 14 ft. Ski boat $559 $466 40 hp. elect, start motor $569 $499 600 lb. trailer 1U5 $133 "$1273 $1098 YOU SAVE $175 MONTGOMERY WARD North Stephens at Garden Valley Junction Sewing Machines OR 2-48)1 Food And Produce 57 PIE CHERRIES 10c LB. m Ph. 2590 Suthertln CHERRIES many varieties. 3Vi miles west of Winston on Looklnggless Rd. 9-5315. ROYAL ANN CHERRIES CIR 3-"'5 LAMBERT AN D P IE CHERRIES FOR SALE. C a IJ 3-8746 CHERRIES Blngs, Royal Anns, Lamberts. H E RCH E R S DlLLARP GARDENS PIE cherries, Ryal Anns, Blngs. and Lamb erts. You pick, 10 cents a pound. M. Lehne Nursery, 10 miles out In Garden Valley. APPLES Ortley, Newton. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglass, Bring containers OR 3-6485 REACY NOW Canrilngcherrles. Lamb erts, Binqs and Royal Ann's. Alton Owens' Dillard Market, Bus. Rt. 99, Between Win ston and Dillard. Hay And Grain 61 GRASS HAY. $12 and $15 ton. Looklngglass. OS 9-5880. No Sunday calls, 4000 bales. ALFALFA BALED HAY Olna Hathaway, Umpqua. Oregon NICE clean oatsand vetch hayT $20" Tn Jteld. Call OR3-5972. CLOVER, oats and grass hay, SIS ton and up in field. Call Oakland 4267 evenings FOR SALE baled Lotus hay, 3miles west Roseburg on Melrose Rd. Vincent Preschern. , l-cpTpelIetmill CUSTOM PELLETING ALFALFA-BARLEY TELLETS HOG PELLETS HOG SUPPLEMENT WE HAVE developed a pel let for lamb feeding that has given excellent results. See us for your feeding needs. Your most ECO NOMICAL SOURCE of feed in Douglas County L.C. PERRIN ftl. j Rnv- J? P.aK1nri. ral! 2833 Livestock . 0 63 HALF WELSH I year gelding, 1 year colt. 3 fillies. Phone Oai land 3VS or 4271. WOOL received dally,' Nltfwl$Strei Winston Ore. Phone OS 400 YOUNG EWES, 1 and i years? CHI OR 3-7W4 SELL 6rtrade 2 fwrst Tariem western fraOer for good raoe 0 reentered Here tea cows w-ih calves. Can Oa-Uand )i a'ter S pm. ' Read for Profit -O Use for ReSlts' O News Review (ynt Ads DiabQR 2-3321 Livestock 63 SUFFOLK RAMS L. L. Patterson, OR 2-399 PALOMINO GELOINGforale. Phone GY 6-3 WANTED Fat and feeder lambs. Call OR 2-3787, Al Brown. HAND FED. winter lambs, ram and ewe, $10 each. Call OS 9-5178. BUCKSKIN Quarter Horse gelding, sound and yen tie. $155. Phone Sutherlln J2U. BABY CALVES, beef or dairy. Also some Charolalse. Call Riddle 874-2244. WANTED - Cattle of all" kinds. UN 3-4253 or UN 3-3384, Myrtle Creek. W. A. Blacker!. SELL OR TRADE yearling Shetland, Halter broke colt. OR 3-6879, late evenings. WEANER PIGS OS 9-5424 SEARS air conditioner, 1 year old. Trad for beef. Or sell. Call OR 3-4810. BUYING WOOL paying top price. Steve Inda Phone 2517, Oakland. CALVES for sale. Camas Valley. 1 mil south ot town. Call 176. HOi SHOEING Call GYpsy 6-3335 REGISTERED Corriedale rams. ' Also good young ewes, some reg. Call OR 3-3760. FAT YEARLING Here(ods.teers. heifers, cows and calves. J. H. Parrolt, Phone 412 Camas Valley. SADDLE HORSES, suitable for ladles or children. Call GY 6-3510 after 6 P.M. or Sunday. F LOG K ot 65 disease free sheep, Including this years ewes. Call OR 3-5874 between 8 and9;30 a.m. or after call Sutherlln 3691. SHETLAND STALLION, 3 years old $500, 1 black mare, $150, also 1 bay mare $150. J?R 3-6062. CALVES Whlteface, Hoi stein. Black An. gus. E. S. Wright, on Cleveland Hill Road, past Melrose Store, across from Melrose Church. WE ARE PROUD To Announce The New EXHIBITOR Tandem Horse Trailer See them now at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES VVinchesler, Ore. OR 3-7272 Douglas Livestock Market WE are buying sheep and lambs of all kinds. Call for latest mar ket information. We receive wool daily. Phone OR 2-4071 Ask For Jim Lewis SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 13:30 p.m. Always a good active market- tor all klndt of livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rqne, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son. Owners Mgri. SALE Every Saturday at 1 1 P.M. Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. ,15 HEAD Whiteface pairs, cowj and calves . 16 HEAD yearling Reg. White face heifers 50 HEAD yearling feeder cattl LOAD fat butcher cows LOAD Holstein heifers 200 HEAD feeder lambs DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET Wilbur, Oregon OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 HOUND PUPS, males, females. Call OS v-5255. FOX TERRIER puppies, females $5, males S7.50. Rt. 3,Box15B5, Call OR 3-BB30. CHIHUAHUA or Poodle pups; also Chlhua. hua or Poodle stud service. OR 3-3M4. BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES Call EII Sanders, OR 3-4W2 TOY POMERANIANS. All COloVs. LuEMn Kennels. OR 2-3903. POODLE TRIMMING AND BATHING O R 3-7339 JACOBS' KENNELS. Boarding cats and dogs. 1265 NE Stephens. O R3-6293 Douglas" county humane society Ant mal Shelter. OR 2-2907. BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cars and dogs. Vi mile NE of Diamond Laktt Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Rd.OR 3-7SU. OBEDIENCE TRA'lN YOUR DOG Mixed breeds as welcome as purebred BOLEN KENNELS ORJM012 SIAMESE KITTENS Seatpoints. Calf afte'r S p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends, OR 3-8362. REGISTERED POODLE PUPPIES Also 2 6 mo. old reg. Poodles. Call Riddle B74-2344. LET YOUR dog enjoy his vacation as well as you. Place him In an air conditioned kennel. At our kennel they are always cool. We also sell pet supplies and breed stationary. Poodle trimminq a specialty. Impcrest Poodle Kennels. OR 2-1552. Farm Equipment 70 WANTED - Side delivery hay rake, J point or pull type. Call OS 9-B9M. NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and sheathing houses, burnt and outbuildings, 2x4 studs. 1" boards and 2" construction lumber. Available in most sizes at wholesale prices. Umpqua Mfg. Co. 1 ml. S. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 50 T t H Baler with Engine M95 3 fuel storage tanks and stands . . S7S up 3 qarden tractors .. . S75 and S125 Domestic and irrigation pumos Homelite portable pump and 70 foot suction hose . . ... 1250 Several pickups an truck We buy, sell, or trade, will you? Ranch Equipment Sales DavsCreek. Closed Sun. Ph. 125-3:41 Heavy Equipment 72 CLETRAC CRAWLER. B D-40 Hydraul'C blade. Winch, carooy. Best ofter. '53 GMC ton picUD. gr?od cond. OR 3-311? Logging Equipment 74 H vd. LORain on rubber 10 widt car rler-Heel boom. OR 3-4795. TWO YARD toiler and dump" t ruck s'rrntt or conlract. Frank Parnworth. OS 9-5697. WRECKING BRIDGE in Riddle "have tor sale steel beams suitable for bridges, buildings, etc. Ph. IM-Jill, Riddle. 19S4 D-4. oood "condition; 1943" biamond 't snort (ooqer, sir-qle axle witb Tandem trailer. Ph. Canyonville 139-4431. WANTED 'o"m Snort !eggrta'haut small togs a ecd wJOd Mul nae stflnes.Ke"er LuTiMr Co OR 3-1791 9 4 k.W C. 12C-l40"vcitoei-era?orra'n proof. Aered by 15 HP Continental 'n gne. Or-d only 00 hours. 525 cash. OR 3-5i:7 or OR 3-4255 WRECKtNfi CUT two D7 i, 1 R07, 1 TD i. 3 OS's 1 TPUA. Psrft for sefe-A'Mi stpo 5c(i?f dnvr lia jtrl nvr, Arr3fi Sf- POr Or-i-jfle ; DT a - ! (3' Ca'e'Pf'iar, 1 CocWg va'dr w&)cTiki mtr. 1 Li-yn pflrfanie welder. Oougas Macr.-'i wina OR 1-1444 ins Diamond Ua.e B'vS. o