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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1962)
If fi" 1 n ' il If 1 . If 1111 1 I9! a Is 3.. II3 S i35 n n3 if is ii m. 8i?iiiig "i a pa ii Brara sninpin ifffss i t?3 itr in i ipneins r as IUUI iU ledllV UtiMIUUMU WVIIBII ' IUU WL II HI Ul bUldUUlU Old! USI i I Real Estate 34 1 THREE rm houst with exlra 50x100 view tot adjoining. Near Mack' No. 2 $600 down, easy terms. Refs. OR 35321 P.M. or eves. tWUSTSELL my "two br7horneTLotlW'xl20'. Fruit trees, or apes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynes, 1082 N.E. Malheur. 17 ACRES river bottom, 4 miles out. Build ings under construction. Will consider tak ing in clear large trailer house, or trade tor acreage near Eugene. OR 3-6753. THREE BEDROOMS, 11 Acres Hwy 7. Well built, excellent condition. Dining room, cement utility, beautiful floors. Near school, store, bus. Landscaped, oarden area. Plenty water, 510,500 terms. OS Wil ACREAGES Approximately 4 acres in Dlllard area. Mostly level, paved Street, with 3 room ceiled cabin. Elsclrlcity and kitchen builtins. etc. $4250. SJOO down, $35 month. FOUR LEVEL ACRES Landers Lane, paved street, city water. $4250, 1300 down, 135 month. Very nice for trailer noma or homes. Call LEHMAN REAL ESTATE OR ?-6193 or EVES OR 3-6091 Lots And Acreages 35 WINSTON 3 large view lots, $2500, or win sell separately. OS 9-5532. LOTS 100 x 100'. In Green, some on pave- menrv waier in, sewer soon. OR 3-ms?. GLIDE LOTS and acreaoe7Mac1EBro"wn, 202 Pioneer Trust Bldg, Salem. Ore. Phone WINSTON AREA 5 acre river loam, ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fruits, nuts ana Berries. Nice 3 bedroom home. Income from nice rental, $66.50 mo. Good well. And many other features. $17,500. Some terms. Call evenings, OS 9-5414. Farms And Ranches 36 By OWNER SHEEP RANCH. 783 A. 500 M It of Jnd growth timber. 140,000, S15.000 down. OR 2-3700. Exchange Real Estate 38 ONE CEMETERY lot, 3 spaces, Kelso, Wash. exchange for equal space In Roseburg Memorial Gardens. OR 3-5887. Timber And Sawmills 40 FOR SALE or trade Portable sawmill, 3- saw edger, diesel power. Phone 8633470, Myrtle Creek. WORK wanted on High lead. Experienced climber. Call Harold L. St Clair, OS 9-8887, Tenmile, Ore. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar lugs and cordwood In multiples of 6 ft. We load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 3-1791. Building Materials 41 Precur-Prefab Buildings Of All Types LUMBER All Types Construction Deady Lumber Co. 2 Mi. N. Wilbur OR 3-7194 HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified APPLIANCE REPAIR PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL. Generally 1 day service Beit stock of appliance parts in ;ounty TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak OR 3-552) NORGE and EAS Is the way to buy appliances At Frank Bergh's Service parts bank farms. We service all makes PH OR 2-16B1 U-Save Stamps AUTO REPAIR SERVICE AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR 5-3157 619 SE Rose at Oak Roseourg, Oregon Wallv Wrloht Res. OR 3-5770 Swede Mickelson Res. OR 7-3298 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OK 3-741? CAR"PENTRy7 PA I NT I NGS2h"our Call OR 3-5452 CARPENTER WORK custom built cabi nets. Reasonable rates. No business on Sunday. OR 3-6652. FOUNDAT IONS," hous raising, leveling. pair, work fha approved, cement, tiocic work, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cal Mer ge!. OR 2-35or OR 3-8j j- CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION wort, concrete pouring. Call Cliff Thornton, day or night. OR 2-2609 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, days wk. Lansing & supoiies. Open i Oliver, OR '-6636. EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Coll OP 3-1462 SHALE, river loam, sand and gravel, ako dozing and bck hoe work. Frank Fran- r,h,?s9"S6!!: - DOZING. leveling; also qravei rock, rivet loam end road materials. Charles Keefy. OS 9-5117. DAK EXCAVATING Bonded and Insured Ditching and sewer work Oarrel Isaacson, owner operator OR 2-HS4 FLOOR FINISHING COVERING MIKE'S FLOOR SERVICE. IS veers exor- ltnc. La;,,3 ndin- ad finithinfl floors reflnljhed. OS , PFAFP's" Floor sanding, finishing and refinishing. OR 3-353 FURNITURE REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE REPAIR retiotsh- ng. Fre estimates, pickup aeirvtr. son Furniture. OR 3-'4t, 1H NE Currier. GARDEN EQUIPMENT J&l Garden Equipment SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Sottnt, Simplicity, Torre. Lawn-BOY Trade ins New, Used Cusrom wors 1 265 W. Harvard OK 3-3491 i building Materials 4! iFuel REJECT LUMBER $12.50 per unit. C4D Lumber Co.. Riddle. Ore. TR 4-2211. SIDING PROBLEMS? TRY OUR SIDING Available In a variety of Grooved Patterns Ship-Lap Edges also Shop Grade Always open I ill 12 Saturdays PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781, Ext 70 Halfway Btw. Winston -Dillard Fuel 43 LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust - - Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 21524 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood-Sawdust Spring Rates on Planer Ends Now Until July 1st, ONLY!!! Save $3.50 per Double Load Customers using GREEN SLAB should order EARLY! Green slab will be DISCONTINUED late this fall due to the manufacture of chips for partlcel board. DRY SLAB available throughout the winter. Also available: Large Peeter Cores Dry Oak Wood Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES ON Sawdust for mulch Blower or dump ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-874 1 or OR 3-5508 BE WISE!!! ORDER EARLY!!! HAY BALING CUSTOM HAY BALING OS 9-5643 or OS 9-5620 CUSTOM MOWING and hay baling. Phone " itmr r-uo or vi y-iAii, Yoncaiia. CUSTOM B AL I N Roy H osteTierT" Ph. OS 9-5426 no Sundey Calls. LANDSCAPING TILLING BRUSH CLEARING, leveling; all types cat work. OR 3-7890. CUSTOM DISCING, plowing and tilling. OR 3-6781, after 7 P.M. CUSTOM tilling, mowing and yard work. "ree estimates, ria 2-4589. CUSt"OMtrCL"lNG, weed-brush cutting, grad ing, leveling. Q 9-5548 eves. M. H. Foss. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK New extra heavy duty 60" tiller Three tractors to serve you BEEBE AND BOWMAN OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager 644 SE Stephens OR 3-66GS PAINTING, DECORATING DRY WALL, taping, texture worker. Phone UK rwiwimu ana papering, save v or more and gpt better wallpaper. Call OR 3-7979, PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, repair, cleaning, and de rnornmgHarold Banter. 3-3702 or 2 56. ROAD BUILDING TWO YARD loader and dump trucks, rental or contract. Frank Farnworth. OS 9-5697. ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call QU&L- ii t Kuuf-iNij to. OR 2-1389. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt lervke. Reasonable. OR 3-S474, SEPTIC rNKSCLEANED "Roieburj Sa"ni tation s-rvlce. Phone. OR 3-33S. SPRINKLING SYSTEMS SPRINKLING SYSTEMS INSTALLED Moisl-O-Mallc, Rain Bird Bucknar, Raln-O-Maflc it Rain Jet. Thompson BEEBE AND BOWMAN OR OR OR 3.(135 TOOL RENTALS DO IT YOURSELF And Save Lubt lot 75c, Oil change 70 per cnt oft with l.'tws. Change motor, mufflers, relin brakes, Sl.oo per hr. Roselund Union Station 2fW0NE Stephens OR 2-9133 iTOOl SHARPENING PLOff SHARPENtNO, welding. 235? SW , Castl Av. AAjichn Shop. OR 3-417 : , jqE'S SHARP SHOP Sharpening Service, i 265 N E. Brjard. OR 3-7744 ; WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing oown an aoorjved credit. VOHR WELL ORILLIMO 0 1-rm '"7 SE JacJ WINDOW WASHING WINDOWS WA5MEIV-P J. BARDELLI OR 7 M17 43 O I. C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak and flri ; also fir heater wood. OR 3-7501. Wood-Sawdust (blower or dump) POND LILIES PLANER ENDS SLAB WOOD DRY OAK LARGE PEELER CORE SUMMER RATES on Sawdust lor mulch All Deliveries C.O.D. RCSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-5038 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 18 CU. FT, freezer, chejt, excellent cond. $125. 1673 NE Madison. I960 Deluxe Duomatlc in excellent cond. Si 75. HORN'S APPLIANCE. S?3:!!fl CORONADO REFRIGERATOR, cross top freeier, good condition. MO. OR 3-5380. HAVEPURCHASED" "kenmore washer. Have ttr sale, Kelvlnator washer. OR 3-3593. AlatTQUEHXlR.rvVnport, other miscel laneous furniture. OR 2-1 588- SITTER STERILIZER, automatic, console Wpe. Call OR 3-6344. lfCU. FT. NORGE REFRIGERATOR OR 2-3819 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call OS 9-8809 or OS 9-8678 or OS 9-B990 Or OR 3-SVJV. 21 in. SYLVANIA console TV. Good picture. 5. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. PHILCO apt. size refer, freezer across the top. S6?. Morn's Appliance, ok j-mib. TOP SOIL finest of loam soli, light and easy to handle. Charles Keeiy, os y-su. JOZ CERAMICS, green ware, firing, free lessons. OR 3-8010. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE CERAMIC lessons free Wed Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva'i Ceramics, OS v-siaj. USED household" "furniture. Bargain prices. Ear I Smith Tra I lar Sa les. O R3-3356. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. TOTE GOTE FOR SALE OR 2-1427 DINING ROOM table, 6 chairs; Cosco youth Chair, $5. OR 2-3477. LIKE NEW Rose beige 12 x 18' iV rug and pad. With 3 matching sr rugs. $125 cash. OR 3-7507. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-8493. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Aliway, Com pact, Electrolux, Hoover, Kirby. also parts. J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010; or 3-3591. TWe WHEEL TRAILER, $30. Rototiller, $40. 3 speed record player, $15. Ph. Suth erlin 42B5. " SCREEN door; lawn swing; set of Amer icana Encyclopedia with bookcase, Mont. Ward elect, cabinet style sewing machine. OR 3-6516 NEW SPEED Queen conventional washer, stainless' steel tub, $11.12 per mo. New red wagon free with purchase. Phil's Ap pliance, 2741 W. Harvard. OR 3-1 7QQ. LADY KENMORE washer-dryer combination. Almost new, $200, Foam rubber mattress and box spring to match, $50. Phone OR 3-389? SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, coffee urns, sew ing machines, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR 3-5S1B. RECORD and TV cabinet, Capehart player; large mahogany library table; Frlgldalre refrigerator; apt size Frlgldalre electric range. OR 3-8306. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS Good used clothing, dresses, and shoes, 25c and up. Coats 50c up. Mlsc articles 10c and up. Across the street from train depot parking lot. Zig'i Better Buys. 761 SE Sheridan. Close Out Sale KARTS PARTS ACCESSORIES. Dis counts up to 50 USED KARTS S75 and up Winston Chain Saw Winston OS 9-5641 BARGAINS SINK, fange refrigerator Combination $151.00 WESTINGHOUSE combo 195.00 II FT. FREEZER 1139.95 ELECTRIC RANGE I 49.00 TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak Ave. OR 3-5521 Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester Oil 3-7272 Used Apartment Size Gas Ranges Just the thing for your can in or trailer. Checked out, and in good working order. MAGIC GAS Douglas County Gas Co. 112, S. E. FLINT OR 2-I34I Texture Paint Discontinued Colors 25 Lb bag $3.89 5 Lb pkg 89c COLORCRAFT Paint & Wallpaper Store m SE Stephens OR MIS? Remodeling specials I PORTABLE evaporator room cool i !ers. Only S19.88 ; DEEP or Shallow from $73.50 up. well pumps . "'A"uu pipe- '" DON'T JUST BUY IT Buy H Installed. Coll for FREE ESTIMATES Montgomery Word OR 2-4311 CASH IS RASV to rois when you u o Classified ArJ to seiloarticles. Dial OR 2-332) to place o fast octmg ad. Miscellaneous For Sale 45 330 AMP. Lincoln welder with starter, like new cond. S39S. OS M49J. FULL SIZE electric range, excellent condl- tion. OR 3-wsa. TWO WHEEL utllllv trailer, new tires snj I 5' box bed, SW. Portabli air cooler, like) new SIS. Reclining cnir witn motor WO. j Magnavox record player nd 30 LP rtcordi ( S75. Call OR 3-7201. SUNDAYS ONLY ! CL-MATIS, SI; 13 in- azaleas In bloom, Sl; 12 In. rrtodles, St; 3 ft. laurel, 50c; over 3000 shrubs and ground covers plus pan- jies, mums and fuchsias. Pixie Gardens, OR 3-61)3. N. End Broad St., N. of Airport, cross freeway. reTz!su7fUes Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save on 20 lb bags of fruits and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice steer beef. Bring us your cutting and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORE OS 9-5133 RETREAD SPECIAL Any size passenger car tire. ONLY $11.87 plus tax. A & R TIRE CO. 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONE OR 3-4421 AIR CONDITION Your Automobile During your vacation. Rent by the week, or sell. CARTER TIRE Co. 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon WARD'S AIR CUSHION NYLON TUBE TYPE TIRES 670 x 15 710 x 15 760 x 15 $11.95 $14.95 $16.95 (plus lax and old tire) NO MONEY DOWN MONTGOMERY WARD OR 2-4811 OUTDOOR Chaise Longues $10.45 Charcoal Grills From $9.99 Ice Chest Reg. $8.49 Now $3.98 Mom! These would all make fine gifts for Dad. WESTERN AUTO Associate Store 710 SE Stephens OR 3-4522 CAMERAS New and Used MAKO-SHARK under water camera. Reg. $29.95. Now only $19.95 ARGUS 300 tilde protector. Top condition with case $22.50 35 mm Projector for slides or film strip.. ; J1B.95 CLARK'S STUDIO 0 CAMERA SUPPLIES 711 SE Jackson OR 3-8526 HOMART Portable Air Coolers. No installa tion, drain, or water connection. Built-in automatic recirculating pump. AS LOW AS . $22.95 NO MONEY DOWN SEARS Roebuck Cr Co. 526 SE Jackson. OK 3-6G73 WARD'S USED APPLIANCES ONE portable sewing machine with case $20 cuusvic i .. black SADDLE (or tale or tragi ex i . ! celltnt coridifion. OR 2-38JS. All Sizes. to EMERSON 21 in. (able model TV I WBtTiZuS UfVX'XyfW VT Vpprt ran at Si .1 " : , O'KEEFE k MKRRITT gas rannei uith OnrlHIp 145 ! ttlin gnome j ONE GAS range $10 o..u v.., K..Hn.i With A jnciv't w " . Good Used Appliance From Montgomery Ward's I OR 2-4811 i Miscellaneous For Sale 45; DEEP WELL PUMP. COMPLETE GIRL'S 76-INCH BICYCLE. HO. " OR J-02V KCLVINATOR rang. 150. Maternity clothes. sU 16. OR 3-7766, -'w-y-si m - ii ntknnm Wof,l AR WANTED used furniture and mis'- Roue-! burg Furniture. 23 SE JasonOR 3-5104. WANTED'' Used" "regulation" size pool table GY 6-312 WANTED ANT'OUE COlm. ?un- chins, giassware, leweiry. clocks. Pnscilla't An tiques. J47 SE Jackson. OR7-142)J WANTED US and Canadian coins, some recent wanted. Free apirasals. Timber Capltol Colns,59 3595 THE Newton Creek Church of Christ will start services in their new building on July 1st. Badly needed are the following: 1 good piano, a library table suitable for Communion services, 3 chair suitable for pulpit use, folding chairs, classroom furn iture, etc. Any offers will be considered. Call OR 2-4141. FILL SITE WANTED For Car Bodies. Will pay per car dumped, rent your loca tion, or buy. DOYLE'S WRECKING OR 3-4149days OR 2-1924 Eves. Trade Miscellaneous 48 WILL TRADE washer and dryer for daveno- chair or bdrm set. OR 3-6356. WHITE ELEPHANT - Or sell '53 Stude V8, stick and over. Need Pickup. OR 3-8289. BELT VIBRATOR reducing machine; or 2- wheel trailer for l-wheel trailer or ? Ph. Sulherlln 4285. Musical Instruments 50 GOOD USED UPRIGHT PIANO, $85 OR2-1737, jjt OR2-2893 PIANO good, and reasonable. OR 3-4804 GUTBRANSEN Spinet piano, Dark Mahog any, like new. $500. OR 3-4772 or OR jl-8081, GU "ft ARLESSbNSrspeod or lead. Ricketts' Music Storn, OR 3-3202. After 5, call OR 2-3409. Sewing Machines 52 REPOSSESSION ZIG-ZAG portable, sews on buttons, makes buttonholes, darns and embroideries. Bal ance $40.35. NECCHI Zig-Zag portable, A-1 condition, bal ance $107.60. Trade and terms. NECCHI- Jackson -ELM A Sporting Goods 53 1955 15 FT. ROMER vacation trailer. Clean $495. OR 37339. VACATION TRAILER RENTALS week or day. Phone 3133, Sutherlln, for reserva tions. JUST finished another compact trailer. WES COTT'S COMPACT trailer. Curry Rd. Ph. 0R 3"7475 FOR SALE or trade 10' Chinook pickup coach for small trailer house. Like new. Call after 4 P.M., OR 2-3620, or wrlle W. P. Fredrlckion, Rt. 2, Box 596, Rose burg. COLLAPSIBLE VACATION trailer the trailer shown on "The Price Is Right" TV program. Sleeps 4, electric refrigerator. Dealnr cost $2300 sacrificing for Im mediate sale, $1160. Riverside Motors, 988 N.E. Stephens. Boats And Motors 55 SKI BOAT, motor and trailer. $350. Terms,, izw 5fc uougiai or uk joi. COMPLETEskl outfit, 14' factory boat, 25 HP motor, $395. OR 2-1B4B. 1955 2JThp JOHNSON, tiectric'siarUng, 75. Call J2S6, Oakland. 16 FT. Hollywood Pudget Sound boat with 14 hp. Scott Alwater motor and factory trailer. $495. Terms. OR 3-551 B. 16 FT. GLASPAR boat with trailer. 45 H.P. Mercury motor, elecfrlc starter. Like new. Phone B63-3486. Food And Produce 57 GET YOUR MARSH RANCH APPLES t Ihe Farm Bureau, WALNUTS - 30"c 16. OR 3-5660 APPLES Ortlev. Newton. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglau. Bring containers. OR 3-W8S. STRAWBrKRIES. you pick, lie lb. Marshall and .tletz. Bring containers. Cleveland Rapids Road, Garden Valley. Cliff Hess, OR 3-86SS. Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 GERANIUMS. Fuchsias, Martha Washington. Large plants, SW. Smaller 3 $1 or 4 SI. E. R. Holm, Pat I Road, Suth erllf. Call 49.Closgd Tues. and Sat. SUNDAYS ONLY CLEMATIS, Krusa mums. Hydrangeas, 13 ea Rhodies, Azaleas, II. Over awo snruDS, Pixie Gardens, N. End of Broad $1., N. of Airport. Phone OR 3-4113. Hay And Grain 61 GOOD Lotus grass hay, $20 Ion. Phone 1767, Oakland F 6 RESALE" " ALFALFA, newcrop; also oat hay. Ray Young. OR 3-2936. FESCUE and orchard grass hay. OS 9-5426. No Sundoy calls. FIRST CUTTING " lot us oralfalfa. Gerald M. Clay pool, OR 3-8722. Garden Valley. FIELD pickup prices lor hay OS 9-B86I GOOOQUALITY first cutting alfalfa,-" alw oats and vetch. Oscar Weeks. Myrlle Creek. Ph. 863-3756. Livestock 63 FOUR GALLON Guermty milk cow, flril clf. OR J-;s. ONE GUERNSEYCOW FOR SALE Call OR3-47IS GUERNSEY milk cow, 1 cllvel"s)W. Call tven!na OR M880. COMPLETE line of riding gear and Western wear. Allen's Wester nGoods, OS 9-5131. ""REGISTERED ARABIAN stud'servW. i OS 9-S441 AT sTuDPeVminrnt reglltered Chestnut Arabian. Call 863-4276, Myrtle Creek, WOOL received dally, Nichols Store, Winston, Ore. Phone OS 9-8907. BUYING WOOL paying top price. Stev Inda 1 Phone 1517, Oaklnd. I GAMING Quarterhorse'and renurii saddle bred geldings, $200 ea. OR 3-1706. BLACK Part Morgan" ami Ouarlar mr. 1 aa. or 3-tno. SIX YEAR Palomino goMing, tplrited. IVi. J ! SUNSET MARKET Custom nwiii cuttinq j end wrapoing. Open 7 'itfl week- Lock storage. Call oh 7-rm AT STUD registered WWh itetlion, facilities tor boarding mares. Bill Tlplon, Rt. 7 Box oarden vaitev. cati or3-ii. THREE SHEEP SHEaRCRS with pflene. worUng toqether. r IM M split Ph. 3t3 Oakland. Oregon. Douglas Livestock Market 'WE are buying ahecp and iambi 0i aii kinds. Call for lalo3l mar- kel information. We receive wool Phone OR 2-4071 Ask For JVn Le-.vis 63 WANTED Cattle of all kinds. UN 3-4153 or UN 3-3384. Myrtle Creek. W. A. Blacker t. ' JERSEY milk "cow, 1165; hall Jersey-half Guernsey heifer, with white face calf, (195. OS 9-5572. . WANTED 700 young range ewes. Shorn, iambs weaned. Delivery In June. Fred Boyer, Rt. 1, Roseburg. OR 3-5135 or OR 3-63.'3. WE ARE PROUD To Announce The New EXHIBITOR Tandem horse Trailer Sec them now at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Winchester, Ore. OH 3-7272 SCHR1CKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market tor all kinds of livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmasler Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrickar and Son. Owners Mgrs. SALE Early Consignments For Every Saturday at 1 1 P.M. Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. 15 PAIR Whitefaec cows and calves 35 HEAD of Whitefi.ce feeder calves 20 HEAD of yearling Whitcface steers 50 HEAD of butcher cattle 150 HEAD of good, young ewes 3 GOOD milk cows DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET Wilbur, Oregon OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 PUREBRED red Dachshund and silver Alas kan Husky pups. Reasonable. OR 3-6960. r AKC 'REG." POMERANIAN PUPPIES " OR3-6462 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shetrr OR 2-3907. M l N I AT U R E B E A OLE PUPPIES Days W3-4431, Eves 863-3070 REGISTERED Treeing Walkers, 2 Bia'ck and Tans. 2 yrs. old. OR l-bb. REGISTERED FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES 863-3039 MyrtlejCrcsk poodle'puppies, akc'reg. Call Sutherlin 3156 JACOBS' KENNELS. Boarding cnls and dogs. 1265 NE SI ephens.OR 3-6293 . OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mixed breeds as welcome as purebredi BOLEN KENNELS OR 3-4012 BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats ana dogs. Vi mile NE of Diamond Lako Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Rd. OR 3-7514. Poultry And Rabbits 68 YOUNG BREEDER rabblfs for sale. N.Z. White and Calif. OR 7-3753 evenings. Farm Equipment 70 WANTED PTO puttey for Ford or Fergu son tractor. OS -8913 after 5 P.M. McCormlck,"modoi 50AW wlre-tle hav"laler. Ph. OR 3-6954 TRACTOR, plow, disc, mower, rake, and bale conveyor. Phone Sutherlln 3560. HYDRAULIC LOADER for Farmall M, $75. Ph. 2767, Oakland JOHNDEE RE ho"5 mower) tractor mount ed, 7 ft. bar. Will fit most tractors. New cond. $150. OR 3-3635 or OR 3-6951. GEHL field pickup hay chopper and blower, powered wnn Loniineniai Keo aeai motor; blower; McCormick 6" hammer mill, 4 wheel trailer or silage wagon. Ph. 3-6937 FULL LINE farm machinery, most of It new In 1955; two 3-year-old painted grade Arabian f est 1 Maraan mare wiin con 1:t rM lursev, fine milk cow with White- fare calf: chlckensi marw oiiivr fi.lit Items. Loran O'Neal, lVi miles East of Oakland. NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING end sheathing houses, barns and outbuildings, 3x4 studs, 1" boards and 2" construction lumber. Available In most sizes at wholesale prices. Umpqua Mfg. Co. 1 ml. 5. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 HAYING EQUIPMENT Gehl field chopper for dry or standing hay with engine M95 Gehl blower and 3 wagons 5850 Cunningham hay conditioner (dry hay twice as fast) reduced to . W95 4 Side delivery hay rakes, each S150 Ranch Equipment Sales Days Creek. Closed Sun. Ph. 825-3241 TRUCK BALE LOADERS Used, for field loading 1 Snowco - 1 Tulare Loader Priced right, ready to us I 6-bar side delivery rake, PTO operated, with 3 point hitch, Ilk new, half price. SIG FETT 205 S.E. Jarkson OH 3-4450 j , , r LOgglllg tqilipmelU I 74 l AC MD9, tractor, hydreui'e dozer, and ; wlnchTop cond. OR a-334. SHORT LOG HAUL wented."or"" wHf"lt GMC dual driv irucK, gooa ruooer, ww. ' phon 0R . MD7 EQUIPPED tor logging, $2,000, also, j ihorf log truck WOO. Phon OR 3-4993 evenings. f lion. SI, 900 cah. Call OR 3-W4I or OR t YARD Pr'H itotfar.Boharnla.'yp. I Bu ,'j yJra;r, m cummlno. power, oood i iinti sn rigii on m nm, uhm. Call GY i-ZlU. 3 OS's and 1 TDUA. Parti lor sal. Al o stock Spicer drive lines, sieii reechrs, Aberdeen stakes. For S e, I 07 and I 04 Caterpillar, t Coos King yarder with diesel mlr. 1 Lincoln portable wrldtr. Owifllas Machine A irVfJdJr.g OR 3-3444 1735 Diamond Lev Blvd. CRANES LOG LOADERS Seles and JWvlc Engle Cr Person lilt NE D'aond Lak Blvd. OR ? 43J7 After hours Ph. GY ; Auto-Truck Parts 75 1010 S W. TIMKF.N worm drlvt rear andl. rw.lan ruhtitr by.lw, 3rd a.l. faraua rm, a" brakas, 4 whaals. OR ovaa. Livestock Wed., June 13, 1962 The News Trucks For Sale 76 ! '55 GMC i ton pickup, 4 speed, good rub ber. As Is 1563. Call alter 5 cm. OR 3-5426. 1941 CHEV i ton 4' speed pkKup, with '41 motor. Chap. Ph. OR 3-8531. FOR SALE or trade tor small camp trailer '51 CMC pickup. OR 3-855S- CORE DRILL mounted on weapon carrier, both in good cond. Will take S1500 cash. Inq. 154 Mosher OR 3-4514. Motorcycles 77 I960 HONDA 250 cc. 37S Catalina Ave. Town and Country Mobile Park. OR 3-M35. 196l"BSAmotorcycle Super"" Rocket, perfect condition. 3600 miles. Cheap. See Steve E. Stratton, Herbert Lbr. Co., Riddle. Ore. 1959 HARLEY''74.'13,0Cu"actuai miles. One adult owner. Excellent cond. $1050 cash. Ph. Myrtle Creek B63-3366 after 4 p.m. Auto Insurance 79 THE BEST FOR LESS! State Farm Agent. . NORM BLEAKMAN OH 3-5084 1229 W. Harvard Automotive Wanted 80 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3-121 Cash On The Line For Your Lole Model Car or Pickup Highest PrlCM Paid NAPIER Auto Sales 1240 SE Stephens OR 2-2243 TiseFcars - picYups WANTED Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Whelchel 1.158 SE Stepnens OK Ml Autos For Sale 81 '53 FORD 4 door Fordomatlc, clean. S345. '53 Chev crummy, $650. OS9-8679. FOR SALE or trade ""Our equity In '61 Falcon wagon. Ph. Myrlle Creek B63-3663. i FOR SALE either 1957 Turnpike Merc or 1955 Plymouth Savoy. OR 3-6730. 1950 Jp'ep, 4 cyL 4 wheel drive station wag on. Good condition $600. GY 6-3481. 1951 NASH station wagon. Call OR 2-4102 alter 5 p.m. 1957CHEV2 door scdnn, radio, healer". Good condition, $600. OS 9-5597. '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Super sports coupe. Maroon In color, black interior, Days OR 3-7194, Evos OR 3-8115. Jalopy Junction "50 BUICK, SlrlgM illck t 33 '51 HUDSON, good rubber S 95 CHEVROLET pickup, 4 jpeed I! "54 CHEVROLET. ltrlgllt llck, txctp- ilonlly good 35 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM One Mi South Old Hwy 99 Phone OR 2-4601 CASH FOR CARS Used Parts - Auto Wrecking AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR To Plnce Your Wnnt Ad Dlal OR 3-3391 LINCOLN MERCURY iCMC '61 COMET 4 door sedan. luxe trim, all vinyl interior. 4 I w '61 RAMBLER Clonic 4 door with stondard $ 1 Q O R transmission '60 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hordtop. Striking yellow. tO 1 Q C Power steer., R&H. 7 J '60 RAMBLER Amerlcon 2 door station wagon. Standard trons. R&H. Good rubber 1 1 '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sedan. Sunroof. 1 1 O C. Jet black. I 7 J '5S LINCOLN Continental. Won derful family car. Beautiful blue interior. 04QS Corinthian white. ' -J '57 BUICK Hardtop coui. Radio ond heater, 1 09 S Automatic l'7 J I. 6lL'J USCfJ NoOneUnderSellsMocks MOCK'S MERCURY CITY TERMS TO FIT ANY BUDGET 1 590 NE Stephens St. OR 2-3358 - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Autos For Sale 81 BUICK Special 2 door hardtop. Very good throughout. $350. OR 3j348. 1946 UNIVE R SA L"j E E P$500. OR 3-6750 after 3P M. '58 MG. white' "convertible, $300 equity. OR 3-4040 ;55 FOkO "Crown "Victoria.-MM OR 3-7142 '57 FORD 4 door, sta. wg"n. Country se dan. Trade and terms. OR 3-B232. 1958 WHITE T-Birdrf wnerT'Low "mileage. Exceptional cond. Terms. Ph. OR JJ-4169. RAC i N G H A R DT OP with 2 motors Chrysler and Plymouth; spare tires. $170 cash. OS 9-5483. '6f "COMET"? door, deluxe trim, 170 cu. In motor. Automatic transmission, real sharp. Will take older car on trade. Reasonable. OR 2-3044 after 6 p.m BARCUS USED CARS '61 DODGE 6 cyl. Lancer 4 door sedan. Standard trans. Bought new and serviced at Barcus Motors. We juSt tooK it in '62 Lancer 1 O 7 J , 59 SIMCA 4 door sedan. '595 '57 PLYMOUTH 2 door coupe. 6 cylinder. New Tutone point. Good $A9S condition KJ 7 sj '56 DODGE 4 door sedon. Radio and heater, 7dR automatic ' " '54 BUICK Century 4 door sedan. .. $498 '56 NASH Statesman 4 door 6 cvL sedan. Standard trans, with ( overdrive. A good (CQR 2nd cor cheap 7 J '53 PACKARD 4 door sedan. R&H, automatic. New paint. Clean as a $49S a pin -t-J '53 PONTIAC 2 door sedan. Radio and heater, automatic. wT J CHEAPIES We have 2. A 1953 OLDS MOBILE 4 door sedon and o 1953 DeSOTO 4 door. Take vour pick or buy them both. $169 each. '61 DODGE 6 cyl. Vi ton pickup. Just the truck to do those rh $1995 49 DODGE VA ton Van. 4 speed. 1 Use for deliver, 210 camping or crummy. s No Payments 'til July 25th TERMS TO SUIT YOU Watch the Rodeo parade from Barcus Motors, Inc. Better Buys at Barcus Dodge Chrysler Imperial Simca N. Stephens at Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-5566 We invite you Id watch the Rodeo parade from our lot. '62 MERCURY Monterey 4 door hordtop, R&H. power steering and brakes, oil vinyl Interior. Beoutiful chompogne finish, '62 MERCURY Monterey 2 door hardtop, R&H, power steering and brakes, all vinyl Interior, 2 tone black cherry ond white. '62 MERCURY S-55 2 door hard top. R&H, 406 H.P. engine with 4 speed floor shift and bucket seats. '62 MONZA 2 door white, Save. coupe. All '57 FORD Fairlane 500 2 door hardtop. Automatic, power steering, whltewoll R&H, very good tires. $1 lOR A slickie. 11 '56 FORD 4 door. Tutone blua and white. R&H. ... 795 '56 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. V8, bromn and ROR tan, automatic J 7 J '55 PONTIAC hardtop coupe. Rad io and heoler, A9 S automotic. W 7 '55 FORD 4 door sedan. V8, auto- mahc, R&H, Tutone CQR blue and while ' 'J '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 dr. sedan. Automotic, power brakes, R&H, Tutone green, ' 1 1 Q El Whitewolls 1 7 '53 CHEVROLET panel. Gnod for camping S95 or crummy J 7