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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1958)
2 Tha New Retiew, Roseburg. Of -.Twes., May 13. 195 JqHq OWtlCTS Primary Election Campaign To Seek Revision Has Few Spirited Contests, Of Tax Provisions Coes Into Its Final Week".ob:: Fred Bartle, 80, Glendale Resident Passes In Eugene Fur Coat For Zsa Zsa Adds (Chamber Members iP JjBh To Confusion Over Gift Car Tour Six Farms ' Instructions Along No. Umpqua HOI I YWOGD i Did Zsa Zsi United Slatts to attend the I S AlOrlQ ND. UUiUUUU u- PTA presidents and chi. Fred Bartle, Glendale, passed Gabor get a coillr fur coat from 1 Army Command and General Stat! nlen receive instruction con. aay in Eugene Monday, May 12, i Gen. Rafael Trujillo Jr. for intro- College at ft. Leavenworth, Kan i Douglaa County's numbtr one ag- terning parliamentary procedure at the aga of M , during him to Kim Novak? He left thert oa medical leave ncuIura product could be doubled and policies at a Douglas County U n-a twtrM Um 9ft 1 t7T al . cu. ka lha mil nA TmiillA anrl nnHrwfll an nnratinll at a .1 u - a i man. u-ra ....nncil mlin rhHulW , II b I - due na 4 im,i .". r reaQliy UirWUsH 6 am. I j mi""" . ... ........ I " I 1 noserjurg, win seen a revision ol a Canyonville. Uia wife. Lola whom ; son of the strong man of the Dom hospital here for adenoids and a 1Rernent. members of the Koseburg 9 45 a m. Wednesday at tht Rose au, ne ("Y1", " ",u , , " he married Jan. 1, 1W6 in canyon-1 ican Republic, admits he gave it sinus condition. He is oue oaca ai LhimD,r of Commerce agricultural Dur! Presbyterian cnurcn. Ft. Leavenworth later this month, j conlmmee fre told Monday Purpose of the meeting, a work- 1 "I introduced Kim to him," Zsa' His lavish gifts drew criticism in mured six farms along shop, is to give instruction in tht dren.Z..a told a reporter, "and I ar-, Washington, D. C. from congress-1 J he groi ,l the hope that it will enable the new dale; ranged for him to take her to aev-i men. Rep. Wayne Hays (D-Ohio "uj cn,mrr conservation week presidents and chairman to better tub iccnriATSn PBaTt ! fin th rifmiKTalir sida aai( Oregon's primary election cam- would close out tht campaign with ! "el0't ln SU1 Legislative Inter-1 v,uei preceeded him in death in to her. But he' didn't say why. paign, which has been marked oy a series 01 meetings in ine i-ort-i"" """ m m.u.uu ij .isi4. few spirited conlesU, is in its final, land area. , , ., , , . . ' He ii aurvived by six children, . r h i . . l:. Jack llnlrnmh nretirlnt nr tha t i l. 1 . 1 . Weea. fivuiira, camyaiaMimg v "a , . . . jvap inn LAiirn, uuw ui uicnuaic, ranxea lor mm UJ laae ner 10 se-i mni. icp. nitw na , fc,-v,w i ,L,mK., nnrtal A record number of voters for a record, was similarly concentrat-i off-" "uon.w men grew out or me John of Wolf Creek; Mildred Van- eral parties. i estimated that $1,300,000 will go to " "'.d'd bv j Ruiand perform their duties, according to pnma-4 wi-Iie eligible to " Portland area alter an oM Oregon Trailer Owners, said Dyk, of Portland; Lou Cobb. Glen-! "Hi is mv dearest friend and ; TrujUlo s country if Congress pass- i'' h"d?S -.rm, aU Mrs. K. L. Snider, county councj iasT bU KrVay appearance Monday evenmg at " 'U npt to havt provision. dale ,nd Ethel Staska. Eugene, verv grateful." " the proposed .6)3,X.X10 to . w,i..r Whl.H I). enon's ! R"wbur- fif""" lam.m Py." K Also U grandchildren; five great- TmjUlo. recuperating in a rent- eign aid buL "I doubt if it makes .located between Koseburg pu , (our i PH., ,.n in Con.rl! i Tn" o-tl r 0 1 1 "if countl" nd, "Mcesive pen-gr,ndchjidren; two sisters. Jesse ed mansion in Beverly Hills fol-lthe taxpayer, happy." said Hiyi e; nrnn,r minute sessions on hospitality ,nfj jr'X.foTi whirl thS bl,J: I Bell of Portland; Bertha Garnsnn lowing surgery, Monday added fur-1 Rep. Al Morano (R-Conn) told i Prker point ed out I how proper mm v y no " aiipniinn in an mm ni inp blbliz. uyncuni miatn lumninm inn nan nrmnitr i in .Anintinn a iha m arior h nsurimtri' "Hit ninnv nuenL ui sccuiiiti tiinaiwu k...jt nnh imiv Candidate, for the Supreme PPr oeiore trie committee witn.Dyer 0f Myrtle Creek. I wouldn't come to the phone. But teach him that good old-fashioned ngation can increase se. chairman for the session. Funeral service, will be held he told his secretary to tell a news- Yankee thrift. It is extravauance presseo nome ine poi ii u. i . Mrf Jon 1Ieeteri Mr, Thursday, May IS. at 2 p.m. at the man that the coat wasn't chinchilla, such a. this that makes it difficult ing marginal lands to prooucme sirs. Casey Morgan and Mrs ! Presbyterian Church in Glendale, ,, earlier reported. I for us hard-working Foreign Af- use by good conservation proce- d It was mink, said the secretary, (airs committee members. A questions and answer period 1st District. He i. challenged by Phil Hitch-. Court courted voler. in the non- the .upport of a trailer manufactur eock who had a whirlwind of his partiin phase of the election, i "i group, the Trailer Coach Assn nun tilanned for Wednesday t tram Rntkinin inrum hni m Holcomb. Richard Firman. Rose-! plane hopa into each of the di-! position No. 7. is opposed by Sa-1 burg. OMHO secretary: and John with interment at the Masonic cem-1 trirl's 10 counties. Norblad. who l.m ninrnn Jum I m And 1 Amacher. Winchester. TCA direct-1 .1. pi. i .r..n Fnri Unn arrived Friday for hi. campaign- d0B Sloan, incumbent in position or, were in Portland last week to jn Eugene are in charge of ar ing. will return to Washington Sa. 3, is opposed by Samuel Bowe wor out details of a substitution : rangements. mat aay. ot Grants Pasa and Boyd over- ",r. ",e raiirovmai hi dui pro- Republicans have a three-way hulse of Madras. v,sJon' . .... contest in the 3d District which The real heat of the campaign Detail, of the plan were revealed, has stirred little interest. There has been generated in local con- "t Holcomb said that if it is ac are no contests in the other di-itest, .uch a. the question oflf'P'ed. assessments and tax col tricts. i switching to the city manager! lotion, probably will be made by a. 'ih. fin.l u.ek nf r.mDjien- P!n in Portland and Klamath 1 h "'e Department of Motor Ve ngAtpVned?,1feVe.urpr,?eTPwegr. f .llr abandoning it at f mon- ,..,.a Legislative position, are at i y to the counties. Pair Runs Into Peck Of Trouble In Effort To Post Citation Bail "I""- i.l.l,.W.n.nllh.m Inn h.i. Candidate, for the governorship wfc H , m , nomination in both parties were expected to continue to hammer . . away on taxes. t AB IjSRA Air The three leading Republican! "n Wl alll candidates had made that their t'tt t central theme and it figured DlttPrenCGS OVfir largely in the talks of the three Wffcl Democratic candidates. n-.. A Secretary of State Mark Hal ;iCJLlje VUClUIIIJll Pravisiens Disliked a sleek u.oo model out .aid .he thought it wa. a loan. A studio .poke. man .aid she in sists she isn't keeping it. Kim and Trujillo have been seen together frequently in Hollywood since Easter. Trujillo head of his Two men who came into the country's air force, came to the Roseburg police station Monday He .aid it didn't cost the 117,000 "It is his own personal money, i "Wool growing heads the list ot wlU (ouow e4fn session. All new price quoted for it. ; said Trujillo . secretary, wcior agnculturai activities in uougias o((lcers 1I)d committee chairmen Blonde actress Kim Novak said Sued, of the gifts. "He own. .ugar . county from an economic stand- and n,,,,,,., are urged to attend Trujillo left the sports car with her mills and has a dairy farm is the point." Parker said "The sheep (ne workhops, Mr.. Snider said Dominican Republic." population could easily be doubled , by improving marginal lands and Hospital News by improving marginal lands ana increasing forage in present pas- j OrtimUmiy n.- .. . ,i ni2ht to Dost bail on a traffir rita.' t r uisiiKcu iu isiuiii ai c inrse. 7 g i Zu , I. The lump-sum tax payment ;""'" on Jan 1 earn var I'li-man iA trouble. owners of conventional homes may ! . Police .ay Bert Kenneth Lehn pay quarterly. I herr, 32. 934 NW Hill Place, be- ? A ?s nr -ni tunit rnr i.... I came' incensed when officers de- unpaid after 30 days. The delin-! 1,n,ed "Pl check for th'r.: I- C.iL' quent tax penalty rate is I per bu- Hl" om culminated in his ,0nVull IS dllUCK cem lor omer properly owners. i-T. . . 'g . 3. Authorization for the sheriff to: . namwaier, a- a The lump-sum tax payment on lound themselves in a peck of SPtilPltlPnf IwirJur: At Douglas Plant; Committee members left Rose- fUiirrh Slat I burg by car caravan shortly after moon Monday, stopping at the Ken- C-.-J.L,,- T Anient ineth Ford farm. Lynn Beckley's jpeaKer I Oniglll 1 farm, and those belonging to Curtis . Barker. R. H. Franks. C. H. Billet- Norwegian evangensi iev. nan- lorn win spea ai me uaraen Oeuglas Community Haspital Admittad Surgery: Alvin Barnhart. Riddle: Fslher Miller Mn. IJnvd Hessel- . - mr anH William l'nHf0rav line, muci iui lull, iiuicinui, o----- - :. l . cil King, Myrtle Creek. At the latter s farm they werejaiiey communiiy i.ijurcn lonignt Medical: Mrs. Bruce Miles, Mrs. : shown a private reservoir built to at 7:45 p.m. , William Hallcrafl, Roseburg; Mrs. impound water for irrigation of Rev. John B. fcllingson will dif Lee Maxwell. Glide; Mrs. Joseph some 80 acres of forage land. At the interpreting as Rev Hahford Mosthaf Riddle other locations they viewed the re- does not speak tnqlisn. Rev. Hash- Oischarsed suits of seeding to subclover. rye- ford is traveling from Portland to Mrs. Hubert Griffin and baby. ' grass and the use of chemical fer- Crescent City, CalU., stopping at field, one of the GOP aspirants. mmitt C,,fvl that a aala lax u inAP..a. in ih . . v. ..v ' .. amn't nii knaP en j-. ipromptly arrested. Police were wuuiu uiiiiH mu t.iv. i-. ... ... rgiroi ana me Oregon Mate board .. . 1 . kMi . ji..; : worsen at unec uuuiiai iuiuin cost of living to the average home; of Aeron.utica Monday i.rld their! ."olcomb " Firm.B diribd I " . Zi- P1"" w" re,ched Tuesday. PORTLAND - The Civil Air! "nf.scateuailer. on which taxes, tL0!!! J.e,1S. w" i" ' tiv tivV agreement eove7in xuio Sutherlin; May Fitch, Oakland; Parker showed the touring busi worked at Uiree Doig a.gAir Frink Jensen, Mrs. John Ren- nessmen how 56.30 worth of super- C t?,V Tu-sriav &0. Myrtle Creek: Mrs. Boyd Jur-. phosphate can increase forage by n T 0anaan Uri Patt a 4t M r tion.l A.snnf' Martinisu JSlck ' Fox. Yarborough.' V e l m a how $10 worth of phosphate and . daughters Charlolte and Joann of !hJ "L-i.?; l.n IS, LrhJ pZ Kivisto. Cora, Muriel and Linda potash can yield a ton and one Washouga . Wash to hold serv- rv ' . Pettit. Roseburg i nan to tne acre. i ices at me uarnen vaney iom- mona, with pickets appearing and , .,,..;,., ! The chamber azricultural com-'munilv Church. Rev. Charles mittee is chairmaned by Ray Doer- Hughes of the Wayside Chapel in ! Laslsiae win also oe auenuing. The Garden Valley Community Church has decided to discontinue plans for a vacation Bible school, according to correspondent Addia Schneider. .... tv,,. ... t hi in. . . , . ""'".the nrnvi.inna a. -Mi ! chargmg him with obtaining mon. . .... .... Ieu ovfr lne Apm 24 rescue 01 - .r-- "i 1 h- , .,,.,.. Bamu,.t. tinuing attack on the sales taxiMri Bluce D.Vis then decided 1!i"nit ",ri of mobile homes. p. '"' pretenses. Rainwater program of a. ate Sen Warren Clir thtng.'out in discriminatory, the of f icer. ! ? Mo Gill, a aecond leading Republican Heforo the. derision to meet in'"ld. re the ordinance, of many, 120 cn'clt ,l service station aeeker of the governorship. Th;priv,u both aidea got in their I ?"on C1'le 1'miting trailer loca- Tryniht wa.n't .nrf.H t .n Production workers leavmg t h e 1 r mira major canuiuaie, mie barbs. u insine cuy umiis. 1 ... ...j".: . , . Dobs. The company said 1,77? Treasurer Sig Unander, ha. called 1 How,rd yrm. CAP colonel! The trailer, group has started a ! .Jr"V:. .Prl' workers out of 4.700 hourly em- f hn shirt, nlarerf it mattress on his bunk churches. Parker showed the touring busi- Friday evening Rev. Melt in Curtis 01 tne ruu uospei laoer- acle in Sutherlin will bring Rev. more than a ton and acre, and Joe Watkins and his evangelistic inr a in nruuram aiiiiru ai uuiiu- . . j u uusiiive aiann in impnn in inmic. .... r- iiviii oau rianviavu, aaiu llierv . .. ... : , - .. h u.M ti ing the state a economy. I had been a reluctance on the part ?' ",Jr officials, they said. They " .".7, m Wallace Portland lnsur-l. r -1- ..11 '.i. cited the rase of RriviWinot on lop 01 the -, r - ,wi vylcKun uuiciai U call un ine .-a anrf at it afir ance man who 1. the principal cap vet in California 7s; rescue j- ... S ii,r..t t fi nnhri n Hnlm.a f'1 ' -'"ornia 75 rescue Ordinance Enforced Firemen came The tentative agreement be- Marcy Hospital Admittad Surgary: Mrs. Fred Hamilton, ner. Mrs. William Stonebraker, Rose burg. Unemployment Benefits' Bill Favorable To Ike . i u . .1 A ipw mnnini mon Iha p. "a vuaii s.- w caiuijiumii uii i : rr-. . i . t.i I u . 1 ivuarUUx i." P n,ve ,v" meir I dered enfnreem.nTi . ,H L'.. i bla. They also wanted to admin- r-V.u V..- ""."k"" ? I p.Vi a . banning trailers from the citv. ur. m to.bennnerr wno had i A . tl ,nn,n i-maa sue ooouard. Koseourg. uaa uiijmi, uacavuu ui a a . : . ' , I rrl Vtf inmi hlirn tat Kitt fiakt """v " r aeronautics, said he was sorry "wn.e" Proteateq .:"::.7"i:7',2,st meetings Sunday at the th ut "we Dick our minis lne oruer, pointing out mat some 01 1 - - . ," t nlanu We haven't Ion I ,he hom" r oe" irchitectural- treatment. Later police hauled him P''Anpprxim,telv 35,000 o t h we haven t a ,y nd ,ur,IIy m,ny . to Community Hospital where : he ! Do, Xork. at Santa Mi -1 rccciveu ourna to nia ngm I , ,;,. KnH, ,h. three .1 ..." KanH anH tnaki R. J . 1 I t 1 at I about that but "we pilot. " ' i treat ment. Later noliee h. 2 hi PU.t- ' 1 0Urn Mr- with care. We haven t lost a .earch pilot yet." , V ana i . ructurauy than many con- - - '..T-?.- Dougl; Claim Effort Confused UASllINJr.TnW , Scrl.r r lahnr Miirhell aid Tnesriav munication. confused the search the House-passed bill for extend ed unemployment benefits to idle workera is acceptable to the El senhower administration. Testifying before the Senate Fi nance Committee, Mitchell called ventiona homes. ' " ria ior secooa aegree - A E, senundo Calif are n,. . i... u.. i. j.. i. burns. Lehnherr was then released ca na t.1 Mgunao, yam., ar Snyder aald unauthorued eom-'n,. .... . i ion hail 111 j Firman said the trailer owners a a . Condon, he aren't against roning within a city, said, had given a taped in terviewi bu, wlnt t0 SUTehnt the nri& f. Fr"no- tahf. radio station. ; borhoods in which trailers are al- Aa ! I . t r ... IT I J n . - rianl T C a k ehl ti if a from their ur.1 Skelton', Program from their up- viv.. nl.m. in Lone B a a e h. Rose Mary Cox, Mr.. Lyle ftescott, eytinaiiich the 1 : . r . . . . ' Knaentipit i uui-l-x nuuu r r nenas win, , . ... . . . , lake over Red Skelton's television 1 John W. Lyle Released j show tonight a few hours after his from Charge Of A$$lult ! son s funeral. ror the skelton family, the serv- i John Werner Lyle. 46, Glide, was ices for 9-year-old Richard mark reiea5ed from countv jail Sundav the tragic end of a long ordeal. a(ler , charse of assault with a The boy died of Leukemia Satur-! dangerous weapon was dropped by day night after a 15-month bout ,h. .-nmnlainani Douglas and CAW spokesmen sine and security police got a whiff with the dread blood disease He was ordered released bv Ward r During Caracal Visit (Continued from Page 1) Mom me Dasic quesuon. rreemani !,.,.,i .... ki. suggested, "seems to be who gets, Th, tr.n !-. :,, ... . ing to meet with the Oregon Assn. the credit, not who gets rescued.' for prompt action to put the pro- Th hearing was called by Ma j. I 0f Countv Assessors this spring to gram into effect. ' He said the measure passed by I Search and Rescue co the House "substantially les the administration proposals to aid jobless who have used up their ployment compensation payments. ordinator I Pre"nt ,hrir Pr,P- Firman said tr jail where . Although there were filmed Watson, Sutherlin justice 'of the if si mi h.ii lows closely the agreements; A jeering, .creaming mob of Skelton shows available, the co- peacf He was arrested Fridav bv Public Seen At Custodian Of Nation's Resources (Continued from Page 1) riujiiiciii vwiiiifriiaaiiuii uartiivriiia. i ... ... . .. Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va), L Sn,rt,'r ' ?uoled saying For Drunkenness In Car ommittee c h a Ir m a n, said he'11"' . t-AP conduct ' verged on honed the hearings could be com-'or"11111'1 neRligence pleled this week and the House Oregon's natural resources. Two men charged with hein 'c, ."V- """'.'. c.n".r' "W. H,,n't nrnn... In Inl.r.t. rir.inlr I. ...I.. ...j 1 f I.....J man UI Hie tonaervaiHW WeeK OO- ... ..u.. . f-r . ...u... ,,, ,viu, pout jj iiiira iciicu reached previously at Lockheed, about 500 teen agers met the Nix- median asked the CBS-TV network deputjes on a warrant stemming ionn American ana iunvair. lb on pianc ai me airport. aim ins juiisui9 iw irate 111111 uu from the private complaint, gives a wase increase of 2 to 11 the air entirelv tonight. i cents an hour, and puta the 18-: Repeatedly show business pals Milton Berle. cent an-hour cost-of-living figure At he entered the car they spat Donald O'Connor. Sidney Miller, which employes have been getting ' repeatedly on him and his car. Vincent Price and others quickly into the basic wage scale. i He and Mrs. Nixon virtually had agreed to go on in his place. the funeral will he at forest Lawn's Church of the Recessional. Dr. James Stewart, pastor of the Beverly Vista Community Church will officiate are working to save and improve ; Worth. Tex., plant and the strike get Guatemala. No, Mr. Nixon . u.. ....-..-.-... ., j.. t-i, ui, ui uicii waici wiu um me urusoer- i ne innu.sLrv laDor Deaca dos- to iisnL ineir wav inio me cara- embod- 1"";" " .;,, : organiration tax plan are im-, ous ones." Holmes stated. I sihilitv was marred hv a strike van carrvina them un a mountain r'Siwho ay for three days beside a Pre's'd " touched on other aspects of I at Lockheed's Marietta. Ga., plant; road tc the city. Workers! "no. 'V . ,n . "'' nr"ar I ennservatinn nraelieea anH lai.H.H : . ,.il...i .A j.h,. A..A.I Th. .I11J..1. .lnn. -r.n unem- rrasnea plane m snow-covered X ki.i-J C... ! ,h. ... .H W.VV;. J i'.. .r r.,,.T.'. E-!i,.. if. vl.X V. X.-"; THOROUCH CLEAN Wall ta Wall rufS and upholstery cleonina service. CALL J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010 ar OR 3-3591 after t p.m. at Com air Pomona. bill approved without any major I ,u". ehargei, said Freeman. Monday in changes. 1 oeiore tne purine nearing ended, court. servance in Douglas County, gave: Furnishings Requested Roseburg municipal , T'short in'troduc; Ulk"rior'o a anon iniroouciory laix prior 10 r p11,-j ... C. ili,. the governor's speech. Dimick not-j for Burnea-OUf ramifies But through questions. Byrd'-d" "h.rmon.ou. co-oper-j Paying .1,, fine, were rr-nkffi brought out from Mitchell that ,"""" necessary." Douglas Price. 45, Box 537, Idle-, i resources of )reeon had . i,.... ...k i.i I The Dnvate meetine was a med v d Ht . and llenrv w.l p.nt .nlurai resources 01 Oregon had la.r;, ..c .uu.i.uu.i - . ,i. . : i 7 . ' ' Deen wasted nut went on in rite serve funds built up from the taxes ; "noing out now 10 get inai. levied on employers to pay jobless ' benefits to unemployed svorkers. i State Senators Slate I Visit To Hanna Smelter Wayne Fong Pleads Cuilty In r,,er-t0 R,thfr inform.tion To Sellinr Of Narcotics i for the Senate Mining Interim Coin- I iiiiut-e, senator. ian uimira Ol woud h-v. k, honked a a PORTLAND I - A guilty plea Roseburg and Don Cameron. ! .. tk' -! 'd In a rhai-fT nf aniline na rnntia i flranla Pm wilt viait llanna VinlJ . . ' " 1 " . Hl'OV we don't want you. Latin America doesn't want United States inter vention." The reception was as hostile as the one the vice president re ceived when he tried to speak to The Douglas County chapter of students at Lima. Peru, last week. n . i . . .i i fit nniinv rai mf on f ne np i ' recK. : v.. .j u - . .... ine nea cross is asKine aonaiions . . . ... . . . 23. 1014 Lookingglass Rd. T h e y ; ZZ hriiht nnt. th. iLi. I of furniture, clothing, kitchen uten-: mteuigence reports mat tne were arrested over the weekend. tV,n,T;C ....a ... sils. dishes and linens for two y'"""? iu """"- u r .f.mii,.. .h. h.tmnri n..t nf.sinaie .ixon on nis visu nere. These reports were discounted by government officials and newspa- i pers. i There were nnlv a few frienHtv l- , iwn anna in mnnini inn .1 mnmnt ...... .. - .- .......... ne puinieu oui. RalDh Seal Sneek 4.1 Rnannte . V. wa, sentenced to five day. ,n' dh 'promfse sVilconse"!' their home, Saturday at Sutherlin. jail on a vagrancy count. Saturday, i ,.. I. P.. " :.!0,1.con,'rvJ ' The homes were occuoied bv Mr. I .Sil-?.."1.'? hM. the gospel of wiSiuseV our'"." J Arrant who have s a sirruri ne was uiiormea i.. that if brought to the police station , was entered here Monday by el at Riddle Wednesday W'ayne Fong, 29. just before he 1 Dimick said one purpose of the was to have gone on trial in fed- tour is to gather Information for a T.,1, Q ..... I eral court. report to the other member, of the If n,l. '""r0" A motion for dismissal of the : committee about the possibility of Mas No Brain Damage ii omer inmiimrma against rung ' nominK .inning interim lommmre was made then by Asst. U S. Att jr. I meetings in the Riddle area during Robert Carney. I the summer. hHo ed the adootion nf nd Mr.' and Mrs. Joel Mattson! ! shouts either at the airport or . -JifiA. ?i,0.?iLV'i,.,:iwith daughter. 12. 4 and 3 months lon Nu!0n route into the city. age'ment and commended the Game ,on" ?. nd 7 and Fish commissions for their work. Salmon Harbor Cited "fin. nf th. I. .' h.i.kf ... in the horUon.' Diinick dfclired. ' Sulherl,n- "is Salmon Harbor, with it tr - yii. m, .idiiru lira 1 1 nuypuai mriiuuuB JViruiii mr lin eunXFr' The Red Cros said donated iifm can be left at the chapter En Routt tt Tmb The rioting came along Avenue inn cornier- . . in Kugene Monday showed that vation and for our tourist trade JptlCtr DUrtJl KlttS W : WW MM. g Places ' tn a new OLDS office at 1332 SE Stephens St in J-'rdaneta as Nixon was en route Koseburg or by phoning 4327 in '" " "" " ": iiberator. Nixon's aides said normal pre cautions would be taken, including use of a closed car going to and from public ceremonies. t. S Fmhassv officials in Ca- Committal services for Mr.. Vi- racas said maximum security ar- had been Scheduled At Coos Bay Charles V. Stanton, editor and man- that we so badly need " aser of The News-Review, has uf- The senator said, "vie are all fered no brain damage as the re- to some extent, conservationists suiioi nis April a cerenrat hem-: uur scnooi cniidren and our adults ola M. Spencer. 50, who died in a rangements already nun in iciius ui vuiiaerve-1 rtoseDiirg nospitai saiuruay. win made Improvement continues today and tion. We must talk conservation be held at Sunset Cemeterv at In Washington. Secret Service he is now described a in fair con- and we must practice what we Coos Bav Thursdav at 3 p m'. fol- Chief U. E. Baughman said he dition hy the hospital. think." , . i lowing funeral services at 11 a.m. , had received the assassination re- Mrs. Manton 'aid a spinal tap Al Hegel, state representative, in S (leorge's Episcopal Church port from Frank Barrv, a former Monday had proved hemorrhaging introduced county officials and con- in Roseburg. . Secret Service agent now a secur- was controlled, and a "hram wave" i servationists who appeared on the Survivors include her husband. ' itr official with the Nicaraguan study had revealed no mental im- platform. They included Huron Lester, and a daughter. Mrs. John . government Baughman said he pairments. ; dough and Frank Ashley, emin'" i Shirley) Lowery, both of Rose- did not know where Barrv got his iuiniiii.,iuiiris, ciifiui na v. ourg NON iNGINEERS JTRIKI i Byra; Jim augnn, dame Loinmis information. w7 r DON'T WORRY ABOUT SPLtS Tabspray slip cover spray on invisible protection for fabrics OHtV k St'iy on chain, softs, dnpss, rugs, ate w. jw"' on, e .... pfiveaU stains. J Contains "00B farS wot moth proofinj. .aili, Cm .A Roseburg Color Center 419 $. E. Main St. Phone OR 3-S367 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING sion: fhil Snvder. (,ame t nmmis- SAX FRANCISCO i Twenty. I sion director; Cordon Beck, soil eight non-engineering employes of conservationist; Pete Serifm, Rose the American Broadcasting Co. i burg Rod and Gun Club; Merl in San Francisco struck KGO, a ! Winn. Bureau of Land Manage network owned and operated ra- ment; Mayor George Burke. Co-dio-TV station. Tuesday in a dis-jquille; and W. O. Kelsay. state pote over wages and jurisdiction. 1 representative. before you start your vacation... AN OLDS "88"! Tait drive Ibe Dynamic IS . . . Oldimobil s low prirad tktl Engine cor . . . before you iforf yaur ootioil Try IKa faoturat ihol will odd w much pltoiura lo your Irip-in-eluding the graol ntw Rockat Engine with got-tcmng rKol woe te ' " hi place In In clots in the 195 Mobilgoi Economy Runl What s mora, you'll like aur trovol-nmo allowoncoil s" Oat your PRKK ( VACATION HANDBOOK I ) . . . whll they laatl You'ra always weloome al your looal authorlied OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DIALIN'M PAL MOTORS, ORES., LTD., $29 S. I. STEPHENS V i sdk You Don't Need A Rocket Or Sputnik! DRIVE TO MARR'S RICHFIELD 1 STATION 1 for oil your auto servici MOTOR TUNE-UP O BRAKE SERVICE MUFFLER REPAIR O LUBRICATION OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Weekdays 7 a.m. ta 10 p.m. Sunday I a..m to f 850 N. E. Garden Valley Blvd. OfMtlt Vt tUtXiIlt? trtfrtinN OR 2-4531 hi V Couldn't Make Up Your Mind For A Mother's Day Gift? 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