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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1958)
PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING : ; . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchard 2-3321 15 Work Wanted EFFICIENT, experienced. Christian rl 1 age wuhN full time baby ntung job for lumnxr Will help with house work. Beat of reference. Oft 3-7S49 , evening except Wednesday or lund MOTHER GOOSE NURSfcRY 914 8 t Kane. Car by the hour day Special i unit tor child rn under 1 vgra of age Stat Inspected, OR 3-8381 HEWING and alterations of all kinds. Mrs. W C Curtlt. 733 N E Erie Phono OR 3-T4&4 1 piANERMAN 38 year experience -'GOOD 10 hor electric irrigation - have neia ioreman joo neiercnce Fin or ftr. OR 3-807:1 evenings NORTH-ROSEBURO Klndergartaa, T53.V N E. vino si bxceuem pr scnooi training OR 3-7840 er OR 3-5214 BABY SITTING, my homo. Also Ironing, reasonable ratea. Ntwton Creek dis trict. Phone ORa-U1C. CABINET WORK, carpentry or shin gling, (.ompoaition or wooa. no joo ioo manPhonOR2-.-M2S IF YOU HAVE a nice clock that dooan't run. rail OR3-794T.' ROtoflLLING. Merry Tiller 14". Ph. OR 3-8829. CHILD care, day a. Reference. OR ! 2512. SHORT log and lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR3-OM7. YOUNG man 1ft del tret work of any type. OR 3-564 WASHING rough dry; alio Ironing; atretchlng curtalna. OR 1-3691. WANTED Job for thort log truck. Diesel oqulpment. OR 3-787S. SEWWG-- Alltyo"oV" Guarantied. OR 2-2766 MIDDLE-AGED ladv wanti housekeep ing job. live in. OR1-6lQ4 fNTCRIOR painting. OR 3-7S09. A LTERATIONS OR 2-127S HOUSEWORK by the hour. OR 2-1413 18 Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY Robertson School of Business, S.E Jackson St.. Roscburg, OB 3-723A GUITAR lessons, ages 8 to 66. amall guitars for tota. OR 3-6523. 20 Services Hospital COMPLETE service for lawnmower. j bicycle and tricycles. FranchUed dealer for i Schwrnn bicycles. ' Al's Bike Shop Between Dairy Queen and Farm Bureau. OR 3-4023 MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All nake and sires Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmie'a Electric Motor Shoo. 330 NX Garden Valley Blvd OR, 3-KSC4, j Rototilling Service TERGL'SON TRACTOR WITH BLADE REE BE & BOWMAN OR3-37;t8 rOR SEWERhookup call Howard New ton. All work guaranteed. Cement or transite pipe. FHA Title 1 terms. Dead line for hooking to sewer in Winston, Annul 13. 19M. OS 9-8792 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repair from hand Iron and razors to range and , KXS Ml SE Rose OR 3 3325 Center. 33lS ERoseOR3-3525 .-.- I PUMP REPAIRS 24 hours service- MM- j ler it Cox SaW and Service. OR j J-3381; night call. OR 3-7389 or, OR . :W59 I REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic . and commercial. Available on call any o,.dA?,,r "i,ht Phn R 3"MU r OR 3-4632. MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-httches, ' welding, woodwork and general repair. Green Dirt net. 2332 SW Castle St j Ph OR 3-4687 I SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile-1 afe; free estimates Koeourg aani-i imates Koeourg aani-1 . . K sth,. p. tation Service, OR 3-3336 CERAMIC TILE howers. tubbacks. dramboarda. patios Free eilimatea. iveuey inc. im j-oom. WELDING Eventng and week-endn. General Service Center. 613 N E. Chentnut Avenue ROOFING. FFther Thorsen Paint Co. Portland W E Daum Local Agent, Ph OR 2-1571. SHALE rock for road and driveway a. Immediate delivery Ph. C P Tallon. OR 3-4040 CARPENTER, any type constructions. We help arrange financing Free esti mates. Kowalewiki. OR 3-8020. DOZING, leveling; also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas Keel ay OS-3117 WELL DRILLING Licensed contract, or Phone OR 3-3043: Mjrtl Creek SMALLE STENOGRAPHIC cvniiir-v Duplicating, statistical typing, aaver- POWER and hand mowers, machines! .h.rMn.H 1ti7 SE Cobb. OR 3-80.12. PAINTER.Varpenter. roofing OR 3- 8747 DR ES S MlCKIN G arid-a 1 te ra t i onaPhong OR 2-1429 tLECTRICNTCTORS U ruTiTT Oliver. OR 3-66,16 CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS Reason - lAnivs Reason- able W J Lane OR 3-3948 bii Small lobs I 3-8411 ' C A RP ENTRY R e as on a preferred Smith. OR 3-8411 PLOWING. River loam, shale Order now Phone OR 3-4119 PAINTING, exterior and interior OR 2-3710 UPHOllSTERING Furniture, cars or boats. OR 3-56fi9 PAINTING and papering- OR3-3936 ROTOTILLING by the hour. OR 2-4260 21 Building Material For Your Building Needs Studs green dimension board and ehiplap K D aiding finished lumber mold- trigs LUMBER SALES CO OR Garden Vallar n.r R R tr.rlt. Doing Some Building This Spnns' KI US TOR THE REST I I MBtR -I AT THE LOWEST PRICE ' ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling I Old R.jnw.y M SoutB OR J-7.ll j SEE US FOR .peelal In mi.e.ll.nenu. II, mt bn.rdi. dim.nion. am. II i .Qiiarc. .M timber. Coon Cr..l( Lum-j ber Compan. Airport Ro.d OR i-' 1.01 ' 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump j WOOD j Oak. aiab and peeler core Summer rotes on planer ends j and sduit for mulch j Roseburg Lumber Co. I OS 9-8741 1 SAW DUST Biov.r and aump Mn.l. ENDS dr. or free" p r eor. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. fUEl. MI. Nt Douf:.i OR a-isa. RED- DIAMOND Fu.1 Co Kiln driJ planer .no, oak wood OR i-Mtil FIR AND h.rdwood for h-.t.r and fir- PIT. Don Colw.ll.OR.veoa fLANER (nd'i a-o ihivlnf. P..n,nf OR l-UM ' 25 Farm Equipment Save On Plastic Pipe New. Low Price Price Par Hundred ft. ' , iaimi " 814 11 filtm . . , Kosebur? Sudd v Co. 403 N E Winchester Si OH J 481 - tent l " '. . " r- . - - - I Ml 4 evenings OS 9-8821. GARDEN TRACTOR and equtpmen will trad for young livestock- OR J-1 3540 21U AtrportRoad MILKING-machine, single unit, com-1 plct. OS 0-8878. SCHRICKER & INDA LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sutherltn, Oregon Phone Sutherhn S1W Oakland Saturday, May 3( 1 p.m. 4 truck loada of good and ralvea 1 extra nhiteface foi tSASssi good papered whiteface bull. 1 true butcher fowl 2 truck and feeder cattle. Veal, babv calvei, bulla, milk cow a. cowa and calvet hog, aheep A good Palonruno. man t riding hore. IS head good whitefare lecra. Bring In your livtock Commtailon 3 over 6300 under SCHRICKER St INDA. Manager SCHRICKER it SON. Auctionecra O. TRIPP. Ringman G. A BROWN. Weighma:er iWOOL WANTED 40c Advance Made ; Ship in and take advantage of expected raise in price later In season. Bags and twin furnished. Pick up at Con j sol id a led or Pierce. Call Chas Dar, OR 2-3WM. Roaeburg Pacific Wool Growers, 734 N W 14th, Portland. Oregon. Cattle Wanted BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route 1. Box 332B Bui OR 3-6323 Eve s OR 3-3235 FOUR experienced sheep shearers Large or small jobs accepted Felix Samarron, 200 E Central, Sutherlln. Ph 3364. FORSALEChUd'l Shetland pony, gen tle 40" high. C W Smith. Milo. Ore mon. Phone Canyonvllie. JEfferaon 2- 4379. I AT STUD Black and white Welch stallion, at ranch. D B. Boone. Route 1. Box 133 FOUR year old black and white saddle mare and saddle. Contact Jim Cosner. Elkton. Oregon. Ph. 4-3743. 33 REGISTERED Hereford, cows, bull and vounxer ones Beit blood lines. A Schafer. Camaa Valley. Phone 791. wanted Sheep and cattle, all kinds 3 4315 w I MILK COWS, freshen soon. Ph. after! 3 p M . OS 9-3318 1 WEANER pig, marked and readv H. A.! Denn. Camas galley. Phone 692 i nJ ud faadies. bridles and harneaa. 284 N E. Douglas i WOOL and moha"."T15filvd "dail"yNi-l Stor prione os o.89fi7 , - - tt-tnrufvmmr ";:.". ' J' " OR M MILK COW. OR 2-2H09. rjnn 27 uay 1 crain baLED hay. oat ixed with amall per-1 en tana alfalfa. 80c naie. average, weight tw lbs urj-w 1 FINE, clean alfalfa. 81 per bale. R.I Conn. OR 3-6423 28 Poultry & Rabbits Pheasants Uv and week old p he a -aril chic GY 6-3402 or GY Orders taken 8-9 a m and 4-6 p.m. dally Baby Chicks , Eggs. TUUn kmt delav. Ponton Hatchery. 974 W Harv- ard. Roeburg Ph. OR Heisdorf & NelSOn Chicks . w j deliveries and service L. E Houck. i Rt 1 Box 827, OR 3-782:t , l,ve" poultry" buver - H.giwitrTSrpitd at ranch L. W Foreman, 12030 S. C. i Holgate.Portl.nd. Prospect J-21.31 ! POULTRY received Tuesday For ranch 1 Pickup, phone OR 3-43.11 or UK 3-401. -...., KOSCOUrg rouury "-umpanj 35. 10 week old New Hampshire pullet. . OR 2-3977 evenings RABBIT FERTILIZKR Lookinggl Road. Box 1380. OR 3-8710 WANTED - Fryer rabbit. 4 to 4 pouna'. Phone OR 2-2710 29 Pets TOY Fox Terriers. Pugs and canaries. Putmans. OR 3-8P04 ; GLENGAR Y Beagle Kennels OR 3-3793. ICHIHUAHUA pupa Phone OR 3-36S4 Try Wont Ads! Low Cost and quick results Theyll Do It Every Time FZj"? NE4M-I JUST HE4PO THEyV fV LET CUBES FU-J&US. UP IM THE f MO 1 4CGXNTINO D6P41?TW6MT,(30.' ' IP TWELVE VE4CS HE'S BEE4 MEPE- PX NOT TH4T I EVES LIKED THE &UV -"m ! : MUCri-BUT IT JpST GOES TO Jf THEVVE JUST HHISTLINOY. I I HJPDV IT SSTT THEM. THEVPE SO FULL . . f "rA THEV15E 4GBEEi-4'WITH ( W4TE9 THEV WON T I HE4LW4v3 COME V THEB05S- ENjOV THE COcEE J I WASAHODO WTO THINK OF yj nrr in' ' I DUCK-ME MS V IT, I NEVE Z FaHllT''l - 4LM4VS KNOCKING J S4WHiMrx ) "T T I h THIS C9UMMV A 4XV W09K-- t r4l'fT- l. 'r- . Si f I 1 29 Pets REGISTERED German Shepherd pup-' pi Reasonable- 88) NK Willow. OR .i-.i77i FEMALE BLUE TICK hound. month old or a-joo COYOTK pupriafor kale. L'Ntoa -XU4 Mrtl Creek PEKINGESE puppies Route 1. Box 30 Yoncalla. Phone Victor l-HM BABY Parakeets tone or wm Uaa eoutb, r- DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN! Soct Animal .".heller. OB 8-3807 CANARIES, cheap 71 NE AUmtda. OR . 31 Sporting Equipment SKAGIT ' GLASS BOATS Mercury Motor Aluminum boats Beel.iner plywood boats Tee-Nee trailers Unfinished boats Boat Hardware & Accessories Marine paint Umpqua Valley Hardware Marina .vi s.e. Rase ' D-LINE BOATS Exotie look combined iih apeedy hull New I.OW Prices TERMS No down payment on approved credit. Nick's Welding Works ' mil So Kellev'i Korner OR 3-764 Rod Cr Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrude Motors P-I4. Larson Cllppercraft. Burchct aft. I Uhain. Surcrafl boats. Accessorie. Paint, elc 1143 WHarvard 36 JEEP pickup, easy 18.000 miles. Warren hub, power winch. Jtffey top, rear bumper, heater, good rubber. S1730. Been uied only for hunting and fishing. See Bill Jones. Umpqua Gun Store. Roiteburg. OR 3-8413. FOR SALE 16" aluminum vacation trailer 14" white cedar boat, lapstrake construction with oak ribs. compte with lighta. oars and trailer. Call GY 6-3.IK3. ARCHERY SUP PL IES. Shafts7"p a r a 1 lei , tapered. Special roving and extra length Hunter a Arrow Shop, Rt. , Box 328 Happy Valley Road NEW 16 n -a bout plywood boat, reason able Phone OR 3-3MX) SPIN RODS and apin reals; also fly tiers supplies Powell's. 32 Produce & Plants tn, n.t AU(J pepper and "bbage planbi: geraniums, fuch-t. and begonia: Everbearing strawberry plants. Moore Nursery. mile E. of Courthouse on Douglas Ave. FUCHSIA and geranium bankets $1 75 and up. Beautiful plants. Also bedding plants, pennies, perennials, tomaloe fbbage. otr. Mar Donna Garden Cen- 'er. next to Dairy Queen on City Drive- - .. . LARGE PLANTS. 3 for SI Fuchsias glaze. Next to Winston Lockers. OS geran.ums. Martha Waahtngton. No!9-3i:iJ. 1 Saturday business. E R Holm, 4'a j BENDIX DuomaTfc: iike"new. $293. ' fn'les east of Sutherlin. Plat 1 Road. Terms. Can be used aa separate wih- BEDDING plants ,30c dozen. 10 varietleal I petunias including Ma v time; pansiev j .irs gjnn wnung. eieveiana Road. Phone OR 2-29,16 Rapids' HARRIS FRUIT STAND. I hlork N. t.srden Valley Road on north Stephen. wananaa, ioc lb. Every dav low prices. 34 Misc. For Sale FOR SALE Reposnes-Jed tiller. West ern Auto Store. 712 S. E. Stephena. OR 3-4322 FOR SALE: 4 Ibti inMemoriat" Garden "Garden of Meditation" Reasonable. Phone OR 2-19;i ELECTRIC range. Frieidaire 1st model' Have two. can only use one. First $40 get! it OR 2-4317. CASH REGISTER, like" new. Can be used for fidtl ng machine Priced to sell OR 3-6T23 .-..r, - . B3S0 SCALE MODEL electrir train act, $75 OR 3-4007 before 8 p.m. jt.-s-, " . ? m2.wel"- r',onabl. OR .'-i. a-a., woo RIR LOAM shale and gravel Lind- -y- WHll- V WU : SADrlT 11! OhIVZ1 : ..'.rin"rIL n'w ,7. UH 3-wo? v"1,n' JYONE wantint Product.., OR 2-,lfi07 , vrta ponenie vivrTnc WIO- .P not nn t -,a. i j . . w nun . SHATTUCK upright pian j finish. JM73 OR 2-I877 dark oak ADDING machine for sale. Call OR 3-5082 ' 400 FT V" OS 9-32.W aluminum irrigation pipe STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS' Trave-sOR 3-3flsa CHROME dinette set electric" i machine Call OR 2-212 V- I tewing USED Hot point refrigerator, good condi Jion. $70 OR 3-.J70 FASHION FROCKS OH 3-74TW UPRIGHT PIANO OR 2-3UJ0 RAWLEIGH-PRODl'CTS OR 3-4f)34: riTl.t i.-H RRl-NH OR 9.1391. WATK1NS PRODUCTSOR3 M3t rRE.SH"b6u'uH.NUTS OR 3-MS1. babv tnnti is. or j m --- LISTEN! TO TME SESCM twev I SVWPJTV.ETIC FUN&US SUPS 4RE FO? PJL J 34 Misc. For Sale Vacuum Cleaners $5 & $10 Over 50 to choone from All makes and models Mnv rebuilt and guaranteed 1 year b Kirby Co of Roaebuig One nw floor model left, aubatantial reduction. i Parts, paper bag. filiere and aervice. j ail maaca. Vacuum eleanera are oar buainet. not I Juat a aide line. Your cleaning need ar our concern. Open until 9 p.m. during sola For free borne demonstration, call KIRBY CO. Of Roseburg - Used .Furniture , DAVENPORTS ard chair tau. 2t SO GOOD SELECTION of uaed furniture. Easy term. See uaed furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture Exchange Rebuilt Engines For mot all model Independent Motor) RebuiJdera. Jackson It Rice St OR I 1 "" ; EASY Combomatio deluxe waher and drer combination. hg. iSM.tiS. now jut IVIP9 93 and your old washer 1 Terms Kier Crooch Plumbing & Ad- ; pliance. 32S S.E. Stephen. OR 2-334, WHITE rearend transmission. Brownie.) xles. water Dumoi. radiator. 2 Model ! r rord radiators, l industrial radiator for V8 motor. 1 Ford 2 speed rearend UK J-B!HJ7 WANT TO ) increase the value of your rontaci ua for an estimate on ng your kitchen or bathroom home? Con remodel today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap Pliance 328 S.E Stephena. OR 2-3364 ONE SWEDEN air cooled 2-gallon ca pacity soft ice cream machine. One Bastlal-Blessing. B-flavors soda foun tain complete with compressor. Can be seen at Long Rock Market Glide REPOSSESSED Amana freezer.-2V cu fl. upright. Just like new. For balance on contract. Kier Crooch Plumbing Appliance. 328 S E. Stephena. OR 2 3364 USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators. ate Taken in on trades. Come out and .AmSSTmSS.', SEE THE new Venus bath and shower aoor. tseauinui colors jum wkss in stalled. Kier Crouch Plumbing at Ap pliance. 328 S.E. Stephens. OR 2-334. ' WE ALWAYS ft AVE a fine selection of I meat available for your locker or deep 1 freeze at wholesale prices Winston ' Locker. J3S 9-3133 j PORTABLE, fully automatic w asher Ex-j cellent condition. Requires no plumb-j ing. Horn's Appliance. 424 S E. Jack-; son OR 3-3318. FOR the best Job of custom-cutting. , wrapping and quick freezing, bring 1 your meat to Winston Locker. OS 9-5133. ! ASK us abouPth Araiina freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kier Crooch Plumbing Appliance, 528 SE StephensOR 2-3364 TREV A S CERAMICS Free leaanns Lrgm assortment greenware. paints. r or dryer. Horns Appliance. 424 it. I Jackson. UK 3-5518. RENT an automatic washer from Horn'! I Appliance. Kent may apply on pur - S3 month and up OR I 1-5.118. GOOD cedar"" picket s726 to4 ftOnly3c per running ft. Kier Croorh Plumbing 8r Appliance. 528 S E. Stephens. OR 2-3.l64. 13' ROW BOAT and '31 Buick radio, good shape. 121? Cobb da or week end AMERICAN chTT" freezer preconditioned. Prired to aell. Term Kier Crooch Plumbing Jlr Appliance. 328 SE Steph-en-OR 2-3364. TWO piece modern red sectional $1X5, ' MBtchine end tables, coffee table io. 1 nn . . u-o. . . -r. 1. L v.y7, - : Jackson OR 3-3318 rriru M ..y,., itsT.t.i- COUCH and matching chair II" Table , and 3 chairs $10. Route 1. Box 132. Phone OR 2-1208 . - - W1 . , , 23 CU. FT. double door freezer, for balance on contract Horn's Appliance. 1 424 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-5318 PORTLAND .nt.nn. and tele.copmg masti V(.ry good condition. 820. Ph. Z-1 - APT size ranges, good condition MS and uo Horn , Appliance. 424 S E Jackson ORJ-3318 U.tnrtMiv.- - irmmirt, nn- n,.. cr. i.w.nna nR 1-4172 , -."It'" " ' 3 e--m'". - TWO Servel gas refrigerators, good con- , 1 T'tti.T WINSTON Sand and Gravel, '-crushed rock, relect gratel, bar run and top soil OS 9-843. I TOP SOIL from new location Th best 1 you have ever seen, no roots or weeds, RaiphFiher,Winslon.OS 9-8493. - j condition. Horns Appliance, 424 fcfc 1 J.ckson. OR 3-.3318 j APT range? new rod-U p burners Good 1 condition $64 93 Bargain Aoplianre ' . Center. JT11 S E Rose Ph OR 3-332,1. - Genuine neevy river 10a No rorkl. E..y 10 handle for th. ; h., thrall Chat. USED GL'.VS.' boufht' Mid and Ir.dMl. 1 L'mpqu. Gun Stor. By Jimmy ILulo fHEY DOJ'T L'KE FUNGUS BEC4U6E HE W4SM'T ONE 0 TME W4TE?-COOLE K4SHIVOMEN HE OOS'T LIKE A3J4.' L'STENiNG WON THE OFFICE KNGCA'EPS S THEY FEEL FCV? AH EX-WOGKEI? TO.UC-: pre, Z'tX 1 Aral y . I I hHISTLINQXV 34 Misc. For Sale : C. A..,.: ! Services ! CONTACT Col V Munion W buy. aell ' and trade It peja to buy and Mill the auction way Auction every ft'ri day. 7 PM Roseburg Auction ! Ph. OR 3-5026 Notice i I To Candidates i Seeking Office StI L' for campaign printing, car buna- per aigna. etc ; M & M Printers :U t I J.ckion. 35 Wanted Misc. BEST PRICES for Junk of all kind Scrap tron, baitenea. radiators, cop per and bram. Will pick up. 2M W Sherwood OR 1-4.VU WANTED gooduedSchwinn-or"c'o-lumbia bike, medium weight, 28". OR 2-2SU WANTED Used furniture Ton orlcet paid Harry'. 1343 NE Stephen Ph.) OR 2-1411 I WANTED TO BUY - Old China, glass- ware, furniture. Jewelry. PrUcilla'a Antiques 247 S.E. Jackon. OR 2-1421. i w'ANTED TO BUY Good ued furnl- ture ROSLBURG AUCTION OR 3 502S WANTED t'ifd" saxophone OR 3-3871. eves WE BU Y or e 1 1 oldcotna. Letter ' Toy it Hobby Shop. 136 For Trade WK pay HIGHEST cash prices for ud furniture. Rotebure Furniture F.x- chiia 3i: change. 243 SE Jackson OR .1-3 KH. FOR SALE or trade, equity 2-bedroom home for -bedroom house, Call OS 9-3810 C E electric stove - trade for bed a"enoJ". "fL'- or o 1 .... TRADE INed 2xl2 s for bulldoter work. OR 2-2710 T Mnrl-ilHlaPU W JIIUllllllCI T Used Equipment SALE LIQUIDATION The following piece of Coll tractor Equipment are represented "e in good condition. ufm I One 1933 Model TD 24 Interna tional Crawler Tractor w-Uaar. Cable Str Blade Dozer and Front PCU., Canopy, Rock Guards Uned ;i0O0 hra. Tracks, rollers are good $13000 W- "U" dorer 'optional! Add lOoO W-P-2A Rr PC U. ind Drawbar optional . Add low W-Carco Loaaina Winch, eauipped for logging Add 1300 Item: 2 One 1934 Model TD 24 Internation al Crwter Tractor w- Buc rus Frie Cable ANGLE Dozer and Front P. C U.. Canopy. Rock Guards and Drawbar $12000 W-Carro Loiaini winch, eauipped for logging Add 1500 Item: 3. - One Model -s-p" LeTourneau Scrper 18-21 yd Capacity, w 18.00 x 24 Tires 'Rubber appro x 70', i Exc. Cond. 4300 Item: 4 - One Model 312 Adams Motor Grader w- UD 9 Engine 'over hauled 1, Mold board, scaiafier, cab Tandem 13 00 Rear Tires; 9:00 Front Tirea Oper. ating Condition ... I 3000 : item One Model "SOO" LeRol Air Com pressor. Excellent Condition. W Two Inger40ll-Rand Jack Ham mers and steel for hammers $ 3000 Item: 6 One New luaed 23 day since pur chase1 Gardner-Denver Wagon Drill. 4" Drifter, complete w Hoses, aorted it eel. length from 12' to 30', will take 12' Starters. 8 3300 Item: 7 One Model "210" Gardner-Denver Compressor on wheels, old. but In good operating condition 9 900 Item: g i One 1931 Model HD 9 Allis-Chal 1 mers Crawler Tractor - Loader, Complete w- 3 yd Heavv-Dut Bucket. Iogging Fork Attach , Lumber Forks attach , Counter weight, and Canopy 9 8750 Item: One Model HD 10 AMfs-Chalmer Crawler Tractor '194H W-Angle Dorer, Carco Logging Winch, Can opv and equipped for logging 8 4730 item' in One New -- Set Pterce Lumber Rolls. 21'. complete w- Apron and cab guard $ Item: 11 Cv clone Log and Brush Burner on wheel. Complete w- Br if. fru stration Gas Motor. Fan and Pump $ item 12 Lumber Forks Attachment for HD 3 AJlis-Chalmers Tracto-Lnad-er I 100 Item- 13 - and 14 - Two 1951 Model fi20 CMC Dump Trucks; 8-10 d Dump beds, both eouipperf w- 30 GMC Ga Engine Exc. Cond I and one u -Double Heil Hoists, other w- Single Ciar wood Hoist, both have air brakes $ 4300 each Must Sell For furthur information or to see this equipment: Call: OR 3-5671. after 7 p.m. 43 Autos & BILL STOCK TOP VALUE USED CARS No Money Down on Approved Credit i '56 Pontiac S1745 CATAI.INA SEDAN. n Ion llres. I ear guaratife? '55 DeSoto $ 1595 rmr.DoME hardtop clean. Work Car Specials '50 Buick S79 SPECIAL To Dor '49 Dodge FOLK DOOR Fully eq $195 '51 Olds 88 MOTOR overhauled d i a ma t w $375 '53 Plymouth Radio, heater. Hy- F ONOMY rar Motor BILL STOCK USED CARS YOUR DeSOTO PLYMOUTH 1358 S E. Stephen! - 37 Machinery BU 79 YARDER with triple drum Lorain loader on rubber, ard Hh heel boom mounted, completely over hauled, excellent coadjwoo. ready to go to wort. TD IfrU. with blada and drum 1952 DODGE truck, cab and rhaaia. Kith Brownie and bis Chrler engine. Tagalong trailer. 16M FORD tractor with blade, in excel lent shape, double umi 13 FORD tractor with blade and nark hoe, end lent ion for It ft. depib. double irana 1 F-7 Ford truck, i-jard dump bos Eorda S-jard dump 1931 Dodge dump truck. M yard boa 671 Dieael engine on tied, complete with l pulley and bearing, for amall mill. NEW Alha Chelmcra 3 HP mornr and pump, combined ' lla" volt. 3 phase. I64 Doyle's Used I Equipment Center Villcy Road OR I-llSt Wanted Can, loaders, all kinds of machinate for resale Carte Machinery M rile Creek Ph. UN J-3SM nnnnnnn n n n nnnr nnnr,r 38 Logging Equipment j ONE BU 123 Skagit yarder, powered' with 130 Cummins motor, complete SZm!iolS ; mSS -McK.nile 7". ylri.r orl loader, oowered with either 2-Vt Ford! motors or 1- cvlmder Cummina motor. 1 Caterpillar U grader. Other miacel- laneous equipment. OR 3-7770. 1947 FORD number and log truck combination with job. New motor. B3 8UOX33 rubber, 3 speed Brownie. speed Iransmisaion. 3 speed rearend and tag axle- Price $1000 cash. OR . d FOR HIRE - 2 short log trucks trai'ers. iMule train 1 Also contract lot King Good equipment. Ph. OR :t-7iti2 1950 D-4 cat in lop mechanical condi'.ion with angle blade, winch, electne tar' mg and almost new 20" track. 43300. Ph OR 3-48O0 1 rOR ALE - D-8 trartor. 2U series with Johnson bar. Good condition. Phone OR 2-2833 ( i D8 CAT"and 13 yard-Carryall D7 rat : ! with angle doier For rent, by hour or I contract. OR 3-4763 39 Timber & Sawmills Stomor Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang log and alumpage tn large or small tracts. Days Ph. 24U Riddle or Myrtle Creak UN 3-4: IZ8 e van in g s ATTENTION all loggers. 167 acres tim ber in Camas Valley. TD 14 cat. Dia. mond T short logger, both ready to work All rigging, power saws, fire equipment to go with. Must buy cat or truck to get timber. A good deal to right partv Hurrv' Contact R. L. Rlchter Ph OR 3-3204. wa.vieu corawooo. eignt root $16 Lumber Co. WILL BUY logs, itumpage or rough lumber Hub Lumber Company. Box 287 PhonaOR 2-33U3 WANTED - Mn with "Skragg mill tn saw 100.000 2nd growth OS 9-4992 alter a p m. WANTED"- Loggedo'vir and-! and "tim ber land. Write Box 6.(7 News-Review 40 House Trailers American Fleetwood Kit Golden State tS ft to 50 ft I and 10 ft wide Call ua If ou need your trailer moved anywhere Rainbow Trailer Sales Miles north on old highway 1 At Winchester Bridge Open Eve's 8c Sunda OR 3-7372 FOR SALE or trad - 30 1958 National bedroom trailer. New wnuL included $2,000 Take up to $800 worth of furniture. Inquire Winston Barber Shop EXPERTrepairtngtrailer repairing of all kinds Service work on call. Dovie'e Mobile Homes. 491 ti E. Garden Valley Rlvd OR 2-37.36 39- ANGELUS, Ilka new Modern coiumoia. n on rental oiia. niso smaller trailer. Kada Trailer Court. I nu Dr,unwu:ii iianri . imw nrw. nm 8-8HI5 a?,er M FORDlckuV-ellVnreondlt.on. II ... - " , - - -.1 Oakland 3419 sftar 110 shape UH-JTlia 300 27- TRAILER house C J. Knott, Greg, gorv St . Winston 1934-31FTFleetwood trailer, modern. OR 2-1427 0 v .5 If you can t us get rid of It classified ad. with News Review Pnone OR 2-3331. Motorcycles '55 Plymouth $1195 V 9. lndard transmission with or- drive, eharp '55 Dodge Lancer $1495 1 owner 1 ar guarant very clean. 77 M it. . '49 Olds 88 $79 TWO DOOR Good transportation '52 CMC $595 ii ' Hi P RA S , NEW T1HCM. 4 apeed iransriiiion, et clean. $595! verha'iled (thsip -C M C. DIALER OR 3 6391 , Thun. May 1, 1938 Ths Ntws-fttvitw ftettburcj, Ort. 13 . - - 40 Houst Trailers Jusf Arrived PARAMOUNT By Pan American tr Ten wide. 2-bedroom, front kitchen REX t, t and S bedrooma Built in Oregon for Otegon weather LEISUREHOME Tenwide. colorful Interior, eound coo- s true t ion Good aelection of tsed Trailers Trailer Supplies Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. , IH0 K E Stephana OR S-33M TERRV UNIVERSAL KCNSKII.L NASHUA FRONTIER TERRA CRUISER SEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1111 S I or a-uii Rod 8. Reel Trailer Sales Siesta 4 Aljo R.n,.l.. II4S W H.rvrd j ; " ! FT m.tal houM. cul. OR 1-M7K dal lA Ti.L 4 I TUCKS , I 1T WHITE S yard dump truck. S speed! transmission, 3 apeed Brownie, w.wxjo rubber. IJjO cam. OK J-aw.7. 13 CHEVROLET pickup. Very gnd 1 shape. 1103 UN 3-3304 Mrtle Creek i SACRIFICE. 4 wheel drive, if Ford ton pickup. Term. OR 2-4333. 43 Autos & Motorcycles PAL MOTORS- Check These Mid-Week Specials '51 BUCK Coupe. Djnaflow, whUewalla. Good looking HV I I '57 CHEV $2195 210 Station Wagon V8. Sharp. Ovrdne. '54 CHEV Bel Air 4 door. Run smooth as a clock . $895 58 PONTIAC $1995 4 door Station Wagon, H dramatic. Sharp These are on special until Saturday only. PAL MOTORS USED CAR LOT I Across from the Rose llulel ' " MUST SACRIFICE I FOLLOWING CARS 33 PLYMOUTH Belvedere sport couve like new. RaVH automatic transmis- t. One owner. 39.000 actual mile1 S3 ONE OWNER Old Super 88. R at H automatic transmission. '43 FORD VICTORIA, hk new New tires, paint, upholstery, motor etc, A real beauty. Will Consider Trade THESE CARS CAN BE SEEN AT - HARRY'S FURNITURE 1343 N F. STEPHENS PHONE OR 2-1411 1937 BUICK Cabs Hero station wagon, loaded. Sparkling garnet-red. Power ateering, power brakes. Chrome lug gage rark, other extras. Must sell equitv. To Inspect, call Mallette, OS 9-3294. ltS DeSOTO convertible), full equip ment tncludlna Hi-Fi record plavrr. big motor; 1 owner, wonderful enndl- tinn: only 19.000 mile. $3099. OK 3 7:t64 f9.11 PONTIAC sedan R4.H. now aeat cover and tires. Complete motor over I haul. Will accept trad 1269 S. . Main St.. Phone OR 3-4037 . 38 FORD KairTanoT-3W.- 300 H P Sell mv equltv nr will ukt older modal car C.Y 8-32.lT . FOR SALE or trade, my enultT 'M Chav- ml.i Riimvm Tail Sutherlln 4.111 TT af, s FOR SALEor trade '51 Ford 4-door I able. See at 466 Fair. CLEAN '31 Chevrolet 2-door Deluxe. R(H: good ttrea.849S.jDB 3-3333 MOTORCYCLE - New. used Beckwith Cvcle OR 3-8130 1 ' 43 Autos & '56 DODGE $1750 loo Hardtop Like new. Cold and while, MtH, Automatic. Former price. 9199S l ! L I' 1958 EDSEL DEMONSTRATOR Make "Onre In A Lifetime" dell nn the world's newest mnt modern cir. Every conreivshle irceniiory. Hsi been handled with bahy care. Sae up to SAOO. Art now. Parer tudor hardtop with 303 ill. New guaiantre. pQSjy $1495 i Pasacnger waion Immaculate con. , 32 000 milea. R4 H Mdr.matic , 1 957 JACUAR I0 0OO milei One of the lineal Fnreitn rait btiilt. R4H. Ilyriramatie. Sport wheels and ranni tire. Spotless. Thu car cost over (4500 new. Buy it now fur just HI V). I L0CKW00D MOTORS 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS SS DOnCIE 4door Station W.g.n. PPu.h-buttoa driva RAH. SflM M STt'OEBAKER Pow.r ! Auto tr.ntmlMlon J.t with r.d and Ivory Interior . IMS M PONTIAC I dnor H.rdtop. H dr.matle, I 4 H 1S9S i PLYMOUTH VI club ""' 14 DODGE VI ljnrr Hardtop Po.rllt.. RH. J.t Hack with whu.w.ll llr.a 14H '33 FORD VI Station Wgn with OD 14M a nnnr-w . 34 DODGE aedan, Powerflyte. RVH S9S " H'CK ren.ur, H.rdtop. D,n. flow, K&H .., 12M S3 STITDEBAKER V-g Commander sedan. Hvdramatic. RatH. com pletely reconditioned. .. I -59 (HjCK sllDr Dyna- flow RicH Completely rebuilt motor 13 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. Very clean .. 'U PACKARD el ub aedan Automat ic transmission RaVH Sharp 'M OI. DS 88 sedan. Hydramatt. RAH. Special . . '81 HENRY J. Real economy for only . .. 31 DODGE aedan. RatH 'JIFORD VI convertible. dri, R H -31 HUDSON hardtop. Hvdramatic. ft it H 24 M MERCURY aedan. Overdrive .... 148 30 FORD aedan, RatH 148 48 DODGI aedan. R&H, good motor. ... 194 ; '49 PLYMOUTH club coupe la 49 FORD VI club coupe 19S Trucks & Pickups ST DODGE VS ' ton pickup. Dem onstrator. New truck guarantee 1998 ' WILLYS 4-wheel drive Station wagon, extra good coniLtion. - 1598 'SI INTERNATIONAL LI BO abort logger Also ha lumber rolls. Dual drive. Brownie. Good 900 20 tire. Ready to haul. Terms. CHEVROLET l't ton flatbed farm truck. Good motor and Urea. .... 308 47 ITUDEBAKER pickup BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Stephens at Garden Valley Ph. OR 3-3568 Easy Bank Terma Used Cars At Wholesale '31 PONTIAC 4-door. R It H Hjdio ffiitlc. good tirs '31 HUDSON 4-door aedan. R a H, rune good. 1 to choose from -49 STI'DFBAKFR Champion 2 dnor. Lota of cheap transporta tion Better Buy Bargain Lot "At Th Clock" 1183 N E Stephens Call Charlie at OR 2-2ftiS m ft '35 OLDS 3-door hardtop Trade con side red. OR 2-1386 after 3pm "31" JEEP4 wheel drive station wagon. Reasonable. OR2-4flX '39 DODGE coupe7820. OR 9-S3A4 Motorcycles iheWotk...Qt mem '57 CHEV $1695 Frnrtomy plus Slick aa a button. Smooth running 9 Don I watt on ihia on. Guaranteed in writing '54 DeSOTO $795 For dor aedan None r leaner R a Automatic. Power steering. One of our beat fcuya. Decide toda. TUDOR COUPE I'.pn.n. Fnon. OR 11 Ml Oak Ro.. rhn 01 I W o