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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1958)
o o 0 O 0 . Yoncalla Budget Committee Seeks Work Estimates Estimate! on work and mater ials for the coming summer were called for during a preliminary school budget committee meeting at the Yoncalla elementary school recently, according to Mrs. George teles, News-Review correspondent. The budget committee consists of Delbert Dickey, Francis Coggs well Wayne Rice, Don Wood and Clifford Bice. A course in research materials in sciences will be taught by a linivprcitv ft! nraoi ( . I . .. vl u,t.huu laiUlly mem ber to the elementary school staff iuuuw up u me elementary school science evaluation program. The course will last approximate ly ten weeks and will be attended by all elementary school teachers and Knhiif itittnc Reorganization of the elementary school library is nearing comple tion. The reorganized library will include a complete cataloging of all books, installation of a card catalog, installation of mobile cart auu new magazine case. SHOTS AT YONCALLA Pupils at Yoncalla Union High School and the grade school will re ceive free Salk vaccine shots Fri day. The shots will be administer ed by the Douglas County Health Department. V, h t. STARS AND STRIPES from World Wor I, the- cherished prize of the late Jacob Robins of Camos Volley, were do nated to the Douglas Barracks 176, Veterans of World War. I by his widow, Elsie. The veterans organization then donated the volumes of the army newspoper to the Doug las County Library. Shown accepting the file from Mrs. Robins in hehalf of the veterans group is Harry Ropp, commonder of the Douglas Barracks. r ( 100's of 45 RPM RECORDS 3 $1.00 Your Favorite Artists Millers Record Department Downstair Store, OSC Plant Pathologist Assigned To Philippines CORVALLIS I Dr. Frank P. McWhorter, plant pathologist at Oregon State College, has been selected by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza tion for a special one-year assign ment in the Philippine Islands. McWhorter will leave in mid March to work on the new tropical disease, cadang cadang, which is killing millions of coconut trees in the Philippine Islands and Malaya. Little is known about its cause. Because 35 per cent of the total raw products income of the Philip pines is from copra the dried flesh of the coconut the new dis ease poses a serious threat to the economy of that country, McWhor ter said. McWhorter has been at OSC since 1930 and works as a joint employee of the college and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Personalized Service "The Skinners" Bookkeeping -AND Income Tax Service NOTARY PUBLIC 427 S. . Main OR 2-9111 !v.. byAjpointmenr Phan OR 2-1943 Permanent Location S nM Fret Parklnr bf Frearntlitf Pirklnr Tlakrt frm Adair" World Prayer Day Observance SSated Here On Feb. 21 Roseburg will observe the annual World Day of Prayer Feb. 21. The announcement was made at this week's executive board meet ing of the Roseburg Council of United Church Women by Mrs. Al fred S. Tyson, general chairman. The observance will start at -1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. She said people who cannot at tend would be asked to pause in their work for one minute of pray er at that time. Church bells will sound the call to prayer. Each church affiliated j with the council will participate in the program. j The World Day of Prayer came into being in the United States in ' 1K87, the idea of a small group of! Christian women. From that be-j ginning, the annual observance has; grown to recognition by an ex-j pected 25,000 communities this year. j The Roseburg Council sponsors three special days in Roseburg each year. World Day of Prayer is one of these, set aside for pray er and a call to offer for Christian missions at home and abroad. At this week's meeting of the executive board, members also heard a report on the annual meet ing of the United Church Women of the state. It was given by Mrs. B. P. Harmon. She devoted much of the report to the subject of the Oregon Migrant Ministry. AN'UNUSUAL GIFT was presented to the Douglas County Public Library recently in the form of bound volumes of the Stars and Stripes, the U. S. Army newspaper, which ware printed in France between Feb. 8, 1918, and June 13, 1919, during World War 1. The papers were donated upon the request of the late Jacob Robbins of Camos Valley, a WWI veteran and member of the Douglas Bar racks 176, Veterans of World War I. Shown making the presentation to Carol Trimble, county librarian, are Harry Rapp, commonder of Douglas Barracks, and Elsie Robins, Robins' widow. (Photo-Lab) Seaton Claim Democrats Retarded Early Work On Guided Missiles In U. S. Principal-Student Confab Set At OSC Tflurt. Feb. 13, 1958 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 Bewildered Mother Can't Figure Out Why Her Son Hurled Girl To Her Death Principals of 59 Oregon high! schools, including Roseburg, have! been invited to the Oregon State! College campus Friday for inter- views with former students on the subject of high school and college course offerings and counseling : NEW YORK i "How do you careworn worting mother of nine, programs. know that something has gone ' wonderingly asked newsmen Wed- Sharon Minion and Diane My- wrong really wrong with a nesday if they could explain why ers. 1857 graduates of Koseburg boy; i her son Mixe did such a thing last Tuesday. "What is the sign'" she asked as she sat in the living room with High and now freshmen at OSC. So wrong in fact that he hires are in charge of arranging the) 7-year-old girl to a rooftop with campus interviews for Rosebugh a promise of 10 cents and a lolli- Mwh. pap. Then flings her 13 stories to her husband, George. "Tell me. The principal-student interviews i death, and says he doesn't know don't know." were started six years ago by OSC why he did it. as part of an evaluation of its j The question comes from the be counselmg and orientation pro-1 wildered and grief-stricken mother gram for new students. Under the of Krancis Michael Medaille, 15. program, principals have iadivid- who has confessed the slaying of uai interviews wnn ineir graauaies i pretty Mile Athleen Ufgmann who who are now attending OSC on the i lived in the same apartment strong and weak points in high school offerings and OSC's new student orientation and counseling work. house. Mrs. Margaret Medailie, 38, Conservatives Suffer Defeaf LONDON A shattering de feat in an election to fill a House of Commons vacancy cast gloom today over supporters of Britain's Conservative government. The waning popularity of the! Conservative rulers headed by Prime Minister Macmillan was pointed up dramatically in the north England textile city of Roch dale. PORTLAND ii Secretary of the defense budget submitted by1 The Conservatives ran a poor Interior Seaton suggested Wednes- i President Eisenhower, much of third to both the opposition Labor day night that Democrats retarded i which would have gone for mis- party and the normally weak Lib this nation's early work in guided siles," Seaton said. , erals. missiles and earth satellites. I He added: "They then criticize I Final returns gave Laborite Jack Seaton told two Republican Lin-j the President because the pro- McCann 22,133 votes. Liberal Lu coln Day dinners here that mis- j gram is not further along The dif-' dovic Kennedy 17.S03 and Conser sile expert Wernher Von Braun ference must be that 1H57 was not ' vative John Parkinson 9.827. was asked how to account for Rus- i an election year, but 1958 is." j Conservative leaders had been sia's ability to outstrip the United; Seaton spoke first to 400 party i reconciled in advance to loss of States in reaching into space. j workers at a $3-a-plale fund rais-jthe election, but the magnitude of "He said the answer lay in the ling dinner here. Then he spoke, the defeat came as a surprise. In fact that we had no ballistic mis-(again to 300 persons who paid' a straight Conservative-Labor fight sile proqram worth mentioning be-j SlOO a plate at another GOP fund- in 1955, the Conservative candi tween 1945 and 1951," Seaton said. : raising dinner. date who died recently beat The Democratic administration i Earlier at a press conference he McCann 26.518 - 24.928. of Harry Truman budgeted no said, as he has said before, that ! funds for missile development in j more electric capacity has been the fiscal year 1950, Seaton said, j installed in the Columbia River "In 1951 1953 the total budgeted) Basin in the las! 4'i years than for missiles was 3" million dol- lin the previous 20. He said this lars," Seaton said. j was ln nswvr. tu some claims After the Eisenhower adminis- a "ra " s aone isu. 111115 tu UCtClup SllUltZ ajVJWfl . Church Activities DILLARD CHURCH BANQUET A Valentine banquet and party with the theme, "An Evening In Paris," will be held in the social hall of the Dillard - Winston Meth odist Church Friday evening. The affair is for all adults, and will begin at 7 p.m. Bitl Carr will be chef; Allan McLennan, head waiter, and Donald Simpson, mas ter of ceremonies. Llvtd Nut Doer Only a flight of stairs in the Bronx apartment house separated use isirmies el issue ana Kathleen and their separate griefs. Neither family visited the other. But Mrs. Mcdaiile's thoufihta were on Kathleen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hegmann, as well' as on her Mike. "I would like te bete na the funeral expenses. I could borrow the money," said Mrs. Medaille. "They have eight children and only the husband works. They're poor . . . poor, we re only medium poor. Mrs. Rita Hegmann said later that she and her husband would turn down (Jieir neighbor's offer. The father had just come home from court where Mike was held on a homicide charge. Medaille had stood at his son's side as Magistrate J. Randall Creel or dered the boy sent to Bellevue Hospital for observation. He had heard the Judge warn; "If it is determined that the boy . . , knew the nature of the crime, he will bars is the electric chair." tration took office, Seaton said, 14 million dollars was allotted for missile research in 1954. "In fiscal 1958 alone this ad ministration is spending $1,349,000 000 on missiles," Seaton said. ' "In the first session of the pres ent Congress." Seaton said, "the Democrats, who had always been MELROSE PTA Melrose PTA will meet Monday night at 8 at the school for a founders day program. All past members and parents from the big spenders suddenly became the ; Elgarose, Callahan, Cleveland and economy party. I Melrose districts are invited. Eor "They cut $2,600,000,000 from information call OR 3-4600. ' 1955 CHEVROLET 210 4-Door Sedan Thit is i "" eyitrttr itk 0irritt rrtit, ttitir. wmtt wilt tint, tat- tM !. Itit Hi IIM. FtV Btft III iltlfl try tail H. Sl tfiti Fitfetr Sale Price $1195 Si Dillard Motor Co. I I ,1'IMTHEj JpMflsliaf j Ir-JL J a! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr IT HAS NO LIQUOR TASTE Smooth, flawless Smirnoff lets you tail th othtr Ingrcdianls In your drink . . . brings out flavors you Mver knew were there! &mirnoff Hit grMtsd sums in DKA H I mi Nit. giitillil Ins trin. lie. him SbiiiiII fit (On. il liibliii), httliii, Cm. Your New, Complete PURINA Farm Store Your New Dealer For PURINA CHOWS Cordially Invites You To Jl n USE FRIDAY. Feb. 14 Tell Your Neighbors... And Bring 'Em Along! W sincerely hop. you'll take (hit opportunity to inspect our new store and plant. Bring your feed ing problems and we'll discuss them. No obli gation of course. SATURDAY. Feb 15 While They Last... 1 0 BABY CHICKS 1 To all families bringing containers DOOR PRIZE REFRESHMENTS a 7 5 YOUR NEW DEALER FOR De Laval Farm Equipment- Also miscellaneous equipment for poultry, dairy cartl. and hogs. Iveirson s Feed . Store Business Routec99 South at Site f Iverson Sawwiiil Phone ORchard 2.1481 c ANEW Authorized 3e Laval Dealer wrson's Feed Business Route 99 South at Site of Iverson's Sawmill Stoire Your new D Laval dealer has the profit-making, labor-saving De Laval equipment that the modern dairy operation requires. Further, he is equipped and trained to render prompt, expert service . . . whenever you may need it. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF WESTERN DAIRY PRODUCTS Filters, Soaps, Cleansers, etc. thot the modern dairy operation needs to keep equipment spotlessly clean and sanitary. to help you KEEP THE PROFIT in dairy farming..;. Iverson s Feed Store Business Route 9f South0-- Phone ORchard 2-1481 0 3 E is) 9 9 0