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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1958)
O O O o O o J Tlit Ne$Heiew. Hamburg, Ore, Maw. Jan. 27, 1958 Red Cross No Host Dinner Slated Wednesday Night .w t .- ao'red k Ve-:tr;es:av a-rt at i . bv the D-i-as tour.:v Chapter of'tre Amercaa Red cross, according so Oca Cur tis Beecner. director the local erapter Trie dinner wil feature harwd Berensoo. manager of tne P jrt.a-1 Muitnoniaa Count Krd crjss Chapter, as master of cerernur-es. ano Ma-iei Ta.Oott, executive as sistant director of tre office or flirecTor ct i. e v.- our. ran Red Cross ii.s. Tn bot will be tre g'-et ef honor M:ss Taibott wui be in Dou' las Countv for three da. Jaa. 21 coniernnz witn local chapter official, in eJcnectiofl w.ta Red Cross acuities. R-tservatMna Needed Reservations for the i inner a-e being taken at C'R a-IT-i and it is ocea to me p'i'HX. Bcrr.soo was formerly a wa ter safety instructor ar.d aa em p.ovee of the Red Cross, and served as a beutr-ar.t com mander la the Na y is World War II Miss Ta.bott Red Cross eiper iences cover a wjje area and both domestic and war scenes. Prior to taking her present post in 154. she sersed at director of sen ices la several veterans hospitals. Sb ta a cause of boteman Moot., attended Montana SMI Missionaries To Speak At Green Church Rally Missionaries who have served in Africa and South America will be on hand to present taiatj. ctor and curios during the an nual -World Jlisssor.j Raiiy" be gmn.r.g next week at Green Com munity Churcn. Meetings wiil be held at 7 30 each night from Keb J tnroujn teb . escept Saturday. Keb . The Res Laurence Pine, pastor, said the miasionaries who will par ticipate in the meetings ail are members of the Missionary Church Asa.. of which the Oreen church is a member congreaation. The missionaries are the R-v. and Mrs D C. Rupp Sr . who re centiy returned from Africa and the Re. Paul trdeil. who did mis- nonary work in .Ecuador, South ti.. c d... ...a ik. ,k, i. ....... I. ..A ,y. m i,nr. Communiry Chairmen Appoinred For Polio Community chairmen hae been anpointed by Brian Oraves, Doug las County polio coairmen By communities, they are: Mrs Blake Hard;. Carnonvil'.e: Mrs. Lee Camall. Dram: Mrs For-e-t Losee. Glide; Mrs. Carl Ford, (.lendale: Mrs Jean KadcU.'fe. Iii.-.ooille; Mrs. Richard Snv- der ,Day, Cree. Mil.. T iler and Drew; Mrs. Jest Lee. Oacland: the Rev Cnl Dorsett. Myrtle Creek: A. Karcher. Reeosporl: Herb aai. Sutherlin: Mrs Dewey I r.amblen. Tenmile: Mrs Lo t i 4 04n Janes. Toietee: Mr. Kenneth Ballroom for the benefit of the oi paro.e vioiauon trom mat state. vJ " " ' "V Vr., triple trio de-ocstratwes Pia -cl- taesmen t UBSI DrOiner rHSSUj Manning. I mpqua: Ch.He, Ka.h. on,, oo Muscvuar Dystropny Afr Morn, ., arrest o. been setur f "PJ . anioatced that the Can- eve'aAn" the lVefeVr " VSinstoo - D.liard, and Mr.. H E Serving -,11 commence at S p m. th. vagrancy count, a deputy Clair. S. "." band, weather SrirT iX, raH to cover KANSAS CITY - KTx B them ink. Riddle. and jl continue until I 30 p m. iff evntacted Idaa. ahormes wno tvoed. was recj- injured a - the Moster't S c Eueanower. Tl. eldest brother of The county polio office ha. been Tickets are priced at II 30 for sa-d they would come for h.ra la a with anotrer boy whi.e f,nng one p. cjust i " D s, f,re.n President Eisenhower, died of a established at Crave. Music and adult, and Ti cent. I. children few day, of the r homem.c. cesses r-nitJT,l?l& teart attack at hit home last and may be purchased at the dr A t Science Course For All rZyZi'Se tnP.t t,e ni.nt. He had had ver, seiz- I . . 1 k??r.S.L Students CriHcixed VrT "a I S N. .Teofaer . -here tr.e chance, of any o..beu.g -..,., p..-.,. member- of u-.e pact organization, at-- MJroom wniie -ami n.s f1' sure paid me A to make the I ANIT0NE "SUIT-SUIT" 1 , ... , Htri'i proof you con set that SANITONt makes your ciotfiti givt mort Iikt-new servict. ou hsrard ho snuont !t Itmin ir j.r, v!. iht O mikh t'lrjftr oti ( Jn Srt: Ihe? tliHrrrnr. N oti in PKOM: n SnJ irif ynu t nv uii t v. j -J ii B'-Jtvhin; nMt to Jiv vthet drv cifinrr. li th pj i: Jn t tiip nd f il tht hi srt hiiv fftv p:in pi-d u (or tiJmn p-inl. i 4. 1 11 for wri,r IOIV . - . hat van tni Usf? FAST SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CRARU n your request Always rt-INTT or rm AtKINft 1019 S. I. DOUGLAS STREET Otchard J Ml?.o sears. earned a bacre-or of . from Lie lmverity at Wasrxg- too and coatpieted graduate wort at the University of Ca-iiora-a. Was SchMl Teacher from there see became a ksooJ teacser and auo taugnt at Eastern Normal 1'ol.ege. hic-i. b-ir-ng Vorid War ii. she was a senior recreation worker in the nop.ui service in ise turopeaa ..,rsM u,. Medal J Freedom bv tne L". S NInta Arms', commanding general. la the Cass of the Korean roo- C.ct. Hm Taloott sersed in set- eraxis hospitals in tne Pacific Area. she was director of services .-. has sersed on many doxest.c d:a;er assunmenu. as rell. irciudmz the Yuba City. ti ll , Cood disaster in December 1S45 She presently lues m San Fran cisco, and er.)s musx as her principal boons. Phone Improvement Expenses $250,000 Pacif;e Telephone and Tel;raph Co. pent S2SQ.000 tn Rv6ur lor expaniioo ind improvement of ervic during 137. Thai amount, accordant to Man ager D. t-. La::erty. bnr.z to To meet the ua'arwide demand for more and better types of terv- ice. Laiferty adled. tne com- par.y speni ii million uour. in construction amounting to 21 mil- nn dollart throughout the stale in ai.i " 19ia RunJwly Yoncalll Cirl ' IS LOClred At DjtlCt A 16-trar-old Yoncaila Birl who ran awav from her parents in Rose- ,buri Sundav was taken into eus- toy mat nunt at a aance , The parents had notified state tv.Ji. ihsi their daushter. who thev said had run away other timet, muht (o to the dance khe was located bv a reserve deputy meriff who held her for state po lice The girl was placed in a f.ter home at the request of Juvenile Officer Julian Helleck. u. e "igh School Seniors To Sponsor Dinner TT.t senior c'ass of Rjseburg Hiih Sc!wxl ij stae a sist steak dinner tonight a', the Elt Normal Coileie for more than SI. ,CM) Uie total spent Art Laaika. Roseburg account- is as ininrc oi " - " Z.7 oeen iniormec oy (.ninese aum- ? .- on construction pro.U her, in lnr Roseburg teen-ager. .1- ant was named treasurer of u science know.edze was been appointed oy tne new press- Baker wa. k.Ued Saturday when the past four years. Iegedl mvoived in the tnwaned Repaoacao Centra. Committee ed by Dr E o. Eooieiaautto. pro- da ;. EnU Ramnerg One c-aj-- Wllilim Downey, who accom- Uie car hit wife wat drivmg col- lacluded ,n 157 promts valued u4ft of a womant biWold Sara?- Way daring . meeting at GOP fessor of pnysic. at tne Lmver,ity m s-a.i to be naed pin;ed mMier u SX'L ,Zl r,hf a; more than SietWO each were C1T igat were released to th-ir heaoquaners in Roseburg. of Oregon, wne he spoe at tee T..e camen a.e Chinese authontiet bad intormed Highway eisht miles north of completion of an addition to the p.rents by if7 "EL, replace, Uo Yusi. Juar; meet.g of tne Roseburg R-u a Cary. hit brother of the possibility of Coos Bay. His wife Dora La. central office buildm. intUUation being placed under arrest who recently moved from the coon- Woman fCluo ' !.?.'.. j-'v. 'tni tfSS 'BaKer. 30. suffered tutt, bruuet of local and long dutance cr-.tral Two of ihV bosTl5 and 13 were ty Because of the nature of the convenes. Johj Heck meoer-. ,.He g tp lai ,nd , broken arm. The other offic. equipment, and irnaiiauon vt ttll larceny from a per- The comm.ttee alto made some meeting, several science leacners n.p ' torj: Pa J Oeddes. na- despondent." he taid. anver escaped '"Jury- of five switchboard positions too. wfcJe the t-ird. 13 veart of precmel committee appointments, and pupJ were invited L, 14; CtT'i - : 7, , . i "ny. hot- Sn other pro.cts resulted in ... booked on a eharee of Precinct workers for new pre- It was arjunced mat tee nest Luoxa. c.vic aaj-s. urj piui Mrly Monday from injuries placement of more telephone ca- ,!ort u Urce" c,u mclude Don Sanders. Haw- meeting wouid be held Feb 4 The "er water resources: Joe - . j, I f I uftered m a Jan. 20 headoa coi- hie m the Roebure eichinne area 'CI?Z. JJ?s!?.; a. '.tt-v Sr Deer Roseburz Junior Woman s Club Boatwr.ght. twjntt promouon: Du- I TOin HUHS I W0 OiriS hil0 aUo ciairned Wt m wi . . , j l (rroj) Juvenile Officials Form Organization At Newport Meet A permanent orgaouat.oa to hold a .mull cocfereaces Q juveme ' E"fn was formed at a two-day sessaoa at Newport. Circuit Judge Charlea S Wood-, rich and Juvenile Director Juliea Heiiecat atteaded tee conference i Fnciay and Saturday is the Lib-, tola County (vunbouM. Th meet- ; court arid directors, attracted about : of:V. eiais. . ! ' day by Gov. Kooert Holmes and eaperu trom various juvenile iw during the session When up organized into permanent body to Bold cocfer-; ences ior ir.e ticai.nt oi 00 nanciina oi pm County J jdge R E Renne of Mc- '?"". - """" (itrsiueus. Judze Woodnch atleoded juven ile uio3iRntee mttungt oi the; urejoo Judicial Council w h i e h ' were ealied at the uaie c-f ine corJereace The ub-crmrnittee ma:e a detailed ttudy of tne txutiai draft oi the jueru court law re-, (vision. Thu revision is beirf pre ' pared by the legislative inter: m i coramt:ee on judicial adminislra-, tiOO. i Jeytffrer Kauard. execuu e-; retary of the ctmm;.tee. presented the firt draft of tne new law to th tub-committee Attempted Wallet Theft Lands Trio In Trouble in tit " hon ih iw. kn,w u,,. , crlm. tnmt to (, commuted even though he was no, prejcnt. oe of tne boys has sizned a statement admitting the affair and claiming it had been dis- cussed by the tno before commit- .... ted notice said Police say the theft occurred at ('e Rolletta skatirg rink 2253 NE Diamond Lake Blvd The oldest boy is supposed to have reached over a railing and taken a billfold from Mrs Lira Roberts p-jre. Mrs. Roberts. Kl SE S;armer St said her son saw the billfold taken ?ar una the boy police that she hal'ed ho denied using her wa: et which contained aoout SW Persistent quesuonirg hroujht forh aa admissioo. Mrs Roberts said The boys were released but are la:ed f"r appearances at Ue ni- venue office Vagrancy Charges Hold Three Men Arrested Sunday oa a charge of vagrancy. Arcnie J. Morns. 26. Ca-nas alley, now faces a cnarze of bexg a fugitive from Idaho and it. dfputr cla;m Morris r- cenuy rfturned to the art from Idaho upon r?lea from pnvn oa paroie and is ao:ed la that state as a parole ioiator Also booked at tre ja 1 Sunday by deputies on varaocy charges ere two other men. Jaxe E. Robersoo. is. NE Malheur Ave , and O RceU. 36, Bc 3:8. R;diie Rooeroo i aliened to have re fwhed la ttar out of th hvar at Lmdy 1 a.-td rs arreted by a re- er dep-ty on duty hall. Detaa of R at the dance ell j arret nr itj tuvt m usr tun ui a .. -.w- .u . w office today Boost Ured In Funds For Forest Highways ( Continued from Paje i change in the bai vt apportion ment of forest h.,jhay tusc!s to state fror Z$ years, he added, $0 per cent 0 aoch funtls were appoc L'X5M oa the baj oi tne aLie oi Lie r.a:.ocai forest in each state and 3) per cent 00 the bams of the area Fouowir.i a reappraa? 0.' f.r et sa.ue. the I-panmer.ts oi ad L.r.xerte i-H t-e jrxrtioiTf-.t f-?rrsu.a to TJ p-r ceil e ni to ra'. ral fret area aai ii per cent to a.-e I rier tie re y stat- C-'.S lii ft-1-". ay ir9 is tne nt f.vai year, Mt- caJ a.d He saxj r.s b..i id i-ta-aate iia'.e at ieat the same a T.'H-nt of lore t b k 1 a y m .fir Uy are rfce:ur( durir. th.s f:s ca; yar i-j-et-s ha ap prove-1 a cew ba.s ft. the Mfpjt Uor.e-t Carl's Watch Repair Service '..ii0s Cv D ' tut ALIZiss in CUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR HOTMlNfi TO SILl jT iini siivici. 1111 c.TjTai . tt.Q s m 4 aM'M -'0 433 So E. Main Q (SSaiS iw Sw C ) UWWWV liwi 1 01 1214 ( s-i. iuiuii num mug ! - -, ",r-- --- ., Irn, .wi the h;2h sch.iol :, -.-..-. (,--.- !! .. n .1 . n JAYCEE AWARD WINNERS e-e sieCTe3 by rre Roseourg trvemoer or UJmnvercs Scfurbay mgHf for gocxi worvvs perfiyrred far te club during 1957. Le'f to nj-f, Dick Frey is eected oursrindirvg project cHairmcn, G;nn McCreccy cs outso-vdxg trst-vear men and B.ll OS ".ev" men. (Pcul Jek.ns) Art Lamka Named Physicist Speaks Chamber Of Commerce t rnnr ! To Woman's Club Committee Heads Sets To GOP Committee , rv,,tB r. Art Laxska. Fairhaven Ikiaiev ttaltoo. Ejenwer West No. 3 Louue Pertjis. EJenbower r,.t vrt i- Bt Vvr Herman: ..a i'.,,- j s; u-'i-seriv r.rove vt-.. ii Vn,,-ff lnnnunrnl that the Women s Rezional Coo- ference of the Republican Party still be heid in Roseourg early m April. The se.ioo w id be a two or three day affair w,;n GOP wom en from throughout the state par lic:pating. Announcement al?o was made of the upcoming Lincoin Day dinner, to he heid in Portland. Ernest Seaioo. secreury of tne interior, wn l be fea:Lrea speaker various enanies in bv-laws were discussed ar.d the ditcussioo was continued until the net committee meeung V..aL' HCerila Tartr Restricted By Police A missile - aisnded Roseburg south received a police warning Saturday to restrict nit activities to isolated areas to reuuee tne dan ger from his eipiosives Roseburg police report that they received a compiajit that Oary l?ienfd. ; 4-H Cooking Session J..U J I. Scheduled In Roseburg A cui.'.'-ie kitciea tramir.; meet:r4 for 4-H food leaders w.j be heid Tueoay from 10 a a. U 3 p -ti in uie county e:er.:co of fice conierence k;tchen in tr.e court hoe ir Ru'h KI;pptieo. ntnt:on t from ureica xa'.e 1.1 ;J f;ve a dexontratoo on fooj dexortrat.on tecrnjue in u.r n-.ui r.ic t In tne afteroooc, Jaae r . - . .4, . teach frod rudXC F.Hiow.r;; t.i.? 'he iea :ers w:ii receive trac ing n bread mak North UmpquJ Traffic Stalled By Rock Slide A r'x-K s!:de on the North Vmp-q-a H at.-w.ay ax.t 13 mUes at ol Crs.vit- cear lry ireeit cv;t otf trafi.e f:r several hours early ua oav Twe s.:ce reporred'.y a elea.-ed up h a I : Bhirea ;j of Pubtte hoa 1 cre Sae p5i.ce reckon ed ore ay traii.c as restored by t, v-.e carr:r.t i-Vv o he.? ciT tr.e s.;ce r ;xr. ed .y cer-.rri en route to the soeae. T'sre ?re in.njties s.j.lvj: -it- ij rvic rv-inn vine inausrry Talk Set At Sutherlin The rierce M tn .;vr .ri t haT.trr v'oti- ui ,var OfEai4 ol t.e Mc- t p. a 3 Keo 4 ' r's-va. s-creiarv of uhe Mjr.iuf cna.Ttfxr. m:.l speas M :o t.e '-"f:i.a ir'X.a oo how the M.-M j.r.s,.,e paurrn ior atlrac'.jii srra.i L-v:-;rv was estaousec T m-..-j wul t ta Uie Lon mr..;v a; I p m I ;t -iV, I r si st : i-m i : 1. M ' v GCCD SHEBAO ..'l a. ;; ( : ;w x: L?lLA9YE L.SD ti iri .. v 0 Cat-der-3 nun wouia oe A- . - - " " ai IsJ . m la as aw aiiss will be in cr.arse. Announcements were maoe of other future events oi mteresi 10 tne women, mey are reo. ;i. -i- nual card pany: April 23. District 2 convention at Coos Bay; Jan Zi January meeung oi me -t'- department at the eluoaou wr.n a 1.30 dessert. It wat aiso an- nouncea mai u meuirn urn. tu- tered tne Voiue conte-i. Mrs H Jaroes JeciJis s a a g several nurr.oers. accompanied by Mrs. am Warg. Canyonville Principal Reports On Legislation By VIRIGNIA PROCTOR Jona Haans)a. Canyonvuie hiii schxil vice-principal, lectured on the new legit la ttoo for school budgets and eip.ained tax per- centases at the iast meeting of the Canvoculie PTA Besides routine bu:ness. the or aaaatin ma3e preurainary pi for a PTA-Pep Band becefit to be hed tne Da.-i;e.oaij season Dunne the program hour. Gene SouthweJ. Canyonvu.e music in- structor. preserved h.s Timor ma- Vir. a generous do. oi hj.T.or. the scieQUst took a tooiue-ui-er.eei swipe ai t.-.e federal government, tev'untv pro2ra: He terir.ed FBI seeunty meas ures re;aro;r.; p..cisis: -tupia" ar.d "dowar-.i.-.t suiy." Mace ' tiiS secrecy business ' has resulted in the Kusians tmt "obviousiy anead" 1a some p.iases of scier.ufie ceve.oprrea a;d E.iirasoa. c:sts suca a. s-oid aUowed t. wor oa some of tfe (jvernir.ent'. rjper-farccd labor atories. Sircvemveoes. Net Presrwd he sa.d not a ;n$!e rase of proven s-bvertertess has resuit ed from a-y of t.'ie r'Bl isvesuja- Uofls of priSlCLs;.s ' fcliicsson sa:d ureoa would reap rewards -iranv. many prczram to attract scientif.c equipmen! s;.ch as Tek tror..v. inc.. tn Portland "We wovildn t have to worry about .uch L-.mzs as freu.-t rates in afracuru sica nviustries " add ed treason he said te cost of saipp.24 s-ch a maehir.e as an osci.icscope w -xj.d be "ooiy err srra.i Irar;.)n of i.s value Te trick .-ere sa.d the educator, is to attract scie.nus's ir.teres'e in estabiis.-ini or worsurz in suc.n pri vate Tecnica! e-v-P-rr.en! mst be maie were tre b-ax :o develop tflemt are.' c aimed Ejicss.-in I U.S. Artitviee CKarvwes He said he has not. red a "-no-t Iamaxinz ' cnanse m ire atiivaoe of Americans toward the Rrsians tre launching of the first ar tificial satellite a carie from an ! atsituae of for Russia s 1 scienrsLs to one of near panic at A.nenca . scient.fic losses But. re a tced, the fact L-at I S ; irr,tis'.s ".ave wo. rrarv more ! Nocsei rr.tes tnaa the Ksians since s"vo-.d ' keep us frm igettirt too depresscj "1 thjik bow we stand on inter continental baiistjc ms.:es 15 enorrr.ouSiv- more irr.por.anl, thaa bow we stand 00 sa-e.l:tes. ar.y was." commented E..icksoa. SViot In Back By 6B Cun Reported To Police 0 Apparentl more anered thsn in-uren w,ui;a:n T Nwtnots. NE Fultoa it . repor.ed being sr-x an tk baca Saturday He lod police that sotte Ss s with a BB s o had 'ft- b.m and the te ft had gone through his cwat Ponce x;aht .a vain ior t-e ipamsmen but dd warn seve b.s- 1a the ne.gnbor (k1 axwi trie S w baanmg ws. e Larferty. membership saies; Rod Xevtie retail trace: Rav E Doemer. azneurture: Chuck Greil. publicity and adver- using: Bill Borcher. recreauon and spo.-u: J. V. Long bylaws revu- A chairman will be named to the transportation committee. U. S. Help Assurance Civen Bj;hdid Nations (Conunued from Page li badly darr.ased a private Puoncat:on Eo -k Store neir the I S Iniorxation Service. .No one was injured. U.S. Obsemtrt Present Prexier Acnan Me.Tceres of Turkey formally opened the coo- ference in the ciosely guarded Parliament building. Tip leaden 0f the five pact members Brit- ain. Tursev. Iraa. Iran and Pi-ns- tin were preent. Tne L a 1 1 e d States. associate member of Lie aoiance aiso has delegates attending as ooscrvers. Menoeres had been up f r most of tne mzht persocaay directing tc bunt for the ar.ti-Arr.encan bomb inrowers and- tne trooo and Cammwnist. Blamaw by r.ia w-Je Louise a few minutes The bom Dings apparently were(la'er. timi as a aemooirauoa azamsti Besides his wife and the pres- the openicr of the conference. Theiident. Arthur is survived by three Baridad Pact is a iraor unet M tr.e Communist and Middle LaU oeutraii:s The oomoir. generally were blaned on Tur.ey 1 li-eial Corn nun. t movement The c-jt. rrj'a interest binding the sit cocirrrtrj nations tciether, ciear. t was trj.j' resosve to re - s:st tr.e tireau ard thrusts of So- cociaiur-isra. Ta.s res.le was evicted to overshadow internal strajK aad stresse to be tack.ed. although not aecessanly settled, o-r.r.g the closed sessiocs. Tic-e praTi me.ude 1 Iranian discontent with the, axount of military and economic prov.dd br the I ni'.ed States a sub.ect Dulles diseuss ed cer tr-e weetd in taiks in Tehran w.ih Shah Mohammed F.e.-a Pahevi attd other govern ri: lea.iers. 2 Iraoi aernaiMj Kr Bagh-iad Part s-pport fir the Arab demand that Israel be pusned back to the '-ort.ers recommended br tae v i4T Ervpt-Svria Merger Into 1 State Imminent CA1P.0 ." The merger of Egypt and Syra into a si-; state .s reported imminent P"e news paper Al Ahrarn sa d Presade.-.l 1 Nasser and Syrian Presidert Suk hn Kuaat.y would unwsce tne urion tday Too Egyptian and Syrian Vead ers proc.airr.ed the aivan;a:es of ' tr.e prooosed federa'ion. and t:e Cairo press gave K UP piay Trie public empnasts 00 tne piaa ap parently was timed to lace tne erne otf the ooemr.g sf the Bastti dad Pact conference today in An kara. Turkey Al Ahram a.J la.-o wov.1 be From County Pickup the capital, the federation name would be the I ar.ed Arab State " Sj-viay. Durward 'Owens of the aid there would be one govern- Doulj," Coiinty road, department men!, one paruaaient and a a e reported to state ponce that a new arn-v rttaia saw equipped with a brush B-xh Sir. a and Egpt haie re- cutting attachment was stolen Sat cenea lare amo;ntj of Soviet urTav night from a cotintv-owned ectxvom.c and military ad Their pickup truck parked at an em armies already are linked under a pjoee bous Owens said the joint military command headed by ,lw mit marked with painted an Egyptian aad their foreiga poi- number , ivies generally coincide a STO.M S M lV V TOLL TOKYO ." A toul of Z3 per sons including !" on an inter- isiand ferry boat, todav were he- Beulah Withers of Glide ha been !iese-f -ji-vst m a windstorm that appointed a member of the IKmg lahr the souta and east roast.) County Library aid fossa of Japan f sir-year term Her tfrm evpires SeveW) fs; we-e miss-.rg rfe- Jin 1. She traces James tprte aa w ens: a.r and sea B-vvtrgtoa. whoso te'rn a. ts,- rh. B9 9 ptred. Hint Of Clemency Cheers Mothers Of PrisoneifcTrio HONG KONG Three Amer ican mocaen have retL'ned from a Tint to their sons imprisoned m Red China, weary but cheered by Chinese hints .-at the three men may jet ciemency in wmen were uail)- iruj la discuss the possibilities of their tons' release, but they re- teamed a Chinese assurance maae just before mey left that good tie- savior mijht bring future lenien- cy. The tare heid a news con- ference Sunday at Hocg Kong s Canton Hotel after their arrival from Canton Hope springs eternal always." said Mrs. Ruth Redmond of lYociert. X. V, whose too Hugh. ' 38. is serving- a Ufe sentence in . Shanghai. i Asked srhether the thought Bed Chinese Premier Chou La - lai would pardon her too. Mrs. Red- mooo taia. i aoa i mms so. M.-t. Mary Downey, of Xew Britain. Conn., whose ton John. T.. it serving a hie term in Peip ing. said the never discussed the suD.ect of her too t release with Chinese officials during her three- weea ttay. "1 am extremely grateful rb the Chinese Red Cross." she added. "1 saw my too trfree timet a week for two hours each time and I dmed with him at our last meet ina ' Mrs. Jessie Fecleau of Lynn. Mass.. whose son Richard. 30. it serving a 3-year term in Peip ing. said the soot were happy but "not luronsed to see us. They had To Death From Trestle Two BLUFF CITY'. Tenn. i (nghned little giris were brush- w t.tir d.a!ha from a railroad trestie Salurrtav WiUiesses sav had could have' lived if she abandoned the other It wasn i mat 13-year-old Pam ela Harmon didn't want to live. Twice her fr-.ght tent her scam pering toward a water barrel where she could have pulled ber seif oat of reach of danger. Bat sne turned aga-n lo- ard tr.e oncoain' train wnen er friend Dorothea Miller. 11. screamed. Dorotheas foot was caj2..t m the trestle. Tne second time Pamela put her arms a.-o-jnd Dorothea and the two faced the unstoppable train to- ge'her They fell into the icy waters of the Hoistoo River T5 feet below. Pameia s brother David. 10. and two other children watched the drama. i:ey touno: tne treS' tie loo hazardous a way to crost tne mer to a tnena t nouse. President Eisenhower's other brothers: an adopted daugh- ter. Mrs. Ber.on Ioueohe. Last Hampton. Long Island. S Y wife of a maeaxme writer: and a grand son. Arthur Bradford Roueche. East Hampton The other brothers are Edgar lacorr.a. wasn : .vi.non. preswen. joi jonns nopsiir.s iiuversitv. ana Far! a publisher at La Grange, - Li Another brother. Roy. died at Junction City. Kaa . in H2. State Highway Board To Ask Funds Increase 1 Continued from Page 1 ) route. I. S which would hook up with Kiihway 30 would hae or. y 3 Oregon. The Wasamjton State Highwav Commissaoa approved the route last tr: Approval oi tne ure goa commissKo is necessary if tne route is to be built Williams said he thinks the rosre was proposed Dv tne I'e- eat of Ueten e to connecl Putet Sound bases with tenor bases 1 B-i.ld.Eg of the road has been protested by Vmatilla Counts. Since a new bncce would be bjiit acroas the Columbia River west ef the present county-owned I ma:3.a bridge the tounty feels its bridge would be put out of business. However. Morrow Count and the city of Boardman hae en dorsed the proposed highway Wiiiiams said it likely would be 1 vear. before the bridge were built evea if approved by states both Chain Saw Is Stolen Clide Woman To Join County Library Board 0 ! Youth Snatched From Perilous Mountain Trap NORTH BEND. Wa.h t Eiht and a half hours after he was trapped on the sheer face ol a ni22ed mountain peak, a Seattle Touih was plucked Sunday nipnl jr0ni his precarious perch by jeatn-defym3 mountain climbers Clark Phillips, U. was numb tj, coid. rain soaked and e- hausted when taken from the 2 juO i,v( f jjt 23 miles east 0 Seattle. a two-inch sapling to which be ciung throughout hit long ordeal wr,iie resting hit feet on small notches in the rock, kept PhuUipt (rom plunging 1.W0 feet to hrs death. He had slid into the position at j p m w,en rotten rock gave way j,e jumped for a narrow ledje tne lae of the 4,10 foot moun- tain. PhiUrpi was with two other wnen he became trapped. -n., dangerous situation made it impossible for them to help him and they made their way down the mountain and called for help. Oregon's January Traffic Deaths Up By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One weekend traffic death and another early Monday brought Oregon's traffic toll for the month to 27. That it one death a day since the New Year began. The latest victims are Russell Wayne Baker. 41, of Empire, and hit wife. Mabel Irene Tobias. 35. She was killed outright when the car she was driving and one driven bv Mrs. Harel Mane Mor rison of Portland and Eugena collided. Another traffic death was con firmed by Portland police Moo day. They reported that John Churchill, 83. Portland, died in a Portland hospital last Thursday from injuries suffered in a Port land traffic accident Jan. S. House At Winchester Is Destroyed By Fire The W alter Crosier residence on Del Rio Drive west of Winchester was destroyed by fire Sunday aft er the efforts of a courtesy crew from the Roseburg Rural Fire De partment proved futile. The blaze reportedly staned in the basement at about 10:54 am. Firemen said the flames apparent- iy ongmated around a wood fur nace Damage was estimated at SIS. 000 The home was insured. Crosier and his two sons. Walter and Leroy. were home at the time I of the fire but were unable to I save anything except tome of Cro sier's firearms because of intense smoke. School Recreation Aide Dares Address At PTA Dons E Winter., school recrea tion coordinator for the Bureau of Parks and Public Recreauon in Portland, will speak to Fullerton PTA members at ':Z0 p ra. Feb. 3 in the school auditorium. The talk will be given during founders day program honoring past PTA presidents. Following the program, parents of first grade pupils will visit the classroom for a resume of a typical school day. Mr Winters will demonstrate methods used in various types of craft work durine her talk. She i. , a veteran of playground and cen ter work for the bureau and serv es as special events director for the bureau during the summer months. New Plan To Stablixe Dairy Industry Proposed WASHINGTON JT A new dairy stabilnation act was pro posed Monday by Ss-ns Humphrey D-Minni and Wiley (R-Wisi. who said it would set up a dairy policy in line with the in- dustry s importance in the nation- al economy. In introducing the proposal Humphrey said its policy decla ration sets forth a criteria for price stabilization which would include not onlv assurances of ad- equate supplies of miik and dairy pnxiucts but also a ' fair return to producers." He also said he is still deter mined to prevent Secretary of Annculturr Hrnss'n from mrther cutting dairy support price, on April 1. ELECTRONIC iS'cet a-e or o. m te con f Kvk cK-r tor 0 c!ent s KfeN P'LtY InI.RNCE 6tSCY $0 S i Km St Rjiffxa'g ci need o BRAIN a-x a eo't oh k"tx o pefe-xr M be ob't t cofct OUTSMARTS mufcvve ai fo bt 'o vXj ho K tvM onty t'r wo-ir-vHj ho to We ITSELF! i-.d a- uieapoet 1a the city. O -v o S3 9 1 r-1 fflO S O 9 i 0 IS a a