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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
i o wmm o l 6 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Or. Thuri., Mr. 9, HSO 60 Potential Track Stars Unlimber In Second Week Of Field Practice Umbering . up exercises I n d wind-building ctlvinet continue to be the major items OB the track and field practice agenda at Kin lay field, a tome 60 candidate! move into their second week of pre competition perfor mance, under the direction of Track Coach Frank Purdy. Already, aeveral boya are show ing a talent for apecific track events, but Purdy said no place menta would be made until after next week, when all candidate! will participate in a five-event compet ative venture that will reveal who are the atrong boyi in the natural talent events.- Nigh and broad jumping, shot putting, the 100-yard daih and the 880 run will be included in the competition next week. Hoop Team Out Members of the basketball team tisve put in their appearance on the field and include Jerry Sconce, Bill Van Horn and Larry Free- New lada who are pacing the runners aruunu uie ovai uiuuuc Vernon Thompson, Cliff Marty and Tony Bokares. These boys show a marked ability for distance events, said Purdy, Ervin Stritske, letter- juai, iiisj lui iiiii iimicus iiuuuu which a strong distance team may W. k..ilt Boys who hold a tentative edge III HIV BJlUllt VWIll UlllUUV UIICU Gregory, Wayne Witcher Larry Holy Cross Five Defeated By Yale (By Tho AMorloUd Pros) Holy Cross, Duquesne and Syra cuse, all tournament-bound, took it on the chin last night in college basketball. Holy Cross, district one's repre sentative in the NCAA playoffs, waa upset by Yale, 66-62, at New Haven, Conn. Duquesne and Syracuse, both in the national invitation tourney, were beaten by Villanova, 68-52, and Canisius, 65-64, respectively. Yale, behind at one time by 10 points in the second half, put on a great rally to whip Holy Cross on two field goals by Stan Peacock in the last 90 seconds. - It was the second straight de feat for Holy Crosa after straight victories, including a carryover of three from last year. Villanova, out in the cold for a tourney bid because of difficul ties with the NCAA, plastered Du quesne ai Paul Arizin tossed in 30 point! to boost his aeason total to 735. ROSI OIRLS WIN Rose beat Benson 33-21 in girls grade school volleyball gamea played at Benson Tuesday night. A game between junior high school seventh traders and Fuller ton was postponed. Cincinnati was leeond In the Na tional league in 1949 in team total of two-base-hita with 264 and third in hits with 1423. All Amateur BOXING Friday Night, March 10 8 P. M. O ELEVEN BOUTS Southern Oregon Eliminations O ADMISSION: School Children, SOc Generl, 75c Ringside Seats, $1.00 Come and Root for Your Favorite! AMERICAN LEGION HALL Sutherlin, Oregon h . ft .W IS WHAT JOCTTr.. TUP YOU WANT IMPERIAL t Palmer and Don Beck. Witcher ia also a baseball play er, while Palmer, a letterman, is a fasty in the 440. Hurdling Liked A group of boys who show an interest in hurdling includes Raould Stroup, Bill Wagner, Bill Sumner, Arlin HU1, Tom Taylor and Don Ha r tin, while Durwood Boyles, Bob Laws, and Larry Fitz gerald seem to be slated for top spots in the shot, discus and jave lin department!. Don Parr, king-pin on the shot and discus events, ia out for a spell, suffering from the mumps. A number of ninth graders are still trying to make places for themselves in one or another event, but Purdy said it ia still too eariy to attempt to place any of the new comers. Next week, Purdy will be as sisted by Cece Sherwood, Ray Brown, Jack Newby and Hod Turner. Cece Sherwood To Lead Matmen To Corvallis Tiff Cece Sherwood will travel to Cor vallis Friday, with a retinue of seven district 4 wrestling finalists, representing Roseburg high school. The boys are dated to battle the state's best high school wrest lers, including Klamath Falls, who have retained possession of the wrestling toga for the last three seasons. Klamath Falls came out on top in district 4 competition, aided by a large contingent of local talent who racked up g point! to Rose burg's 28. Sherwood said the wrestling pre liminaries will take place at Cor vallis Friday afternoon and even ing. Semi-finals are slated for Sat urday morning and afternoon, and finale commence Saturday night. Top wrestling tea mi over the state are scheduled to oarticinate. Sherwood revealed, including Park rose of Portland, Hillsboro, Sandy, Canby, Oregon City and Albany. Roseubrg will be represented by Norm Smith, 146; Bill Morgan, 113, John Gaffney, 139; Jim St. Onge, 155; Dick St. Onge, 166: Tom Vance, 176; and Glen Scofield, heavyweight. McNair Tops NW Sconrs SEATTLE, March 9 (PI Rollicking Rollie McNair of North Idaho college salted down the Pa cific Northwest collegiate basket ball scoring championship far 1950 this week vien he ran his total to 556 points. Hii mark for the season was 108 higher than the winning total post ed last year or big Roger Wiley of Oregon and. bested by 54 points the winning total racked up in 1948 by ljh Harry McLaughlin of Pacific Lutheran. h THAT rj jv MAN Imperial is mad by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey. 86 proof. 7o; grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker At Sons Inc., Peons, Illinois. College lasketbal (Br The AMerlotoe PrOMI By The Associated Press Yale 66. Holy Crosa 62. Villanova 68, Duquesne 52. Canisius 65, Syracuse 64. Rhode Island Sute 67 Brown 53. Pennsylvania 68, Duke 50. Rutgers 67, Colgate 57. Columbia 71, Harvard 60. Indiana State 73, Evaosville 61. Montana 101, Helena All-Stars 62. . AP Chooses Best Hoopers Of Colleges vritf vrtDir ir . n V. a Bob Cousy. Holy Cross: Paul Ari sin, Villanova; Dick Schnittker, Ohio Sute; Paul Unrnh, Bradley and Kevin O'Shea, Notre Dame, were named today to the 1950 As sociated Press All-America colleg iate basketball team. This all-senior team from five different schools waa picked by a vote of 429 sport! writera and broadcaster! in the wake of a fiercely contested icason in all parti of the country. Cousy, whoae wizard ball-handing and . shooting sparked Holy Cross to its string of 29 straight victories. On the basis of five points for each first team vote and two points for a second team vote the 6 foot 1 inch Cousy, of St. Albans, N.Y., polled 1.414 ponts on 270 firsts and 37 seconds. This compares to a perfect count of 2,145. Villanova'a Arizin, the top scor er in the country for major schools, received 1,004 points on 170 first snd 77 seconds. Schnittker, who sparked Ohio State to the big ten championship was third with 987 point! on 171 firsts and 66 sec onds. Unruh, star of Bradley'! No. 1 ranked team, got 155 firsts and 91 seconds for 957 points. Notre Dame's O'Shea, who made the 1948 All-America was a sophmore, then slipped to the third team last year, regained a top spot with 710 points on 102 firsts and 100 seconds. ' Second Taam: Don Lofgran, San Francisco, Dick Dickey, North Carolina State, Bill Sharman. Southern California. Sammy Ranziono, North Carolina State, Whitey Skoog, Minnesota. Honorable Mentions Included: Delong, River Falls (Wis): Pilch. Wyoming:. Stanich. UCLA: Haskins, Hamline; Gayda, Wash ington State; Doty, Wyoming; Herrerias, San Francisco. Oregon's Urban On Coach's Team LOS ANGELES, March 9 -4Pl Two Washington State college stars and one man each from Washington, Oregon and Idaho comprise the coaches' all-northern division Pacific Coast conference basketball team. Three of the team members, an nounced yesterday by Commission er Victor O. Schmidt, were unani mous choices E. D. Gayda and Gene Conley of WSC, and Wash-, ington's Louie Soriano. i Gayda ia the lone repeater from last year's all-star quintet. He also is the only senior. Pairing with Gayda Is Oregon'a Will Urban, ldaho'a Bob Pritchett teams with Soriano at the guard post. Second team choicea, including ties, were: forwards Leon Man gis, WSC, La Don Hanson, Wash ington, and Bob Payne, Oregon State; center Duane Enochs, Wash ington; and guards Frank Guis ness, Washington, Dick Geisler, Idaho, Jack Keller, Oregon, and Dick Ballantyne, Oregon Sute. Three players were given honor able mention Tom Holman and Jim Nau of Oregon Sute, and Bob Wheeler of Idaho. Exercise Hour Friday The YMCA women's exercise hour will be held in the Benson school gymnasium, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, according to Ruth Laws, "Y" program commit tee member. Mrs. Laws said that Mn. Ida llrich would lead the excrcisea, volleyball would be play' ed, and these hours are open to any woman who wishes to partici pate. The cost to the individual is 25 cents and each participant is asked to furnish her own gym shoes. Hockey Results San FVancisco 2, Los Angeles 1. Portland 1, Seattle 1. New Westminster 4, Tacoma 2. M J i .... ty ? Pi UUfllMPERIAl Wl Gardiner Topples Elkton From North Douglas Grade Basketball Tournament The Douglas county north half grade school volleyball and bas ketball tournament enters it third evening of play tonight at Oakland gymnasium, after a hot session Wednesday, in which Elkton, tournament trophy winner twice during the past two yeara, who completed the regular aeason in third position with five wins and Ih.U fnaU. I A t ,k. on a 32-26 loss to Gardiner's bas ketball five. Y-Church League Playoff Saturday YMCA-CHURCH BASKETBALL LIACUI "" Division W. L. Pet. Episcopal S 1 Xa First Methodist I I M Pint Christian 1 4 .333 First Baptist 1 S .14 "A" Division Salvation Army 5 t 1.000 First Baptist 4 I .800 First Christian 3 1 .400 First Methodist 1 1 .400 Faith Lutheran I 4 .200 Presbyterian S S .000 Y-Church league olavoffs start Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in the Ben son school gymnasium, with Salva tion Army opposing the First Methodist five and First Baptists fighting it out with the First Chris lians. B-division play starts at 2:30. with Episcopalians playing the First Baptisu and the First Metho dists opposing the First Christians. taiui Lutherans and Presbyte rians of the A-division will nlav an exhibition game starting 2:30. The championship finals in both divisions will be played Saturday, narcn is. in tne men school gym nasium. B-d'-'iion finals will start at 7:15, followed by the A-division gamea, starting 8:30 p.m. Bill Roberts Tips Most Alley Pins INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Team Standings W. L. 20 10 1 11 It II 17 13 14 14 13 17 12 18 2! Ump. Valley Hardware ... Denut Bar Vets Ho-pital Elks 32 F. O. e Jones Insurance Jovin Brake Supply B. P. O. E Bill Roberts, bowling for Umpqua Valley Hardware of the Industrial league Wednesday night at the Koseburg alleys, totalled ,nghs in both the single game and single series categories, with a 225-162- 189576 aggregation. Roberts pin tumbling helped the Hardware bowlers down Jovin Brake 3-0 and put them in the lead by one game, over Donut Bar, last week s league leaders. Vets hospital, with a 2-1 win over B. P. O. E., are tied for second place with Donut bar, each -vith 19 wins and 11 losses. In other games. Elks 326 bested Jones Insurance 3-0 and F. O. E. downed Donut bar 2-1. NEW COUGAR COACH EAST LANSING, Mich.. March 9 (.V) Al Kircher, Michigan State basketball coach Wed. said he was leaving to accept a job as assistant lootDaii coach at Wash ington State college. U FARMHAND YOU ASKIO FOR IT ... a husky, hard-working Farm hand Loader that would fit smaller tractors . . . and here it is, with typical Farmhand performance and excellence of design. Compactly built for low clearance . . . easy to get on and off ... no cables or braces in your way . . . self leveling . . . power take-off shaft brought through pump for operating other implements while loader is on tractor. 16-ft. reach, 2,000 lb. lift. Attachments: full width Manure Fork, Hay Basket and Push-Off, Sand and Gravel Plate. See your Farmhand Dealer for facts I Farmhand Hydraulic Loader for SMALLER TRACTORS SIG S27N. Jexksws Also out of the race after last night's games was Yoncalla'a grade school hooper aggregation and Sutherll.'s girl volleyball team. Sutherlin scored a surprise 17-7 victory over Drain, a touted aggre- fation from up north. Both cluba inished the regular season with a similar number of wins and losses, 6-2 and have yet to play for the league trophy. Elkton girls, who retained the league volleyball trophy after fin ishing the regular season oa top with seven wins and- three losses, sustained a severe 31-13 setback to a fast-clicking Gardiner girl group. Results Wednesday: Volleyball Drain 29, Sutherlin 9. Gardiner 31, r.lkton 13. Yoncalla 36. Oakland 9. Basketball Gardiner 32, Elkton 26. Oakland 18, Yoncalla 16. Sutherlin 17, Drain 7. Glide 20, Reedsport 18. ResulU Tuesday: Volleyball Gardiner 23, Drain 20. Elkton 42, Sutherlin 11. Yoncalla 23, Reedsport 17. Oakland bve. Basketball Drain 19, Gardiner 18. Sutherlin 27, Elkton 15. Glide 32, Oakland 16. Reedsport 37, Yoncalla 18. Coast Training Camps FULLERTON, Calif., March 9 1JP Angel twirlers Frank White, Ronnie Lee and Joe Zavit ka were slated for workouU on the mound today as the Los Angeles club faced the Io Angeles police nine in an exhibition. In a practice tilt yesterday the Angels were whipped 17 to 15 by the San Diego Padres, Old School boy Rowe, the ex-major leaguer, did a three-inning stint for the Padres and held the Angels to one run and two hits. SAN FERNANDO. March 9-.PI The Hollywood Stars, working hard at their spring limbering up porocess, were preparing today for their Sunday charity game with the major all-stars at Gilmore field. Manager Fred Haney announced this lineup for the Sunday game: Chuck Stevens, first; Gene Hand ley, second; Johnny O'Neil, short; Murray franklin, third: Frankie Kelleher, left; Bob Bundy, center; Eddie Sauere right; Cliff Dapper, catcher, and pitchers Gordy Maltz berger, Pinky Woods and Lee Anthony. Righthander Anthony gave ud only three hits in six innings yes terday as the Fitzpatricks beat the unnousens 1-4 in an intrasquad game. ANAHEIM, Calif., March t tP) The Sacramento Solons went through their spring training paces today without die services of pitch er Frankie Dasso. The twirler is in a hospital, having the docs take a look at him because of a beaning he got with a pitched ball. He may be ready for action again tomor row. Dasso was struck during an ex hibition in which the Solons edged the Portland Beavers 3 to 1 yester day. For the very kest ia CONSTRUCTION Call Goodenough Phono 162S-R-1 All types off verk done FETT Phone 1150 FIGHTS LAST NIGHT IBr Th AwnfUud Prui By The Associated Press Phoenix, Ariz Irish Rodney Jones, 170, Santa Monica, Calif., knocked out Dick Finley, 170, WU fington, Calif., 3. Oakland, Calif Willie Bean, 206, Los Angelei, outpointed AI Hoosman, ziztt, Mew lorn, to. Town Team Tournament Set At Riddle The Douglas county independent town team basketball tournament ia scheduled to open at the Riddle gym tonight, with the first of three games scheduled to start at 8 p.m. According to Ike Orr, manager of the host team. Riddle Billiards, the pairings for tonight's games stack up aa follows: Glendale vs. Myrtle Creek Firm co at 8 p.m. Roseburg Elks Clui vs. Sutherlin Pastime at ( p.m. Oakland vs. Riddle Billiards at 10 p.m. Days Creek drew a bye for the first night's play. Losers in the first night's series will automatically drop out. Semi finals, with the winners of tonight's fray paired, are scheduled for Wednesday, March 15. The finals will be played Thursday, March 16. For the final contests, the two winners of the semi-finals will play for first and second place, in the Douglas county championship, and the losers of the semi finals will play for third and fourth spots. Salem Fills Final Berth In State A Tournament SAT.FM Maivk Q I OA TV,- Salem Vikings gained the district ii-A cnampionsmp and a state tournament berth as expected last nieht. defeating Ml Antfl M in 21. in the district playoff.' ine jaiem entry into the meet opening r.t,xt Tuesday at Eugene completed the lineup of 16 teams. The tourney entrants are. in or der from district 1 to 16: La Grande, Milton-Freewater, Bend, Grants Pass, Marshfield, Eugene, Corvallis, Dallas, Hillsboro, Sea side, Salem, Milwaukie, Central Catholic. Srannonxe RnnKpvolt an,! Jefferson, the last two both- Port land. Roseburg, Oregon ill Kli FARMERS TRUCKERS CAR-OWNERS! SAVE NOWI 63c 72c a gallon in 55-gallon or two 30-gallon drums. Save dolhrt at this low price. No deposit drum is yoursl a gollon in 30-gallon drum. Regularly 73c a gallon. Buy now pay later. Get immediate or future delivery. 4 a? Each five-gallon can in lots of three, regularly priced OO at 4.39 each. Stock up now on Wards Vitalized. 1f0 Two-gallon con of Vitalized Oil regularly priced at ,7Q 179. Easy to carry, easy to store, easy to use. Wards greatest oil sale in yeartl And Vitalized is better than ever. "Solvent leftned" makes the difference a new method of removing impurities from the crude oil. New Vitalized clings to the "hot spots" where ordinary oil fails. Keeps engine clean, powerful. Order nowl Special contract protects you against price changes. Free delivery in Wards store area. 11 -Bout Fight Card Readied At Sutherlin Ring Tomorrow A 11-bout fight card is on ttie agenda for Douglas county ama teur boxing fans Friday night at the Sutherlin American Legion hall, surting o'clock. Sponsored by riuineriin Ameri can Legion post 121, the card will be hichliehted with chile supper. both before and after the matches. Proceeds from ttie supper will go to financing rest rooms in tne Boy Scout hall. Chili will be on tap starting 3 p.m. Two fighters from Coquille will make an appearance against sum erlin-Oakland Ulent in the Friday night affair. Jfeadlining the card is Ted Smith 132, Sutherlin, vs. Billy O'Neal, 128, Coquille, holder of the feather weight championship of Coos coun ty, in a non-title tiff. Kendall, Drews Set The semi final will feature Alan Kendall. 115, Oakland against Alan Drews, 115, Coquille, Coos county flyweight champion, also in a non-title match. Other fightera on the card in clude Harold Sharp, 115. Suther lin, vs. Melvin Martin, 112, Suther lin; Kenneth Coe, 91, Sutherlin; vs. Mark Schricker. 90. Wilbur: Jack Coult, 91, Sutherlin. vs. Jim my Stacey, 82, Sutherlin; Mike Per- rauit, 81, sutherlin, vs. Royal Lang, 82, Sutherlin; Ken Moore, 71, Sutherlin. vs. Ronald Crater. 71, Sutherlin; Mike Crater, 62, Sutherlin, vs. Fred Manasco, 59, Sutherlin; Arthley Cass, 73. Suth erlin, vs. Melvin Coe, 76, Suther lin. Paperweight Tiff Due Ihe curtain will rise with a live- wire encounter featuring Jarrin' Klamath Falls Gems May Discontinue Play KLAMATH FALLS, March t-i.V) The Klamath Falls Gems of the Far West baseball loop may not field a team this year due to fi nancial difficulties, according to business Manager Dick Maguire. A drive to raise 335,000 through bond sales has fallen far short, Maguire said, with only $6,500 thus far raised. ' He termed the (35,000 as the 'bare minimum" necessary to make the club financially sound. Maguire implied that if the en tire amount had not been raised by spring taining time, April 1, the club would be disbanded. "We have a backyard full of good ball players." Maguire la mented, "but no money with which to operate". t For mod can Words "SmJanr You get more for your battery dollar from 'Standard". 45 heovy-auty plot 100 ampere hour capacity greet yon more power for quick Horn, occeesory drain. Guaranteed 24 month.1 Jimmy Moore, 51, vi. Curtii "Kid" Nelson, S3, both Sutherlin, in a "paperweight" clash. Roseburg Mayor Albert G. Fie gel is slated to announce the fighta and Red Green, former coast mid dleweight boxing champ, will re feree. Judges include Robert Han ain and Chuck Briscoe, both af I Surtierlin. Charley Whitman, also of Sutherlin, will time the events, which are listed to last three rounds each. Ringside seats to the affair are available at Colgate Sporting Goods store, Walt's Cafe, The Pas time Uvern and Jug's club, all in Sutherlin. Tag-Team Matches Set For Armory An Australian tag-team match will feature Saturday night's week ly wrestling show at the Roseburg armory. Matchmaker Elton Owen announced today. Andy Truman, the Texan who is currently the hottest matman in the business at the present time, will team with Georges Dusette, the talented French - Canadian, against two rough-and-tumble grapplers Tony Ross of Toledo, Ohio, and Leo Wallick, Detroit, Mich. There will be two one-fall pre- e liminaries, with Truman meeting Ross in ohe of the 20 - minute matches; Dusette meeting Wallick in the other. The Ug event will be over the standard three-fall route. Truman, who won his third straight match during his current campaign, was impressive last week in disposing of Pierre La Belle in a one-tall engagement. "I'm ready for either of the coast champions, Al Szasi or Jack O' Reilly," Truman said. YOU'LL LOOK IITTIR IN TiftOS-0 novsn 'The West's Largest Selling Trousers" ASK YOUR OIALIR Phone 95 i 9!f TsaTsaaaMsrT