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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1950)
Bradley i o a-waiia q The News-Review, Roseburg, Ort. Tues., Mor. 7, 1950 Barney Root Tops Singles Bowlers CITY LIAGUI Tem Standings Tem W L K. J. Lunch 7 13 Actlv Club 17 11 Kwuwdy't Dutch Mill 14 U RoMburf Lbr. Co. - IS IS Olympic Supply 14 U Umpqua Chiefs Flour 1 1o Gilketon't Stolion . 14 1 Roseburg Jewelers 13 17 Barney Root, with 248, paced the ingle game bowler in the City league1! atint at the bowling alley Monday night, helping to give hii Roseburg Lumber teammates 2-1 edge over Umpqua Chiefs, but over the three-game route,' Dr. Mix proved to be the leader with a 175-241-185601 accumulation. In gamei played by City leaguer Monday, Active club scored 3-0 over Olympia Supply; Uilkeson' topped K. J. Lunch 2-1; and Dutch Mill led Roseburg Jewelers 2-1 STAT I WINS AWARD State Unemployment Compensa' tion commission Monday was awarded judgment by default for (164.88, plus interest ana costs, from the Umpqua Jockey club, in an order signed by Circuit Judge carl t. wimoeny. The amount is for alleged non payment of required contributions, TED ASKS WAS YOUR FORD GORED?" then bring your car here for quick, expert body and fender repairs. Guaranteed worn ana REASONABLE. Soe us first for an estimate Phone 1316-J. TED'S AUTO BODY SERVICE 2 mile west of elty center en Melrose Road. Phone 1310 J II iff V!' fei i? k i V 1 Uf I VlS'TOtt WttCOMI V "On f Ammm't I reV4 IrtHvOriM OUMPiA IftCWINO COMPANY Crit, WMh(fTfltt U.4V A Tops Final FIGHTS LAST NIGHT (By The Aaeoclated Preeal Philadelphia Kid Gavilan, l48'i, Cuba, outpointed Otis Gra ham, H9'i, Philadelphia (10). Miami, Fla. Rocky Graziano, 162', New York, knocked out Joe Curcio, 153V, Jersey City, N. J. i k'.....-L KT I ClaA RnllrtaiA 163, New' York, outpointed Ger maine Cabouche, 168W, Franc (8). Syracuse, N. Y. Carmen Ba silio, 142, Canastota, N.Y., out pointed Lew Jenkini, 140, Sweet water, Tex. (8). San Francisco A acheduled 10-round fight between Benny Walker, 151, Oakland, Calif, and Tommy Lee James, 152, Los Ange les, ended in one-round draw when Walker accidentally butted James. Bout terminated under rules. Sutherlin Card Sets Coast Boxers Another evening of amateur box ing is listed for Douglas county fight fans when Sutherlin-Oakland punchers trade blows with a visit ing Coquille aggregation Friday night at the Sutherlin Legion hall, starting 8 o'clock. Trd Smith, 132, Sutherlin, is list ed to oppose Coos county's amateur boxing champ in the' 137 pound class Bob Groves, In the main boxing event. Alvin Russell, 164, Sutherlin, who defeated Les Meyers of Bandon last weekend at Coquille, will trade blows with Dick Parrish, 168, of Coquille in a semi-windup. Eddie Prebost, 128 pound Oak land boy, will battle Billy O'Neil, 126, who holds the amateur feather weight championship in Coos county. in another bout, Alan Kennau, 115, Oakland, who lost a decision to Mel Drew, 115 pound Coquille lad last Saturday, is listed for an op portunity to even the score this weekend, when both lads meet in a return engagement. Several other matches are also listed to be fought. All will be over the scheduled three-round route. said Floyd Porter, promoter. In 1949, harness race driver'! li censes were issued to 7,199 horse men, and 3,720 persons actually drove in races. Remodel for Spring! If you're romodelinf or building this spring see ui for up-to-dot kitchen cabi nets. All work it guaranteed for quality and workman hip. Call 303 today. dence of ihe artistry of water. UNDERGROUND WATIR TREASURES Deep beneath the surface of the earth at Tumwater, Washington, water has carved its way through rock strata. Free from seasonal variation in hard ness, and devoid of undesirable min erals often found In surface waters, this subterranean treasure provides all of the water used in brewing Olympia Beer. AP Poll Ohio State Still Holds Second Spot NEW YORK, March 7 UP) The Braves of Bradley university were an overwhelming choice to day as the nation's No. 1 college basketball team in the final As sociated Press poll of the season. Now all the classy club from Peoria, 111., has to do is show the basketball public that the na tion's sports writers and broad casters were right in hoisting them to the pinnacle via the ballot. Bradley, with a 27-3 record, gels its chance to do just that in the national invitation tournament beginning Saturday at Madison Square Garden. In addition, the Peoria lads have further opportu nity to cement their claims in Na tional Collegiate Athletic associa tion competition. Bradley will meet the winner of the Big Seven conference title either Nebraska, Kansas State or Kansas March 20 at Kansas City for the right to represent district S in the NCAA western regional tourney March 24-25. Bradley Vote Up With a total of 208 votes cast largest number of the season in the weekly AP poll Bradley cop ped 90 first place ballots and a total of 1,802 points. A week ago the Braves got only 42 votes for first and 1,214 points. Ohio State, which captured the Big Ten crown and wound up with a 19-3 record, remained in second place with 1.435 points. Ohio State comes to New York for the eastern NCAA regional tourney. March 23-25. The eastern and western winners tangle March 28 at Madi son Square Garden for the national NCAA crown, won by Kentucky last year. Kentucky, moving fast now after a shaky start this year, moved into third place in the final poll. Ken tucky was fourth last week, and in a close point battle with Holy Cross, dumped the Crusaders from third to fourth. Kentucky (24-5) and winner of the Southern con ference tourney last week, received 1,294 points, compared to 1,238 for Holy Cross, which dropped its only game of the season Saturday to Columbia after running up 26 straight victories. Kentucky won the 1949 AP poll after compiling a 29-1 record. Ohio State was 20th in last year's final poll. Sam Teams On Top All of the teams in the top ten last week stuck there this time, but there were some other shifts in position. North Carolina State, which blasted through to its fourth straight southern conference tour nament championship last week, moved from eighth in last week's balloting to fifth. The Wolfpack wound up with a 24-5 mark. Duquesne, (22-3) upset by Akron and Baldwin-Wallace last week, fell from fifth to sixth; U.C.L.A. (22-5) which split with Southern California last week, dropped from sixth to seventh; Western Ken tucky, (24-5), went down a notch from seventh to eighth. St. John's of Brooklyn (22-4) took ninth spot, trading places with La Salle of Philadelphia, (20-3). St John's was the only outfit in the top 10 which didn't receive a first place vote. Rookie Goes To Center ORLANDO, Fla., March 7. UP) Hoping to lick some of the Wash ington nationals' outfield problems, Manager Bucky Harris is putting his $70,000 rookie, Irvin Noren in centerficld. While Harris watched, Noren drove five batting-practice homers out of the park yesterday, clearing the 15 foot right afield wall, 350 yards from the plate, very neatly. "Even if Noren flops," Harris said, "I'll always believe he would have been a great ball player." Water is the earth's greatest sculptor Water is constantly at work cutting and leveling everything before it. The Grand Canyon, the fantastic Garden of the God in Colorado, -the deep, beautiful Columbia Gorge are all evi 7i College Basketbotl (Bt The Aaeoetete Preeai By The Associated Press Portland 59, Southern Oregon 47. Willamette 52. Northern Idaho 49. Central Washington 44, Go ting a 10. Columbia 60, Cornell S3. La Sail 83. Boston College (1. VUlanova (2, Georgetown (DC) 7Z. Brown 54, Dartmouth 48. Setoa Hall 42, Bonaventure 41 Minnestoa 84, Iowa 49. St. Louis 72, Tulsa 51. Detroit 81, Drake 47. Missouri 74, Iowa Stat 5. Colorado 58. Oklahoma 49. Coast Training Camps LOS ANGELES, March l.-UPt Having enjoyed a day of rest, the Hollywood Stars will tangle with the University of Southern Cali fornia a baseball team in an exhi bition here today. Yesterday, the Hollywood B team blanked the California institute for men, 11 to o, in an eight-inning game at in LTuno prison, bus Stathos homered for the Stars. FULLERTON, Calif., March 7. (P) The Los Angeles Angels go alter their film successive exhibi tion victory here today, tangling again with the Sacramento Solons. The Seraphs collected hits in the right places yesterday and beat Sacramento, J to 1, at Anaheim. Catcher Nelson Burbrink drove in two of the runs with a pinch single. Ray Cash, also a catcher, and a rookie, brought in the other with a double off the left field wall in the seventh inning. PALM SPRINGS. Calif.. March 7 UP) Paul Richards, manager ol the Seattle Hauliers, is on the casualty list today, his nose having lost an agrument yesterday with a pitched ball. Richards was demonstrating bunting technique when die ball bounded up off his bat and blood ied his beak,-Two teeth were also loosened. Seattle plays the San Francisco beats here again today in the third exhibition in their series of eight. Rugger Ardizoia, Al Gerheauser and Fred Schmidt will pitch for San Francisco. RIVERSIDE, Calif.i March 7 UP) Red Lynn, Vince Dibiasi and Jack Creel are scheduled to take the mound for Portland today in an exhibition game with the San Diego Padres. Creel, a 16-game winner for Hous ton last season, is a newcomer to the club. Catcher Johnny Ritchey arrived in time for yesterday's workout, but he probably won't see action today, says Manager Bill Sweeney. Shortstop Frank Austin is due in today from Panama. ONTARIO, Calif., March T -IIP) Manager Del Baker of the San Diego Padres will start southpaw Roy Welmaker against the Port land Beavers tomorrow in the game at Riverside. Baker plans to work Mel Knezo vich or John Marshall the last four innings. Yesterday, the Pa dres went through a long batting practice. Before leaving for San Diego, club owner Bill Starr announced the purchase of shortstop Joe Bache irom Laredo, lex. YMCA Volleyball Hour For Tuesdays Canceled The YMCA volleyball hour for men will not be held on Tuesday nights from now on, according to John Ulrich, "Y" program chair man. Ail men of Roseburg are in vited to attend the hour which is held from 5:30 p. m, to 6:30 p. m., on Thursday night, Ulrich added. There are two courts available and thus room for many mor to take part in this program. PETERSEN IN TOWN PORTLAND, March 7 UP) Big Bill Petersen arrived here yes terriay to start training for the de fense of his. claim on me nortn west heavyweight boxing title aginst Joe Kahut of Woodburn. They meet in a March 14 bout 2 the Water NIT Has Full Tourney List By Th Associated Press The national invitation basketball tournament bad ita round dozen teams today an imposing array that includes six of the nation! top tea and nine of the first twenty. Seeding and the draw are the only preliminary requirements left for the big dribble derby opening Saturday afternoon at Madison Square Garden. The invitation completed Ita star- studded lineup by lassoing a couple of teams from around home up state Niagara and CCNY and reaching all the way across the continent for Arizona, ranked 15th nationally. Already in the fold were Brad ley, No. 1 in the final Associated Press poll; Kentucky, No. 3; Du quesne, No. 6; Western Kentucky, No. 8; St. John's of Brooklyn, No. 9, and LaSalie, No. 10. From the second ten in the na tional rankings were plucked San Francisco, defending champion at 12th, and Long Island university, No. 13, to go along with Arizona. The remaining contender. Lew Andreas' "silver anniversary" quintet from Syracuse university, Like Niagara and CCNY, failed to place in the first twenty. The fast NCAA championship tournament, beginning March 23, also is drawing heavily from the select bracket. Although the eight-teamfield is not nearly complete, second-ranked Ohio State, fourth-placed Holy Cross and No. 5 North Carolina State already afe chosen and UC LA, No. 7 is a good possibility. The regular season, meanwhile, is about to run its course. Brigham Young defeated Denver, 75-50, last night to take the Sky line Six title, finishing with a sea son's record of 21-11. Arizona clinched the boarder crown, troun cing Hardin-Simmons, 63-41. Columbia won second place in the Ivy league standings by stop ping Cornell, 60-35. St Louis sewed up a runnerup spot in the Mis souri Valley by defeating Tulsa, 72-51. La Salle whipped Boston College, 83-61. Minnesota toppled Iowa, 64-49. Indian Seniors Defeat Juniors In a final Inter-squad basketball game, 'the senior members of the Roseburg varsity basketball team defeateed the juniors, 46-22. The juniors, without the services of Frank Olson, who suffered a gash over his eye in an unorganized basketball game Thursday, led at the half, but the seniors, paced by Dexter Garey and Bill Van Horn, fought back to take the lead at the end of the third quarter and held it to the end of the game, Kee Briggs and Larry Freeman were high point men for the juniors, while uarey and van Horn were high for the seniors. Garey led all scorers with 21 points. Lineups: Seniors (46) FG FT PF T? Mathews, f 2 2 5 6 B. Van Horn. 1 . 6 1 4 13 Johnson, c L 0 0 0 0 Garey, g S 1 21 Strickling, g 2 0 3 4 Henmnger, e 10 0 2 Totals 19 I II W Juniors (42) FG FT PF TP R. Van Horn, f 2 0 14 Coen, f 3 Briggs, e 7 Blanck, g 0 i. I Campbell, 1 Sconce, t ...... Conley, g .... Totals 14 42 Referee: Bob Schindler. Willamette, Portland Clash In NAIB Tonight WILLAMETTE. PORTLAND 4 PORTLAND. March 7 OP) Wllamette and the University of Portland clash tonight for the dis trict 2 berth in the national as sociation intercollegiate basketball tournament. Willamette defeated Northern Idaho College of Education, 52 to 49, in last month's first round play. Portland eliminated Southern Oregon College of Education, 59 to 47, in the other game to hold its favored-team status for th trip to Kansas City. Treasure Chest! I OUR HOME furnishings moy bo worth thousands. Yet a few dollars con protect them! Make an Inventory and see what a bif investment you have in furnishings ond per sonal effects. It's well worth protecting, with insurance! Ask today for free Hjrtford Inventory Booklet. R. O. YOUNG Phono 417 20S W. Cos St. Rosebiirf hi 'i pm WM, i' .mm (NtA TefepWJ STEPS UP Jo Ruets (above), line coach at SL Mary's College m Moraga. Calif, has been named bead ooach for th a act grid team, tilling th post mad vacant by th resignation of Jo Verducct, Ruets, 33, Notre Dame AIl-Ameri-ou In 1938, signed a two-year ooo tract. Two Ohio State Hoopers Named To Big 10 Team By JERRY LISKA CHICAGO, March 7 UP) Champion Ohio State speared two berths and Buckeye Dick Schnitt ker and Wisconsin's Rehfeldt were unanimous picks on the 1950 As sociated Press all Big Ten basket ball team. Selected today after a poll of conference coaches, the honor quintet also included Minnesota's Whitey Skoog, Indiana s Lou Wat son and Bob Donham, Schnittker's Ohio State running mate. bkogg and Watson each missed a sweep in the balloting by only one first team vote. Donham won four first team votes and 11 of 18 possible points. None of 15 other players in the balloting received more than one first team vote. Averaj ' 1" The bristling No. I combination. averaging 6-feet, 3-inches and 195 pounds per player, had three hold overs from the AP's 1949 all-loop team. They were 6-6' Rehfeldt. league scoirng champion for the second straight season, 6-5 Sch nittker. runner-up in scoring: and fiery Skogg, the "shrimp" of the team at 5-11. The 6-4 Watson, a suck shot and play-maker, moved up from second-team ranking last yar, while cond-team ranking last year, while honorable mention. Excepting jun ior Skoog, the all-star team is com posed of seniors. Second Team The second all-star combination included Ray Ragelis of Northwes tern and Iowa's Franklin Calsbeck at forwards; Wally Osterkorn of Illinois, at center: and Purdue's Howqrd Williams and Indiana's Bill Garrett at guards. It was Osterkorn misfortune to have th center opposition of Wis consin's Rehfeldt. The clever II lini pivot finished in brilliant style to take over third in conterence scoring with 212 points. Rehfeldt ended with a IZ-game Besrtruckrservice, in town at welcome.Spring, too? inw'driringTke"i lot out Of truck.. - fee know how to put btck whit winter took ouCA ipring check-npj in ourjhop widl restore yourtroclVpre-winteT efficiency? give it the! ' old pep and ginger, help itcarrjMa load swiftly? safely ind wi timeA Drop in, or call up for t convenient time to"glve your truck iasnnuali spring tonic I S27 N. Jackson Drain Plays Monmouth In Opener By The Associated Press Garibaldi will be host team for the state class B high school bas ketball tournament opening at As toria Thursday, but for one this will not be as enviable a posi tion as you might think. Garibaldi was the last team to qualify for the tourney, downing Tillamook Catholic for the district 1 title last night, 53 to 39. Host teams normally rank high in tourney ratings, but there are two differences this time. For one thing Garibaldi is not too familiar with the Astoria court where the tourney will be played. More important, Garibaldi will have to face union, the defending champion, in the opening round. Union is the hottest school in class B. It has won nearly everything in sight. In the past year it captured lie state basketball, track and football crowns. It waa runner-up in base ball. There appears to be no let down. Union swept through east ern Oregon hoop teams this year without much trouble, and won the district 8 title. Other games in the first round will send Monmouth (district 2) against Drain (4): Condon (6) against Rogue River (5); and Prairie City (7) against Alsea (3). Three Idaho Hoopers On WSC Coach's Team PULLMAN, Wash., March 7. UP) Idaho rated as a pretty good basketball club in Coach Friel's mind when he picked the 10 best players with the opposition in the northern division. The Washington State college coach chose three Idaho men and two University of Washington play ers for his first five: Bob Pritchett, Dick beisler and Bob wheeler from Idaho, and Washington's Don Hen son and Louie Soriano. Friers second quintet included: Frank Guisness, Washington: Dick Ballantyne. Oregon State, and Will Urban, Mel Krause and Jack Kel ler, all juniors at Oregon. rourtti place Idaho was the only team in the league to beat the championship W. S. C. club twice. W. Virginia Coach Dead MORGANTOWN. W. Va.. March 7. UP) Basketball Coach Lee Pat ton, 47, of the University of West Virginia, died suddenly today at his home here. Patton was injured in an auto mobile accident on the Pennsyl vania turnpike Feb. 14 but appar ently was recovering. Ihe university s medical direc tor, Dr. Samuel F. Morris, said the veteran coach probably died from a neart attack caused by a blood clot as a result of his accident in juries. He said Patton suffered an attack about 3 a.m. and died about three hours later. His wife and two daughters were at the bedside when death came. count of 265 points, only seven shy of the all-time Big Ten mark of 272 held by Murray Wier of Iowa. -INSURANCE-AUTO LIFE AUTO FIRE State Farm Mutual Insurance 0. U ROSE P. O. Box 489 Phone 288 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank SIG FETT SIG FETT Oregon High School asketball Scores (By The AMorlated PreMj Scores Standing Hrd. By The Associated Press District 11-A Final Milwaukie 66, West Linn 44. District 11-A Teurnament Mt. Angel 49, Woodburn 39. ' District 1-0 Final Garibaldi 53, Tillamook Catholic 39. Other Camel: Seaside 59, Sherwood 23. KrouseOne Of Five UO Lettermen At Practice EUGENE, March T (.71 Oregon baseball Coach Don Kirsch counted 38 candidates for the uni versity's baseball varsity today a spring training opened. Kirsch' problem is to build practically a new team. Hi last year' team was almost cleaned out by graduation last June. Th only lettermen on hand were pitch ers Mel Krause and De Wayn Johnson, catcher Hal Torkelson, third baseman Eon Kimball and outfielder Ray Stratton. Johnson, however, did not pitch last season. There were 13 bidder for pitch ing spots, but only five had had previous experience on the mound here. ALBERT TO TEACH ANNAPOLIS, Md., March 7.-lff? Frankie Albert, famed quarter back for the San Francisco 49'er of the National football league, will tutor Navy quarterback for two week of spring practice. NEW LOCATION! Dr. H. a SoofleM Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Range Road 410 ml. North of County Shopa orflt Houn IHI tmd - Saturday 10-IS A. If . X-ray nuro-calomUr earrtee 'or tpinal rorrartlon. Phone 11 SO Ami mm