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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1950)
Pi t I Musicol Instrument HORIZONTAL I Depicted musical instrument 8 it has a curved 13 Retalittlon 14 Gold measure 15 Era . 16 Slop 18 Note of Guido's scale 13 Paving material 20 Eagle's nest 21 High mountain 22 SufLx 3 State 4 Concerning 8 Peruvian Indian 6 Curved molding - 7 Close 8 Travel on snow 8 Laughter sound 10 Superficial extent 11 Wan 12 Storehouses 17 Chinese river 25 Dash 28 Prescribed amount 23 Id est (ab.) 24 Plant 27 Covers 29 Behold! 30 Near . 31 While 32 Compass point 33 Horse's neck hairs 35 Woody plant 38 Hypothetical force 39 Centigram (ab.) 40 Father 42 At no time 47 Container 48 Self esteem 49 Puff up 50 Before 51 Is borna S3 Poems 55 Middays 56 Lasts VERTICAL 1 Cases 2 Representative FUNNY BUSINESS 'We insist on reaNy taking BLONDIE LI'L ABNER "jm CWt 1WC r Ml !vict; IMC T M IK 1V HT Off -o pgwag Mil11' rWAA IE- I i 1 on, bo; a night off-- rvv Vt" l" I rl'M ASFREASABIBa I DONT T7riB lV i CASWOOO- Ift1 I TO DO WHAT I WANT.' KNOW WHAT L. Ml ,S yf-'JL , rwe CHucepj and ffkmrn I Jvxw, oh peachy' - to do with )aJ. K " lACf AT AUNT LOUS. j5)Lf- .1 iTV. T iMVSELF EjTv. TAKE TME EVEN INS UU I t- ?TT s isZ R-LWt ( VOUNQ -( D DO T A HAVE V DID W ) I HOPK HE V-TMAT WIU WHV&DWrTwTToiCAIl fmNHINc!TOOD' VAMGLEBUGLE) BE M0ICY SEE A GOEIS EASV , MERELV orF? BECAUSE I 1 FOR A FOR.NOW IS A HAT-RACK UP NT PAID i-rinRlTATETJ,WvL V WHAT H OM VOONQ STOIN HIM ) DO NOT BELIEVE T HALF -. -AN' LET THIS BE A LESSON !5k"" OFF DiS IVIL-EVE-.'TI rvE-r)H-HAPPED?)MANGLEBUGLJr)lNTO A " THEM K5KJORANT KwHAMMY.r) r ALL CVOUSE.?- DOWT fiL MONTHr; I hes ojlv At -one Vmmaybe he'u jibberin' SUPERSTITIONS it ""' u,RrrATl ME. THAT'S ALL.r TZS dis a eov.'.'- r 70' his J onlv give icvcn; for about your evil- hiim don t make me . -v- ibritatxsJhe rxwr ( I evil. him a six months, fve .tvL-tyW 7vf NsiveutV J ZTl HC.T, '( KNOW NO I 1 f EYES QOARTTlT AN' BON ALL m.rffi-' V 1 , 1 fc TELu r FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS SO! Ul teach ibu I knew she liveo u 1 1 B'O $ 4- f Mere you are, So it ISTwMOb r PLEASE, T tOlth. TO PAV 4 FOB A, THE ROAD, SO 1 PtAYEO j AMO ONE LARD AND i "SOU. I VtXi VWJOSY? NEVeR. FEW SAMDWICMES.' I A HUNCH JL CENT THE LfTTlt IAOY HILOA EXPECT- 010100 KNOW, I W 'ii hi 1 --y'AfbJrr'' whoooe&vvtth ? y BETTY W'i'r fS' I rR'2j4V V yW,4si?7r7T'F'.y.'. IT' A. Ll riP4Ri e was MY you'll. 1 J C-T ','' " " )-f UKABLC. luMOM. NEVER.. vA V'Ate'wTPV r V? oVsSwe know ALLEY OOP 1 CANsep if r can, cxwco". you n' ( that's cdd'well sumpins' fw 6?E HOW CSCAK'S I CAN TUNE IN THE ) HAPcNS. I! TUBES J BlSteS ' 'i&l eNN.4' SETTLE ANY V V EW-SCREEN J IT WONT CkaV. SC A MYSffSH ' r Answer to Previous Puzzle SSL- -j&a&issi Cffl D C SLJi t T T E E fMRiM T5 t re In, o aTbi IDiRTV I I HE" jjgj SEDAN jg a"mT s;amio3 R E 27 Endure 28 Brain passage 33 It is seldom used in times 34 Slow (music) 36 Card game 37 Exit 41 Extinct bird 42 Cape 43 Hebrew deity 44 Urn 45 Famous English school 46 Tear 47 Boo 52 Half an em 54 Greek letter 3 h 3 "T i7 "5 1 "23 "2i a III' 5 ; 5 I I I I I I 17 By Hershberejer it easy between rounds!" MODEST MAIDENS MaillWMIIIHIh 4 I THINK OUR TWE4 AM VVA.V SHOULD PACK RI6HT UP AMD FROM NINE TO FIVE susstsreD or I r ' 1 fix r'Tt d( EUUOft DEAH l I I V. I id HKKOAf, rAV J Ml I I V V. You've all been very business-like this past weelcl I've come to the conclusion it's got to stop! TOO HIGH I TOLD WtT , WOVE TO THAT WELFARE CTaTE. By Jo Fischer By Chic Young ILL FIX MYSELF A SANDWICH ' Awr fin m RFf r By Al Cepp By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN II lit aVV.&. W " aV'?i Worm Taught Hew To Turn AUSTIN. Texea They've taught a worm to turn at the Uni versity of Txas. Dr. M. E. BMfrman, psychology professor who is conducting re search on animal learning at the earthworm level, did the job in t shocking manner. He painted with a silver-based paint some turns in a maie in which he placed the worm. The painted turns were then charged QUICK RELIEF FROM Sympiesn ef DhtreaeArtsfngfram STOMACH ULCERS tux to EXCESS ACID FreesteekTeaaotHeoieTrwtiMBttlut tost Halt) or It WW Cst Yea NetMag Onr thrw millioc botU of ttM Willau Tbbatwbnt hv bera told for n-llf of ytuptonw of rilitmM truing from aiomacll and Pmewl Ulcrt du to Iihh AM Pur Oislfit ewr or Upt Stmiadi, fiaMfiM. Hmmrthurm, ainelmwili, tc.. d h to Iimn AeM. aM oa 15 dfcye trl! Anil for "nnr' Mmms" KhKk full? SfttalDC sbu trttmnfc fcw M Fullerton Rexall Drugs Fred Meyer Drugs usoGiess RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service, Suther Un. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. Free pickup and delivery PLUMBING W. M. Sandail Co, Hlway 99 N. Phone liij-rt. Joe M. Johnson, plumbing and repair. c:6 w. uougias ou rn. 389J. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden Vallev Rd.. But. Phone 530-R-5. Rea. Phone 49-R-3. Kler-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242R. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L Terp's Plumbing. Phone 733-R. HEATINO R. Ritzman Heating Co, hot wa ter ana stPam, oil ourneri. jn Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASMJNO MACHfN SERVICE Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty's Appliance Kepair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R. J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-R. ELECTRICIANS Ace Electric Phone 1743-J. FLOOR COVER1NO F. 4 W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens, mono urs-n. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S. Main. Phone iJb-j. FLOORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson, rn. 102R-3. FLOORS sanded and Hnished. Leslie Plan, i'h. iovj-k. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Equipment Co.. 220 N. Main. Glenn H. Taylor, rn. lijo-k. SALVAGE Bob's Salvage Yard; Used trucks. 2338 N. Stephens, rn. las-j-d. R, G. LAMBETH Construetion end Reraodeiing Residential and Commercial Any site job Melrose Rt Box 91 S Phone 1444-R R0SEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Pavine Millyards, Driveways, stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading Office: 634 S. Main ftltphon flAn-lt F EitlmsUs "Biir Lasslter DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Typet Oment WorJr Sldewailit, drivewava, floor Phone 42-R-l Phone )B5-B- ESTIMATES GIVEN Box 10SC. MTlrow Rt, Pattoi nd Foundation! UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counlers, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phone 15B7L 2040 N, Stephens Roseburg, Ore. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or we drive Coll 1S38 Adair's Parking Lot Main and Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. If Your Paper Hat NOT ARRIVED By 6:15 t. M. Phont ICQ At Ttxos Univtralty with as electrical eurrent. To avoid shock the worm learn ed to choose the uncharged turn in the maie. Dr. Bilterman explains the re search project to fellow psycholo gists in the forthcoming issue of American Journal of Psychology. MILK SALES SET MARK PORTLAND, Feb. 16. .P The Portland independent milk pro ducera association reported Wed nesday ill 1949 sales of $1,788,103 were the highest on record. Valley Roberts. Yamhill; Wal ter Dreher, Newberg, and Paul Zinke, Gaston, were named direc tors. Rex Ross, ML Angel, resign ed from the board. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do (al teeth drop, ttlp or wabble) whfH vou tatfc, Mt, tsusft or tnH? Don't b annoyed and embarrauod by uch handicap. FASTEETH. tltt Tina 1iion-cidi powder to prvnkl on your platex. koepc tt lit teeth more firmly act. Gives confident feeiing of e rurtty jnd -added comfort. Wo lummy foy. pasty Uete or feeling Gat TAaV TEETH today at any drug lore. PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 615 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. Phono 1098-J, VENETIAN BLINDS W'SHADES DRAPES SCREENS Freo Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxcavator Bulldozer Dragline Backhoe Crane Compressor Trucks LoEglnit Roads Built and Rocked Mill ronas Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltes Company P. O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346-J Residence Phone 930R-J Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled t the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heaters, Hot Plates and Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for immediate) delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol niado, Back Hoe, For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract 2340 N. Stephens Ph. 499-R-4 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales ond instaiiotion of oil types cf f io covering F & W Floor Covtrlng Co. Ph. 1478-R 327 S. Stephens Pointing Contractors PA!NTWO. DECOPATINQ icoriTcafcesl AMlPtTA . , Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. 906 S. Stephens Phone S64-J Royol TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Soles ond Service Rentals Fast dependable serv:c KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S. Stephens Ph. 1261-R HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Hadlo, ftelrigeraen. Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Cass St. Phone t44 MOTOR, BLOCK & HEAD REPAIR All Work Guaranteed FRED LU.vtM 430 . Stephens, fto.rt'lri. Orf. thorn 7M L ae Ph &-J The Answer t Cracked 4eds and Slocks. Thura., Fab. U, 150 Th Noted Sicilian Bandit Again Eludes Searchers ROME, Feb. 16 (TV-Special po lice hunting Salvatore Giuliano, Si cilian bandit, king, have arrested 40 outlaws and suspects in a two weeks' sweep through the Sicilian hills, dispatches said. More than ,000 militarized po lice were sent to Sicily late lairt summer to clean out the island's notorious bandit gangs, and the outlaw leader, Giuliano, who hat eluded the law for seven years. Weak, Tired, Nervous. Pepless Men, Women V- U uL 1 fend-byo te tneee weak, J Ui mww 1MW: I wtrt trtd teetiue r Devvc.ssV ViHT VHattl dwo !W 1 bioMtl Iscs oC . eve t0tr ot vltelitr lrt over ttr nlne. Oairei oonrnri rre for MwJ pkut uppiaiurT asraust t!as!a m, !TiytB. iMfiiiftWf ia bi. TtT Vtiltn Ttrtil Tkhifti for 1H- Mrtt, ytak rnot, nteiitjr, taftwt aervM. una vary taj. At drug atorea everywhere) In Hoee burg at Fred Meyer's i Fuller ton Drug. AUTHORIZED Guaranteed Appliance Repairs MAYTAG & NORGE Sole ond Service Bergh's Appliance Hamilton CWthm Dryora HM tmih Blovbn 'Tie In All Haikoi Wilkin rka Mt tkarg, Ortfos FURNACES Reseburg Sheet Metol Vour II. Center Ph. S41 nouiini S50 t. 1st rile hatha, showers, counter tops, store fronts, etc. Beautiful colors, lasting service not a substitute. Chrome bound shower doors, slid ing tub doors, non-sHn, ceramic floors. Residential and industrial installations. P. O. Box 1281 Ph. ISOto S yron Powell H & H Machine Repair Welding, milling, lathe turning. 24 cycle engine repair. experimental machine work. Farm machinery repaired Across Hlway M from Nielsen Phone 2S2-R R. B. Hollcroft, Machinist Venetian Blind Sale and Service Estimate Free CHARLES H0DS0N 1S25 Cedar St Phone 1349-L, CEMENT CONTRACTING ED FUCHS An Itbm f nerata. rh an 4 ftaUklng. Thraa yaart laoally la baalnaas Froa Kttlmatra rtu Kaaldaaoa 14 II-J DARBY AND FOSTER Excavating Contractor Shale rock for immediate delivery. Shovels, dragline, trucks, bull dozers, compressors lor hire by contract or hour. Phone for tree estimates. Forest Service Road, west of landis Iron Works. Phones 11S2R or T63-J. PAINTING ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial end Domestic Phones: 22 S07-R 1522 R Harold Hail CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging Home Decorating JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 625-Y PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty 5335 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 980-Y ALWAYS HAVE IT ESTIMATED! Phone 1139 R or Write S. P. Hayes, Contractor . Suiider Rt. 1. Box 24-A, Roseburg "IT PAYS TO SE1 HAYES' Director 'AJNTTINO DECCGAT1NO , ICONTOJCIOCSl AMEP1CA j Newa - Revlaw, RMburfl, Or. Adtrtlwmenf lady's Stomach Was like Gas Factory; Meals Turned to Gas 'Your medicine con't he beat," says this Medford lorjy. "Acid end oat In my stomach made me suffer awfully, and my husband wos ter ribly constipated. W use o boMle or ft o week, ond it cant be beat," T eJka who fwww the misery of ' Qot pres sure end fi tike their stomachs will burst alter every meqi and he often hate to eat because of the misery that follows often find that Irregular bowel action Is the cause, and KAU 0-DEX taken shortly before meals mixes with the food and helps to eliminate poisonous waste matter through its laxative action. KAL-O-DEX is on herbal formula containing medicinal iuices from S Great Herbs; these herbs cleanse bowls, cleat gas from stomachy act on sluggish intestines and kidneys. Miserabis peopi soon tee) different oft over. So don't go on suffering. Get KAL-O-DEX today at all drug stores. DU FRESNE ELECTRIC Eleotrleal Wiring and Service. Commercial Refrigeration Service. Ph. 104 Emergency Ph. 290-R 304 No. Maid St. PRINTING PROMPT. EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943, Nelson & Pyfe Woodworking Co. I Windows, Sash, and Frames Mill and Mesher Phone 1242-J . CONSTRUCTION TODD BUiLDING CO. 904 i, Stephens Pfe, 1730 Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgors, Belt as viso oanaers, von"reie Mixers, Power Trowels, Concrete Vibrsv tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting bmfs. Paint Sprgv Outfits, Skit taws, Prilif, Air Compressors, racjt nammers and wvdraulie Tflrir. rll u Wi mat, 1wm what you need. , Of bun Electric & Equip. Co. 47 S. Stephens Phone 110R H, T. REBER BuiErjing Contractor AIM Mfflcnt V ctuoce. iecrgc mall lob. FrtM wtlmatM. MELROSE 4 SHENANDOAH Phn 103-a-s TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Shrrt Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 1436-J HENRY H. MILLER Ixesvatlng A Road Building Contractor 140S Willow St. Prions 388 J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Buiidozer. Boom, Air Compressor, Crane, Oragline, Dump Trucks by hour or contract F ce estimates. THE KIRBY COMPANY OF ROSEBURG 113 West 1st Ave., North Phone 450-J SALES & SERVICE Call 432 For Your Steel Supply We stock all sizes Shafting 18" to A Including 5-1516" in diameter turned and polished. All flat steel Plate 116" to In. eluding 3" thick. All Bsh plate steel W to 4 including ii'xu . Any size bronze Irom solid to 10" diameter. All size Dodge Anti-Friction bearings. The Oldest and Most Reliable Machine Shop in Reseburg. Give Us A Call 432 W0LBERT WELDING & MACHINE WORKS Jnd Ave. S. A Fewlsr Rossburo. reeen