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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1950)
t ' Tlit KUwt-Rrrtaw, Roseburf,, Ore. Men., Fab. 13, 1950 FARM and GARDEN NEWS jg USE SANDPAPER Pointers On Proper Care Of Turkey Eggs Reported In cleaning turkey eggs, dry cleaning with fine aandpaper, ftecl wool and a knife for scraping, is preferable to washing, according to Noel Bennlon, OSC extension poultry specialist. Quality of eggs and the manner In which they are cared for, pack ed and shipped, has a direct bear ing on hatchability and an indirect affect on fertility, the specialist points out. Bather Eggs Often Good management Includes egg fathering five to six times daily After immediate cleaning, grading and checking for cracks, eggs should be cooled and stored at a temperature from 40 to 65 degrees in a room with a relative humidity of M percent Many eggs that are classified as infertile, Bennion points out, are merely the result of -mproper care Many were fertile, but the embryo died at an early age. There is slight reduction in hatchability, he adds, where eggs are held longer than seven days, After 14 days in storage, the hatch' ability reduction increases rapdily. TrU nils', a marine new chick I kl KnwbUud form a nUnf mm noted far hsalthisr, faaUr grow, fog chicks. This aise, k) want onong h far wry f rtini yet enaJl anoush to b asfti far Lha omiltnot chicks. Giro yoar chicks s good tart with "lYitnfst KnimbU. IM locally fcy Cafe Leather t Fuel Co. Resekun) Sutherlie Fruit Qrewers Sutherlia Ctf feed Jtere Oakland Altaeetk's Feed Stare Myrrie Ck. Vl. XII, N. 7 Ltt's All Cooprot For a lot of us, thrt art sorry days ahtod. It's ooing to be ckn nipping ond touch ttoriding. W don't like, to sing tKt "Bluts," but wt must fact trt focts. Now, it's tikt this. Motes. Thts productr of milk, tggs ond nwats ot all kinds is taking it on th chin. Prices arc too low for profits, as w have known profits th post ftw years. There Is a slight margin for the more efficient operators, ond the outlook for next fall and winter is quite encouraging. But one man's meat Is often on- other man's poison. So while the producer is producing for pleasure ; only, the consumer has a chance to live better and cheaper. Best buys for the housewife who has trouble stretching the pay check over taxes, clothes ond Guvment sup ported potatoes, ond that's about all of us), would be eggs and chickens. Those two foods ore among the "basic seven," and usuolly more or less considered os luxury foods." Not so nowadays! Eggs ore very nutritious; hove nearly every vitamin required by man, womon and child, In foct, every child should have at least one gg a day, ond two would r- better. Either straight, or in pud dings, desserts, gravy, etc., etc. Be sides, eggs ore practically the cheap est footl, quality considered avail able. We think of eggs as so much a dozen. It we figure them by the pound we find they are much cheaper than we realize. A doten large eggs gives over one and a hoif pounds of excellent vitamtn packed food, ond you con buy eggs at your favorite grocer for approximately 30c per lb.! And no bones in em, either! Fried chicken, roost chicken, chicken and dumplings, yummy! AM those expressions imply living off the fat of the land. Those things hove o I ways been luxuries, reserved for the rich. Not any more. The pro ducer is selling at just obout cost, if he Is lucky ond a good, efficient grower, otherwise, he is losing money. You housewives can buy chicken irect from the o rower for a heoo lest money them you ore currently paying for ony ether type of meat or fish. And even your butcher should sell you chicken for less than he sells his other stuff. ' So here comet the co-operation ! Will isssTesT Turkey eggs held more than one week require turning once daily. Medium Site. Best Bennion states that eggs weigh ing between 32 to 38 ounces per doten will hatch better than ex tremely large or small eggs. Loot or tremulous air cells will also e uuce hatchability. He adds that clean eggs will hatch about 10 per cent better than will dirty eggs Eggs laid in a neat, meanwhile, average from 10 to 15 percent better hatchability than eggs laid in the open. Bacterial contamination which frequently results in eggs explod ing in the incubator is generally most serious where soiled or wash ed eggs are used. Explosions of this type may result in contamination of other eggs in the incubator, and the organism that causea contam ination may live through the ordin ary cleaning and fimigatioo, Ben nion adds. Breeding flocks which a'e fre quently moved or rotated on sod pastures and limited to about SOU birds per flock produce the clean est eggs with resulting better fer tility and hatchability. No Ortgon Potqtots Will B Dumped This Year PORTLAND UP No Oregon po tatoes have been dumped this year and none are for sale at one cent a sack. That's what the U.S. Production and Marketing administration re ports. The PMA added that 277.S02 sacks of potatoes were sold to stockmen for feed or distributed to schools and institutions for lunch programs. The dumping of potatoes has occurred in areas where the agen cies nave not been able to dis pose of the surplus as feed or at one cent a sack, mostly in the Maine potato growing counties. . New Location Or, George L. Nicholas Veterinarian Graduate of University of Pennsylvania la now located at 804 Garden Valley Road Treatment of all domestic animals. Emergency hospital for small animals. Phone 116 proposition. Let's oil help the grower get rid of those surplus eggs ond chickens. After that, he will be able to get a decent return. In the rrnn time, we will all be living high, and saving money all ot once. What say? Unci Hank Says: VtoU KNOW IT 3 A FUKINV kHtNG-m'MOSf WOtTRIW IS OONt OVES-WlNGi THAT NEVtR HAPPtN. Hoy! Hey! Another car of good gross hoy lust unloaded. We also have some good alfalfa, ond enpeet a car of timothy in just a few days. A guy up in Eugene heard a good riddle ot the office, so he thought he would try It on the tittle woman. "Do you know why I'm like 0 mule, Honey?" he sei, ond she sex: "No, but I've often thought of asking you." t A Rule For Succesi When prices of your produce ore way down, like now, you need two things: (1) good, well balanced feeds; I2)priced right. You get both at the Douglas County Hour Mill. We have checked onA Ar...Mm. checked to be sure that we have m all UMPQUA FEEDS omnlt vitamin. minerals ond euenhal nutrients to build up reserves in your breeding stock to enable them abundance of the vital factors to their embryos. Our latest oddition to UMPOtIA FEEDS It the pew APf. Ws nv, have needed It, but in that, critical times we couldn't afford to lat you tola crtoncet. So It's there for vour protection end insurance. Avtrag Income Rtvtalcd La GRANDE P The average family farm in northeast Oregon took in 15,440 last year, Frank J Bartos, supervisor of the Farmers Home administration, estimated last week. Hogs produced a third of the fa-.' come. Dairying accounted for ! percent; cattle, 13 percent; sheep 12 percent: crops, 5 percent. Bar tos' district covers Baker, Uma tilla, Union, Wallowa, Grant, and Morrow counties. SHAD DUMB Love Makes Salmon Use Fish Ladder PORTLAND. (JPl How come Columbia river salmon climb read ily over fish laddera at Bonneville dam when Chesapeake bay fish are too stupid to do it7 The answer is love. That's what fish officials said here when advised of Maryland's fish ladder problem. That state is planning a dam on the Susquehan na river, but it will block shad from spawning grounds. Wouldn't a fish ladder solve the problem, some legislators there asked? No, officials replied. Shed are too stupid to use them. Well, legislators persisted, how about the fish ladders at Bonne ville? So M. T. Hoy, assistant master fish warden for Oregon, waa call ed on for advice. He agreed with the Maryland fish experts: You don't educate fish. You educate ladder-builders. They study stream flow, water vol ume and a number of other things normally of interest only to fish. Then they build a ladder. U It's just rignt, the tisn go up. If it's not, well there's no use trying to educate the - poor fish. Columbia river salmon go up the laddera because that's the only way they can get to the streams where their love life flourishes. Columbia river shad seldom go up a ladder. They have no reason to, for their love life takes place in the 130 miles of river below Bonneville dam, Hoy said. OSC Specialist Appointed The appointment of Alvin C. War- nick to the new position of physiol ogist in the department of animal husbandry of the Oregon State col lege agricultural experiment sta tion has been announced by Wil liam A. Schoenfeld, dean and di rector of agriculture. As physiologist, Wamick will da full-time research in the beef cat tle improvement program includ ing atudy of the differences in ef ficiency and rate of gain of ani mals. F.b. 13, 1950. Than there's the actress of whom Judy Canova said: "If her figure Is her fortune, she hasn't got her money Inveited In the right placet." ... A Maw Deportment To try to help everybody, producer ond consumer alike, we are plan ning on printing soma recipes hare for eggs and chickens. It should help the producer, and give the consumer tome delightfully appetising meals on easily digested ond vitamin rich foods. Here it the first: 4 eggs, Vi teaspoon solt, pinch pepper, 4 tablespoons milk; I table spoon butter or bacon grease. Beat egg yolks, odd seasoning ond milk, ond whip mixture. Get large skillet hot and wall greased, sides ond bottom. Beat egg whites stiff, but not dry. Fold beaten whites Into yolk mixture, ond pour oil Into the hot tkillet evenly. Cook slowly till "set," then place in oven 37S' till dry ond slightly browned. Turn out ond serve. You'll like this way of eating eggs. Now, please, won't you tend ut In your favorite recipe for fixing eogt ond chicken, so we con oil en joy good eats. ... Are Canada Tatar Cheaper? We reod in the paper the other day that grocers in New Orteant can sell Canadian spuds cheaper than they can buy them In the U. S., even after paying 90c o cwt. duty. And ot tha soma time we ore all paying o fat price for home grown spuds, one of the best foods in the world, Uncle $om Is trying to sell them bock to the producer, from whom our same Uncle Sam bought them at Si .25 a bushel, for o penny o tack. They will be dyed some sick ly color to we con't eat them, ond probably wind up as fertiliter. Some system. Uncle Sam uses. But, who couldn't do it, os long ot the tax payer ttill hat a dime to onte up. ... Doc (after medical check-up): You odmit you ore bod-tempered. Do you know science has discovered thot your bod temper is caused by on ugly little microbe?" Patient: "Not to loud. Doc. My gosh, she's In the next room!" Oregon Acreage In Certified Seeds Shows Steady Increase Oregon's total certified 'seed acreage, 32,342 acrea in 1M9, show ed an increase of almost 1,600 acres over the year-preceding, ac cording to H. E. Finnell, OSC ex tension seed certification special ist. The estimated value of all crops concerned was $7,311,199. Included in the 1949 seed certifi cation program, Finnell says, were 24 different crops including 71 var icties. Clovers Increase During the 12-month period in cluded in the specialist's reDort. clovers showed the largest acreage increase. Six varieties in the 1949 certification program had a com bined acreage of 16,211 exceeding the 1948 total by almost 7.000 acrea. Ladino was the leading clover with 9,393 acrea pasing for cenuication. Total grass acreage was 23,837 acrea as compand with 27,395 acrea for the year preceding. The uniavoraoie growing season during the spring of 1949 accounted for much of the acreage decline. Fin nell reports. Perennial ryegrass was the leading certified g r a a s crop witn ,si4 acres, it was follow ed closely by alta fescue with 5,954 acres. Certification Is Insurance Certification is insurance to buy ers that both seed Quality and var iety is as indicated on tags attach ed to approved seed lots. Varying by .crops, certification generally brings growers a premium for their product over uncertified lots. Seed potato acreage which pass ed certification was 3.035 acres and was about in line with the 10-year average, Finnell aays. The percentage of rejections In Farm Building Hints Offered Designed as a check sheet to use as an aid before buying, building or remodeling a farmhouse, a new Oregon State college extension mimeograph, number HE 7-302. en titled, "Is This A Good Farm house?" is now ready for distribu tion through county extension of fices or from the college. Written by Mrs. Margaret H. Tul ler, extension rural housing spe cialist, the 13 page mimeograph can be used as a check sheet for judging either working drawings or an actual farmhouse. Under such general headings as farmhouse size and shape, en trance locations, circulation, doors, windows, room and outbuilding ar rangement, space has been left to make check marks under columns headed excellent, acceptable and poor. Detailed check questions are enumerated under each heading. Various check points are illus trated by drawings using a farm house plan which is available through the Oregon State college farmhouse plan service. Dr. E. W. Carter . Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Roxall Drug Store SZ EARTH J You mount this handy blade in front of your Farmall Cub as shown above In that position you backfill tile drains, push snow, move loose material For heavier grading and leveling, mount the blade beneath your Farmall Cub, as shown below. Attaches to SIG FETT 327 N. Jackson 18 varieties covered was much low er, however, than in 1948. Use of better seed stock, more frequent roguing of diseased plants, and effective insecticide programs re sulted in the upswing. Certified gram acreage in 1949 showed a decided drop from the year previously when 6,104 acrea were approved. The 1949 total was 2.159 acres, and reflected the de crease in Hannchen barley seed acreage as well as heavy reject ions in Elgin wheat due to excess ive smut. Young Fruit Tree Pruning Is Topic How to prune young fruit trees to develop a strong tree and induce early production will be demon strated at the Paul Helweg far.n at Winston Thursday afternoon, February 16 at 1:30. J. Roland Parker, county extension agent, will be in charge of the demonstra tion. Young peach, apple, cherry and pear trees will be used in the demonstration. The Helweg farm is in the lower Winston district, south of the Winston highway steel bridge and down the river. Pruning of the young fruit tree is important to develoD strong main limbs and a well-balanced top. Young trees can be cut back and pruned too heavily. Heavy pruning tends to set back the tree and de lay bearing of fruit, according to the county extension agent. Each tree presents a different problem in pruning and different varieties require somewhat different train ing to secure the desired strength and shape that will stand heavy crops without excessive breaking of limbs. New Beef And Sheep Barns To Step Up OSC Research OREGON STATE COLLEGE With the recent formal dedication of Oregon State's new beef cattla and sheep bams, experiment sta tion research in these fields will be conducted In as modern and scientifically-planned quarters as any in the country, college officials be lieve. The two barns, along with an adjoining hay storage barn, were officially turned over to the col lege by Herman Oliver of John Day. widely-known eastern Ore son stockman and member of the state board of higher education. The first of its kind in the United States, the new one-story, 48 by 240-foot beef cattle barn will house 150 animals and provide for ex panded research in breeding and feeding studies. The artificial in semination laboratory is one of the best equipped in the nation. BAD WORDS COMPILED ROME. Feb. 13. UP) Hot headed members of the chamber of deputies may have to thumb through a little book before they begin to lambast the opposition. Chamber President Giovanni Gronchi said today a list of "in jurious epithets" which would je ; barred from debates is being pre i pared. The title: A dictionary of ! prohibited words. MOVER the reversible draw bar . . . operates by hydraulic Farmall Touch Control. We wiU be glad to show you how the Farmall Cub grading nd leveling blade can be used on your farm. Phone 1150 Here's A Dilly Deal SALEM-CPI-A dilly of a deil to distill dill oil has been explained to the Columbia Basin inter-agen.-y committee by Arthur S. King, soil conservation specialist at Oregon State college. He aaid western Oregon irrigat ed farma are making good money producing dill oil for picklea and perfume. Then he suggested may be somebody can grow a crop of something that can be used for both lacquer and lipstick. Senator Thomas Proposes Plan On Surplus Spuds WASHINGTON, i.P -Senator Elmer Thomas (D-Okla) Saturday proposed a "production payment" plan aa a solution to the govern ment's surplus potato problem. Thomas said after attending a White House conference with other top Democrats that he intends to introduce a bill, apparently based on the controlversial Brannan plan, so: fl) Allow market Dricea of no- tatoes to reach their own market levels without price-supporting loana and (2) assure farmers of payments from the treasury to bring their potato returns up to 75 per cent of parity. Parity is a standard fixed by the government. Intended to a a a u r e farmers a return on their rmni in fair relation to the price of things uiey must Duy. A reporter asked Thomas if his plan wouldn't amount to a trial run on potatoes for the much-disputed program proposed for all perishable crops by Secretary of Agriculture Brannan, and rejected by Congress last year. Would Fever It, If "No," Thomas replied. "The Brannan plan called for 100 oer cent or full parity. I would favor mat it we had controls." Brannan stirred up a congress ional uproar a few days ago with a proposal for disposing of part of some 50,000,000 bushels pf sur plus spuds, acquired by the Agri cultural department under the price support program. Brannan said they are to be dyed blue to prevent human use and resold to farmers at one cent a hundred pounds for livestock feed or fertilizer. This Dlan was announced after the senate agriculture committee turned down Brannan's request for uinrucuun on wnat 10 ao witn me surplus spuds, saying that was the administration's problem. Senator Anderson (D-NM), for mer secretary of agriculture under President Truman and co-sponsor of the new price-support law, was not invited to the White House. He and Senate Majority Leader Lucas (D-Ill) have publicly a n nounced they favor withdrawing all mandatory price props from pota toes unless Congress passes effec tive cpntrols over both planting auu nigmeung oi me crop. "I think Congress will put out potato price supports unless there are effective controls," Anderson said. The Anderson price support bill calls for potato supports from 60 to 90 per cent of parity. Secre tary Brannan has announced a mi nimum support for this year at an average of $1.01 a bushel at the farm. That is 9 cents less than the average support last year. Thomas, chairman of the senate agriculture committee, aaid Rep. cooiey (u-;nu) ot tne same com mittee in the House was calling a session soon to discuss the po tato problem. LIGHT FOR PIGS DES MOINES (P Researchers of the Iowa agriculture experiment station at Iowa State College aay an ordinary 100-watt light bulb can prevent the loss of many early pigs during the critical first two weeks. The light bulb In i corner brood er, or an infra-red heat lamp, will provide a warm, dry area for the litter to lie down and sleep. These lamps also will keep pigs from crowding the tow toe close for heat. Arrange with wt for this 100 liquid tilling sarrlca bow. It's the aaawer to kow to eat tha work dooa lasts. GoodToar Solution 100 ia craasee cray trod or tire ef ficiency inci.aaei grip. Lesaena slip. Coll u today. aa Carter Tire Co. 444 N. Stephens Phone 163 Irrigation Use To Be Discussed At Meeting Here Use of irrigation, drainage and fertilizers to increase production of field, pasture and horticultural crops will be discussed by OSC soil conservation specialist Wednesday, Feb. 15, at Knights of Pythias hall, starting at 10 a. m. The meeting is open to the public and arranged by j. Roland Parker, county exten sion agent. Leroy Warner, soil conservation specialist, suggests that farmers install their irrigation equipment early and be ready to irrigate be fore plants and crops lack for mois ture. Frequently, in dry seasons, it is necessary to start irrigating in late April or early May to secure a maximum growth in pastures. Proper use of irrigation water and having an efficien irrigation sys tem requires plannin, states Mr. Warner. Drainage of cron and oasture iana tnrougnout tne county ia being stepped-up but much needed de velopment in drainage is required to secure maximum production on most larms, "ccoraing to the coun ty extension agent. Financial as sistance to land owners ia avail able under the 1950 agricui.ural conservation program for the con struction of drainage ditches. Rob ert Murray, aecretary of the county PMA committee, will explain pro- ceaure ior larmers to secure finan cial help in construction drainage ditches and sodwater-ways. Fertilizers are being used in greater quantities to uioease pro duction, of all kinds f crops and to lower the cost of productoin. Profitable use of fertilizers, how ever, states Warner dependa upon the kind of fertilizer, quantity used per acre and time of application. Fertilizers should be purchased on the basis of plant food available for each dollar of the retail aalea price. Grangemaster Asks Survey Of Winter Damage to Fruit PORTLAND '.fl State Grange master Morton Tompkins has ask ed Oregon State college to make a field survey of winter damage in western Oregon orchards and ber ry fields. He aaid grower reports Indicat ed heavy losses in scattered area. Salem growers reported all peach trees under four yeara of age were killed, he said, and Yamhill or chardista Indicated all treea under six years lost. IRRIGATION Pumpi Motor Engine! Aluminum ond Steel Pipe Gheen System with Pierce Couplings Roinbird Sprinkler -Suction or Water Hose) COME IN AND SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATE BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Tracks Increase Your Returns Command a higher price at the market for your live stock! Give them SWIFT'S scientifically balanced feed regularly. It's minerol-fortified, rich in quality bone meal and fattening ingredients. It will odd higher prices and pounds onto your livestock, keep them healthy and sound! Increase your livestock earnings by feeding SWIFT'S FEEDS everyday. Start today! Are you reody for spring? Is your tractor In tip top condition? If not, coll us and we will come to your place, pick up vour implement ond offer completing the necet ton repoirs we will deliver If to your form. NO ADDI TIONAL CHARGE FOR THIS PICK U AND DCUVERY SERVICE. Roseburg Grange Supply 222 Spruce Seed Potato Land Plot Again Damaged By Frost CORVALLIS -UP) The Oregon seed potato plot at Oceanside, Calif, has been frost damaged for the third straight year, Oregon State college reports. Some 132 lota of Oregon netted gem aeeds were damaged there. Some may recover, but the annual potato field day will be delayed until March. Sixty-five more plots of certified aeed potatoes were frozen at Ore gon State, when an explosion de stroyed the potato greenhouse boil er. ... ' Americans had 1,300,000 tele phones In 1900. umvERsm pumps warn tTtriw FOR DEEP AND SHALLOW WELLS JET-TYPE WATER SYSTEMS IDEAL FOR HOMI, MRM AND INDUSTftta USI imnuTie it Phono 176 r