The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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U of 0, Library
Eugene, Ore,
WHO DOES WHAT ByP,uij.nkin. I
r- ' s
.... a . a..- . it.
JIM WLAKlVi who retired last ween as iocsi agem ior joum
rn Pacific company, is going to do tome fishing. "Not right
now," he hurried to say, "but when the weather gets good
and I find myself in the right mood for it. I'm going to San
Francisco to spend the holidays. After that? I'm not just sure.
I have a new car ordered and I plan on doing considerable travel
ing." Well, happy goings, Jim. You were responsible for a lot of
the friendliness felt for your company. Since we happened to
be raised in adjoining pastures (or so to speak) I'll miss our oc
casional hashing over of old times and old friends, too.
Rocket-Firing Warships.
Long-Range Submarines
On Reds1 Building Agenda
LONDON, Dec. 19. fl) While Britain and the United States are
scrapping or mothballing many of their warships, Soviet Russia
is reported to be building up her naval strength with rocket-firing
battleships and long-range submarines. i
Jane's Fighting Ships, the authoritative naval publication, said
today the Russians are believed building three ultra-modern, 35,000
ton battleships, equipped with radio-controlled aerial torpedoes and
rockets. Two others were said to be in the blueprint stage, and
possibly in the shipyard stocks.
In the Day's News
OUR old friend Vishinsky, of
whom we haven't been hear
ing much lately, bobs back into
the news again. On his way back
to Moscow (after attending the
UN general assembly session in
New York) he stops off in the
Russian part of Berlin to pay a
visit to the bedside of Otto Grote
wohgl, prime minister of the Russian-sponsored
East German Re
public. WHY is that worth printing?
Well, it's this way:
Grotewohl is in a Berlin hos
pital for treatment of what East
German (communist) officials de
scribe as a "slight case of influ
enza." West German (our side) news
papers report that he has "lost
favor in Soviet eyes" and hint
that he is suffering ffrom a "po
litical Illness."
PERSONALLY, if I were Grote
wohl, I'd rather have the old
Spanish flue itself, even the 1918
version of It that carried people
(Continued on Page Four)
Judge Tra B. Riddle reported
that William Ralph Lawhorn, 33.
Seaside, was committed to the
city jail for ten days in lieu of
payment of a $20 fine, following
his plea of guilty in municipal
court Monday to charges of being
drunk on a public street.
James B. Beall, transient, was
given a $20 fine for vagrancy,
suspenced on condition that he
leave town.
National Polio Finances
In Their Worst Condition
NEW YORK, Dec. 19. (API The National Foundation for
infantile paralysis is in the worst financial condition in its his
tory, President Basil O'Connor says, and it will double its March
of Dimes goal.
He said yesterday that the foundation must raise more than
$50,000,000 in January in its annual March of Dimes campaign
twice the amount raised in the 1949 drive.
The crisis was caused, he said, by "the largest number of
cases of infantile paralysis in any one country in any year in
the world's history."
O'Connor said 41,461 cases have been reported thus far
this year.
Writing to the foundation's 2,800 local chapters, he said
the national headquarters on Dec. I had only $1,699,000 on
hand to meet emergency requests for the next six months.
"Against this $1,699,000," he said, "we already have on
hand at this moment requests for $1,606,000 from chapters that
must have financial assistance from national headquarters."
The I9S0 March of Dimes will start Jan. 16.
i i i l r L. C-..1L
Russia already is known to pos
sess two battleships.
The Soviet union also envisages,
as part of its five-year naval
building program, a fleet of from
750 to 1,000 long-range subma
rines by 1951, Jane's said.
Shipyards throughout the U. S.
S. R. and in the Soviet zone of
Germany were reported working
day and night in three shifts
turning out smaller war vessels
such as motor torpedo boats and
mine sweepers. Jane's, regarded
as the last word on the world's
navies, emphasized that its in
formation on Russia was pre
sented "with all due reserve."
Moscow does not publish details
of its defense program.
German Type Adopted
Jane's said it did not believe
the reds had either the shipyards
or the technicians to achieve their
goal of 1,000 subs by the end of
Submarine construction, It said,
had been given special priority.
A large number of new subma
rines of the German type with
high submerged speeds and long
ranges were scheduled for de
livery during 1948-49.
Jane's estimated that Russia
now has some 360 submarines of
(Continued on Page Two)
Hey, Kids! Here's Your
Chance To Phone Santa
Santa is coming to town!
Kiddies In Roseburg can talk
to St. Nick over the telephone
starting Wednesday evening
and tell him what they want for
Santa may be reached by
phoning 78 either Wednesday,
Thursday or Friday, from 5:30
until 8 p. m., except Thursday,
when he will answer the tele
phone from 5:30 until 7:30 p. m.
Any boy or girl who has not
written Santa yet, is invited to
phone him on those three days.
He'll be waiting.
Santa Is being sponsored lo
cally by the Roseburg Junior
Chamber of Commerce.
The Weather
Partly ceuldy with a few
showers today and Tuesday.
Cooler tonight.
Sunset today 4:39 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 7:41 a. m.
Established 1873
Huddle Called On
N.Y. Water Lack
GoYo Dewey
Arts In Crisis
Facing City
Month's Rain Needed To
Refill Two Reservoirs;
Rationing Possibility
ALBANY, N. Y., Dec. 19. UP)
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey sum
moned the state's top water sup
ply officials and their engineer
ing aides to a conference today on
New York City's water crisis.
New York City officials said
the municipal reservoirs upstate
were at 34.8 per cent of capacity
as of yesterday. They reported
the supply in the Croton and Cat
skill storage systems at 88 billion
No rain was expected today for
the 1,000-square mile watershed,
although cloudy skies and mild
temperatures were forecast.
A month's rain is needed to
bring the water supply back to
normal in the citys two reser
voir systems.
Stephen J. Carney, city commis
sioner of water supply, gas and
electricity, raised the possibility
of water rationing. If rains don t
come, he said, drastic action
might be necessary.
Called to the conference here
with Dewey (4 p. m., EST) were
members of the state water power
(Continued on Page Two)
Oregon Traffic
Mishaps Kill Four
" (By The Associated Press)
Four persons died over the
weekend In traffic mishaps, in
Floyd Hughes, 19, Milwaukie,
was injured fatally when a se
dan he was driving smashed in
to a Southern Pacific passenger
train engine in Portland Satur
day night. Three companions,
two of them sisters, were in
jured but not seriously.
A passenger and the 18-month-old
son of the driver were killed
when a car carrying seven per
sons plunged off highway 30
east of The Dalles Sunday. Dead
when pulled from under the
wreckage at the bottom of a
300-foot drop was Samuel J. Starr
38. The youngster, David Tkum
sur, died in a hospital. The child
was seated on the lap of the
father, Wesley Tkumbur, when
he lost control of the car. The
four other occupants and the
driver were unharmed.
The fourth fatality was Fred
Landreth, 40, a pedestrian struck
in Portland.
In a second accident near The
Dalles, an Icy highway sent the
car of Ed Rowberry, The Dalles,
plunging into the corner of a
house. The driver's wife, Carol,
suffered a head concussion.
Five young people climbed out
of a dunked car that toppled off
a railroad trestle early bun
day into the edge of the Colum
bia river. Police said the driver,
Leland J. Warner, 21, Nehalem,
reported he got onto the trestle
by misake during a rain storm.
Ex-Clearing House Head
Admits Racket Guilt
NEW YORK, Dec. 19. VP)
William Dennison Duble, former
secretary-manager of the Cincin
nati Clearing House association,
today pleaded guilty to two
counts of an indictment charging
conspiracy to contrive a lottery.
One of the counts, a felony,
carries a possible four-year pri
son term. The other, a misde
meanor, carries one-year in the
city penitentiary.
Duble was alleged to have used
his former clearing house posi
tion to falsify daily published fig
ures of that city's bank clearings,
on which an alleged $50,000,000
numbers racket ring paid off.
Police said Duble received $35,
000 from the ring in the last
few years.
Seven men already have plead
ed guilty In the case.
Czechs Expel Another
Mormon Missionary
PRAGUE. Dec. 1. UP) The
Czech government has expelled
another missionary of the Amer
ican Mormon cnurcn, the utn
worker for that group to be
ordered out In six months.
The expulsion was announced
by President Wallace Toronto of
tne Mormon mission, who said
the government in each case
complained the missionaries rep
resented "a threat to the peace
and security of the state."
Toronto said the church had
denied the charge and one of the
missionaries had appealed his ous
ter order but "an adverse an
swer Is expected."
Council To Hear
Pro, Con At Its
Session Tonight
Renters and landlords all
persons interested in the fate of
local rent control are urged
by the Roseburg city council to
attend tonight's council meeting
in the city hall chambers at 8
Mayor Albert G. Flegel an
nounced at a previous council
meeting that no action would be
taken on the proposal to remove
rent controls until Opinions were
expressed by local townspeople.
Council members will hear from
the audience arguments for
keeping rent controls as they are
at present and comment on the
need for requesting Gov. McKay
that controls be removed.
Also slated to come before the
council tonight is a request from
residents of West Roseburg for
installation of certain street
lights in that recently-annexed
Southern Oregon
Industry Amazes
Official Of S.P.
font Iniiarl r1a.rAlnnn.AHt- n
wU......uku U(,t,UJ,lllcll I Ul
Southern Oregon's industry
"never ceases to amaze me," as
serted W W Hnla .,lnA ni-neMnnf
of the Southern Pacific company's
aysiem ireigni trailic.
"I was through this area only
a few weeks ago," Hale said Sat
urday, "but even in that short
ayae ux nine i see eviaence 01
new growth and activity.";
Rvlrinnnn ennn hi, tVta u. I-
- ......i. vjg yie rjC la
borne out by cold figures, says
mxiv, wno reports - mar eacn
mnnth Huflnn ihn nr., n, 1. -
.. mc iaaL nail Ul lilt?
year has seen an Increasing load
of freight moved out of the area.
cvkii inn ing me lime we were
receiving complaints about car
ihnrtaOOfi nn lnnin.. ...
increasing steadily," Hale re-
the first two weeks In De-
Cemhpr saw Inarllnnr tntnl nn..
than 1,000 cars ahead of the same
period last year."
uecianng mat lumber ship
ments nrnvirto tha mn.1 jmnnn,nn
freight movement on the system,
noie assenea mat every etfort is
being made to provide sufficient
cars tn hanrllo lha .pnn..n,.
Oregon mills. Since 1941, he re-
iiui icu, me oouinern facillc com-
nanv has Innroafo Ihn -.
. ............. u i,,c iiuilllici Ul
its boxcars by 35.3 per cent and
other types of cars 16 per cent,
-vim an uver-au percentage In
crease in Part nf 95 Q run- nnnt r.-
compared with 7.6 per cent in
crease in car ownership among
all Class I railroads.
Mr Hal. ennnt C... I
..... .u.w apem oalUlUcly in
Roseburg meeting with local ship-
jjcih anu uuiuei ring wim uon
gressman Harris Ellsworth.
Lost Elk Hunter Sought
In Blue Mountains
19 UP) Lost for four days in
the 10-below-zern rolrl nf tt,n
snow-covered Blue mountains, lii
year-oia uonaia iwcuonald was
being sought today by nearly
two-score volunteers who plan
ned to criss-cross the rugged area
on skis, snowshoes and dogsled.
The Walla Walla youth wander
ed away from an elk hunting
ramn last Thurcrlav Mi. nlUh,
became known late Saturday
wnen a companion, jacK rarqu
harson, staggered into the
sheriff's office after trying futile-
lv for Iwn Have in nroani-ra a
search party of olher hunters.
arqunarson, suilerlng from
frostbite and barely able to walk,
said he had encountered snow
drifts three and four feet deep.
Bids On 23 Trailers To
Be Opened This Afternoon
Sealed bids on the remaining
23 trailers remaining at the Rose
burg trailer park were to be
opened at 2 p. m. today, H. L.
Scofield, dirpctor of the Douglas
Housing authority, said.
With acceptance of these bids,
Scofield said the trailer park
site, owned by Youngs Bay Lum
ber compay, will be cleared for
industrial use.
Scofield said four utility trail
ers were sold on open bidding
Dec. 5 and that sales of the 18
family trailers, sold on a fixed
price scale, has also been com
WACO, .Tex., Dec. 19 UFi The
mystery of why Baylor univer
sity's bear mascot, Josephine,
has been irritable and sluggish
was solved today.
Veterinarians say It will be
twins or maybe even triplets, and
that they will arrive about Christ
mas time.
11 imnniMMiifnrm 1 1 i rrnim-w
Last Of Hitler
Generals Faces
Prison Stretch
Von Manstein Sentenced
To 18 Years For German
Atrocities In Wartime
HAMBURG, Germany, Dec. 19.
UP) A British military court
today sentenced former Field
Marshal Erich von Manstein to
18 years imprisonment for atroci
ties against Poles and Russians
committed by German troops dur
ing the war.
Manstein, last of Hitler's gen
erals to be tried by the victorious
allies, declined to plead for mercy.
He was found guilty on nine
specific charges and was acquit
ted on eight other counts. All
grew out- of alleged atrocities by
German troops under his com
mand during tne Nazi invasion ot
Poland and Russia. The sentence
is subject to confirmation by
higher authority. decision to try tne uerman
field marshal after such a lengthy
imprisonment had aroused much
controversy in Britain. Wartime
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
was among the prominent people
who subscribed to a fund to pro
vide English counsel to defend
Three other German war lead
ers were also to have been tried
by the British. But Field Marshal
Walter von Brauchitsch died in
captivity, and British army doc
tors ruled that Field Marshal
Gerd von Rundstedt and Col. Gen.
Adolf Strauss were unfit to stand
trial. They were released.
Tomorrow Manstein win ne
taken to the prison at Wcrl, near
Hamm, where he will joiir two
(Continued on Page Two)
Mistrial Ordered
In Flogging Case
ROME. Ga.. Dec. 19. UP)
The deep south's first mass civil
rights trial, In which 10 men were
accused of floenine seven Ne
groes, ended with a deadlocked
Federal Judge Frank A. Hooper
declared a mistrial Saturday aft
ernoon after the Jurors were un
able to reach an agreement.
un trial were Dade county
Sheriff John W. Lynch, three of
his deputies and six private citi
zens. They were accused by the gov
ernment In a two count indict
ment of conspiring to have the
Negroes arrested falsely the night
of April 2 and then surrendered
to a ku Klux Klan mob for whip
ping near Hooker, Ga.
By so doing, the government
charged, the Negroes were de
prived of their right to equal pro
tection under the law and to free
dom from illegal assault and bat
tery wnile in tne custody of the
The trial began Nov. 21.
Goldenweds Celebrate In
Adjoining Hospital Beds
PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. 19
UP) Dr. J. Adrew Hall and his
wife Jean celebrated their 501 h
wedding anniversary in adjoin
ing hospital beds.
And their room was filled with
well wishers at St. Luke's hos
pital yesterday. Dr. Hall, a min
ister here, and his wife were in
jured severely when struck by
an automobile Nov. 20 Married
In Winnipeg, Can., the couple
spent 37 years In missionary work
in the Philippines before coming
here. They have three children.
- -' I '
V It,
"NOW LET ME THINK. SANTYj there was something elte," Les
lie Laurence seems to be teying, as she perches on the old codg
er's knee when he visited the Montgomery Ward store Friday.
Leslie is a little over three years old, the daughter of Mr.
end Mrs. Stece B. Laurence of I960 Fairmont street. (By Paul
Jenkins I .
19, 1949
U. S. Commies Ordered
To Be Ready, Phony Red
Relates At Senate Probe
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. (P) A story of a World War II com
munist plot to sabotage U. S. Industry in case of war with Russia
has been related under oath by a Senate witness who says he be
came a red on FBI orders.
The testimony, by John J. Huber of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., was
given secret session to a Senate Judiciary subcommittee in Sep
tember, It was released over the weekend by Chairman MoCarran
(D-Nev.). The subcommittee undertook a study of possible laws
against subversive aliens.
Douglas County's
Snow Reported
On Higher Levels
The weatherman today refused
to make any promises that Rose
burg would have a white Christ
mas this year, with all precipi
tation falling in the form of rain
nearly three Inches of it so far
this month. 1
But here's a tip for local citi
zens who are complaining be
cause the only snow they've seen
tills year Is on Christmas card.i.
The Umpqua National forest of
fice reported today Douglas coun
ty does have its share of snow.
The 32 Inches which blankets the
Diamond lake area assures re
sort caretaker Merlin Plotz of a
very white, if lonely, Christmas.
Temperatures at Diamond lake
are hovering near the plus-two
degree mark.
M. M. "Red" Nelson, forest su
pervisor, said snow has extended
lo much lower elevations than
usual tills year. Big Camas rang
er station, near Tokotec, report
ed ten Inches of snow by Satur
day morning.
By The Associated Press
The Pacific Northwest weath
erman blew the frost off his in
struments this morning and came
up with a prediction of more of
the same for tonight but with the
possibility of some relief In the
form of snow late tomorrow.
Weather possibly 10 degrees
colder was predicted for many
Washington-Oregon chilblain
points. It may reach 10 degrees
below in North Central Washing
ton valleys.
Redmond, Ore., required un
packing of winter woolens with
a 9 above temperature, while
Portland reported 26. Pacific
ocean areas were just below
Driver Uninjured When -Car
Rolls Into Ditch .
Slate Police Sgt. Holly Hoi
comb today reported a Roseburg
man escaped without Injury when
the car he was driving rolled
over on the highway 23 miles
south of here at midnight Sun
day. According to the officer's re
port, a combination of poor vis
ibility and bright lights of an on
coming car sent the vehicle driv
en by Leo Thomas Green, Rt. 2,
inlo the ditch,
Damage to Kearns' car was
reported as "slight."
OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 19 UP)
An 88-year-old woman was in
jail today accused of stealing two
cubes of butler.
The . prisoner, .Mrs. . Margaret
Russell, said "I never did such
a thing In my life."
She was arrested last Thurs
day and has been in Jail since.
Her trial is set for police court
The butter is worth 38 cents.
r j
.- -' I
1 u l
I ,W . v.- Jit M
Lii I
Huber told the Senate group
the FBI asked him to become a
Communist party member in
1937, after he had reported that
some of his fellow workers on
government relief projects were
Communists. He continued his
membership until 1947, he said,
"at which time I ceased my work
with the FBI of my own volition."
f hi omciais would not com
ment on Huber's story.
While Russia and the United
States were allies in the war
against Germany, Huber said, the
American Communist "high com
mand" ordered a campaign "to
get Communist party units and
Communist party fronts set up in
industrial sections of the
"The purpose was, of course,
to have a powerful party hold
where they could do the most
damage to the United States,"
Huber said.
"In case of war with Russia,
(Continued on Page Two)
Phony Election
In Bulgaria Goes
97 Percent Red
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Dec. 19. UP)
Official election returns today
showed that almost 99 per cent
of the voters in Bulgaria's capi
tal here cast ballots yesterday
for the parliamentary candidates
on the only ticket offered them
that of the government's Com
munist-dominated lather land
front. .
Over the country scattered re
turns irom yesterday s parlia
mentary election Indicated a vote
of 97 to 100 percent for the Red
sponsored slate.
Thousands of voters trudged
through melting snow to polling
booths decorated with pictures
of Russia's prime minister Jo
seph Stalin, Bulgarian flags and
the doveof peace emblem of the
Cominform's peace propaganda
. At one polling place near Sofia
people , stomped to the national
dance wnile a gypsy band play
ed wild music.
The voters Included pink cheek
ed girls, grizzled miners and
feeble old women.
As each voter entered the poll
ing place, his name waa check
ed against a registration list.
He was handed an unsealed en
velope which he carried Into the
secret voting booth. There he
picked up his ballot, which car
ried only the fatherland front
candidates, scaled it in the en
velope, and dropped it In a closed
ballot box.
Opposition could be registered
only by handing in an empty
envelope or enclosing an odd
scrap, of paper. The ballot was
not to be marked.
Five Of 11 Children In
Family Perish In Fire
EMMETT, MICH., Dee. 19-UP)
Five children in the same
family, trapped In their upstairs
bedroom, burned to death this
morning when a flash fire roared
through a two-story frame farm
house. The parents, Clarence Bcthway
and his wife, Irene, about 40,
escaped with five of their 11 chil
dren and Mr. Bethway's 80-year-old
mother, through downstairs
Their 11th child, Delia, 12, es
caped the tragedy because she
was spending the night with her
maternal grandparents.
Three brothers and two sisters
lost their lives.
Dead were Freddie Bethway,
3; Beverly Ann, 4; David, 5;
Billv 7. and Thomas. 11.
Sheriff's officers said the fire
apparently etarted from a heat
ing stove.
Three Douglas Students
Attend San Jose State
Mareoile Blaze, Roseburg, Les
ter Ferguson, Days Creek, and
George Nolan, Glendale, are at
tending San Jose State college at
San Jose, Calif.
Enrollment in the state's old
est publicly-supported college has
reached an all-time high of more
than 8200 full-time students,
Church Landmark In
Alaska Razed By Fire
MATLAKATLA, Alaska, Dec.
19 UP) Fire destroyed the
Duncan memorial church here
yesterday. It had been a land
mark in this southeastern Alaska
Indian community for nearly bO
years, although rebuilt shortly
before world War II.
The blaze was believed caused
by a faulty heating plant.
U A, Canada,
Britain Agree
On Joint Plan
Fliers And Technicians '
Exchanged, Singh Ltvtl
In Defense Setup Slated
LONDON. Don 10 im
Britain, the United States and
Canada announced today a plan
for slanriarriWincr tholr at.m oj
military training.
American pilots have been as
signed to fly and study Britaln'i
jet bombers. At the same time
British and Canadian officers
have worked In developing and
flying many American planes.
Similar exchanges have been
made in the other branche nf thm
armed services.
"These arrangements will In
sure that in time of necessity
there will K nn malarial tBnh.
nlcal obstacles to lull cooperation
among ine armea zorces con
cerned and the greatest possible
economy In the use of com
bineri rpsnnrcen nnH offnt-t- mill Ka
obtained," the ministry of defense
It added that ' no treaty, execu
tive agreement or contractual or
ligation has been entered into by
the participating nations."
wmnmon wengns riannea
Missions hnvA nnu, huan am.
changed between the three na
tions on a technical level. Here
the U. S. mission was generally
uun-u ixuis ana con- an apt
title for lis mlceinn r ehii.lnM
standardization of minor but
vnai parts in tne western powers
defense machinery.
Thf rtofoneA mlnlolm, eaM ..-
.. ......... j aaiu UU1
arrangements were decentralized
luuwiu 10 me worKing level
agencies of the armed forces ot
the three nations for study in
various fields of military equip
ment and operational pro
cedures ...
"The studies are aimed at the
Pradtlnl Houplnnmcnt nf nnmmnM
designs and standards In arms.
equipment, ana training metnods.
uupeiuiive arrangements ior
this mirnnne rtn nnt Imnalr lha
control of any country concerned
over any of the activities in Its
"Thpp arrntHTpmanl. tiUlnt
have been under discussion since
1947, are a step towards the luff
ijiiiueni. ui tne wiaer arrange
ments under the North Atlantic
milltnrv nrnrillotinn anA mnnlu
J .-. ......... w.a u . I OUfpijr
board which calls for the promo-
uon oi sianoaraization oi tne
narts nnH nrnH,t.ttt tf mllllan,
equipment' in the north Atlantic
aina. xuey are similar to ar
rangements already made by the
(After the London announce
ment, a similar nna xiam tviarta 1m
Washington. It added no details
m .vnai imu ueen given out Dy tne
British government.)
Christmas Amnesty For
Conchies" Suggested
PHTT.AriE-T.PHTA ria 111 nn
President Truman lias been
asueo to grant nrlstmas am
nesty to thousands ol conscient
ious objectors.
The central mmmlttoa fni. nn.
sclentious objectors said yester-
oay iu eminent Americans had
written the president asking
Christmas amno-fv fnt tha nk
The request, the committee
said, was made in behalf of those
wnose convictions as objectors
not only resulted lit their im
nrisnnmpnl hut- .lao4
permanently as felons deprived
ui uivii rigms.
"Men wno already paid heavily
for their beliefs from long prison
terms still suffer tha HleaKllltl.
which follow the loss ol civil
rignis, tne signers wrote.
"Surely men who have en
deavoured literally to follow the
tearhincrs nf thf Rarmnn nn tlia
Mount should not therefore be
permanently relegated to second
class citizens."
Mrs. Thomas Decides Nor
To Run For Congress
HACKENSACK. N. J.. Dec. 19
UP) Mrs. J. Parnell Thomas
withdrew today as a candidate
for the congressional seat to be
vacated next month by her im
prisoned husband.
The withdrawal left the field
open to state labor Commission
er Harry C. Harper, who was
selected over the weekend as the
Republican organization candi
date for the 7th congressional
district post.
Mrs. Thomas . has announced
previously that she wanted to
take over her husband's seat in
the house of representatives. Rep.
Thomas now is serving a jail
term on payroll padding charges.
He has submitted his resignation
from congress effective Jan. 1.
SALEM, Dec. 13 UP) Ice and
snow made driving dangerous to
day on most Oregon highways,
the State Highway commission
reported in its 9 a.m. road re
port today.
The commission said chains
are necessary in all mountain
passes, in the Klamath Falls diss
trlct, and in other snow areas,
Levity fact ant
By L. F. Reizensteln
The sign of a woll-regulated,
post-Christmas family will be
evidenced when dad and junior
divide time operating the toy
electric train without wrangllrrgk