The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 26, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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' Eugene, Ore, .
Penfh Stills Twinkling Feet
Of Tap Dancer Bill Robinson
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. UP) Bojangles danced his way upstairs
again last night .... lor the last time.
Death came to America's great
with the twinkling feet while
with falling heart,
Robinson, 71, had been a public
entertainer from the . age of
ei'ht. He carried his nickname
"Bojangles," for almost 40 years,
It meant happy-go-lucky.
He began as a little stable boy
dancing lor pennies m wasnmg.
ton beer halls, reached the top
of his world on Broadway and in
Hollywood, and made anywhere
from 82,000,000 to $4,000,000.,
But he was almost broke when
he went to the hospital two weeks
ago, and his friends were arrang
in? a benefit when he died.
Robinson never really retired.
He kept on dancing until his eyes
failed him three months ago and
he could no longer see the steps
of the old routine. He kept in top
notch training until the end. To
celebrate his 60th birthday, he
danced 60 blocks down Broadway.
With him when he died was his
second wife. Elaine.
, Although he made up to $2,000
a week in show business and
$6,000 a week in the movies, cash
never stayed with him very long.
He gave lavishly to charity both
in money and benefit perform
ances and he liked to gamble. He
was also a crackerjack pool
Probably his most famous
movie appearance was in "The
Little Colonel" in 1933 with Shir
ley Temple who called him
"Uncle Bill" from then on.
Elks' Show Talent
Gets Test Tonight
The first step in selecting par
ticipants in the annual Elks lodge
home talent charity show will
be taken tonight when Hollywood
Director William Croarkin will
select talent from among Elks
members and their families for
this year's production.
"Talk About Town" is the title
of this second annual show, and
will be a combination review
minstrel performance. It will be
staged Dec. 15, 16, and 17, with
a dress rehearsal for school chil
dren scheduled for the evening
of Dec. 14.
Tonight's talent party, starting
at 8 p.m., is being held primarily
to select the 50 girls and eight
boys needed for the chorus and
dance routines. However, persons
who perform singles, or specialty
numbers, are also requested to
appear at tonight's talent hunt
- When complete, "the cast win
include 150 , persons. Costumes
and scenery for the production
are being flown In from Holly
wood. ....... '
In the Day's News
The other night I spent several
hours reading Governor Brad
ford's "History of Plimouth Plan
tat' -ri," which is the No. 1 source
material ior the record of the
settlement of the Pilgrims at Ply
mouth Rock where our national
Thanksgiving Day holiday origi
nated. What fascinated me was the
contrast between what the Pil
grims had to be thankful for and
what WE have to be thankful for.
1'he idea of giving thanks for
I their blessings seems to have
come to the people of Plymouth
colony some time along in the
fall. Governor Bradford refers
to the occasion, rather casually,
in an entry in his diary between
the dates of September 18, 1621,
and November 20, 1621.
They had sent OMt an expedition
of ten men "to the Massachus
etts." Their good Indiar friend
Squanto (who among other things
taught them to fertilize each hill
(Continued on Page Four)
Backers Want 39 More
Signatures To Force Bill
To House Floor For Vote
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. UP) The Townsend old age pension
plan is being maneuvered Into a position to stir up some excitement
in the next congressional session and the 1950 elections. "
Backers reported they have 179 names on a petition to force
the plan onto the House floor for a vote. It takes only 218 signa
tures to do it.
Some supporters of the pro
gram, which has been kicking
around Congress for years, fig
ure their cause is being helped
by the wave of disputes over pen
sions between industry and labor
and statements like one Senator
Taft (R-Ohio) made Tuesday.
Various steel companies and
the Ford Motor company have
agreed to pension systems whose
payments, on top of the govern
ment's social security program,
will give their workers $100 a
month at age 65.
Now Taft says It is up to the
Senate Finance committee to de
termine whether there should be
a basic, uniform federal pension
for everybody at 65.
He estimates! the cost of such
tap dancer the smiling Negro
he slept under an oxygen tent
Made Millioni, Died Poor
Business- Woman
Found Victim Of
Mystery Killing
LOS ALTOS, Calif., Nov. 26
UP) Surrounded by her seven,
half starved Pekingese dogs, the
body of a well-to-do San Fran
cisco woman was found stabbed
in her country home here last
Miss irma is. copeland, Ml, ot
64 Carmel street, San Francisco,
had been dead two or three days,
Sheriff's deputies said. The lights
of her house were blazing.
They went to the place on a
call from her brother, Frank
Copeland, from Long Beach.' He
said he was worried at not hear
ing from his sister and his in
ability to get in touch with her.
Miss Copeland, who Inherited
her mother's commercial florist
business in San Francisco, had
been stabbed seven times in the
breast and back. She was beaten
brutally about the head.
Her body was slumped against
a kitchen door. There was noth
ing to indicate a motive. She evi
dently had not been robbed. She
naa not oeen sexuany auacKea.
Neighbors told the . deputies
that Miss Copeland, once the wife
of a San Francisco Dhvsician and
who later resumed her maiden
name, was something of a re
cluse," seldom left home or had
visitors. , i:
The neighbors had not thought
it odd that the lights had been
on continuously in the house for
several days. They said Miss
Copeland frequently left them on
day and night.
Douglas Leads Oregon
Counties In Tax Boosts
Property taxes increased $11,
197,789 to a total $90,377,244 In
the 1949-50 fiscal year in Oregon's
36 counties.
That was the report today from
the Oregon Business & Tax Re
search organization.
The compilation included as
sessments and fees in water and
irrigation districts and other mi
nor taxing divisions.
The report said scnools ac
counted for 70 percent of all prop
erty taxes.
Douglas county was listed as
having the largest increase, 52.6
percent. The only counties re
porting decreases were Hood riv
er and Harney.
"Power for Prosperity," a 'film
depicting the advance of the To-
ketee project, will be the main
attraction of the weekly Cham
ber of Commerce noon forum
luncheon Monday at Hotel Ump
qua. Mincipai speaKer lor tne event
will be James Cummings, adver
tising manager for California-Or
egon Power company,
a program at $12,000,000,000 a
year and expressed doubt that
the American economy could
stand it. But if a steel worker
gets $100 a month, he asked, why
shouldn't a waiter?
Would Tax Earnings
The Townsend Plan, an out
growth of a prograpn originally
developed by Dr. Francis E.
Townsend, also proposes to "pro
vide every adult citizen in the
United States with equal basic
federal insurance." But the pen
sions would start at 60 instead
of 65.
The plan also would take care
of totally disabled people. It
would clamp a three percent tax
on all the earnings and Income
(Continued on Page Two)
The Weather
Cloudy with rain today, to
night and Sunday.
Sunsot today 4:41 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 7:21 a. m.
Established 1873
Vm. M. Stokes
Faces Charge
Amir ff
ut opymg
State Dept. Says Charge
Ridiculous, Tells Envoy
To Deliver Protest
Angus Ward's chief aide in the
American consulate at Mukden
has been seized by communist
authorities in connection with
"spying charges."' .
The information came to the
state department today in a re
port from Consul General Ward,
just released by the Chinese reds
after conviction on a charge of
beating a Chinese worker in the
Ward himself and four mem
bers of his staff were held for a
month before they were sen
tenced, their sentences suspend
ed, and they were ordered out
of the country. They were freed
last Monday.
Ward reported that his Vice
consul, 26-year-old William N.
Stokes, a native of . Hartford,
Conn., had been taken to "court"
without warrant.
The State department ordered
consul general of Edmond Clubb
at Peiping to file "the strongest
protest" with the national Chi
nese communist leaders "over this
unwarranted treatment." ,
At the same time the depart
ment declared that a "any allega
tions that of the consulate gen
eral staff in Mukden engaged in
espionage arc ridiculous and ab
solutely laise.
Chineso Communists Tell '
Story Of Ward "Hearing"
UP) The Chinese Communist ra
dio today gave its first account
of the "hearing" given United
(Continued on Page 'Twa),
Blind Man Saves
From Prison His
Four Attackers
UP) A blind man's charity has
saved from prison four men con
victed of an attack which cost him
his sight. ' ...-
The blind pardoner was Clair
Reed Jr., 33-year-old former taxi
driver. The men he saved from
prison are cabbies. They were con
victed last May of participation In
an attack on Reed, in which Reed
lost his vision when struck with a
tire iron. Yesterday, they came
before Judge Eugene V. Alessan
droni for sentencing.
Reed felt his way to the witness
chair. As the four convicted
drivers watched their permanent
ly sightless victim, he told the
"I don't feel these boys should
go to jail because of this act . . .
I don't hold any prejudice against
Judge Alessandroni then let the
men off with $100 fines and court
costs, putting them on probation
for two years. As he did so he
remarked that the defendants
'normally would be sent to
Reed was injured during vio
lence over a wild-cat taxi strike.
A fifth man accused of wielding
the tire iron against Reed is a
fugitive. Judge Alessandroni took
into account a union collection for
Reed, reportedly $8,000, in his
sentencing, but said the actual
blinder would "eventually be held
to account for his act."
Negro Draws Life For
Attack On White Girls
TACOMA.'Wash., Nov. 26 OP)
A 22-year-old Negro soldier,
who confessed to the rape of two
15-year-old white girls, was un
der sentence today to two con
current life terms In the State
Superior Judge Rummel sen
tenced Harry Lambert Jr., yes
terday and ordered him to sub
mit to an operation making fa
therhood Impossible.
Prosecutor Patrick M. Steele
read the signed confessions in
which Lambert admitted he had
raped the girls at gun point aft
er smoking a marihuana cigaret
each time. The first girl was as
saulted last Feb. 17 and the sec
ond on Oct 30.
Both girls lived at the Salishan
housing project In Southeast Ta
coma, where Lambert made his
home with his wife and child.
Oregon Prunes Bought
For School Lunches
- The agriculture department has
announced the purchase of 240
tons of Oregon-grown prunes for
ine national scnooi luncn pro
gram. The purchase of size 5060
prunes at $207 a tori was made
under a program designed to help
support producer prices.
fieds Arresi US
'Chute Lands By
In Ohio River
GALLIPOLIS, O., Nov. 26, UP)
There was a slight' hitch in a
visit by Santa Clau to Gallipolls
yesterday. 1
Oh, the kids got their candy,
and pats on the head, and a smile.
There were more than 1000 of
them. And, they were happy
about the whole thing before it
was over.
But, you see, Santa Claus, who
was supposed to parachute into
public square, miscalculated, He
hit the middle of a very1 cold Ohio
river, instead.
"Santa Claus ' is drowning,"
screamed the kids
"Let's go," said the crew of a
rescue boat.
There was no comment from
Santa Claus. He was too cold.
Trash-Can Baby's
Mother Accused
PASCO, Wash.,' Nov. 26. UP)
The young unwed mother of "Lit
tle X," Pasco's trash-can baby,
will face a charge of child aban
donment when she leaves the
hospital where her three-day-old
son has captured the hearts of
the staff.
Prosecutor William Gaffnev fil
ed the formal charge yesterday
against ia-year-oia Fatncla lira
ham, of Sumner, Wash.
Attendants said she has shown
little interest in the child she
bore Wednesday night In an emp
ty taxicab behind the police sta
tion. Garbagemen found the in
fant, alive and yelling, when they
made their rounds about eight
hours later. He had been stuffed
into a trash can and was "blue
as a bottle of Ink," the collectors
said. , ; ... .
f ThmothertdJd' police "yeiter-'
day: . , .. , .
"I thought the child was dead
so I put it in the garbage can."
She had come to this area from
western Washington about three
weeks ago, and was working as
a secretary for a Kennewick
business firm. She gave birth to
the baby after slipping out of a
theater where she had gone to
see a moving picture with a boy
friend and another couple.
Numerous offers of adoption
have been received.
Even the police, feeling that
they helped give him a start in
life, said they have put in a bid
for adoption so the boy can
grow up "to be a fine patrol
man." Pittsburgh Sales Girl
Victim Of Sex Murder
Police today questioned an un
identified suspect a few hours
after the discovery of the batter
ed body of a 38-year-old sales
girl in PIttsubrgh's east end.
The body of Jean Brusco wat
found grotesquely sprawled in
the rear of a house across the
street from her home. Police said
evidence indicated she had been
Police said the suspect was pick
ed up at the murder scene. They
said there was blood under the
mans fingernails and on his
shirt. He insisted he was injured
in a ian.
H. E. Howard Appointed
Munitions Board Head
President Truman has named
former Chicago industrialist Hu
bert E. Howard to be chairman
of the defense department's muni
tions board.
The appointment to the $14.-
000-a-year post was announced
yesterday. Hubert would be re
sponsible for advance planning
ior tne industrial moDinzation of
the nation in case of another war.
A post vacant for many months.
Howard, bo, nas been chairman
of the personnel policy board of
the department of defense since
September 1.
Weather Again Prevents
Search For Lost Plane
PORTLAND, Nov. 26. UP)
Clouds today again prevented air
search for a C-54 air force trans
port plane missing since Tuesday
morning with six men aboard.
Ground crews have checked
without result all reports of per
sons hearing low-flying planes In
the area between Tacoma and
Portland on the day the four
engined transport vanished.
The C-54, on a routine flight
from McChord field to Portland,
presumably is down in the moun
tains, timbered area north of
EUGENE, Nov. 26 UP) A
truck slipped off a soft shoulder
on a road construction job at
Mareola yesterday, fatally crush
ing the driver, Robert E. Stew
art, 41, Mareola.
Brannan Farm
Plan Flayed At
Grange Meet
"Internal Cancer That
Perils Free Enterprise,"
Resolution Declares
SACRAMENEO, Calif., Nov. 26.
UP) The National Grange
has rejected the Brannan farm
price support program as "an in
ternal cancer that would ultimate
1;' destroy our free enterprise
The resolution condemning the
farm program proposed by Secre
tary of Agriculture Charles F,
Brannan was a highlight of the
closing session of the 12-day Na
tional Grange convention last
night. It said of the Brannan plan:
The proposal has totally un
desirable political implications.
Clearly, under such a system, that
party which would promise to
farmers the largest bonus out of
the treasury would earner mai.y
votes not obtainable on the basis
of an honest, sound platform.
li would tnen become a race
to see which party would promise
The resolution said that Bran
nan type of subsidy would make
farmers "public beggars for i
fair Income" and destroy their
character and sel reliance. "
(The Brannan plan, shelved at
the recent congress, calls for full
parity supports through pur
chases and loans, as at present,
for corn, cotton, wheat, rice, pea
nuts and tobacco. For perishable
products the price would be per
mitted to seek its natural level
In the market place. The govern
ment would determine a "fair
price" In advance and then pay
the producers the difference be
tween that price and the natural
prlo;, if It were lower.)
.Al.terjiativ.e..dvied..wi' -W-i
- The resolution suggested that
(Continued on Page Two) ,
Oregon Coast Hit
By Terrific Gale
By The Associated Press
A gale lashed the Oregon coast
today, brought rainfall inland,
and threatened a blizzard in the
high Cascade mountains.
Astoria was blacked out for
two hours this morning by a pow
er failure. The wind roared in
gusts up to 50 miles an hour,
and roughened the bar entrance.
The weather bureau said "bliz
zard conditions" might develop
in the high Cascades. Already,
snow was falling at elevations
above 4,000 feet.
A 10-ton slide of rocks and mud
toppled onto Pacific highway 99
K south of Oregon City last night.
Crewmen began clearing away
the debris, while cars passed on
a one-way traffic basis.
Another rise in the rivers was
forecast, though no flood was in
Janitor Branded Sender
Of L. A. Smear Cards
The man who sent out all those
postcards branding Los Angeles
as a wild and wicked city, says
police chief William Worton, is
a 56-yearoid Janitor, Charles
Janson was charged with send
ing defamatory matter through
the mail after police compared
his writing with that on the post
cards. Said Janson at his arraignment
"I don't know what it's all
about." .
Convicted Red Leaders,
Free On Bonds, Ask Right
To Travel About Country
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. UP) Eleven red leaders convicted of con
spiracy against the U. S. government are seeking permission to
travel about the country.
A petition asking that the government be required to show cause
why such permission should not be granted was scheduled for a
hearing in federal court today.
The petition, filed yesterday,
said the convicted communists
need to visit various parts of the
country to explain issues In their
case, andi to raise funds to de
fray costs of their appeals.
The 11 were convicted last
month of conspiring to advocate
the forcible overthrow of the gov
ernment. Under terms of their
bonds, which totaled $260,000,
their travel was restricted.
Early this month, federal Judge
William Bondy ruled that flv
of the 11 who lived outside this
federal district could leave (he
district to visit their hornet, but
26, 1949
. i
1L ; J&
IN CONTEMPT Vincent Halli
nan, above, Harry Bridget' de
fense attorney in the federal
trial at San Francisco, facet a
six - month's prison term for
contempt of court following a
bitter wrangle with presiding
Judge Harrit over the lawyer't
conduct. Judge Harris granted
a stay of imprisonment, how
ever, to permit Hallinan to con
tinue service for Bridges until
the end of the trial.
Russian Sentry
Kills U. S. Soldier
BERLIN, Nov. 26 UP) Maj.
Gen Maxwell D. Taylor filed a
strongly worded protest with the
Russians today on the fatal
shooting of an American A i r
Force sergeant by a Russian
sentry last night The Army iden
tified the; dead soldier; as" Staff
-Sgt. John E. Staff, or Ramsey,
111. . . (. .
Gen Taylor charged the sentry
was guilty of "senseless bruta
lity." '
U. S. Army authorities, after
an inquiry, gave this version of
the Incident (through a spokes
man: The sergeant, two soldier com
rades and a German girl were
"joy-riding" In an official air
force automobile in the British
sector near Gatow airfield. .
They came to the Russian zone
border without knowing it until
a Soviet soldier halted them at
an obscure checkpoint.
The driver spun the car around
toward the British Sector and re
fused to heed a command to halt.
The Russian shot through i the
back of the car and hit the ser
geant, in the head. He died later
in the R.A.F. hospital at Gatow.
Four More Czechs Given
Sentences For "Spying"
PRAGUE, Nov. 26 UP) The
Prague State court today sen
tenced to death four Czechs con
victed of leading an espionage
ring charged with delivering In
dustrial secrets to the
Army's Counter Intelligence
corps. -.
Two of the death sentences,
however, were Immediately com
muted to life imprisonment. ;
Two other Czechs, including a
woman, also- received life terms.
Twelve other members of the
alleged spy ring received prison
terms of from eight to 25 years.
Two others were punished for
rnllure to report espionage activ
ities to the police. (
This brought to 87 known the
number of persons sentenced in
the past week on charges of spy
ing and subversive activities.
must confine their travel to dis
trlcfs In which each lived.
The petition said the red lead'
ers need to be able to travel in
order to perform their duties as
party officials in which capacity
nine of them earn their living.
The petition also said the 11
needed to explain the issues in
volved to party members and
others "who may be adversely
affected by an affirmation of our
The government has opposed
unrestricted travel for the 11 on
around thev would "continue &
vocatlne the Ideas" for which
they were convicted.
Vets Booming
Market For
Home Loans
October Applications
Most In Months, Due To
Go Higher, VA States
The G.I. home-loan market is
the best it has been in two years
and it's due to become even bet
ter, the Veterans administration
said today.
During October, almost 40,000
applications for G. I. home loan
guaranties .were received from
lenders, Frank W. Kelsey, VA
assistant administrator for fi
nance, said. ' ;- .
This represents the highest
number for any month since No
vember, 1947, Kelsey said. '
Applications have been rising
steadily since last April, when a
long downward trend was
reversed. '
T. B. King, director of VA's
loan guaranty service, said the
upturn was the result of a com
bination of factors.
He said they include:
1. An increased willingness on
the part of private investors to
fiance mortgage loans at 4 per
cent interest the maximum rate
chargeable on GI home loans.
2. Greater availability of lower-
priced homes.
d. tne large amount of mort
gage money supplied through the
reaerai national Mortgage as
sociation, a government corpora,
tion authorized to buy GI loans
irom private lenders.
King said a new law expanding
, (Continued on Page Two)
Oregon Board Asks
Benefits' Boost
" PORTLAND. Nov. 26 UP)
The Oregon Public Welfare com
mission is lending its support to
Social . Security coverage- for
farm workers.
The commission, voted yester
day to inform Congress of its
stand, and also to ask Congress
to increase . Social Security ben
efits. Both of these proposals have
received approval In the House,
out noi in tne senate, .
The commission, said that un
der the present system many
farm workers have to apply for
relief payments.
rne state also has to supple
ment social security payments
to the aged since government
payments have averaged only
$21 monthly. The bill pending in
Congress would increase the av
erage payment to $50.
Administrator Loa Howard re
ported the State's average old
age assistance payments reach
ed a high of $54.82 last month.
She said ' totaL expenditures
were $2,164,633, adding that was
well within the budget. The state
has $2,336,333 left for each month
remaining in the blennlum, she
Tito Padlocks Czechs'
Propaganda Agency : i
BELGRADE. Yugoslavia. Nov.
26. VP) Marshal Tito pad
locked Czechoslovakia's propa
ganda agency here last night in
retaliation for the closing down
of his own agency in Prague two
days ago.
Closing or ine uzecn miorma
tion office cut off the last vestige
of Yugoslavia's elaborate pro
gram of "cultural relations" with
tne rest oi me communiswea
countries in eastern Europe. It
was the latest act in the bitter
feud between Tito's Independent
communist regime and the Russian-sponsored
Poland s reading room, not iar
from that of the Czechs, was
closed down earlier this year
after It persisted in displaying
comlnform propaganda against
Premier Marshal Tito's regime in
its windows.
Roseburg Man Faces
Bad Check Charge
Robert V. Keller, 24, Roseburg, is
in Jail here today on a charge
of check vagrancy.
Keller was accused of passing
bad checks in Portland and Rose
burg. He and his 16-year-old wife
were arrested here Thursday
night, and the wife placed in the
custody of the Women's protec
tive division.
The number of new cases of in
fantlle paralysis dropped last
week for the 13th week in a row.
The Public Health Service said
735 new cases were reported
during the week, bringing the to
tal tnrougn Nov. JH to 4U,MJ,
compared with 25,775 for the cor
responding period of 1948.
Murder Count
Filed Against
Wallace Green
Charge Based On Own
Unspecified Statements, N
District Attorney Says
, Ray B. Compton, attorney for
Wallaoe Green, asked for a pre
liminary hearing when the
youth was arraigned this morn
ing. Time of the hearing will
be set later. With the youth at
hit arraignment wat hit fa
ther, Auttin C. Green, of
Bremerton, Wash,'
Formal charges of murder in
the first degree were filed this
morning against 20-year-old Wal
lace Green, following his ar
raignment in the Justice court
of Judge A. J. Geddes.
Green is being new in connec
tion with the bludeeonlnt! to
death of his grandfather, Robe
Thomas Green, 77, Dtllard.
According to Robert u. Davis.
district attorney, deductions
made by investigating officers as
to the death of the elderly man
were confirmed yesterday by an
autopsy performed by Dr. Ho
ward L. Richardson, head of the
state's Crime Detection labora
tory in Portland. , , - ,
Davis said young Greens
statements during interrogation
resulted in the murder charges
being' filed. The prosecutor gave
no particulars.
Green, who came here about
two months ago from Bremer
ton, Wash., to live with his grand
father, was a former student at
Olympia Junior college of Bre
merton and told officers he also
spent a summer session at the
university oi wasnington.
Youth "Dltoovered" Body
He was nicked un Thursday
evening by state police,' follow
ing investigation of the death by
Deputy coroner M. a. tmrnitc
Emmitt said he was called when
the youth notified neighbors of
the discovery of the body in the
kitchen of the home in Dillard.
Emmitt later notified state police
and the district attorney's office.
Tne elder ureen, a rauroaa
pensioner, was allegedly beaten
(Continued on Page Two)
Kiel Murder Trial
To Start Monday
Charged : with the strangula
tion death of a former ' Soring-
field man, Joseph Louis Kiel of
Mrytle Creek will go on trial
Monday in the fourth murder
case in the local circuit court
within the past 12 months.
Circuit Judge William G. East
of Eugene will try the case.
Roeburg's Judge Carl E. Wim
berly said' he had tried three
murder cases in the , last year
and had no desire to hear a four
th in so short a period.
Kiel wan indicted hv the errand
Jury recently for the alleged
murder of Stanley James Tucker
of Springfield, formerly of Myr
tle Creek, whose body was found
under tno rruner Driage near
Riddle the morning of Oct. 30.
Kiel entered a plea of inno
cence at his arraignment follow
ing the indictment. His attorney,
James M. McGinty , -Myrtle
Creek, indicated that insanity
would be Kiel's defense in the;
Opening day of the trial Mon
day will be largely devoted to
the selection of a Jury, with open
ing statements and examination
of witnesses probably scheduled
Help Requested To
Decorate Streets
Want to help your city get the
Christmas spirit?
city manager M. w. Slankara
urged civic-minded citizens to
Join in the fun tomorrow morn
ing as downtown Roseburg
streets are decorated ior tne
coming holiday season.
Already slated to participate in
the event are members of the
fire department and the city's
street department and Lions club
However, because only one day
Is allowed for decorating, Slan-
Kard said more volunteer help is
Workers are to meet at the
city hall at 8 a.m. Firemen have
already constructed the strings
of colored lights, wrapped with
iir Dougns. i nese wm adorn an
Intersections and will also be
hung in the middle of each block.
Twenty Santa Clauses, purchas
ed by the Retail Trades associa
tion, will adorn light poles.
Workers will cover the busi
ness section of Jackson, Cass
and Oak streets.
Population Of U. S. Is
Now Over 150 Million
ed States population was 149,
947,000 on Oct. 1, the Census Bu
reau reported today. It is esti
mated to have passed 150,000,
000 since then.
That, figure, which includes
487,000 In the armed forces over
seas, represented a 244,000 gain
during September.
Livity Fact Rant
By L. r . Reiswiatehi
ECA director Hoffman says
Russia wants chaos. What she
really deserves are K.O.s.