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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
( Musical Instrument HORIZONTAL 1 Depleted musical instrument 8 It is a form of 13 Wakened 14 Consumed 15 Also It Sleep noisily 18 Devour 19 Preposition " 20 Scout uniti 22 Southeast (ab.) 23 Pleasant 25 Pitcher 27 Sour 28 Boy 29 North Dakota tab) 30 Diminutive suffix 31 Hebrew deity 3! Cerium (symbol) . 53 Part S5 Horse's gait 38 Persian poet 39 Domestic slave 40 French article 41 Made vapor 47 Any 48 High mountain 50 Fool 51 Past 52 Stop 54 Soldier tS Heating devices 5T Remitters VERTICAL 1 Oxidized film 2 Satiric 3 Dove's call 4 Cubic (ab.) 5 Greek mountain 6 Church fast season 7 Smell 8 Touch 9 Note of seal 10 Indian 11 Annoyed 12 Comes in 17 Artificial language 20 Hankers 21 Chose 24 Motion picture 26 Wets 44 i i i 1 IS lb 17 I Id I? jiO In ji 3 ft 55" n 5 ib vT 55 i3 7 id n h6 ""55 3 55 si 55 jj H 1 1 1 I 17 FUNNY BUSINESS i. -1 i "Th past popped BLONDIE LI'L ABNER -- -i nTl LOOT A FPIGMT.' S N GO IN ANC? IP LIKE TO SPEAKS come entei?taim HER TO M5S BUMSTEAC? ) I RiSHT ) 3SJ Cv-V WHILE I FIX I too coc? xflHtt FMERGENCV ; 1 L-V TSl-? ?T!7 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS WUATI-A DU WfAM. .Ihats "ME PAPte: i SICMfO T YOU 1 CJLY 0VC 'RJU ft. OCX! ALLEY OOP "T ALCN3. D'NNV. LET'S 1 ON TM rftlBi F INDICATE r Answer to Previous Puixl h:0L;s,t,EI iMi CiOjw:. irlnptAptwi "Trig .EaN COW epseL gj'p"MSA;ci iBe bi Il)!pi rafCvBrfR e t a I Comfort 45 Excessive Egg dish 46 English school Wild ass 49 Cooking vessel Singing voices 51 Imitate Cravats 53 Samarium Boy's (symbol) nickname 55 Hypothetical River islands force By Hershberger ,0 f V .r- s O O VJ w Into hit tuba! What think, - tf fl DASSNT look ( om, Thur., Oct. 20, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 MODEST MAIDENS Tnfeaut IvM U t huM OSw J He' a Bi6 wheel in the firh But a fiat tire a fab, A4 WERE CONCERNED HE NEVER EVEN LOCKS AT u 6lRl& A7 FROM NINE TO FIVE The only reason I look this way '''iiiijiiTr GOSH. ITS ( BEEN SO LOM5-. I'VE FORSOTTEM JW TO ENTERTAIN I HEY VvmO ARE OU :M T"E 5-E5FF CF5A.GE I: .,- f), ''': f an' whacts tm' Jccjntv and im hee cm A I IPSAIZT AN' ViHAT BuS NESS.' FC? PETES -v vV l , Tm- HECK YOU SiVE ME A. Ai Ai J.BLOAK 6f ML MkUAUr By Jo Fischer job was to get a seat on the home. By Chic Young By Al Copp W&i BORM SO ' FOLKS KIN) TAKE CXTT THAR THIM-TEAO Of ON ( othkh folks, ah &A7nK1 OJt FO'VO DP ESS ED A A HOOfi I IIM". AA 4Uf4ri- KICK HIM." ; I ' l By Merrill Blosser fOR season! - COM fm IV Nf A MVKf . UK T M ML II. ft. T. 0" By V. T. HAMLIN VEt?y CLEVEP, J f M(?. 8UMSTEAD Senate Defers Action On 25 Court Nominees WASHINGTON. Oct. 20-(.?v The Senate Monday put on the shelf until next year President Truman's nomination of 25 men and one woman as federal judges. Although senators said manv of these are likely to get Senate approval In routine fashion early in the next session of Congress, some may be tied up in lengthy controversies. Appointees whose nominations are expected to be held up In the Judiciary committee until next year include: Gus J. Solomon, Oregon dis trict judge. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1193 R 207 Rice St RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service, Suther lin. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBING W. M. Sandall Co.. Hiway 99 N. Phone 1117-R. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden Vallcv Rd Bus. Phone 530-R-5, Res. Phone 149-R-3. Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242R. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 121. Terp's Plumbing. Phone 733-R. A. D. Wallace, Melrose Route. Box 105-J. Phone 165 R-3. HEATING R. Rltzman Heating Co., hot wa ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 vv. commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015R. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty s Appliance rtepair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003 R. ELECTRICIANS Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 1095-L. FLOOR COVERING F. & W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478R. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S. Main. Phone lMb-J. FLOORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson. Ph. 102R-3. FLOORS sanded and finished. Ph. 1349-J. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Extinguisher Sales & Service. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 in. main. Ph. 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Tuning.Reconditionlng. Ph 938-J 3 Southwestern Piano service. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Domestie ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 S07-R 1522-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Millyards, Driveways, Stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading flfflre- fi34 S. Main Telephone -H Tree Etlmatae Bin Lassiter AUTHORIZED BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag Cr Norge Sales and Service ISort. Mytf Appliance anJ Hamilton Clothea Dryers 13O0 South fttrphena pVrvlcini All Mka Wahn Phona 805 Boaburg, Orefoo DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Tvpi Omrnt Work 8lrwalka. drlvawayi. floor Phona 42-ft-l Phona 165-II J ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BETTER ROADS USE CRUSHED QUARRY ROCK CALL J. C. COMPTON CO. p. O. Box 748 Ph. 41 J 1 CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 Venetian Blind Sales and Service Kstlmate Free CHARLES HODSON ViJb Cedar St. Phone 1313 L End Of Water Pollution SEATTLE. Oct. 20 UP) The "next four years" will find new methods developed for treatment of Industrial wastes to prevent water pollution. That was the prediction of Richard G. Tyler, professor of sanitary engineering In the Uni versity of Washington's civil en gineering department. Tyler said the research now is directed toward finding methods which are both economical and efficient. "We've run Into a real problem In the treatment of metal wastes," he said. "We can make It sink to the bottom, but our processes are too expensive." Another tough program is that J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS S2 Cda. Vllr R(L Pit KJ-I Johnson Sea Hors Dealer S torn jr 10 with Goar Snlft and Uila-Matter Tank. Buy on Bank Tarma ysiimess R. G. LAMBETH Construction and Remodeling Residential and Commercial Any tilt job Melrose Rt. Box (I B Prions 1444-R PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y . SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxcavntor Bulldozer Dragline Backhoe Crane Compit Dr Trucks ! t-oeglng Roads Built and Roiked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltes Company P. O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346-J Residence P: ne 930 R-2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heaters, lint Plates and Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. ' Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade. Back hoe, For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. 2310 N. Stephens Ph. 499 R4 PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty I3!5 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. I'hone ywj-i Painting PAJNT1NO . AND DECOPATINO ' CONTPACTO&SJ Contract ars V amiwca Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Point & Hardware Co. 906 S. Stephens Phone 4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters. Shelves. Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phones 499 R 3337 R-3 2010 N. Stephens Roseburg. Ore. Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Salei ond Service Rentols Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S. Stephens Ph. 1261-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or we drive Call 1538 Adair's Parking Lot Main and Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. By Wastes Predicted of sulfite llauor. a waste Droduct from pulp mills and the top killer 01 marine nie. lyier said me av erage size pulp plant has about the same pollution problem as a city the size of Seattle. The pulp Industry Is spending about StiO.OOO a year at the uni versity in pollution research. In addition, the school recently re ceived a $2,000 grant from the pollution control commission 10 study fruit cannery, brewery and metal pollution problems. "We're finding new uses for these waste materials." Tyler commented. "Some of them can be used for stock feed and fer tilizers." Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodlit-Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Doirectory HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Road Building Contractor 1409 Willow 8t Phone 388-J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, Boom, Air Compressor, Crane, Dragline, Dump Trucks by hour or contract. Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialist Radio, Refrigeration, Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E! Cass St. Phone (44 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and installation of all types of floor covering F & W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478 R 327 S. Stephens PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY G15 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WA8HAOES DRAPES SCREENS Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also put basements under old houses. Ed Fuchs. Fuchs Bros. Ph. Residence 1415-J DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immediate Delivery Construction of logging roads. Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, com pressor for hire by contract or nour. No Job too large or too small. Phone for free estimate. Ph. 1152 R, Forest Service Road West of Landis Iron Works P.&H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J P & B TOWING 24-HOCR wrecker and crane service. No Job too large or too small. Truck mounted equipment. We can now handle 3 1 yard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 741 S. St. Phone 92t Secy. Newbry's Checks Have Murals Appearance SALEM, Oct. 20-nThe new checks Issued by Secretary of State Newbry are going to look like murals. The watermark on the new checks will contain pictures of Timberline lodge. Crater lake, Bonneville dam. Crown Point, 'In Capitol, and hunting, fishing and logging scenes. Newbry Issues about 23,000 checks a month. Use of recordings in broadcast programs enables an entertainer to be some place else when hii show actually goes on the air. WALLBOARD Flrtex Sbsetroek Masonlte PAGE LUMBER & FUEL IM E. 2nd Ave. & Phone 242 CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath, walls, floors hearths. milntlr tnhl llnP. frnnt.' Complete colors and sizes. Glazed mm uiiKiazea. nrome oound glase anors ior snower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free Ph. 1033-Y Byron Powell Box 1281 Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, ond Frames Mill and Masher Phone 1242-J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Your Heating Center 850 E. 1st Ph. 841 Tool Rentals Plnnr Kanrfora TMram Cl - . wi n ob Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers, rower iroweis, concrete Vibra tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants, Paint Sprav Outfits. Skil saws, Drills, Air Compressors, .mm nHmmers ana fivarauuc Jacks. Call us. We may have Just what you need. Osbun Electric & Equip. Co. 347 S. Stephens Phone 1108 R TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 1436-J Langenberg Glove & Fur Co. Tanners, Furriers, Taxidermists Gloves. Moccasins, Jackets, Fur Rugs, Repair Work. Mountlnq of Every Kind - Phon. J38 J 5 Metros. Rt. Box 108-AC ROSEBURG, OREGON C. G. Lovelady Building & Remodeling Contractor Phone 855-RX-1 Young's Doll & Toy Shoppe Ballerina Dolls, Baby Coos, Brides, Bottle Babies, and Story Book Dolls. Rubber toys, stuffed animals and pull toys. 104 S. Main Across from Safeway Store CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging PATSTINO AND DECCCATINO CCNTCACTCES Home iwfirA Decorating V n JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 62S-Y IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P. M. PHONE 100