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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
12 Thr Nr-Rviw, Roteburg, Or. Thu,., Oct. 20, 1949; EI Ctwn Site narnvf For Better Roods us Crushed Quarry Rock Call J. C. COMPTON CO. P. O. Box 74S Phona 41-J-1 WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 bf m w w w w saw w Being Appraised Previous To Sale ljti ASTORIA. Oct. 20. UP) The government hai begun ap praising Fort Stevens property to determine a fair value tor in tale. E. B. Herron of the war assets division for the General Service administration In Seattle con' ferred with city officials of the town of Hammond near the port. Hammond officials are inter ested in obtaining parti of the fort property. Herron said. - Herron expects the property to be put up for sale on a priority K i J ! ' A- I TH J:: 1 KS- SKA i Pn In i in ii ii l i 1 i i tin DAVIS TRIAL STARTS Phil Davit, Oakland, Calif., automobile daalar (right) confa'i with on of hit attornayi, Kanntdy Jack ton in Sacramento, Calif., court room. Davit want on trial in a Saeramanto fadaral court accutad of operating a tpaadboat in a racklast and nagligant mannar on Lake Tehoe. Tha charges resulted after Imogen Wittich, Roieville, Calif-, school girl wat run over by tpaadboat -and two legi cut off. AP Wirephoto). oasis during tne iirat w days of November. In addition to the town of Ham mond. Joseph Hill of Portland'! Hill Military academy is still In terested In getting land and build ings for a school, Herron re ported. He said also that the State Game commission wants about 1400 acres for a wildlife refuge and will probably get the part It seeks. Hammond Is eager to get the parade ground, administration buildings, officers quarters, gym nasium together with a tract of 135 acres. Fort Columbia, Wash., another unit of the abandoned harbor de fense posts on the Columbia v probably go to the state of Wash ington for park and recreational purposes, Herron reported. Two Theater Television Methods Are Developed NEW YORK P Two meth ods have been developed and ap- puen in tneater screen size pro jection of television. One of them, the direct method. contains a special high voltage receiving tube with a reflecting BEEFIEST TRUST OF ALL Weighing in at one ton. this Shorthorn heifer i the largest of her kind in the world. The four-year-old heifer, exhibited in the 4-H division of the International Dairy Exposition at Indianapolis, Ind., will be sold when the exposition close. Shown with an exposition attendant, the animal is owned by Russell Mahoney of La Fountain. Ind. as It travels to a i y zu foot screen or larger. The tube re quires 80,000 volts or more to sup ply the proper light. The other system, Indirect, uses a high speed film process. The received Image is photographed lens system to blow up the Image on special motion picture film passed Immediately through a developer and then Into a pro jector and onto the screen. The elapsed time between received picture and projection has been reduced to 20 seconds. Photographs can be made stars no human eye can see. of Dt's all yours for less than you t liifik RUN your eyes over this fresh new .. beauty. Take in its style-setting non-locking bumper-guard grille, the graceful down-sweep of its fender lines, so unmistakably Buick, and we think you'll agree It looks like a lot of money-but the fact is, it's a lot for your money. Take in those bigger interiors, the sofa soft scats, the easy control and the high visibility you get from the more-than-generous glass area all around and you'll beam at the news that this one's priced for really modest budgets, right down near the "lowest-priced three." Beyond that put this gorgeous new ttuick Spf.cial through its paces. Sample its valve-in-hcad straight-eight power the lively, cvcr-thrilling kind that conies from a high-compression, high-pressure Fireball engine. .You'll find a ride that's pillow-soft smooth, level and steady. You get ample whcclbasc in shorter bumper-to-bumper length for easy parking, garaging, maneuvering. THIS MMK tPMMi S-PAillNON COUM (Model 46) 6ot eoubl duty ai a bminau car end mcJms earrir he the imoll fomily. TEN-STRIKE! oiy 8l;ck special ha oil th$ Featvft! Traffic-Handy Sit Mart Rm for the M0ey . l)yna. flow Drive optional at extra com Jet-Line Stylinl A'or.. l.ockint Bnmter-Guard Grille, Hifh-Pre.ure Fireball Straieht-Kitht F.ntine Coil Sfringinf all around ow. Pretture Tire, on Safety. Rid, Rim, Greater Ihihility fore and aft Self-Lockint Lutfaee Lid, Steady.Ridinf Torque-Tube Drive Three Smart Model, with Body by Fisher You'll find a car that handles light as lace made even more of a breeze by Dynaflow Drive, available at your option at moderate extra cost. So why not do a thorough matching up of price tags, and vhat they'll buy around town? In particular, put this straight-cizht beauty up against the sixes, feature for feature, dollar for dollar and you'll see for yourself there's nothing to touch this Buick as a buy. Yes. go see your Buick dealer, take in the Special from every angle and learn how quickly you can have one for your own. snt mi HHK HI.SK mm JOHWnXIt FIMKBALL w Mem better m(mohUet are bmilt BI'iCK trill hnlld them Astoria Plans To Buy Old Hospital Site For Homes ASTORIA, Oct. 20. As toria will bid for the site of the Astoria naval hospital and plans to resell the land for a new resi dential subdivision. The council voted to buy the site, including roads and utili ties from the government for $20,466. E. B. Herron, Seattle region war assets division chief, said chances were good that the cily would get the property at this price. The council Instructed City Manager Brewer Billie to sub mit a bid when the hospital is offerde for priority sale to pub lie bodies this week in Seattle. Billie told the council that an offered for priority sale to pub exprienced building contractor to repurchase the 54-acre tract from the city and put up 150 to 200 houses there for sale and rent. Billie said the government price of S20.466 was a fair one. He said this total Included $1808 as the value of the land; $18,033 as the value of the ulilities; and S535 as the value of six small buildings that will be left after purchasers of the hospital units complete demolition work. Counterfeit $20 Bills Are Passed In Seattle SEATTLE. Oct. 20. 'Pi Wide spread passing in the Seattle area of counterfeit $20 bills was re ported by Leo A. Smugal, super vising secret service agent. The report came hard on the heels of an epidemic of phony $10 bills which were circulated a week ago. The latest counterfeits are dis tinguished by a brighter green than genuine bills on the back. The serial number1 of the bills la E513S6513A. , PETTY CASES HANDLEO Marvin Chipman Conley, Rose hurg. was committed to the citv Jail for 10 days in lieu of a $20 fine, upon a plea of guilty when arraigned In municipal court to day on a drunk charge reported Judge Ira B. Riddle. Rex Nick Dameron, Los An geles, and Harry Julin Leathers, transient, both charged with va grancy, were each given a $20 suspended fine and floated, ac cording to the judge. If You Reline Your Brakes Reline Your Shoes You don't neglect brakes in need of relining, but what about your shoes' Worn soles, wobbly heels invite colds, falls bring your shoes to us for re soling, reheeling. .fWM Mr . i Jr. ' x V 5 J You cant inalx c a mistake when you bafee a Cinch (ike Easiest to make ... finest flavor cake. Cinch Cake Mix comes full prepared and contains oil the quality ingredients delicious cakes require. You simply add water, mix and bake. The rich flavor and fine texture will bring you compliments galore. ADD ONIV WATER DELICIOUS riAVORS If they're worth wearing they're worth repairing HILL'S SHOE SERVICE 108 E. Washington Hloseburg lAotor Co. Rose Cr Washington CIVIl't IUB0I OO10IN Phone 1551 j'IIUI'liH'U fw l'4tW7JiTrtfTTvT7Ti7TT,fa